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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday September 29 00:17:21 2007
Re: ID-Clip ID'd
Got an ID for that passaround clip "Korean Chloro" which is really more of a handgag than a chloro. So you can rename:

"Time Between Dog & Wolf"
and Miss Stiletto Heel to the foot is apparently "Nam Sang-mi"
Nam Sang-Mi the Spy Girl, but this not "The Spy Girl".

Possibilities? Yes. But a *warning*
This a soppy romance.
Carrying on from this scene, Nam Sang-Mi's kidnappers grabbed and B&G'd that fat guy by mistake. One *kick* for screwing up?
I mean, the kidnappers are down in front of the boss with the knife out and he doesn't demand any fingers? What the heck kind of Yakuza boss is that?

Keep this in mind before spending any money on until we get this checked out
Jay L
Saturday September 29 01:52:13 2007
hallbird wrote:

> Last time I get excited over one of these carryover
> bondage scenes.

Such a great scene last season it's hard to be upset that this was nothing tonight. Getting Marcil in a full treatment has been my top wish the last 3 TV seasons. FYI, here's an HQ promo pix from last season. This exact angle did not appear in the episode, with Marcil looking right into the camera with those eyes and sitting stil.
Saturday September 29 02:05:13 2007
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> hallbird wrote:
> > Last time I get excited over one of these carryover
> > bondage scenes.

They'll string this out over several episodes with the scenes with the shrink.

If we're lucky, we'll get some introspective.

That means enduring weeks of this crappy show, though. We'll pass in ...
The House of Le Bastard
Saturday September 29 02:35:56 2007
The House of Le Bastard wrote:

> If we're lucky, we'll get some introspective.
> That means enduring weeks of this crappy show, though.
> We'll pass in ...

Wouldn't mind seeing Molly Sims get the treatment but I'm done with this show as well. Mission accomplished.

Saturday September 29 04:41:28 2007
Great day in the morning!
I don't know if this will actually happen, or if it can approach how good it would be in my mind:

Saturday September 29 07:09:06 2007
Dakota Bound movie
nice damsel in distress movies, Fawnia has a nice big gun, here is a nice trailer NSFW http://www.boundheat.com/new/dakota_bound/movie_preview.html
Saturday September 29 07:14:29 2007
dakota bound
some pics from did movie have some fun, nice and sexy stuff NSFW
Saturday September 29 11:30:02 2007
any full treatment scene in rob zombie's new version of halloween? high
hopes for this movie given the great scenes rob gave us in house of 1000
corpses and the scenes in devils rejects.
Saturday September 29 11:56:29 2007
Lisa Wesley?
This post was moved to The Trading Forum.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Saturday September 29 11:58:41 2007
Re: halloween
ripley wrote:

> any full treatment scene in rob zombie's new version of
> halloween? high
> hopes for this movie given the great scenes rob gave us
> in house of 1000
> corpses and the scenes in devils rejects.

I would say probably not, given that the family in Devil's Rejects and House of 1000 Corpses enjoyed playing with and torturing their victims before killing them. Michael Meyers is more of a get straight down to business kind of killer.
Basing an opinion on the original Haloween films I would say the storyline doesn't point to seeing any b&g action.
Saturday September 29 12:10:54 2007
(unsigned poster) wrote:
> FYI, here's an HQ promo pix from last season. This exact
> angle did not appear in the episode, with Marcil looking
> right into the camera with those eyes and sitting stil.

The photo gallery linked below has 9 promo photos from the
Heroes episode of Las Vegas (end of last season).
8 of them are great high quality shots of Vanessa Marcil in her predicament.
Saturday September 29 12:14:19 2007
Re: halloween
MT wrote:

> Basing an opinion on the original Haloween films I would
> say the storyline doesn't point to seeing any b&g action.

Only record from a Halloween film:
Record number: 3324

Title: Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998) aka Halloween: H20
Medium: Movie
Actress: Michelle Williams

Description: In a disappointing scene, she is briefly handgagged by Josh Hartnet. However, it is pitch black in the room so the gagging is not visible, but she emits some mild mmpphs.
Saturday September 29 13:18:04 2007
A trivia question to ponder
Why should anyone here care about what the American Library Association, as part of its annual observance of Banned Books Week, which starts today, has announced are the most often-challenged books of the 21st century so far?

The reason is that those books-J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series, of course-have accounted for three database scenes up to now, with one more movie to go. In addition, I think someone here mentioned that there are happenings of interest to us in the books that didn't make their way onto film.

While it's tempting to dismiss the issue by asserting that the books aren't being challenged because of what's in them that appeals to us, we are simply opening the door to that possibility by doing so. Censors only become more emboldened when they are appeased, and those subject to their judgment less likely to risk coming down on the wrong side of it.

And along the lines of what I said last year, we should find no comfort in the fact that of the most challenged books of 2006, only one responsible for a database entry-Toni Morrison's perennially-assailed Pulitzer Prize winner "Beloved"-made the top ten. After all, I haven't read any of the other nine books; who's to say we wouldn't find anything worthy of note in any of them, or that no database scenes would result from their being filmed?

Freedom isn't free. And as our Founding Fathers intimately understood, the most dangerous threats to it always come from within.
Saturday September 29 14:31:19 2007
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The photo gallery linked below has 9 promo photos from
> the
> Heroes episode

Found this one on a fan site that also did not appear in the episode. Sam just tied, not gagged, in the trunk. Similar to the Jessica Alba pix from "Into the Blue" where she's tied and not gagged in the boat, yet she only appeared gagged in the boat scene.
Saturday September 29 14:32:11 2007
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Found this one on a fan site that also did not appear in
> the episode. Sam just tied, not gagged, in the trunk.

Maybe somebody (thank goodness) said "wait, shouldn't she be gagged?"
Saturday September 29 14:36:01 2007
Re: Great day in the morning!
DHT wrote:

> I don't know if this will actually happen, or if it can
> approach how good it would be in my mind:
> http://thebosh.com/archives/2006/07/madonna_planning_bonda
> ge_scene_with_lindsay_and_jessica.php

I believe that the awards show in question has been and gone long ago.
Saturday September 29 16:35:07 2007
Bionic Woman
At least a hands behind for Michelle Ryan this week - Wed. at 9 E NBC.

This show has tons of potential; thank god they didn't have to replace her breasts (see pic at link).
Saturday September 29 17:13:17 2007
Re: halloween
ripley wrote:

> any full treatment scene in rob zombie's new version of
> halloween?

There is no bondage in the Rob Zombie HALLOWEEN. However, at least one rape scene(!)was cut at the very last minute, and the movie was tinkered with quite a bit in the editing room, so it's not impossible that something could turn up on the DVD.
Kid Monster
Saturday September 29 18:39:59 2007
Very politically incorrect pic!

Saturday September 29 19:21:21 2007
Re: Bionic Woman
Knight Rider might also be coming back

Saturday September 29 19:53:52 2007
"Lust, Caution" scene?
Has anyone seen Ang Lee's controversial new film "Lust, Caution"? Many of you probably already heard about the explicit sex scenes, but only one reviewer that I've seen specified that the male lead takes the female lead against her will, securing her hands behind her and forcing himself on her. Worse, the reviewer angrily continues, she develops a rough relationship with him, having apparently enjoyed this first forceful encounter.
Since the film is rated NC-17, it's tough to find around here. Otherwise, I'll have to wait for the DVD to find out how far this goes.
The Kindly One
Saturday September 29 21:29:23 2007
What are the Dane Hartman books that have bound and gagged scenes in them?
I read a message that someone posted about a montha ago about several Dirty Harry novels with bound and gagged damsels in them by Dane Hartman. What are the titles of the books again I would appreciate it very much. Thanks.
Saturday September 29 22:15:21 2007
Re: What are the Dane Hartman books that have bound and gagged scenes in them?
AP wrote:

> What are the titles of
> the books again I would appreciate it very much. Thanks.

Please make use of the search feature.

The Engineer
Saturday September 29 22:50:05 2007
Out of order postings
I have wonder if anyone is receiving wierd postings (I have included an example at the end of my post). This tends to be occuring after just after I view the current days posts and then go to the previous days post. When I go back to todays, they too become rearranged. Notice the times and they are as I see them on the discussion page.

Saturday September 29 14:36:01 2007
Re: Great day in the morning!

Saturday September 29 02:35:56 2007

Saturday September 29 12:10:54 2007
Saturday September 29 23:06:19 2007
Re: Out of order postings
civil wrote:

> I have wonder if anyone is receiving wierd postings (I
> have included an example at the end of my post). This

Wierd. I just went back to the forum and my previous posted was listed in the middle of the page. If I close the tab but not internet explorer, today's posting are in correct order. When I select any other day in the above days, "bug" reoccurs. I currenly have no other way to see if it occurs on another machine. If no one else has this problem, it will help me narrow this to something I installed or did to my system. Sorry for the trouble, but I am have trouble following some of the postings.

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