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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday August 21 01:05:47 2005
Re: ?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I have just recently come into possession with
> one of my Holy Grails (as I can understand that phrase,
> ie- would do anything to obtain a recording or wish
> desperatley a certain actress would get herself bound and
> gagged)

I think you may be misinterpreting the phrase "Holy Grail", which most people assume means a rare or desirable scene. The term is now overused as a nickname a rare scene, so "holy grail" has become diluted in the process and has lost it's original context.

I think when the term was first coined on here, it was for that ONE (singular, not plural) scene that you have been searching for your entire life, and have never even come close to securing a copy.
Sunday August 21 01:42:34 2005
Re: ?
I always regareded it as that one scene that is special to you for some unknown reason. Regardless of whether or not you can rent it at blockbuster or it's impossible to find, it's the one scene that just does something for you more than any other scene.
Sunday August 21 02:23:01 2005
re: sheree wilson
No, Sheree Wilson can't act but compared to Chuck Norris she is Merryl Streep. And she looks a lot better in bondage than either of those 2 . Plus the fact that she always wore cute short skirts with pantyhose in the court house scenes, women just don't dress nice like that anymore.
rex reed
Sunday August 21 02:44:19 2005
Re: ?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I always regareded it as that one scene that is special
> to you for some unknown reason.

Why would any available scene be a grail?

The pun is the eternal search for The real Holy Grail is like our own personal hunt for the ever elusive scene. The scene is the Grail.
Sunday August 21 02:57:59 2005
Personal Holy Grail
For me, a long time holy grail is the COMPLETE kate Hodge sequence from Leatherface. This scene was cut to bits on it's theatrical release. In the late 1990's, a so-called "uncut" version came out on LD which had some more footage restored. The special features also included a deleted scene from the sequence with even more footage, but it was grainy and low quality.
The DVD included the deleted scene reedited back into the movie, but based on the articles that I've read about its various edits, there is still a lot more footage still not included. This complete version is my personal Holy Grail.

Of course, thats just my own personal experience. If a bloody drooling girl nailed to a chair and tape cleave gagged with packing by cannibal rednecks isn't your cup of tea, I understand.
Sunday August 21 03:24:53 2005
Re: ?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I always regareded it as that one scene that is special
> to you for some unknown reason. Regardless of whether or
> not you can rent it at blockbuster or it's impossible to
> find, it's the one scene that just does something for you
> more than any other scene.

No, not at all. In myth and faith, the "Holy Grail" was something deperately sought, but practically speaking unreachable. There are scenes like that (I guess!!!), ones you want really bad (!) but will never be able to obtain. Anubis is right, though- the term has been reused here so often it no longer makes sense.

A smiling New Jersey resident
Sunday August 21 04:15:12 2005
X wrote:

> > The other side of the coin is that I like knowing
> what's
> > coming and I hate missing scenes. It's what this
> forum
> > is based on.
> And for me, the chase lives on. Sure, when I was younger,
> I got a kick out of getting my hopes up for scenes -- But
> just like your "two-sided" coin, the
> "chase" falls under similar circumstances. I
> HATE getting my hopes up, and then the scene either A.)
> sucks, or B.) isn't there. So Brian's saves me a lot of
> emotional waste.
> The chase for me today exists in a hobby SEPARATE from my
> DiD interests. I'm a horror-movie junkie. I've seen them
> ALL, and I continue to get as many new ones as possible.
> And the beauty is that there are a LOT of DiD scenes to
> be found, which many regulars won't find until way later
> on (as the horror scene is somewhat obscure, definitely
> pale in comparison to say, the daytime TV or mainstream
> TV/movie scene). I still get my kicks, needless to say.
> And I'm never dissapointed, as I get to see quality
> horror cheese, DiD scene or not.

I must say I concur with X, who is a man after my own heart. I don't visit or post as much as I'd like to, but I do check in regularly. One thing I'd like to see is a regular pooling of resources regarding the New Releases section at your local video store. If a theatrical movie is hitting the shelves and we've already learned about the scene it contains (or, more often, doesn't contain), great. Now I can take it home and watch it with a rewind button and slow-motion. But it's those many mysterious titles with semi-promising covers and vague descriptions on the back that are where the hunt is. And I'm not sure every single one of those has been fast-forwarded through by a member of our little fetish community. If something is very new, we should all still take a chance, and who knows? Maybe it will pan out.

Since release dates are widely known and available online, it would be nice to have someplace to go to contribute each time I take a chance on an unknown direct-to-video mystery or horror movie. Perhaps a list of titles made available that date, each with a question mark beside it. The question marks would be replaced with something as time went by--most often a great big "NO SCENE" marker, but sometimes something else. A movie might get labelled "SCENE (CHLORO)" or "SCENE (BONDAGE)" or some other similar abbreviation, each of which would be a link taking you to a small page with details of the scene.

X, drop me an e-mail sometime. I'm a horror movie fanatic of the same stripe as you, and I make amateur horror movies in my home city all the time--always with plenty of bondage. Which brings me to another question: Why aren't you guys doing this, too? I'm 26 and I'm a bartender at a club just off the campus of a major university, as well as a writer, a photographer, and a student. I'm not bad-looking or shy. And I've been making movies (almost always horror movies) with my friends since ninth grade. Since I've been lucky enough to have contact with so many gorgeous women, I of course started involving them in my movie projects, which they are invariably enthusiastic about. I do love making the movies, and I'm always happy to have a super hot chick in a major role, but you'd better believe that the characters they play almost always end up bound, gagged, and menaced. I also include plenty of material destined for the cutting room floor--additional scenes, I tell them, that may or may not make it to the final version. As a consequence I'm able to tie up lots of sexy college girls and even make chloroform scenes, hogtie scenes, anything that can be included in the screenplay. Right now I'm working on an "evil twin" script--and don't we all know the potential there? The movies I come away with might not have anything close to a professional sheen, but they are tremendously fun to make, and they almost always provide me with some good scenes.

Anyway, X, write to me sometime.
Sunday August 21 05:19:44 2005
Great spur of the moment alert Biff. I must have missed this one last time around. For anybody who loves the Asian babes, this was quite a nice little score.
Sunday August 21 07:25:46 2005
Re: Sheree J. Wilson
I don't think Sherrie was a bad actress, I just think she, like most other actors, rise or fall to the level of the production they're in at the time.

You're missing the point of Walker, TR however. I loved the show because of the fact it was so corny and simplistic. Everyone on the show was either very, very, GOOD or very, very, BAD. They was no middle ground. Walker was supposedly only a Sargent, yet he seemed to have no boss. He answered to NO ONE. Simple wife-beater case? Walker. 20 terrorists threatening to explode a nuke in Dallas? Screw the Feds, this was TEXAS. Walker took care of it. By himself. Usually in the same episode.

Bad guys either (a) went to prison for long, long time, (b) died by their own hand, or (c) "forced" Walker to kill them. Those few who did escape punishment, instead of leaving Texas as fast as they could, invaribly stuck around to get "revenge" on Walker, usually by kidnapping poor Alex, who had to be the most beat up, bound and gagged ADA in history.

And, at the end of the day, Good ALWAYS triumphed over evil, and you felt pride at being an American.

Great show. I miss it.
Vince Grey
Sunday August 21 08:40:03 2005
Mary Bryant
G'day all. This is for my fellow Aussies. I just saw an advert on Channel 10 which was promoting their shows for the second half of the year and one of them was a mini-series titled "Mary Bryant" which unsurprisingly tells the story of the life of the first fleet convict Mary Bryant! The part of the ad focusing on this mini-series was brief but the Mary character appeared tied in one scene and had some cloth stuffed in her mouth. Now the cloth may have been a gag but it was probably more likely to be in her mouth to give her something to bite on as she was whipped. Either way there looks like there's some good stuff in it! Mary's story is here which I assume the movie is based around: http://www.geocities.com/eschiva/bryant.html
Sunday August 21 08:44:30 2005
Mary Bryant
Oh and I forgot to add Mary will be played by Romola Garai who has a number of pictures on IMDb.
Sunday August 21 09:59:05 2005
re: sheree wilson
rex reed wrote:

> No, Sheree Wilson can't act but compared to Chuck Norris
> she is Merryl Streep. And she looks a lot better in
> bondage than either of those 2 . Plus the fact that she
> always wore cute short skirts with pantyhose in the court
> house scenes, women just don't dress nice like that anymore.

For all those aroused by the leggy business woman/secretary stereotype (in bonds of course), the blond, tall, thin, middle-aged Sheree J. suits perfectly the job and her scenes rank among the best in the vein.

How many opportunities with gorgeous businesswomen or lawyers in formal suit, skirt and heels have been missed lately? So much! For instance, Katie Holmes in Batman…, or, Kim Basinger in Cellular

What are the best scenes in that respect?
Sunday August 21 10:17:33 2005
Re: The "Sheree J. Wilson" effect
Fettershackle wrote:

> That said, you've got to take into account that movie
> actresses of Oscar caliber-especially these days-really
> don't work as often or as hard as those who toil turning
> television's treadmill. After all, they don't have to.
> And who's more likely to rack up more scenes over the
> course of a long career-a Noel Neill (or a Teri
> Hatcher-there, satisfied NOW, youngsters?) grinding it
> out as Lois Lane week after week for maybe 26 to 39
> episodes a year, or a Katharine Hepburn or Julia Roberts
> who can pick and choose her roles and perhaps appear only
> once or twice annually on the big screen-in a role that
> more likely than not won't incorporate bondage?

While not disputing your observations, there are a couple Oscar-winning actresses who have chosen bondage roles subsequent to winning the Oscar. Off the top of my head, I can think of only two:

Marissa Tomei – The Watcher
Nicole Kidman – Birthday Girl

The list is slightly longer when you expand it to include Oscar-nominated actresses who have subsequently taken roles that include bondage:

Frances McDormand – Dark Man
Sigourney Weaver - Copycat
Jennifer Tilly - Bound
Annette Benning – In Dreams
Kate Winslet – Life and Death of David Gale
Kate Hudson – The Skeleton Key

Again, this obviously isn't to argue you point; rather, it just goes to show that
"good" actresses aren't necessarily immune to getting the treatment. (On the other hand, I agree: I don't really see any of them becoming the next Stacey Sheridan.)

Lastly, and perhaps appropriate since the discussion of Holy Grails has again popped up, there is the infamous Elizabeth Shue scene from The Saint, which apparently is forever lost to the cutting room floor.

Sunday August 21 10:18:13 2005
Jack wrote:

> I do check in regularly. One thing I'd like to see is a
> regular pooling of resources regarding the New Releases
> section at your local video store.
> Since release dates are widely known and available
> online, it would be nice to have someplace to go to
> contribute each time I take a chance on an unknown
> direct-to-video mystery or horror movie.
If you guys do that, you'll squeeze the last drop of excitement, anticipation and surprise that still exists in this "gotta-know-now'' world.''
As someone who is genetically lazy and getting fatter by the minute I don't miss the hunt, the "thrill'' of setting a VCR before you go to bed and missing the rare scene on the only 24 channel in my area because I did something wrong. But some guys are complaining that they miss it.
The vague descriptions on DVD cases are the only hunting left to do now.
> I'm a horror movie fanatic and I make amateur
> horror movies in my home city all the time--always with
> plenty of bondage. Which brings me to another question:
> Why aren't you guys doing this, too? I'm 26 and I'm a
> bartender at a club just off the campus of a major
> university, as well as a writer, a photographer, and a
> student. I'm not bad-looking or shy. And I've been
> making movies (almost always horror movies) with my
> friends since ninth grade.
A lot of us do this too. Many of the best ones have made a good business out of it. But the revised U.S. Code 2257 makes that almost impossible for the small-timer.
For the rest of us making our own scenes is great fun, but it is a different genre, if you will, than TV and movie scenes. A lot of us appreciate and collect both, but one can't replace the other (trust me on this, grasshopper)
Frank J
Sunday August 21 11:04:15 2005
Re: Personal Holy Grail
Anubis wrote:

> For me, a long time holy grail is the COMPLETE kate Hodge
> sequence from Leatherface.

I don't want to get your hopes up, but I MAY be able to help you out. It depends how availible this uncut version was when it initially came out. One of the problems with horror is how they're always cut to bits and released under a gazillion different versions, such as Cannibal Holocaust or Last House on Dead End Street (which was originall called "Coo-Coo Clocks of Doom", a 162 minute brew-ha-ha). I'll get on this one. You never know.
Sunday August 21 11:09:32 2005
Holy Grail
I may have been the one to have coined the term "Holy Grail'' here, back in the day. In any case when I use it I mean a rare, much-anticipated "gotta have'' scene.
There is usually just one "Holy Grail'' at a time, at least for me. When I get that one, another moves up in importance. For example, my Holy Grail at about the time Brian's Page opened was Karen Jensen in "Braken's World.' When that turned up (on the first version of FX) it became Heidi Vaughan in "The F.B.I.'' When my good friend Brent Smith located that for me, it was the Dawn Wells scene in 77 Sunset Strip.'' (Thank you Lenny S.)
I haven't had a Holy Grail in a long time. I can see how this term has morphed into something else; very little is impossible or even difficult to get in the digital age.
There is a phenomenon that still exists but doesn't have a name (feel free to come up with one). That is where a collector is swaiting for a good bound and gagged scene FROM A PARTICULAR ACTRESS, either because that actress hasn't had a scene yet or the one she had didn't scratch the itch.
For me that would be Caterina Scorsone. I have the "Teen Knight'' scene, but the period clothes, doofy story and loose bonds didn't make it memorable. She's adorable now in "Missing,'' and as a competant, independent and beautiful young FBI agent, would make a great DiD.
Frank J
Sunday August 21 11:35:55 2005
Re: Thunderbolt
Wavy wrote:

> Great spur of the moment alert Biff. I must have missed
> this one last time around.

Only for the west coast it seems. I guess due to the
NASCAR race, it ran early in the morning here in the
central (and presumbably the east).

Dang live events!

Brian R
Sunday August 21 12:01:34 2005
Re: Holy Grail
Frank J wrote:

> I may have been the one to have coined the term
> "Holy Grail'' here, back in the day.

Thought you did too

Humourous thing about finding another fella's Grail scene. They've spent so long after it, when you tell them it airing and they going to get it, they don't quite believe it at first.

Carol Alt's "A Bear Called Arthur" was up on the air-sched, but even that didn't calm some here down.
Priceless. ;)
Jay L
Sunday August 21 12:24:00 2005
Re: Sheree J. Wilson
moxx of balhoom wrote:

> And what are the scenes like?
> Is it a question of quantity over quality?
Most are short. Many are ungagged. Many are hands in front.
IMHO these are the best:
Record number: 1147
Description: Episode: "The Return Of La Rue" (4.15)

Record number: 1382
Description: Episode: "Cowboy" (3.15)

Record number: 1834
Actress: Tava Smiley
Description: Episode: "The Fighting McClains" (6.1)

Record number: 5417
Description: Episode: "The Final Showdown", Part 2 (9.24)

Record number: 1835
Description: Episode: "Blown Apart" (4.1)

Record number: 10933
Actress: Paula Trickey
Description: Episode: "Lazarus" (9.6)

> I've never actually seen Walker but I was thinking of
> importing a box set. So is the series any good?

It's your basic superhero/damsel in distress/super evil villians/beat up the bad guys formula packaged in modern day Texas with lots of martial arts thrown in. Let's not forget Walker's big black Dodge 4x4 pickup truck as the crimefighting vehicle. SJW as the token damsel always wore nice business outfits. Suits and skirts. I liked the show overall and still watch the reruns sometimes.
Chuck Norris is no Lee Majors when it comes to singing title themes though.
Big MT
Sunday August 21 12:31:47 2005
re: sheree wilson
Mitch wrote:
> How many opportunities with gorgeous businesswomen or
> lawyers in formal suit, skirt and heels have been missed
> lately? So much! For instance, Katie Holmes in Batman…,
> or, Kim Basinger in Cellular
> What are the best scenes in that respect?

If you mean what are the best scenes of gorgeous busineswomen tied up in formal attire,
Jane Seymour in Memories of Midnight was a very nice one!
Big MT
Sunday August 21 12:55:57 2005
re: sheree wilson
> What are the best scenes in that respect?
> If you mean what are the best scenes of gorgeous
> busineswomen tied up in formal attire,
> Jane Seymour in Memories of Midnight was a very nice one!

Back onto Sheree for a moment, it raises a new topic. Do you guys prefer passive damsels, the ones who exist solely for the purpose of getting bound and gagged (the ones I'd always called "Daphnes'' after the Scooby-Doo character, but "Sherees'' works too) OR the feisty, take-charge ones who can defend themselves and who, when captured, seethe with frustration/humiliation?
I'm definitely a fan of the latter which is why, though I find her attractive, I don't get excited much by D.A. Alex Cahill's many encounters with rope and cloth.
A strong, independent woman being overtaken, ie. Catherine Bell's JAG character, or Cameron Diaz' in "A Life Less Ordinary'' affects me more because it affects HER more. Alex Cahill often looks and acts like she's waiting for a bus; Walker is that reliable.
Another subset I like is the damsel who ALLOWS herself to be tied up, even sugests it. An example for my peers is the old Rawhide episide wjhen the sherrif's wife allows the innocent convict to escape. For you Millennials an example is Jane Seymour in the Dr. Quinn episode with the Indian attack.

Frank J
Sunday August 21 13:12:15 2005
Re: Personal Holy Grail
X wrote:

> I don't want to get your hopes up, but I MAY be able to
> help you out. It depends how availible this uncut version
> was when it initially came out.

Thats the problem, the complete version never came out.
The only mention of the complete, uncut version was the assembly cut that was presented to the ratings board. After viewing it, they said "hahaha I dont think so! Get your scissors out..." and about 30 minutes was cut out, including a fondling scene between Kate and Leatherface that takes place right after the restored scene where he smears makeup on her face while she's gagged.
At most, 10 minutes tops has been restored in the most compete versions I've been able to find, leaving 20 minutes still in limbo. The complete version has never come out, even in bootleg format.
Sunday August 21 13:13:20 2005
Re: Personal Holy Grail
X wrote:

> or Last House on Dead End Street

Can you describe this one? I've heard about it, and looked it up in the DB several weeks ago but there wasn't an entry.
Sunday August 21 13:28:07 2005
secuestro express
has anyone seen secuestro express?
Sunday August 21 13:42:38 2005
Anubis wrote:

> Can you describe this one? I've heard about it, and
> looked it up in the DB several weeks ago but there wasn't
> an entry.

It's nothing spectacular. There's a couple of scenes with a female "porn star" tied arms overhead along with several putzes. The most content-noteworthy scene is when she is brought out to a table and tied down for her "operation". Not a whole lot of struggling, and her fate is probably one of the nastiest I've seen in any horror movie (ie. legs sawn off, guts removed and played with). I could make a quick clip if you're DYING to know what it's like.

Sunday August 21 14:22:46 2005
How about sharing some of your homemade scenes with us? We would love to see what you are making.
Sunday August 21 14:47:59 2005
X wrote:

> (ie. legs sawn off, guts removed and played
> with). I could make a quick clip if you're DYING to know
> what it's like.

I'm quite ashamed to admit that I am. haha

Sunday August 21 14:55:38 2005
Anubis wrote:

> > (ie. legs sawn off, guts removed and played
> > with). I could make a quick clip if you're DYING to
> know
> > what it's like.
> I'm quite ashamed to admit that I am. haha

Equally red-faced I'd like to say "yes please". We know it isn't real after all.

Mark O
Sunday August 21 15:11:26 2005
Re: Custom-built Gags by the Props department
Kinky-napper wrote:

Other *cool* gags that were obviously built by the Props
> dept (rather than completed by a quick run to a local
> adult store): the velco front-closing gag in Walker,
> Texas Ranger ("The Return of LaRue"); Francesca
> Annis' padded plug-gag in "Dune" (1984); and
> Virginia Bryant's leather studded strap-gag in "The Barbarians".

Don't let's forget that scene from Tor the Mighty Hunter where Thea Fleming and her opponents wear gags that are decorated and carved like jewelry while they fight.

Sunday August 21 15:17:17 2005
Re: ?
> BUT, I think the best thing to do is keep a positive
> outlook. At least you HAVE it, man. I've had a Grail for
> many years now, and never even come close to obtaining
> it. Chances are, I never will -- All the same, everybody
> loses. Yeah, man, that's how it is .. Life's a bitch and then you die. :)

You jaded folks just need to look around. Frex, on CINEL at 10 PM EST today, according to the Alerts page, they've got a pantie gag scene, one of three pantie gag scenes I know of in the mainstream, and the only one I know of where it's made clear that panties are being used as wadding for a gag. (The other two are a scene from Law & Order SVU and a movie that's called, um, "Jaded.")

You don't get to collect something like that every day.

Pat Powers
Sunday August 21 15:25:46 2005
Frank J wrote:
> A lot of us do this too. Many of the best ones have made
> a good business out of it. But the revised U.S. Code 2257
> makes that almost impossible for the small-timer.
> For the rest of us making our own scenes is great fun,
> but it is a different genre, if you will, than TV and
> movie scenes. A lot of us appreciate and collect both,
> but one can't replace the other (trust me on this, grasshopper)

I was under the impression that Code 2257 only covered explicit sexual imagery -- things being seen going in and out of things -- not all sexual imagery. Otherwise, just about everybody would have problems with 2257 since there's a great deal of sexual imagery outside of sexually-oriented websites.
Pat Powers
Sunday August 21 15:27:51 2005
Re: The "Sheree J. Wilson" effect
dg wrote:

> Fettershackle wrote:
> While not disputing your observations, there are a couple
> Oscar-winning actresses who have chosen bondage roles
> subsequent to winning the Oscar. Off the top of my head,
> I can think of only two:
> Marissa Tomei – The Watcher
> Nicole Kidman – Birthday Girl

Pretty sure Kidman won her Oscar after filming "Birthday Girl," which would lead Tomei the only one I can think of who got B&G after the Oscar score.
Sunday August 21 15:31:23 2005
Regrets / The Ones that got Away
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Sure there are the regrets, like the ones that got away,
> Stephanie Zimbalist, Helen Hunt, Jodie Foster, and a few
> others come to mind, but nothing so important that I
> would have to have.
> Are there any others out there that feel the same.

I think Regrets are an excellent term for descibing actresses who have avoid B&G'd scenes (AKA full treatment scenes). All of the Regrets you has listed are on my list too. As for the term "Holy Grail", I think that Anubis and Frank J's post accurately describe the definition of the term. To be a Holy Grail the scene must be a rare, difficult to obtain scene that you really must have.
Master Gagher
Sunday August 21 15:46:02 2005
Re: Television series without putzes
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Hadji wrote:
> > Most television series that contain one or more
> episodes
> > in which one or more actresses are bound and gagged
> > invariably feature putzes at one time or another as
> well.

Unfortunately, you are probably right! Many action series, particularly long-running ones, will inevitably include a scene involvinga putz. It would seem that enduring some putz scenes, and worse, putz only scenes, appears to be a hazard of our interest. As I see it, every scene involving a putz is either a missed opportunity for a DID scene, or a missed opportunity for a multiple DID scene - a real personal favorite. Fortunately, as hallbird pointed out, putz scenes are the exception, not the rule. Hopefully, things will stay that way!

Master Gagher
Sunday August 21 15:46:52 2005
Re: Custom-built Gags by the Props department
A lot of the gags that involve head harnesses appear to have custom-built head harnesses. I'm pretty sure that Fabio Udenio's bit gag with head harness is custom-built, I'm likewise sure that the one worn in "Check to the Queen" is custom built, and I think the one in "Flesh Hunters" may have been a standard head harness/gag set with the grillwork added on by the props people. The article in my homepage link has pics of all of them.
Pat Powers
Sunday August 21 16:06:34 2005
re: sheree wilson / Passive vs. Fiesty damsels
Frank J wrote:

> Back onto Sheree for a moment, it raises a new topic.
> Do you guys prefer passive damsels, the ones who exist
> solely for the purpose of getting bound and gagged (the
> ones I'd always called "Daphnes'' after the
> Scooby-Doo character, but "Sherees'' works too) OR
> the feisty, take-charge ones who can defend themselves
> and who, when captured, seethe with
> frustration/humiliation?
> I'm definitely a fan of the latter which is why,
> though I find her attractive, I don't get excited much by
> D.A. Alex Cahill's many encounters with rope and cloth.

Interesting question! I can't say I have a definate preference of one over the other. Both have certain advantages. You comments concerning the postives of feisty damsel scenes are well-taken. However, passive damsels can sometimes, though certainly not always, be more photogenic and attractive because the damsel is not or has not struggled and is, therefore, better groomed. Ms. Wilson is a good example. In addition, passive damsels tend to be in more scenes on certain TV series, possibly because it is easier to write a passive damsel scene. Ms. Wilson and the various Lois Lanes are good examples of this situation. Hence, from my perspective, in evaluating a TV series, I would have to balance the potentially hot context of a fiesty damsel scene with the possibly more attractive and potentially more numerous passive damsel scene.

> Another subset I like is the damsel who ALLOWS
> herself to be tied up, even sugests it. An example for my
> peers is the old Rawhide episide wjhen the sherrif's wife
> allows the innocent convict to escape. For you
> Millennials an example is Jane Seymour in the Dr. Quinn episode with the Indian attack.

Master Gagher
Sunday August 21 17:14:23 2005
Site Update
Rogue from X-MEN: EVOLUTION is bound & gagged in the latest from Sofyan Syarief, in the Guest Art section.
Robert Knaus
Sunday August 21 17:20:22 2005
Re: Sin City Question
CM wrote:

> The database description for "Sin City"
> mentions another actress playing a prostitute briefly
> seen with her hands tied in front

You may be right, At the time I posted this entry I had seen the movie on the big screen and I could swear she had her hands tied. Perhaps with the benefit of the DVD we can clear this issue.

Sunday August 21 17:55:15 2005
Pat Powers wrote:

> I was under the impression that Code 2257 only covered
> explicit sexual imagery -- things being seen going in and
> out of things -- not all sexual imagery. Otherwise, just
> about everybody would have problems with 2257 since
> there's a great deal of sexual imagery outside of sexually-oriented websites.
This may be off-topic; I for one won't gripe if the Mod deep-sixes this, but Pat, the revisions that take effect next month (delayed from June) are positively Orwellian. Yes, D-i-D is exempt, but to prove the exemption you have to keep the same files, with the same documentation as porn producers do, in a searchable databse that law enforcement can inspect during normal business hours.
I have all the required documentation on anyone who's ever shot with me, but I don't have the time or funds to create a searchable database (I've got scanned and paper files). And as a hobbyist I don't have "normal business hours'' for my D-i-D stuff.
Altho' some ACLU types feel that the intent is exactly to close up the small producers, both porn and, like me, non-, my view is the same as when I pull over for a cop car. Let me get out of the way so they can catch the real bad guys.
Sunday August 21 18:17:05 2005
The Sheree J Wilson Effect
Well thanks for all the thoughts and opinions guys, I can see that number of scenes aside opinion of Walker is divided, I shall reserve judgenment for now. There are better shows I want to collect first(Hooker, charlies Angels, Gilligan's Island, Lois & Clark)

BTW I fail to see how any list of quality actresses with DiD scenes can fail to include Dame Diana Rigg,and indeed Joanna Lumley & Honor Blackman all of whom started their illustrious careers with versions of The Avengers.
moxx of balhoom
Sunday August 21 18:45:30 2005
The Sheree J. Wilson Effect
> BTW I fail to see how any list of quality actresses with DiD scenes can fail to include Dame Diana Rigg, and indeed Joanna Lumley & Honor Blackman all of whom started their illustrious careers with versions of The Avengers.
According to IMDB.com, Honor Blackman's acting career started 15 years before 1961's "The Avengers", and had already amassed over a dozen credits. Diana Rigg was 26/27 when she started her "Avengers" run, so likewise wasn't perceived as an ingenue.

Besides, "DiD" is hardly the first adjective that would come to mind of the contemporary 1960s mainstream person. They were arguably TV's first "liberated" (yet undeniably *smoking* on the sexiness scale) women. They engaged in hand-to-hand martial arts more frequently than John Steed; they had IQs well above 150, they relished in arch putdowns of their partner, and they wore anything they d*** well pleased -- pushing the envelope even for the mod fashions of the 60's.

Yes, they often wound up tied up by the villain -- well killing them off immediately goes against the "Austin Powers" rules of series TV -- but viewers recognized if the villain didn't take that sensible precaution, they'd quickly take out everyone in the room the first opening they saw.
Sunday August 21 19:01:06 2005
Re: Custom-built Gags by the Props department
How could I forget the custom-build collar-and-brank-gag sets from Sleeping Dogs, Fatal Conflict, and about half a dozen other Lloyd Simandl flicks?
Pat Powers
Sunday August 21 19:15:41 2005
Re: Television series without putzes
Master Gagher wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Hadji wrote:
> >
> > > Most television series that contain one or more
> > episodes
> > > in which one or more actresses are bound and
> gagged
> >
> > > invariably feature putzes at one time or
> another as
> > well.
> >
> Unfortunately, you are probably right! Many action
> series, particularly long-running ones, will inevitably
> include a scene involvinga putz. It would seem that
> enduring some putz scenes, and worse, putz only scenes,
> appears to be a hazard of our interest. As I see it,
> every scene involving a putz is either a missed
> opportunity for a DID scene, or a missed opportunity for
> a multiple DID scene - a real personal favorite.
> Fortunately, as hallbird pointed out, putz scenes are the
> exception, not the rule. Hopefully, things will stay that way!

Thank you so much for comprehending exactly the idea I was attempting to convey! Furthermore, thank you for your sympathetic comments about guys like us having to endure putz scenes. It is indeed a tribulation to watch a putz scene on television or in a movie, or in any other form of mass media, for that matter.
You and hallbird are correct, putz scenes are inevitable in any long-running action or crime drama series. The greater the longevity of the series, the increasing likelihood of the occurence of putz scenes. You're also correct in pointing out that in most series, such scenes are the exception, rather than the rule, and they are outnumbered by DID scenes.
I posed a query about television series that have been untarnished by putz scenes, and thus far two such series have been mentioned. The first was "Automan", a short-lived action series that aired during the early 1980s, and "Jake 2.0", which aired very recently. Can anyone think of any more such series? How about "Level 9", the show that featured a damsel gagged with duct tape wound completely around her head? I think her name was Scarlett Chorvatt.

Sunday August 21 19:29:16 2005
Re: Television series without putzes
Hadji wrote:

> Master Gagher wrote:

> I posed a query about television series that have been
> untarnished by putz scenes, and thus far two such series
> have been mentioned. The first was "Automan", a
> short-lived action series that aired during the early
> 1980s, and "Jake 2.0", which aired very
> recently. Can anyone think of any more such series? How
> about "Level 9", the show that featured a
> damsel gagged with duct tape wound completely around her head? I think her name was Scarlett Chorvatt.

I would also like to add that all of the aforementioned series are defunct and were very short-lived, having been cancelled either after only one season, or not having lasted that long. This utterly obliterated the possibility of putz scenes, and helped preserve their status as untarnished series.

Sunday August 21 19:49:21 2005
Re: The Sheree J Wilson Effect
moxx of balhoom wrote:

> Well thanks for all the thoughts and opinions guys, I can
> see that number of scenes aside opinion of Walker is
> divided, I shall reserve judgenment for now.

We've got ahold of one preview clip so far for you, if you'd like to take this to Trades Page.
(The School Uniform one)
There also the Stewardess one and car demo one, around but haven't found at moment.
I'll look up Database ep titles for over on Trades.

As for overall judgement,
you've probably seen "Street Justice" show with Charlene Fernetz where Carl Weathers and his friend got into scraps every single episode.
Walker the same

Look for you over on Trades Page
Jay L
Sunday August 21 19:55:59 2005
Re: a few video/DVD possibles
JP wrote:

> The Kindly One wrote:
> > Oops! I assumed that, since the original poster was
> > guessing, he hadn't found a database entry. I should
> have
> > remembered the extraordinary number of people who
> ask for
> > info without consulting the dabatase....
> oh fer-cry-in-out-loud. I'm the original poster, and no
> I'm not one of the "extraordinary number of people
> who ask for info without consulting the dabatase".
> I didn't ask for any info anyway, I merely reported 4
> movies I saw at the video store that looked promising.
> And no I didn't check the database beforehand before I
> posted. I mentioned them once I signed on so I wouldn't
> forget their titles.
> Man the things some folks dwell on...!

You're welcome, by the way, for the information both of us dug up for you. And I find it hilarious that you say you aren't one of those people who don't consult the database; you just didn't consult the database. And yes, you DID ask us for information. Try reading your own post. And we dwell on it because the database is accessible from the bottom of the page. IMDB is easy to find as well. But since it bothers you, I'll be sure not to upset you by helping next time.
The Kindly One
Sunday August 21 19:57:01 2005
Sheree J. Wilson on Mystery Woman: Game Time (2005)
Sheree J. Wilson (still looking good) is the guest star on the newest Kellie Martin TV-movie.

And at around the 0:55 minute mark, we see her telling her story (unsubstantiated) to the police that she was kidnapped and kept wrapped in a blanket. Oh, and also blindfolded and a dirty rag stuffed into her mouth.
Sunday August 21 20:11:37 2005
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Yes, D-i-D is exempt, but to prove the exemption you have
> to keep the same files, with the same documentation as
> porn producers do, in a searchable databse that law
> enforcement can inspect during normal business hours.

I have consulted an attorney about the new laws and had a website review done, and this info is totally innacurate. You need to have someone present for inspection if there is simulated sexual activity in the content. Otherwise the feds have no legal right to demand your records without getting a court order and showing probable cause of illegal activity to a judge.

DiD sites are safe, bondage sites are safe, as long as there isn't simulated intercourse in the content.

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