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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday October 14 01:22:16 2007
Re: Scene Database
The Engineer wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > 13,000+ entries ain't too shabby
> The actual number of entries less than that, 11302.
> That's due to deletions.

I think if you do a recount its actually 11303...
Sunday October 14 01:29:16 2007
Re: Torchwood???
JP wrote:

> However, no gags were in
> evidence until a very short scene near the end, and it
> was of one of the guys ONLY. Miss Mori was never gagged
> that I saw.

> Anyone know for sure??

JP, I recorded it and then fast-forwarded through it later. I saw the same thing that you did. I did NOT see Naoko Mori gagged.

Sunday October 14 03:07:13 2007
This post was moved to Database Corrections.

Poster: JP
Reason: We'll get Jay L to contact the poster and look into this over there
The Moderator
Sunday October 14 06:52:10 2007
Re: Torchwood???
Methinks that, once again, we've been the victim of a jokester who thinks it's funny to post false scene info.

When will these idiots realize that (a) we take this stuff very seriously, and (b) it's been done, oh, about a thousand times before and lost all it's humor factor after about the 2nd time someone did it.

I'd very much like to meet one of these guys in person and see how funny they'd find a trip to the emergency room to have their keyboard removed from their rectal area to be.
An Old Grey Friend
Sunday October 14 07:18:28 2007
Re: Best "hair whipping around" scene?
> Can anyone name some good scenes that have the damsel putting up such an energetic struggle that her hair is whipping around?
Monie Ellis and Heather Lowe b&g'd in S.W.A.T. ("Lesson in Fear").

I wish this dramatic touch was added to more DiD scenes, but I can understand that to include the element would result in numerous "unnecessary" additional re-takes.
Sunday October 14 11:46:27 2007
Saw IV Clip
Cute blonde in distress:


Sunday October 14 11:49:43 2007
Re: Torchwood???
The Moderator wrote:

> This post was moved to Database Corrections.
> Poster: JP
> Reason: We'll get Jay L to contact the poster and
> look into this over there

Cool, thanks Mr. Mod. I almost did that but I posted here instead since I wasn't sure the episode I saw hadn't been edited & MAYBE a more complete version was out there!

Sunday October 14 13:01:33 2007
Re: Torchwood???
JP wrote:

> I wasn't sure the episode I saw hadn't
> been edited & MAYBE a more complete version was out
> there!

I sent the poster a message. I'll let you know his reply when I get it.

I'll probably add a red "Editor Warning" to that (12335) as well
Jay L

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