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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Monday September 10 00:19:34 2007
Re: Law & Order: Loosie
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Abusive.
The Moderator
Monday September 10 00:20:34 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
JP wrote:

> Pardon the ignorance here, but what does MILF mean?

A rather foul acronym. Google for details.

The Moderator
Monday September 10 00:21:00 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
This post was deleted.

Poster: Pat Powers
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday September 10 00:41:56 2007
Canucks & Northern Yanks- Interesting OMNI Vid
How OMNI sometimes runs untitled vids at the end of the shows, and caught this Asian one- (or figure got it all?)

Starts off like that Niagara Falls Marineland Sea Park commercial like you've seen a million times - "Everyone loves the Belugas", with those funny looking fish swimming around a park with an Asian lady watching them.
Thought it an ad for that park,
but it not.
As it goes on there's a gal tied up in a car and a guy almost gets blown up

Figuring it some Asian mob movie with a Sea Park angle. Doesn't Japan have a huge Disney sea park?

So keep your heads up and I'll try and get an ID clip for Asian-wizard Blixen to ID
unless someone come and name it by what I put so far
Jay L
Monday September 10 04:06:29 2007
Re: Hallom foe
moxx of balhoom wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Out of interest has anyone seen this yet?
> Bit of a sore point with me but no. Despite glowing
> reviews and being touted as the 'must see British movie
> of the year' this film is almost impossible to find.
> There is only one cinema in the whole of Oxfordshire that
> seems to be showing it and that's too far away from me to
> justify the trip.

Really? My local "Cineworld" still has it for this week ,albeit for one performance,you should get outta the sticks my friend and get in to the civilised world..............[Joke!]

Seriously you must be unlucky with that.
Monday September 10 05:38:37 2007
Re: Hallom foe
Tone wrote:

> Really? My local "Cineworld" still has it for
> this week ,albeit for one performance,you should get
> outta the sticks my friend and get in to the civilised
> world..............[Joke!]
> Seriously you must be unlucky with that.

The worst part is, that Cineworld have been one of the biggest promotors of this film. Yet of the two Cineworld cinemas in my vicinity exactly ZERO are showing the film. I have my fingers crossed that one of them may still get it even if it's only for the Wednesday special
What about you? Did you see it? Anything to report?

moxx of Balhoom
Monday September 10 09:26:40 2007
Re: Hallom foe
moxx of Balhoom wrote:
> Anything to report?

So far, IMDb.com does not have anything about the USA release date for "Hallam Foe".

My guess is, we'll have to wait until this winter.
This is what Abel
Monday September 10 11:04:33 2007
Assitance with a film and a book
I've searched the db for this one but can't find it. I remember seeing a black and white British film on tv in the late 70's. The plot had something to do with an heiress running off with the wrong crowd and her father or grandfather or father hiring a private detective (American I think) to go and bring her home. Upshot of interest to us was that the PI caught her, tied her up in a sleeping bag with fetching gag and brought her home in a horse box trailer. She of course fell in love with him and they lived happily in bondage ever after. Anyone know the film I mean?

Does anyone remember the title of the book with Harry Callaghan in it and masses of bondage?
Monday September 10 11:49:14 2007
Re: Assitance with a film and a book
paulkd44 wrote:

> Does anyone remember the title of the book with Harry
> Callaghan in it and masses of bondage?

I'm too tired to go up in my attic today, but are you talking about the "Dirty Harry" series of paperbacks written by the pen name Dane Hartman? The same writer who did the "Tyler Files," for House of Milan.

I have the bondage content "Dirty Harry" books in a box with the tyler files. If that's what you are talking about I can go check the title. I think the one with three or four kidnappings is called "The Long Death." Great mainstream bondage, and a good action book.
Monday September 10 11:50:32 2007
Re: Assitance with a film and a book
paulkd44 wrote:

> Does anyone remember the title of the book with Harry
> Callaghan in it and masses of bondage?

I have this one somewhere, going by memory and the wikipedia list of books I'd say it's The Long Death.

Monday September 10 12:44:35 2007
Re: Assitance with a film and a book
paulkd44 wrote:

I've searched the db for this one but can't find it. I
remember seeing a black and white British film on tv in
the late 70's. The plot had something to do with an
heiress running off with the wrong crowd and her father
or grandfather or father hiring a private detective
(American I think) to go and bring her home. Upshot of
interest to us was that the PI caught her, tied her up in
a sleeping bag with fetching gag and brought her home in
a horse box trailer. She of course fell in love with him
and they lived happily in bondage ever after. Anyone know
the film I mean?

Unfortunately don't know the title offhand

Monday September 10 12:53:09 2007
Re: Assitance with a film and a book

> I have the bondage content "Dirty Harry"
> books in a box with the tyler files. the
> one with three or four kidnappings is called "The
> Long Death." Great mainstream bondage, and a good >action book.

Written by Ric Meyers (AKA Dane Hartman, AKA Wade Barker, AKA probably a dozen others I don't know). Meyers is the unsung master of modern pulp, and a writer whose books very often deliver great scenes our way. Also highly reccomended: The "Ninja Master" series and "War of the Ninja Master: The Kohga Ritual".

Kid Monster
Monday September 10 14:35:53 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
JP wrote:

> I mean, they were acting like wearing
> ballgags was in the same category as getting wooden
> sticks shoved up your fingernails. They were THAT
> painful??? I know that as soon as they put them on they >all seemed to be practically writhing in pain.

The remaining female loved the treatment and mentioned something about like having things put into her mouth.

Val (the computer voice) described that if the tendons in the jaw remain stretched for sometime, then they tend to start to ache and provide discomfort to the person.

Monday September 10 15:01:07 2007
Re: Assitance with a film and a book
> http://www.majorjohns.com/request109.rm
Cool - thats the one. Many thanks

Monday September 10 15:24:08 2007
General Hospital…false alarm
Kelly Monaco is talking to the guy that gave her the hand gag. Looks like nothing for today.
Monday September 10 15:24:51 2007
Re: Assitance with a film and a book
(unsigned poster) wrote:

Cool - thats the one. Many thanks

Should have noted - thanks to 'Joe of London' for the original of that one.

Mai Li
Monday September 10 15:38:41 2007
The Magic Convention
I paid my $169 and went to that Magic Convention that we were alerted to here. Worth every penny. The magic was amazing, I enjoyed it all. I learned how to do a lot. But most interesting was the dealer room.

The booth that "WE" like had three girls strapped into Strait Jackets at all times. The girls changed, as did the type of jackets, giving us an excuse to keep returning to see what was new.

I have pics. How do I get them up here?
Monday September 10 16:33:54 2007
Re: Assitance with a film and a book
paulkd44 wrote:

> I've searched the db for this one
Surprisingly its not in the DB. Its from 1961 titled " No My Darling Daughter" The girl is Juliet Mills-Hayley's sister- and currently on the soap "Passions".
Monday September 10 17:07:26 2007
LARD's Lang of GAGGED Heroines Updated

LARD's Land of GAGGED Heroines has updated.

3 Old clips

1 New Clip

And new original art by Ed Coutts

Party on!
Monday September 10 17:16:00 2007
New Update and New DVD #19 !!
Monday September 10 17:27:12 2007
Goodbye, Jane Wyman
The veteran of a pair of World War II-era comedy tieups ("My Favorite Spy"-the 1942 Kay Kyser-Ellen Drew movie, not the later Bob Hope film-and "Make Your Own Bed" from 1944)-and, of course the first Mrs. Ronald Reagan, birth mother of the late and much-missed Maureen and adoptive mother of Michael-passed away today at 93.

What was mentioned here at the time of the former president's passing bears repeating: It's profound to contemplate that had Jane and Ronnie stuck it out, there'd now be a former First Lady in the database.

At any rate, although she didn't give us much, what she did give us was funny, and scenes like that are probably the best kind when you think about it. Tip a glass to her when you get a chance.
An Old Friend
Monday September 10 17:28:46 2007
Re: Goodbye, Jane Wyman
An Old Friend wrote:

> contemplate that had Jane and Ronnie stuck it out,
> there'd now be a former First Lady in the database.
Nancy (Davis) Reagan was an actress for many years. Possible something from her early work before she quit the business.
Monday September 10 17:41:23 2007
Re: The Magic Convention
Jacob wrote:

> The booth that "WE" like had three girls
> strapped into Strait Jackets at all times. The girls
> changed, as did the type of jackets, giving us an excuse
> to keep returning to see what was new.
> I have pics. How do I get them up here?

Put them at Jenni's site and then you can post a link to them here.

I believe that she allows hot links. If not, then post them there and post the address here.

I see that jenni has a few already so I put one of them in as an image here to see if it will work.

Or, just eMail them to me and I will do it for you:

Monday September 10 17:43:18 2007
Gabriella Passion
Hello! A scena in Italian-fiction-tv "Il Capitano 2" Friday 21 september channel sat Rai 2. The did is Gabriella Passion
Monday September 10 18:04:02 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
JP wrote:

> ...
> Also, the entire thing seemed a bit odd to me...the
> completely stunned looks & comments by the
> contestants when they first saw the ballgags...like they
> had never seen one before. I mean, I know not everyone
> is familiar with S & M gear but I though ballgags
> weren't probably all that unfamiliar to folks...and it
> seemed all 4 out of the 4 contestants were just shocked
> to see them...

They weren't unfamiliar with them they just didn't expect to see them there as I'm sure any of us would be: It was a 'Sexual deviant connotations on a reality show?' type of reaction. The annoying blonde even recognized it's use with her loaded quip: '..I've had a lot of things in my mouth..' or something to that effect.

> Pardon the ignorance here, but what does MILF mean?

The Moderator wrote:

> A rather foul acronym. Google for details.

Actually the acronym isn't foul it's the reference. It's meant for a 'polite reference' of a foul act (to some) in mixed company :)
Monday September 10 18:07:55 2007
Re: Law & Order: Loosie
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> "illustrative" commercial pics always seem to
> be facsimilies of bondage (loosies) and never the real
> thing. Makes me wonder about the creative direction
> subconscious, ie: fear of being too obvious and therefore not clever, or fear of the real thing and it's dark connotations. ...

It's just camp; taking an old stereotype (damsel and/or putz in distress) and turning it on it's ear by intentionally making it look cartoonish (loosie). That's all.

Monday September 10 19:06:56 2007
Re: Assistance with a book
> > I have the bondage content "Dirty Harry" books in a box with the tyler files. the one with three or four kidnappings is called "The Long Death." Great mainstream bondage, and a good action book.
> > >
> Written by Ric Meyers (AKA Dane Hartman, AKA Wade Barker, AKA probably a dozen others I don't know). Meyers is the unsung master of modern pulp, and a writer whose books very often deliver great scenes our way. Also highly reccomended: The "Ninja Master" series
Agreed; I have an autographed copy of "Dirty Harry #3: The Long Death", which he elected to sign as "Dane Hartman" since that was the pen name he'd used for the book.

The Ninja Master book (that I'm aware of) w/ the most bondage is "Ninja Master #2: Mountain of Fear" (by Wade Barker).
Monday September 10 19:15:49 2007
Re: Law & Order: Loosie
> It's just camp; taking an old stereotype (damsel and/or
> putz in distress) and turning it on it's ear by
> intentionally making it look cartoonish (loosie).

Taken from the Get Smart promo

Monday September 10 19:49:28 2007
Re: The Magic Convention
Jacob wrote:


Thank you Jacob.

Incredible. Clearly someone there is one of us :)
Monday September 10 20:06:02 2007
Nicky Whelan - Neighbours scene
This post was deleted.

Poster: anon22
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday September 10 20:09:38 2007
Re: The Magic Convention
This post was deleted.

Poster: Captureher
Reason: Erroneous advice.
The Moderator
Monday September 10 20:10:03 2007
Re: The Magic Convention
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Do not post HTML. Use the image boxes.
The Moderator
Monday September 10 20:12:17 2007
Re: The Magic Convention
Jacob wrote:

> I have pics. How do I get them up here?

See below.

The Moderator
Monday September 10 20:12:33 2007
solitary 2.0
This post was deleted.

Poster: steve
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday September 10 20:17:44 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
Captureher wrote:

> The Moderator wrote:
> > A rather foul acronym.

> Actually the acronym isn't foul it's the reference.

Oh really? Think about what the 'F' stands for in the

The Moderator
Monday September 10 20:36:16 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
The Moderator wrote:

> JP wrote:
> >
> > Pardon the ignorance here, but what does MILF mean?
> A rather foul acronym. Google for details.

Oh my goodness!
Okay, I get it. Man, I'd never heard of THAT one before!

Monday September 10 21:35:30 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
> > JP wrote:
> > > Pardon the ignorance here, but what does MILF
> mean?
> >
> Oh my goodness!
> Okay, I get it. Man, I'd never heard of THAT one
> before!
First time I heard it was on "ER" a couple of years ago--some teenage boy told Abby (Maura Tierney) that she was MILF-y, she asked what that meant, he said "Mother I'd Like to F..."; she cut him off, somewhat amused.
Rich McGill
Monday September 10 21:40:52 2007
Re: The Magic Convention
Wylie wrote:

> Put them at Jenni's site and then you can post a link to
> them here.
address, please.
Rich McGill
Monday September 10 22:45:41 2007
Re: Solitary 2.0
Rich McGill wrote:

> >
> First time I heard it was on "ER" a couple of
> years ago--some teenage boy told Abby (Maura Tierney)
> that she was MILF-y, she asked what that meant, he said
> "Mother I'd Like to F..."; she cut him off,
> somewhat amused.

She is hot. She had a decent scene in Oxygen, but I'd like to have seen her in more DiD predicaments.
Monday September 10 22:48:50 2007
I was trying to remember the name of a Turkish film that features several guys (believed they worked on a ship) who kidnap a girl, possibly a hooker, and take her with them. I believe someone posted caps or a clip once but there doesn't seem to be anything in the database. Any help?
Monday September 10 23:04:07 2007
Dragoncon bondage
Thought you might enjoy this image from the Dragoncon 2007 parade. The damsel actually incorporated bondage into her costume. Nice.

Face blurred to protect the probably innocent.
Pat Powers

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