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Sunday September 16 00:48:51 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Slim Shady wrote:

> Ok, I wanted to see what the BIG deal was with Naomi
> Watts. So I went to imdb & looked her up. I repeat:
> What's the BIG deal about Naomi Watts? She's borderline
> pretty, why is everybody going crazy for her?
I've been surprised as well. I'd prefer Kate Winslet in that role, but Watts doesn't do much for me either. But neither does Natalie Portman, and she has a major following as well. Just personal taste.
Sunday September 16 01:50:49 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
SLJ wrote:

> "The Terror Among Us"
> you wouldn't think it would have
> grown to such mythological proportions by its modest
> entry in the database:
> Whereas scenes of no particular worth or mention
> sometimes have extremely long detailed descriptions

Sort of correct, "the system" changed abit.
At "283" Terror Among Us was entered in the 90's. Ones of that time were entered off Collector lists and were very blunt.
The majority (or verbal majority?) at the time just wanted to know "Gag", or "no Gag"

Offhand, (around 3000? series), is when Brian requested alittle more detailed descriptions. Which you've noticed
That said,
I did find this humourous:
**"the first entries added, back when there was a derth of scenes in the database, not an enormous amount like now, all struggling for signifigance."** :)
Jay L
Sunday September 16 02:02:38 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
JP wrote:

> Now, didn't she have on just about the TIGHTEST cleave
> gag you've ever seen??? It looked even tighter than the
> oft-mentioned Honor Blackman scene in THE AVENGERS.
> In fact, Pat's gag is so tight it almost looks painful.

That gag was so tight it almost drew her lower jaw back to touch her tonsils. Leo.
Sunday September 16 02:14:05 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Slim Shady wrote:

> Ok, I wanted to see what the BIG deal was with Naomi
> Watts. So I went to imdb & looked her up. I repeat:
> What's the BIG deal about Naomi Watts? She's borderline
> pretty, why is everybody going crazy for her?

I blame the close-to-nekkidness. Also the bondage.

> Also, what is the point of a shot-for-shot remake?

One word, cyically speaking; six letters, starts with "P" and ends with "ROFIT." Doesn't mean that it wasn't artistically worth doing as well.

> That's is so totally stupid. Remake it & put a slight
> spin on the story.

Like "everyone lives except for the bad guys"?

Seen that one often enough. The remake will not deliver it.
Sunday September 16 02:16:00 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Slim Shady wrote:
> Ok, I wanted to see what the BIG deal was with Naomi
> Watts. So I went to imdb & looked her up. I repeat:
> What's the BIG deal about Naomi Watts? She's borderline
> pretty, why is everybody going crazy for her?

As in life, its always a matter of opinion on what defines borderline pretty. All I know is I am sure glad I have 20-20 vision. Borderline looks mighty damn fine to me.

Nite Owl
Sunday September 16 02:20:21 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Rocky wrote:

> I've looked, but I still haven't seen a gag.

I just watched this trailer about a dozen times full screen on my 19" monitor and slowed it down to the "slow" speed setting to get a better look.

The good: She looks great in the undies all tied up but looks like her lips are moving at the end of that clip.

The bad: I don't see any evidence of a gag in any of these shots. We'll have to wait for the release or until better publicity shots are released to know for sure.

The ugly: Let's hope her "respect for the director" was enough not to say "I'll do the film but I'm not getting gagged". That would be an epic disaster.
Sunday September 16 02:21:44 2007
zarchaic wrote:

> Of course, we do not mind when entire cities and families
> get wiped out in summer trash like Commando, War of the
> Worlds, Independence day and so on. Why - because the bad
> guys lose at the end !! Sometimes you sit through a movie
> although it is deeply distrurbing- then the director has
> served his purpose because he/she forces you to confront
> something that is very real and very scary.
> I think that is one reason why established actresses like
> Naomi do these movies and take the tight bondage and gags.

" . . . very real and very scary . . . ." Yeah, "very real" like having one moron use a freaking VCR remote to TURN BACK TIME AND SAVE HIS BOYFRIEND'S LIFE AFTER HE'S BEEN SHOTGUNNED TO DEATH. "Very real" that.

If you want to make movies about the realistic terrors of senseless, random violence and death, make THE ZODIAC or THE EXECUTIONER'S SONG. Or, if you prefer fiction, SE7EN (which was about, oh, three thousand times better and more effective than a turd like FUNNY GAMES).

Have you seen CACHE, another "riveting triumph" by the same overrated (and if you call him better than Ed wood, you're overrating him) writer/director? If anything, it's even MORE pathetic than GAMES, because in addition to being self-consciously artsy-fartsy, it's so soul-numbingly boring that one begins to long for inane TV commercials to break it up. And, naturally, since Haneke is so "brilliant and visionary," it has no ending, either.

Bemoan the existence and acceptance of violence in popular films if you wish, but if you're going to thrust "the real thing" up close and personal into the viewer's faces, at least have the fortitude to leave out the fantasy bits. It's a mite disingenuous to illustrate your vision of "reality" by breaking the fourth wall.

Unless he's done better work than the two piles of crap I've seen, Haneke is hovering around Uwe Boll territory as far as I'm concerned. Hey, maybe he sees GAMES as his very own "realistic" BLOODRAYNE. Leo.
Sunday September 16 03:04:38 2007
Funny Games remake
Because I know that the fate of innocents can affect people's enjoyment of a bondage scene, I'd point out that The Vanishing was remade in America by its original director, and with significant changes made in order to provide a happy ending. I certainly wouldn't be surprised to see something of the same here.
Sunday September 16 06:06:56 2007
site update
Sunday September 16 06:38:33 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Slim Shady wrote:
> > Ok, I wanted to see what the BIG deal was with Naomi
> I've been surprised as well. I'd prefer Kate Winslet in
> that role, but Watts doesn't do much for me either. But
> neither does Natalie Portman, and she has a major
> following as well. Just personal taste.

I think you have a point in that Kate WInslet would do fantastic for the role. Absolute hot Mama type. Also if you look at the trailer, Tim Roth - dad - looks pretty old and haggard - so maybe Kate would look a bit more mature than NAomi,who looks like a teenager at times.

But she is a good actress, and that is why I like her.
Sunday September 16 08:32:07 2007
Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow
I think Naomi Watts' chloroform scene in "King Kong" was enough for me (a real gem for chloro-fans!). It feels sad that Naomi will be in this remake, instead of being in a straight-forward bondage scene. Still, I'll be happy to see Watts being tortured that way. I hate her. She's too damn beautiful!

Now, I have a few questions about the movie "The Crow". Sorry for putting two topics in one post, but double-posting is discouraged here, so...

Anyway, I've read the original draft of "Crow"'s screenplay (though I haven't seen the movie yet) and found two duct-tape B&G scenes: one for a secretary in the beginning of the movie, and one for a character called "Elly".

I searched the DB and found nothing except a cleave-gag scene that wasn't in the screenplay!

I've also read that the secretary scene was filmed, but cut out, and it can be found in the DVD extras. If Brandon Lee wasn't killed on set, maybe we could have gotten the second scene as well (though there seems to be no character called "Elly" in the final cut).
This is what Abel
Sunday September 16 08:38:47 2007
Leo wrote:

> It's a mite disingenuous to illustrate
> your vision of "reality" by breaking the fourth
> wall.

So by interjecting oneself into reality, one has negated it for the audience? How does that work?

I'm a broken-fourth-wall fan, is all.

> Unless he's done better work than the two piles of crap
> I've seen, Haneke is hovering around Uwe Boll territory
> as far as I'm concerned.

Well, see, now you've played the Uwe Boll card, which is basically the Godwin's Law of film criticism, and I clearly have no choice but to surrender, at least until I've gotten a bit more sleep. Curse you, Leo.
Sunday September 16 09:02:40 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow

"No more drugs for that man."
Sunday September 16 10:56:51 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow
Raffish wrote:

> Brilliant.
> "No more drugs for that man."

Well, this is from Face/Off, not "The Crow"... HEY! Are you referring to me? That I'm the one who's on drugs? Well, thanks a lot, Raf! You're breaking my heart... literally :( Then again, what did you mean by writing "brilliant"? You mean, my post? Or me? Or my thoughts? Oh, well...

Anyway, how about "The Crow"? Can anyone with that special DVD edition confirm that? The "deleted scene" with the secretary, I mean. I could use some serious help here!

Also, is anyone interested in the Naomi Watts chloroform scene? I could post the clip in the Video Page, if you want.
This is what Abel
Sunday September 16 11:52:49 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow
>Abel wrote
> Also, is anyone interested in the Naomi Watts chloroform
> scene? I could post the clip in the Video Page, if you want.

That would be great. What movie is it from? Is it in the new Funny Games ?

Gaz P
Sunday September 16 11:53:44 2007
Re: days kate gets it
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Sunday September 16 11:54:37 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow
Also, is anyone interested in the Naomi Watts chloroform scene

Yes, please!
Sunday September 16 11:54:46 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow
This is what Abel wrote:

> Sorry for putting two topics in one post, but
> double-posting is discouraged here, so...


The Moderator
Sunday September 16 11:56:55 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow

This is not a general movie discussion site. Let's cut
down on this business about reality or lack thereof
regarding these films.

Yeah, I know some people feel it affects their enjoyment
of the topical parts, but I don't care. Let's return
to the main focus of the forum or I'll start taking
the usual measures.

The Moderator
Sunday September 16 12:07:25 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Raffish wrote:

> Howzabout a nice update of Thoroughly Modern Millie?

Oh, sure, do it as a period piece with Maggie Gyllenhaal in the lead -- she certainly has the look. Christina Ricci or Drew Barrymore have the look, too.

Or do an updated version, with a modern daffy type in the lead -- how about Kate Winslet? She does daft pretty good.

And at least in the update, redo the slave pen scene with all the slaves bound and gagged and crammed into one tiny cage, writhing around as they try to get comfortable, with Our Heroine scheduled to be next. You could even have a scene where she escapes because, when the villains try to get our (bound, gagged and naked) heroine in there, theres' no room. It's comedy gold!

Oh, I doubt if you'd get full nudity outside of Skinamax. Maybe thong undies, then. Standard slaver issue.
Pat Powers
Sunday September 16 12:13:46 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
MT wrote:

> The bad: I don't see any evidence of a gag in any of
> these shots. We'll have to wait for the release or until
> better publicity shots are released to know for sure.

I'm pretty sure James from India reported seeing a gag in a trailer at about the 1:59 mark ... at least, I thought that was what he was referring to.
Pat Powers
Sunday September 16 12:31:46 2007
Re: Benifit From Shot-for-sShot Remakes?
Jay L wrote:

Record number: 11425

Title: Jin shi pei yu, xiang gang qing ye (2002) aka
Perfect Education 3
Medium: Movie
Actress: Kana Ito

Description: This installment from the series of Perfect
Education movies was made in Hong Kong, unlike all of the
other movies which were made in Japan. During a school
field trip Ai (Kana Ito) leaves her hotel to wonder in
the city. As night falls she takes a taxi only to be
kidnaped by Bo, a lonely Chinese taxi driver. He takes
her to the countryside and locks her in a cabin. At
minute 9:30 he binds Ai’s wrists behind her back with
broad rope. She has been cleaved gagged with a white
cloth and throws her in the bed. He gets in the bed next
to her and embraces her to keep her next to him so she
won’t escape. The following morning he leaves her bound,
alone, while he goes to work. We see nice close ups of
her gagged lovely face. She easily passes her bound
wrists down her unbound feet and brings her arms up
front. She removes the gag and gets rid of the ropes that
bind her. Although she remains her prisoner for the rest
of the movie, she is never again seen tied up and she eventually falls for his kidnaper, the common theme of these movies.

Sunday September 16 13:06:19 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Pat Powers wrote:

> Raffish wrote:
> Howzabout a nice update of Thoroughly Modern
> Millie?
> do an updated version, with a modern daffy type in the
> lead -
> doubt if you'd get full nudity outside of Skinamax.
> Maybe thong undies

Sort of-
'lovable/sorta ditzy" drugged, tied in small cage. (no gag yet?). Wearing a mini and as cage small, legs bent at knee, skirt riding way up thighs. Not yer thong, but take what can get.
When I get a title- fire it over to you on email. Unless? Can use peer pressure to get it up on a certain Gag-loving Site

I once saw (reenactment?) show about Speck with bra/panties but not hogtied. The later movie, which had hogtie and spectacular squirm job by one actress wearing a slip-dress.
So agree a bra/thong is the best you're going to get on TV
Jay L
Sunday September 16 13:48:52 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
MT wrote:

> Rocky wrote:

> I've looked, but I still haven't seen a gag.

> The bad: I don't see any evidence of a gag in any of
> these shots.

> The ugly: Let's hope her "respect for the
> director" was enough not to say "I'll do the
> film but I'm not getting gagged". That would be an epic disaster.

Unnecessary worry I think.

I believe this is on topic (spoilers). There is no gag in the trailer and no gag in the promo photos. But for the film it has been stated dozens of times that it is a shot by shot remake and a behind the scenes photo was released months back showing the (only?) gag scene in the movie, the scene where they take her to the boat and dump her in the water tape gagged. In fact, they use the same light brown packing tape wrapped all the way around her head and she is dressed in the exact same raingear (all a turn off).

I saw the original 9 years ago so I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure there is only one gag scene (the boat) in the entire film. The film was (and probably still will be) a turn off and the original wife in the first film was not attractive, a casting choice that was clearly intentional.

Sunday September 16 13:49:17 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow, 24
The Moderator wrote:
> What?

Well, every time I post, the message "DON'T DOUBLE POST" appears on screen. However, with so many people violating this law lately, it seems that even you have forgotten about it!

By the way, the chloro-clip with Watts is NOT from "Funny Games"; it's from the extras of the Three-Disc Extended Edition of "King Kong".

I KNEW that collecting all those huge box-sets with their gazillion discs would come in handy sometime. I am now waiting for "24: Season Six", which will hopefully deliver something more for Kim Raver in the delicious "extended scenes" that have been in the discs since Season 2 (I can't believe they skipped that in the first season). So far, I haven't seen anything in the deleted scenes of the last four seasons (just more putz scenes with Jack Bauer and his gang), but that won't stop me!

This is what Abel
Sunday September 16 14:07:30 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow
This is what Abel wrote:

> Raffish wrote:
> > Brilliant.
> >
> > "No more drugs for that man."
> Well, this is from Face/Off, not "The Crow"...
> HEY! Are you referring to me? That I'm the one who's on
> drugs? Well, thanks a lot, Raf! You're breaking my
> heart... literally :( Then again, what did you mean by
> writing "brilliant"? You mean, my post? Or me?
> Or my thoughts? Oh, well...

Honestly, all of the above. And they were the good drugs, and Face/Off and The Crow are pretty much the same AW3S0M3 movie, and I should have explained myself more, except that I was trying to avoid the moderator getting cranky.

Whoops. Too late.
Sunday September 16 15:17:03 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
The film Eastern Promises is out now and looks promising for Naomi:

The film follows the mysterious and ruthless Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen), who is tied to one of London's most notorious organized crime families. His carefully maintained existence is jarred when he crosses paths with Anna (Naomi Watts), an innocent midwife trying to right a wrong, who accidentally uncovers potential evidence against the family...The search leads Anna into the core of a dangerous underground sex-trafficking business operated by London's Russian crime circle
Sunday September 16 15:17:58 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Jay L wrote:

> Raffish wrote:
> > Howzabout a nice update of Thoroughly Modern
> > Millie?
> >
> Sort of-
'lovable/sorta ditzy" drugged, tied in small cage.
(no gag yet?). Wearing a mini and as cage small, legs
bent at knee, skirt riding way up thighs. Not yer thong,
but take what can get.
When I get a title

Relentless Justice
Sunday September 16 15:24:42 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow
> Anyway, how about "The Crow"? Can anyone with
> that special DVD edition confirm that? The "deleted
> scene" with the secretary, I mean. I could use some
> serious help here!

On the special edition dvd of the crow there is a woman tied to a chair and tape gagged in the arcade before the bad guys burn it down.She gets saved by the Crow.
There is also a quik scene in creepshow 3 a quik close up shot of a kinda cute girl tape gagged
Sunday September 16 16:22:49 2007
SHM's back!
Hello everyone,

ShutHerMouth (SHM) is back in business! Check the site out for tape gagged damsels featured in the latest movies!

Just to kick things off, featured on the site is a lovely tape gagged Carrie-Anne Moss from Disturbia.

Content hosting is kindly provided by Raffish of Bondage Parade.

Enjoy, and webmasters, please kindly add me to your links. Anyone whom I've missed out in the Links Section, please let me know via E-Mail.


Sunday September 16 16:56:17 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I believe this is on topic (spoilers). There is no gag
> in the trailer and no gag in the promo photos. But for
> the film it has been stated dozens of times that it is a
> shot by shot remake and a behind the scenes photo was
> released months back showing the (only?) gag scene in the
> movie, the scene where they take her to the boat and dump
> her in the water tape gagged.

No, this is not the only gag scene in the movie. It's not even the best one. There are two gag scenes, and the one most of us are thinking about is the scene where the wife attempts to escape and is caught by the bad guys and brought back and she's tied and cleave-gagged with a HUGE wad of packing. Her jaws are held wide open and her cheeks are distended by it. It's removed onscreen and it looks like she's been gagged with Rosie O' Donnell's bloomers. I've never seen anything like it outside of commercial bondage videos, and not many commercial bondage videos match it. Believe me, the actress who was in that scene in the original either had a special commitment to the role, and had absolutely no clout and felt she HAD to do it, or she was really into it, because wearing a gag with that much packing had to have been an ordeal for any actress who's not into bondage.

That's the scene we're all kinda wondering about it. The wraparound tapegag? Nothing, by comparison.
Pat Powers
Sunday September 16 16:58:41 2007
Funny Games
There was a post from a number of months ago in which the poster reported that the NY Daily News printed a small still from Funny Games in which Naomi Watts is gagged in a boat.
Sunday September 16 17:18:59 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow, 24
This is what Abel wrote:

> The Moderator wrote:
> > What?
> Well, every time I post, the message "DON'T DOUBLE
> POST" appears on screen.

I think what he's talking about is not waiting to see if your post went through, and trying it again, thus winding up with the same thing posted more than once.

Maybe it should read "Don't DUPLICATE Post."
Sunday September 16 17:27:11 2007
Re: Naomi Watts, Funny Games, The Crow, 24
This is what Abel wrote:

> The Moderator wrote:
> > What?
> Well, every time I post, the message "DON'T DOUBLE
> POST" appears on screen. However, with so many
> people violating this law lately, it seems that even you
> have forgotten about it!

I don't think you understand what that means. Double
posting is reposting the same message more than once.
This happens when people think the first one didn't
go through or something, then you get a duplicate that
I have to do delete.

It has nothing to do with two different replies to the
the same original post.

The Moderator
Sunday September 16 18:12:05 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Raffish wrote:
> Okay, we should really stop talking about remaking movies
> in which our damsels don't live to see the closing
> credits. Howzabout a nice update of Thoroughly Modern Millie?

Or Better still, lets have a shot for shot Hollywood remake of Tie Me Up Tie Me Down. Come to that let's see a Bollywood version of Tie Me Up Tie Me Down

In fact in my opinion, every film producing nation should make their own version of TMUTMD, and then remake it every 10-15 years with a new lead actress.

moxx of balhoom
Sunday September 16 20:06:11 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
Pat Powers wrote:

> No, this is not the only gag scene in the movie. she's tied and cleave
> gagged with a HUGE wad of packing. Her jaws are held wide open and her > cheeks are distended by.
> That's the scene we're all kinda wondering about it.

Oh yeah, I guess I forgot because I didn't like the movie. But let me ask you, do you really think there is any chance that anyone in the new film thinks a "shot by shot" remake includes recreating the size of the packing in a gag? I think there is a good chance there will only be a thin cleave with no packing at all (or a small packing).

Sunday September 16 20:58:51 2007
Re: Naomi Watts
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> But let me ask you, do you really think there is
> any chance that anyone in the new film thinks a
> "shot by shot" remake includes recreating the
> size of the packing in a gag? I think there is a good
> chance there will only be a thin cleave with no packing
> at all (or a small packing).

I agree that it's problematical. On the one hand, it is a minor point, surely a cleave with or without packing would do as well.

On the other hand, in the one scene we HAVE seen, the gag is a wraparound tape gag, just like the one in the previous vrsion. Maybe the gag IS important to the director.

On the other hand, Naomi Watts is not an unknown. She might have some clout, some ability to say "No" to that much packing, or any packing at all. Or she might be all for it. We just don't know.

Hey, it could be worse. Could be Uma Thurman or Jessica Alba in the lead role. We'd know then.

Pat Powers
Sunday September 16 21:05:03 2007
Update - 9/16
Here is a rare large update. 3 new cap sets:

- Molly Sims in "Las Vegas" (a gag reel)
- Vanessa Marcil in "Las Vegas" (season finale)
- Gina Gershon in Palmetto

The Molly Sims set isn't bondage, but a rare footgag (versus handgag).
Gratefuldead Roger

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