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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday August 18 00:11:27 2007
RON wrote:

> Looks like the B+G scene of the Princess is next week.
> What she was wearing next week seems to match the preview
> I saw during the week.

So, I have seen 3 different preview/trailers that run for this show (are there 4?), including the one that ran tonight for next week's episode; none have a gag scene. How does one see this tied to tree black cloth gag scene preview anyway? I know Jeb, by watching Eureka next Tuesday, (ha) ok I will. Thanks!

Saturday August 18 00:15:00 2007
Bold & Beautiful
Friday's episode of Bold and Beautfiul had a great handgag sequence. Might be some bondage on Monday. Stay tuned.
Saturday August 18 00:46:47 2007
Pat Powers wrote:

> Snowcat wrote:
> > DALE (&Flash) get tied up together about 20
> minutes
> > in.
> > Tied together crappy ropework etc
> I just have to say, you'd think a frikkin' BOUNTY HUNTER
> would know of better ways to tie people up than winding
> rope around and around them like they was frikkin'
> BOBBINS. Is a little alien shibari too much to ask?
> I guess it is.

Actually, the scene was kinda cute. A *lot* of rope was involved, and Flash's cell phone (set on *vibrate*, of course), was trapped between them, so things got a little hot & bothered (in a Canadian, PG-13 sort of way). When they finally get free, Dale (Gina) responds to Flash's remark about her attitude with the classic line: "Sorry, alien bondage makes me cranky."

You point is well-taken, however. Mongo-shibari would have been *much* cuter.
Saturday August 18 01:03:41 2007
Van wrote:

Oh, and the part at the end with Baylin (Karen Cliche) naked and "bathing" with vegetable oil and a spatula was *also* cute. :-)
Saturday August 18 01:45:31 2007
Psych Tonight: Agam Darshi
A surprise scene to be sure, but one that was interesting. Agam Darshi, a very pretty lady with an exotic look about her, spends all of her on-camera time in tonight's episode of "Psych" chained to a fast-food drive through. Really! She is playing an anti-meat advocate.

The scene, about 40 minutes into the episode, is rather lengthy as the two main characters interrogate her, there is a picketing protest going on in the background, and the police show up... it's played up for laughs, but she plays the role well. Admittedly she's not a damsel in distress, but the scene does contribute to the episode title, which is "Meat is Murder, but Murder is Also Murder".

John Amos is the main guest star in the episode so use that as a hint if you want to catch this in re-runs. I will add it to the database as well once my registration reply shows up (or if someone else wants to run with it, feel free!)
Saturday August 18 02:15:49 2007
Bloodlines and Acts of Death
Both of these horror movies feature a bound and gagged actress. In "Bloodlines", a beautiful blonde with a splendid physique is secured to a bed with leather restraints and gagged with a sock stuffed into her mouth. In "Acts of Death", a busty brunette is choked into unconsciousness, and subsequently awakens to find herself bound and gagged. Her wrists and ankles are bound with white cloths to the armrestss and legs of a chair, and she is gagged with a white cloth tied between her teeth. Both bondage scenes are fairly lengthy.
I will, of course, compose Entries for these aforementioned scenes for the voluminous Scene Database.
Saturday August 18 02:28:31 2007
Re: Bloodlines and Acts of Death
Hadji wrote:
> In "Acts of Death", a busty brunette is choked
> into unconsciousness, and subsequently awakens to find
> herself bound and gagged. Her wrists and ankles are bound
> with white cloths to the armrestss and legs of a chair,
> and she is gagged with a white cloth tied between her
> teeth.
> I will, of course, compose Entries for these
> aforementioned scenes for the voluminous Scene Database.

I just learned the name of the actress who is bound and gagged in "Acts of Death"; it is Niki Huey. I already composed a Database Entry, so could the proper authorities please amend my Entry with this tidbit of information?
Saturday August 18 02:41:19 2007
Re: Bloodlines and Acts of Death
Hadji wrote:

> I just learned the name of the actress who is bound and
> gagged in "Acts of Death"; it is Niki Huey. I
> already composed a Database Entry, so could the proper
> authorities please amend my Entry with this tidbit of information?

This is done. (I'd hype Database Corrections as the proper place for such posts, though to my discredit, I haven't been reading it on a regular basis.)

Thanks for the entries.
Saturday August 18 05:36:29 2007
Re: Bloodlines and Acts of Death
Raffish wrote:
> Hadji wrote:
> > I just learned the name of the actress who is bound
> and
> > gagged in "Acts of Death"; it is Niki
> Huey. I
> > already composed a Database Entry, so could the
> proper
> > authorities please amend my Entry with this tidbit
> of information?
> This is done. (I'd hype Database Corrections as the
> proper place for such posts, though to my discredit, I
> haven't been reading it on a regular basis.)

I also composed a duplicate entry in the Database Corrections forum. By the way, as an addendum, there is a major putz alert at the end of this film.

> Thanks for the entries.

You're quite welcome. Always glad to contribute to the voluminous Scene Database.
Saturday August 18 06:22:53 2007
Re: Flash Gordon ("Pride")
> Actually, the scene was kinda cute. A *lot* of rope was involved, and Flash's cell phone (set on *vibrate*, of course), was trapped between them, so things got a little hot & bothered (in a Canadian, PG-13 sort of way). When they finally get free, Dale (Gina) responds to Flash's remark about her attitude with the classic line: "Sorry, alien bondage makes me cranky."
And notice how Dale Arden's punchline was scripted: I.e., Can a viewer infer that *terrestial* bondage DOESN'T make her cranky?!
Saturday August 18 11:03:27 2007
Database Entries - Reminder
Looking at correcting 60+ entries almost in a row now from people who have ignored the format. And foolishly, the Corrections contact emails

So to be fair, everybody will be contacted, even for minor edits in the next while till this sorted out.

Remember, doing your own thing in there can throw off the Search Feature. Basically useless, invisible to the rest of the guys searching on a show, or movie.

You're wasting the Editor's time correcting these when most of the boys here would prefer that time used to pass around clips
Jay L
Saturday August 18 11:18:44 2007
Billie Piper to star in Diary of a London Call Girl
August 15th news item from ANI:

"It seems Billie Piper is so eager to do her best for TV show 'Diary of a London Call Girl', that she is taking lessons from an experienced dominatrix.

The 24-year-old is playing high-class hooker Belle de Jour in the upcoming TV show. Jour thrilled thousands across the globe with her witty weblog of her sexploits.

According to an ITV spokeswoman, a dominatrix is on the sets to help the actress master the arts of flogging, S&M and bondage.

'They do have a dominatrix on set to advise. It's about prostitution and they want to get it right,' the Sun quoted the spokeswoman as saying.

The mini-series will hit the television screens this winter." (ANI)

Hmm, I'm not familiar with Belle de Jour's weblog, but I'm hoping the TV show's clients will include attractive females...
Saturday August 18 11:29:04 2007
Re: Billie Piper to star in Diary of a London Call Girl
Kinky-napper wrote:

> Hmm, I'm not familiar with Belle de Jour's weblog, but
> I'm hoping the TV show's clients will include attractive females...

One can always hope, but if I were a betting man...
Saturday August 18 12:12:52 2007
Van wrote:

> Ming's daughter, "Aura", is played by Anna Van
> Hooft. She looks something like Karen Cliche (in other
> words... HOT!!).

I wrote up a post about her getting a scene when this photo appeared on the Sci Fi website. Looks like my wish will come true. YESSSS!!! In the few photos I've seen of her she is always wearing red. No photos of Anna Van Hooft at IMDB.
Definitely a babe.
Saturday August 18 13:25:06 2007
Re: Laura Harring marathon
Raffish wrote:

> Based on a few inquiries, I'm making all 20+ minutes of
> this classic, crazy-good sequence from "Sunset
> Beach" available for free while supplies last.
> http://www.bondageparade.com/

muchas gracias amigo!
May the bandwidth gods shine their good fortunes on you!
Saturday August 18 14:04:13 2007
Re: Database Entries - Reminder
Jay L wrote:

> Looking at correcting 60+ entries almost in a row now
> You're wasting the Editor's time correcting these when
> most of the boys here would prefer that time used to pass around clips

Scratch this,
I firstly come on this site to pass around clips. Fun part
You guys come here to pass around clips, too.. So I'm clipping

Reference this post if Brian *coughs*
until I get around to sorting the mess later

Believe a law against keeping Pat Powers waiting on a stripped and bound hostess as it is? ;)
Jay L
Saturday August 18 14:16:23 2007
I had one of those heart-stopping *OH-MY-GAWD!!* moments earlier today. I was perusing the September 2007 issue of "InStyle" magazine today (Gwen Stefani on the cover)...

What? "InStyle" is great. I like beautiful celebrity/actress women, and "InStyle" *can* be like an testosterone-free, overdressed version of "Maxim" or "FHM". So sue me.

...anyway, page 146 is a cute little "where can I find..." featurette about actress wearing various things and how you can buy them. Well, what to my wondering eyes does appear but... [see image below].

"Reese Witherspoon's jacket in *Penelope*?" ...Penelope *Pitstop*?? I knew Drew Barrymore was trying to get a PP movie off the ground, but I thought it died in Development Hell!! The movie got made?? With *Reese Witherpoon* as our favorite cartoon DiD?? And there she is in costume!! THANK YOU GOD!! And... how the hell did I miss *THAT*??

Well, a quick check of the imdb reveals that "Penelope" was/is a 2006 fantasy comedy-drama (chick flick) with Christina Ricci as the lead and Reese in the supporting cast. And there's no reason whatsoever to believe anything DiD-ish happens. :-(

...but wouldn't Reese be *FRAKKIN' PERFECT* in the role of PP? {sigh}
Saturday August 18 14:37:22 2007
Van wrote:

> Well, a quick check of the imdb reveals that
> "Penelope" was/is a 2006 fantasy comedy-drama
> (chick flick) with Christina Ricci as the lead and Reese
> in the supporting cast. And there's no reason whatsoever
> to believe anything DiD-ish happens. :-(

Wow I really got all excited for a minute there. So as not to confuse anyone "Penelope" is about a girl with a face like a pig (Ricci). Reese Witherspoon plays some bad leather jacket wearing scooter riding chick, thus the helmet and goggles. This is NOT a Penelope Pitstop movie.
Saturday August 18 15:34:58 2007
Re: Psych Tonight: Agam Darshi
Moraxian wrote:

> I will add it to the database as well once my registration
> reply shows up

Registration messages are autosent by the registration
software. If you don't have it within 10 minutes, there
is a problem. I see that you registered with an AOL
address. AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail have agressive spam
filters. Look in your "junk mail" folder or AOL's

The Engineer
Saturday August 18 15:38:19 2007
Re: Bloodlines and Acts of Death
Hadji wrote:

> could the proper
> authorities please amend my Entry with this tidbit

Please post all such updates to the Database Corrections
forum. Preferably, use the "update or correct this entry"
link on the Database entry.

The Engineer
Saturday August 18 15:38:37 2007
Chelsea Handler
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Saturday August 18 15:40:25 2007
Its a very confusing situation!
the best sense I can make of it is...
There WAS serious talk about a big sxcreen "Perils of Penelope Pittstop" starring Reese.
It died in some way shape or form on the vine per se.
Reese did have a supporting role in a movie titled "Penelope"
That had NOTHING Whatsover to do the toon or other project.
I know it KILLED me too.
Could you Imagine how awesome Reese as PP done right(PG rated screenplay by Van faithful to the toon) would be???
Saturday August 18 16:17:01 2007
Re: Bold & Beautiful
H wrote:

> Friday's episode of Bold and Beautfiul had a great handgag sequence.

Can you provide some details?
The House of Le Bastard
Saturday August 18 16:18:53 2007
Re: Bold & Beautiful
The House of Le Bastard wrote:

> Can you provide some details?

The House of Le Bastard
Saturday August 18 19:56:32 2007
Re: Laura Harring marathon
Raffish wrote:

> Based on a few inquiries, I'm making all 20+ minutes of
> this classic, crazy-good sequence from "Sunset
> Beach" available for free while supplies last.
> http://www.bondageparade.com/

Raffish, you are indeed "the man"! You have proven not only generous but remarkably efficient at posting the clips. Some are items I desperately tried to find myself, like "Kill, Kill Overkill!" while others were totally new to me.

This is not to slight other contributors/sites like Origpooh, Vids & Dids, Major Johns, et al; I just have a long-lived love for Laura Harring, so this clip series scratches an itch.

The Kindly One
Saturday August 18 21:09:58 2007
In episode 4, Jekyll's wife is seen in the opening credits getting ungagged. Seems to be nothing else so far. Repeats in 3 hours on BBC America.
Saturday August 18 21:10:11 2007
I have updated the DIDDVD.com site, including a new interview excerpt from Kaura Harring, a few new pieces from print ads, and DVD's numbered 34 and 35. As is customary, still images of every scene on the DVD's are also found on my site.
Saturday August 18 22:55:43 2007
Re: Psych Tonight: Agam Darshi
The Engineer wrote:
> Registration messages are autosent by the registration
> software. If you don't have it within 10 minutes, there
> is a problem. I see that you registered with an AOL
> address. AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail have agressive spam
> filters. Look in your "junk mail" folder or
> AOL's
> equivalent.

I'll try again with my Gmail address. It never hit in my AOL spam folder. AOL does actually block certain domains. Such is life I suppose.

Saturday August 18 23:37:50 2007
Re: Psych Tonight: Agam Darshi
Moraxian wrote:

> I'll try again with my Gmail address. It never hit in my
> AOL spam folder. AOL does actually block certain
> domains. Such is life I suppose.

Bingo! That worked. I have set it up and added the entry. Again, it's not really a D-i-D scene, but she is a very pretty lady, and the scene is very amusing (it is played for laughs, and they did a good job with it)

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