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Sunday July 29 01:04:40 2007
Re: The picture that I can't see now
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Yesterday, I thought, there was a picture here of a girl
> with tape on her mouth and putting it on her eyes. There
> was a request for identification.

No, there was an original post with a broken link that
was deleted. There was a follow-up with just an

> It was from the Dutch TV, a girl is forging her own
> kidnap. It was a very long scene.

It didn't look mainstream to me. It's up to the
contributor to make sure I have sufficient information
or the posts are likely to get mistakenly removed.

The Moderator
Sunday July 29 01:05:20 2007
Funny Games
This post was moved to The Trading Forum.

Poster: Dinkle Penniweather
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Sunday July 29 01:09:22 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
SLJ wrote:

> PS: Why is the "top-posted" style more annoying
> than having the referenced stuff on the top?

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on message forums?

The Engineer
Sunday July 29 01:28:25 2007
Would the Moderator consider it abusive if I called the engineer a WiseA$$??
Sunday July 29 01:53:14 2007
Re: Asi es la Vida - tonight
Dextor wrote:

> A preview for tonight's episode of Asi es la Vida shows a
> cute woman on a bed, her ankles tied together and a man
> in the process of tying her arms behind her back. The
> show airs at 9pm Central time on Telefutura.

So...what happened? Did the scene pan out? Any gagging? Will it be continuing Monday? I saw the alert too late to grab Friday's episode but need to know if I should be on the lookout for Monday's episode. Thanks!

Sunday July 29 02:39:18 2007
Re: New scene in Side-Sho movie
Steve a wrote:

> Looks like one of those cheapo indie horror movie has a
> doulbe or even possibly triple B&G scene....

Yeah, definitely worth a look: among other things, it looks as though the DIDs actually start out their captivity relatively free of blood and other signs of abuse. OK, doesn't look like they remain that way, but for a film of this type, that's not nothing.

Sunday July 29 02:45:39 2007
Re: Possibility in "Batman Begins" Sequel
Dart wrote:

> Comic
> Con footage is also showing that Karen Allen will be back
> for Indiana Jones 4. Granted, she's aged quite a bit,

She's looking a lot better preserved than Ford or Spielberg these days. I'd have no objection whatsoever to an encore performance.
Sunday July 29 03:39:03 2007
Re: Possibility in "Batman Begins" Sequel
Jeb wrote:

> She's looking a lot better preserved than Ford or
> Spielberg these days. I'd have no objection whatsoever to
> an encore performance.

She still looks lovely but considering her well documented aversion to the original scene I doubt whether she would be persuaded to reprise it.

Gaz P
Sunday July 29 04:06:22 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
Pat Powers wrote:

> they've done away with the
> damsel in distress,
> Yes, that's really going to appeal to fans of Flash
> Gordon.

Admit I'm not a Sci-Fi guy,
but where was the "damsel in distress" to begin with?

The last time this come out recall "groundbreaking rock'n'roll soundtrack" and the radio stations giving away tickets to it. Only thing say "sexual", was someone on about a "Homo-erotic theme" mixed in with the Sci-Fi.
Judging this by,
I did get a kick out of Scooby-Doo show and was kind of amused by all the DiD talk with that film. Way I remember it that guy and the mutt get separated from the group and the spooks show up. The gals had to bribe the mutt with treats.
"Would you do it for a Scooby treat?" Asked every show by the gals, correct?

Again Pat, I'm not a fan of Sci-Fi & you are Pat. So trust your judgment here.
But I'd bet this sudden DiD talk a lead up to scenes same as the sudden DiD talk in Scooby doo lead to a Buffy Gellar scene.

Would you agree with that for a Scooby treat?
Jay L
Sunday July 29 07:37:18 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
Jay L wrote:

> Pat,
> Admit I'm not a Sci-Fi guy,
> but where was the "damsel in distress" to begin
> with?

I dunno about the original Flash Gordon movies, but check out the illo below from the Flash Gordon comic strip circa 1941. And of course the 1985 movie had a pretty tasty DiD scene with Ornella Muti being bound and tortured in a skintight leotard. And Flesh Gordon, the adult parody, which was unlike most adult parodies in that it was actually funny, had a very nice little lesbian DiD scene for Dale. So, the stuff was there.

> The last time this come out recall "groundbreaking
> rock'n'roll soundtrack" and the radio stations
> giving away tickets to it. Only thing say
> "sexual", was someone on about a
> "Homo-erotic theme" mixed in with the Sci-Fi.

Are you talking about the 1985 movie? If so, check out my comment above. The homoerotic thing might have been the music by Queen. The film was intended as a campy homage to the original series, but it wasn't all that gay. Mostly, it was just stupid.

> Judging this by,
> I did get a kick out of Scooby-Doo show and was kind of
> amused by all the DiD talk with that film. Way I remember
> it that guy and the mutt get separated from the group
> and the spooks show up. The gals had to bribe the mutt
> with treats.
> "Would you do it for a Scooby treat?" Asked
> every show by the gals, correct?
> Again Pat, I'm not a fan of Sci-Fi & you are Pat. So
> trust your judgment here.
> But I'd bet this sudden DiD talk a lead up to scenes same
> as the sudden DiD talk in Scooby doo lead to a Buffy
> Gellar scene.

The thing that bothers me about isn't so much the DiD factor as the utter cluelessness it reveals about the appeal of Flash Gordon. Read my review of the Buck Rogers TV series' "Planet of the Slave Girls" episode (see homepage link)to get the full story, but basically, the central attraction for both Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers was "Thrilling Wonder Science Stories" where anything could happen and probably would. The DiD thing is a side issue, really. And the way it was phrased, the idiot lead clearly meant to say that Dale would be a modern tough chick who fights back instead of one of those 50s heroines who runs around in the woods in high heels and whose only defense against, well, anything, is screaming. The problem with that is, that particular brand of heroine has been off the market since the 70s at the lastest. It's like saying they're not going to have spaceships floating around on clearly visible strings with puffs of smoke coming out their back ends at random moments (as the original series did) or that they'll be filming in color rather than black and white.

But the leading jerk choose to focus on the DiD aspect rather than anything else which tells me either he or whoever tells him what to say in interviews thinks that's a point that will sell to audiences. Whereas I don't think most modern audiences give a flap about that. It just hasn't been a problem for the last few decades.

It's clueless. It's ludicrously stupid. And we can only hope it's the leading man's own personal stupidity rather than the stupidity of the people who are behind the show.

> Would you agree with that for a Scooby treat?

Actually, no I would not. See above.
Pat Powers
Sunday July 29 08:38:20 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
The Engineer wrote:

> SLJ wrote:
> > PS: Why is the "top-posted" style more
> annoying
> > than having the referenced stuff on the top?
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people
> normally read text.
> Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing on message forums?

It seems like these questions and answers are backwards. Is there a problem with the system?

And why does every line start with a "Q:" or an "A:"? Does it have something to do with my using a Macintosh?
Sunday July 29 09:01:37 2007
Flash Gordon, Q&A, Batman
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> And why does every line start with a "Q:" or an
> "A:"? Does it have something to do with my
> using a Macintosh?

No! It's a joke! Didn't you get it? Read the Q&A again.

By the way, I doubt Maggie Gyllenhaal will be gagged in "The Dark Knight". It is impossible, with Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan behind the project...
This is what Abel
Sunday July 29 11:22:02 2007
Good YAHOO Group
Howlingly Hot Hostages

Didcaps, not fakes, of actresses you'll recognize.

There is 'Fakes' albun and the usual crappy fakes in the files.

The links section is good too !!!!!!!!

As always you have to be a YAHOO member with an adult profile, but that is free and only takes a few minutes and keystrokes.

Sunday July 29 11:56:56 2007
Flash Gordon and the DiD-less Dale
Before we get too wrapped around the axle, remember that in University Drama Schools and Art Circles, "Damsel-in-Distress" translates as "one-dimensional female character who does nothing but sit there and scream". They know all about the "Hero's Journey" and all that other stuff, and they're simply reacting to the cliche-ridden Cliffhanger Serials and B-movies of the 30's, 40's, and 50's. Reflecting the "conventional wisdom" of the masses, female characters were brainless eye-candy. Of course, *all* the characters were brainless. The audience was expected to check whatever logical faculty they posessed at the door. Popular entertainment of that sort was about naked wish-fulfillment.

Anyway, the actresses of every generation since the 60's have reacted the same. "No DiD-nonsense for me!!" ...and yet they keep finding their characters in DiD-ish situations.

Maybe the new Dale will find herself chained to the wall and being whipped by Ming's daughter, and maybe not. (*Probably* not.) I'm more worried about the entire series sucking like a black hole. Sci-Fi has such a spotty record. But who knows, maybe the new "Flash Gordon" will be like the new "Battlestar Galactica"! Maybe lightning *will* strike twice.
Sunday July 29 12:17:08 2007
Helpless Actresses Yahoo Groups
There are now 20 Helpless Actresses Groups at Yahoo.

All are listed in the links section of group 20.

While there is some duplication of pix among the groups, there also many rare pixs.

As always you must be a Yahoo member with an Adult Profile to join, but it is free and quick to join.
Sunday July 29 12:27:46 2007
Re: Flash Gordon and the DiD-less Dale
As usual Van makes very valid points.

However, as demonstarted very well by the Doctor Who 'companions', the female lead in a series can be strong willed and very competent in her own right, and still wind up being a helpless damsel who often needs rescuing of some sort.

I seriously doubt that it is the actresses who are responsible for DID scenes not being used where they should be, but the chowderheaded, know-it-all, dumber than a box of rocks, producers/directors/writers/creative geniuses.
Sunday July 29 12:46:06 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
Pat Powers wrote:

***** I dunno about the original Flash Gordon movies, but check out the illo below from the Flash Gordon comic strip circa 1941. *****

Ah, seen. Why defer to your Sci-Fi expertise.

***** Are you talking about the 1985 movie? *****

Correct. Flash, not Flesh. Recall the radio ads?.. "Dun Dun Dun Dun.. FLASH! YAHAAH!" That one

**** basically, the central attraction for both Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers was "Thrilling Wonder Science Stories" where anything could happen and probably would. The DiD thing is a side issue, really. ******

That what I thinking

***** Dale would be a modern tough chick who fights back instead of one of those 50s heroines who runs around in the woods in high heels and whose only defense against, well, anything, is screaming. *****

See, defer to your Sci-Fi expertise,
but this appears rather humourous when similar reference to Scooby-Doo film.
"Running around and Screaming Defence"- That was Shaggy & Scooby- "ZOY-CKS!" or whatevertheheck. The gals had backbone, not fitting the definition then, correct?

**** choose to focus on the DiD aspect rather than anything else *****

Agreed, appeared an odd (and humourous) comment?

Still suggest tape this one as have a funny feeling scenes coming in the script.
Ming the Merciless can only threaten the planet with the "XTZ Space Modulator" one to two eps before they have to find another plot huh?
Though doubt quite as interesting as that image. ;)
Jay L
Sunday July 29 13:03:53 2007
Re: Flash Gordon and the DiD-less Dale
Van wrote:

> Maybe the new Dale will find herself chained to the wall
> and being whipped by Ming's daughter, and maybe not.
> (*Probably* not.) I'm more worried about the entire
> series sucking like a black hole.

Only 4 entries in the database for Flash Gordon, I remember watching the old Buster Crabbe serials late at night after SNL in the 70's and don't recall much in those either. The cute lady playing Dale Arden would be a nice DID, and they have some bizarre outfits in the preview photos, but not having much expectations of DID material from this series.
Sunday July 29 13:25:50 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
The caption to the Dale flagellation pic is unintentionally humorous for British readers, though many would say it reflects Flash's character well. :-)

Note the Botticelli reference in Dale's hair. I don't approve of the violence, but Alex Raymond's drawing is superb.
Mad Dan
Sunday July 29 13:48:50 2007
Re: The picture that I can't see now
The Moderator wrote:

> It didn't look mainstream to me. It's up to the
> contributor to make sure I have sufficient information
> or the posts are likely to get mistakenly removed.

Can you put it back then? It is a great scene. Sad that the sound is in dutch

Sunday July 29 14:49:35 2007
Re: Possibility in "Batman Begins" Sequel
Jeb wrote:

> She's looking a lot better preserved than Ford or
> Spielberg these days.

In this picture maybe. But I've seen her in some Raiders retrospectives where she looked horrible. Smoking half a carton of cigarettes a day will do that.
Sunday July 29 16:08:20 2007
Scene Identity
I was wondering if someone could help me identify a scene. I recorded off the Bravo channel a few years ago. It is a British production about the French Revolution. A beautiful woman is on a balcony, hands tied behind with a tight cleave gag. The hero is in the courtyard about to be executed. The man in charge mentions something about Robespierre.
J Par
Sunday July 29 16:18:01 2007
Re: Scene Identity
J Par wrote:

> A beautiful woman is on a balcony, hands tied behind with
> a tight cleave gag.

Scarlet Pimpernel - A Good Name
Sunday July 29 17:07:56 2007
Batman Sequal
In the picture above that people are posting i copied it and used photoshop and if u look below, i used one of the tools to lighten the part around her face and by the looks of it.....no OTM or Cleave gag....but u never know, his hand could be covering a small tape gag.
Sunday July 29 17:11:38 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
> Only 4 entries in the database for Flash Gordon, I remember watching the old Buster Crabbe serials late at night after SNL in the 70's and don't recall much in
those either. The cute lady playing Dale Arden would be a nice DID, and they have some bizarre outfits in the preview photos, but not having much expectations of DID material from this series.
But one of those four Database entries sounds (to me, anyway) like a bangup B&g scene for Irene Champlin's Dale Arden.

In this preview pic (probably for the upcoming August 10th pilot episode), it kinda looks like "futuristic manacles" on Dale Arden (Gina Holden).
Sunday July 29 17:24:03 2007
Re: Batman Sequal
Lugie wrote:

> In the picture

Geez, I am sick of this picture.

Sunday July 29 17:40:56 2007
Re: Batman Sequal
That Joker is nothing more then a drawback of Caeser Romero!
Sunday July 29 17:57:15 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
The Engineer wrote:

> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing on message forums?

*cracking up IRL*

Sunday July 29 17:59:23 2007
Re: Batman Sequal
Lugie wrote:
by the
> looks of it.....no OTM or Cleave gag....but u never know,
> his hand could be covering a small tape gag.

I don't think so. The Joker's thumb is pressing in just ahead of her ear, but there's no sign of tension in the upper lip, as there would be with a tape gag, however narrow, being applied. Just wait for the movie, folks, and then you'll see exactly what's happening.

Why would anyone think this was a fake? It's a perfectly normal photograph with a very shallow depth of field.

Mad Dan
Sunday July 29 18:36:28 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
Kinky-napper wrote:

> In this preview pic (probably for the upcoming August
> 10th pilot episode), it kinda looks like "futuristic
> manacles" on Dale Arden (Gina Holden).

There, I told ya! When these actresses say "no damsel-in-distress nonsense" they're talking about the depth of their character, *not* jeopardy &/or restraint &/or a lack there-of. :-)
Sunday July 29 18:38:13 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
Kinky-napper wrote:

> > Only 4 entries in the database for Flash Gordon, I
> remember watching the old Buster Crabbe serials late at
> night after SNL in the 70's and don't recall much in
> those either. The cute lady playing Dale Arden would be a
> nice DID, and they have some bizarre outfits in the
> preview photos, but not having much expectations of DID
> material from this series.
> ----
> But one of those four Database entries sounds (to me,
> anyway) like a bangup B&g scene for Irene Champlin's
> Dale Arden.
> In this preview pic (probably for the upcoming August
> 10th pilot episode), it kinda looks like "futuristic
> manacles" on Dale Arden (Gina Holden).

I've seen the three Buster Crabbe serials several times now and there are no scenes in any of them.
You might be interested to note that there are a series of books written by (or at least credited to) alex Raymond, at least two of which have DiD action

In the Time Trap of Ming XIII, Dale Aren is grabbed by a couple of villians from the future who tie her hand and foot and gag her.
In The Plague of Sound Zarkov ties a female villian hand and foot then interogates her before gagging her.
Sorry if those descriptions are a little vague but it's a few years since i read them.

I can't help feeling anyway that we put too much emphasis on Sci-fi to deliver scenes, it isn't the natural home of ropes and gags - girls in peril maybe, but peril doesn't have to equal physical restraint.

Think about it , how many scenes were there in 10 years of Stargate SG-1? Star Trek ran for 28 seasons over 5 incarnations and produced something like 700 episodes, but how many scenes are there? Not that many.
At the end of the day these aren't cop/detective shows,they have no more reason to produce a DiD storyline than your average drama series.

moxx of balhoom
Sunday July 29 19:28:35 2007
batman sequel
just thought id ask an interesting question, the imbd says that rachael mcadams and emily blunt were considered for the role that maggie gyhlhaeel got. who would you all rather see if there is a scene in this movie?
Sunday July 29 19:46:46 2007
Re: I Know Who Killed Me
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Let' get a pic of Lindsey with that blue gag up on
> somebody's site!

Apparently, there's a screener DVD that was released onto the torrent networks. I'm dling it now.
Not a Guest
Sunday July 29 19:49:23 2007
Re: batman sequel
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> just thought id ask an interesting question, the imbd
> says that rachael mcadams and emily blunt were considered
> for the role that maggie gyhlhaeel got. who would you all
> rather see if there is a scene in this movie?

Frankly, I'd much rather that Emily Blunt or Rachel McAdams had gotten the role, whether there's a DiD scene or not. I find them to be much more attractive. Emily Blunt is definitely on my list for actresses I want to see get the full treatment ASAP.

Speaking of Miss Blunt, anyone think there's a chance of her "Devil Wears Prada" co-star, the gorgeous Anne Hathaway, will get a scene as Agent 99 in the film version of "Get Smart" next year? Given that it's being played up as a comedy, she'll probably take on the "straight man" role of the kick-ass heroine who is far more intelligent and capable than the dimwitted hero, but there's still always potential, particularly if the hero must prove himself by saving her in the end.
Sunday July 29 20:02:48 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
moxx of balhoom wrote:

> I've seen the three Buster Crabbe serials several times
> now and there are no scenes in any of them.

> I can't help feeling anyway that we put too much emphasis
> on Sci-fi to deliver scenes, it isn't the natural home of
> ropes and gags

Moxx, believe you're in the UK, correct?
As the Yanks do have some scene heavy Sci-Fi series.

Recall one with this "Flash type" guy, and his tight bodysuit wearing girlfriend would go to planets, or whatever the heck? and get captured by a
villain like The Moderator & his personae.. I mean goons, just out to rule the world, almost everytime I caught this show.
The Flash guy had a pocket robot which would come out to retarded music. It could probably fly, but to kill time would waddle up and untie, or unchain, or unlock, or unstock "Flash guy" and his girlfriend.
"The Moderator Guy" never got his goons to frisk these two, and have to flip out over and over upon learning they escaped again..."YOU FOOLS! YOU LET THEM ESCAPE!"
Humourous stuff

The Yanks here will likely recall enough for entries?
I'd start paying attention when gal captured, but seemed always rain, snow, a train or something interfered with the signal from the United States and have to wiggle a coathanger to bring it back
If not mistaken? and with their better reception, it may rival "Lenssen und Partner" for restraint.
Will see
Jay L
Sunday July 29 20:18:54 2007
Re: Possibility in "Batman Begins" Sequel
southbound wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Dart wrote:
> >
> > Maggie Gyllenhaal
> > (sp?)
> > > who has taken over Katie Holmes' role.
> >
> > Katie was much hotter, much.
> I disagree. Check out Maggie's work in Secretary. Now
> that's hot!!

I agree. Much better to see an intelligent woman like Maggie get the treatment than some dum artificial bimbette like KH. And yes,Secretary brought back old memories. Somehow I got the impression that for the role, MAggie would have done anything that the director would have her do - even if ot meant wear a ball gag....
Sunday July 29 20:35:27 2007
What happened to this great site?
This post was moved to The Trading Forum.

Poster: John
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Sunday July 29 20:37:08 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
Anubis wrote:

> The Engineer wrote:
> > A: Top-posting.
> > Q: What is the most annoying thing on message
> > forums?

> *cracking up IRL*

Can't take credit for it, it's an oldie from newsgroups
that I adapted slightly.

The Engineer
Sunday July 29 20:37:31 2007
I Know Who Killed Me
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Sunday July 29 20:40:11 2007
Re: Flash Gordon and the DiD-less Dale
Jacot wrote:

> I seriously doubt that it is the actresses who are
> responsible for DID scenes not being used where they
> should be, but the chowderheaded, know-it-all, dumber
> than a box of rocks, producers/directors/writers/creative
> geniuses.

This is well into off-topic territory, as has been stated
many times previously. Let's refrain from anything
further along these lines.

The Moderator
Sunday July 29 20:42:36 2007
Re: Possibility in "Batman Begins" Sequel
Jeb wrote:

> She's looking a lot better preserved than Ford or
> Spielberg these days. I'd have no objection whatsoever to
> an encore performance.

Made me wonder, is there anyone that we really wouldn't want an encore performance from? I can't think of anyone off the top of my head...

Sunday July 29 20:56:32 2007
Re: Flash Gordon (Sci-Fi TV series)
The Engineer wrote:

> A: Because it messes up the order in which people
> normally read text.
> Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
> A: Top-posting.
> Q: What is the most annoying thing on message forums?

I take it The Engineer is a Jeopardy fan? Then again, how many game shows had commercials that featured a pretty lady tied up, only to be rescued by the host?
Sunday July 29 21:30:23 2007
Wide Awake heads up possibility
The very hot Missy Peregrym stars in a Lifetime movie tomorrow night, Monday, 9 Eastern. Can't find a trailer anywhere but it is a thriller.

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