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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Wednesday October 31 00:54:42 2007
email addy
This post was moved to The Trading Forum.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Wednesday October 31 01:01:34 2007
Re: Awsome Battle of The Haunted Houses
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Juilus wrote:
> OK - I guess I can't post the pics here. I will put them
> at Jenni's site. Grab them there.

Because "Jenni" does not have a publicly accessable site,
further mention of it will be off-topic from now on.

We go through this every time it gets mentioned, and
it's rather tiresome.

The Moderator
Wednesday October 31 01:44:08 2007
Re: Awsome Battle of The Haunted Houses
Van wrote:

> Uh... who the hell is "Jenni"?

I thought it was Malkin? I checked FOX channel but couldn't find a Malkin site.
(In California now, that's Nabby!) Guessed wrong. ;)

I figured you knew everyone Van?

**** URL? ****

This is from one of those "Dallas scaregrounds" Haunted Houses


From the "Characters" section


and read of a "House of 1000 Corpses" scene at one of them, but google.ca sucks as usual
Jay L
Wednesday October 31 02:06:28 2007
Re: Timber Falls
Steve a wrote:

> Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but looks
> like new horror film Timber Falls has a full treatment
> scene for the hot actress...

IMDB lists very hot Brianna Brown as the lead actress.
Found this photo also. Looks like 2 scenes.
There is a detailed synopsis of the film, if you search IMDB for Timber Falls.

Wednesday October 31 02:13:17 2007
Re: Awsome Battle of The Haunted Houses
> read of a "House of 1000 Corpses" scene at
> one of them,


Got sidetracked by all the Hooter girls with the spooks.
Jay L
Wednesday October 31 02:36:43 2007
Anyone Remember . . . ?
. . . an old scene from a television series (or a televised movie) featuring a woman trapped inside one of those old-fashioned, personalized reducing steam cabinets? You know, the ones in which only the user's head protrudes, making (her) resemble a bodiless woman in the sideshows of years past?

I faintly remember seeing some cute gal in this predicament a long time back, when no more than a kid myself, but I can't for the life of me come up with either the title of the material or the name of the actress thus trapped.

All I know is that even today, when I see an image of a sweaty feminine face propped atop one of those invariably white, washing machine-like devices, I feel the old stirrings once more. Leo.
Wednesday October 31 02:42:15 2007
Re: Spooks scene
DAK wrote:

> Gag Fan wrote:
> > gag scene on spooks tonight on bbc3.
> This girl looks to be a hottie- nice cleave, too.

Hopefully it'll turn out better than the first cleave-gagged blond hottie they had back in Series 1. Yikes.
Wednesday October 31 07:34:14 2007
Anybody have any clips from this one?
Wednesday October 31 11:30:08 2007
Anyone seen this ?
Wednesday October 31 12:40:33 2007
ˇFeliz Halloween!
From the crimson ghost!
Wednesday October 31 12:53:27 2007
Re: upChuck
Captureher wrote:

> *Beginning a candlelight vigil for Yvonne Strahovski to
> receive The Total Treatment while wearing her 'Serving
> Wench' outfit before this series meets it's inevitable
> demise.*

Out of everytime she had her hands bound, how could they have not had her in trouble when she was wearing her Leia slave outfit.
Wednesday October 31 13:06:05 2007
Lynn Herring Bound and Gagged
Any other scenes where a non-tape/gauze gag is wrapped multiple times around a damsel's head?
Wednesday October 31 14:40:55 2007
Indy Teaser Trailer (Rumours)
Paramount Logo

Black screen

We hear a low buzzing

Shot of a mass of big jeeps crossing the desert

Fade to black

JIM BROADBENT: There are many secrets in this world...

Shot of a wooden box being loaded onto a loader

fade to black

JIM BROADBENT: ..that man was not meant to discover!

Shot of the Ark being lifted out of its confinds as military scientists watch in awe.

fade to black

A shot of the lid being lifted off the ark

cut to black

Cut to Indy and Jim in a university hallway

JIM BROADBENT: There are others who seek the power of the ark now!

cut to black

Shot of Indy leaving the university, looks like he's being watched

Shot a woman in a white dress stepping from a vehicle

CATE: Your services are required Dr Jones

Shot of Cate talking to Indy, she opens a box revealing a Crystal skull

INDIANA: Im sorry i Cant help you!!

Shot of Marion tied up in the back of a vehicle kicking and screaming. The door opens and Indy reacts.

CATE: Your reward...is her life!

INDIANA: Marion!

Shot of a ship crossing the ocean

Massive shot of Indy and Ray winstone in a temple

Shot of Shia fighting next to rotating blades

Shot of a huge Mayan city

Shot of Indy racing through catacombs

Shot of Cate slapping Marion, Marion slaps her back.

Shot of Cate by the crystal skull alter, a fleet of soldier behind her, we can just see the ark,
she places a crystal skull down!

Shot of Jim Broadbent looking very worried.

Shot of A Mayan temple exploding with the power of the Ark

Shot of Indy and Shia swinging across A huge ravine walls collapsing around them. Shia slips at the edge. Indy grabs his Hand.


Shot of Marion punching Indy

INDY: I should have seen that coming!


From Dark Horse!

I love Indy, it's through Indy that I got into pulp and through pulp that I started getting the first twinges behind my Chewbacca underpants.

I'm stoked for this film and if no bondage happened it wouldn't matter and after hearing about Karen Allen's fear of being bound and gagged in the first.


However this is all rumour and hearsay

But still!!!!

Fortune and Glory Kid, Fortune and Glory!
Wednesday October 31 15:22:16 2007
Re: Indy Teaser Trailer (Rumours)
> I'm stoked for this film and if no bondage happened it
> wouldn't matter and after hearing about Karen Allen's
> fear of being bound and gagged in the first.

Apparently Karen has give Spielberg the thumbs up to bondage
Wednesday October 31 15:45:01 2007
Re: Indy Teaser Trailer (Rumours)
Fortune and Glory Kid, Fortune and Glory! wrote:

> Paramount Logo
> {Snip}
> INDIANA: Im sorry i Cant help you!!
> Shot of Marion tied up in the back of a vehicle kicking
> and screaming. The door opens and Indy reacts.
> CATE: Your reward...is her life!
> INDIANA: Marion!
> {Snip}
> However this is all rumour and hearsay
But still!!!!

Okay, where *exactly* did you see, hear, &/or *browse* this "rumour"? URL? It's not that we think you're *MAKING* *IT* *UP* or anything, but this sounds suspiciously like a DAYDREAM I've been having for the last four months, and if that's the case, I demand imaginary royalties! ;-)
Wednesday October 31 17:37:43 2007
MD Update
Andrea invites you all to a party at "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Dan".

I mean, updates there are rare enough, aren't they?
Mad Dan
Wednesday October 31 18:07:44 2007
Site Update
Although it's a day early, I updated my site for November. I've got 'caps from Hostel 2, Rise: Blood Hunter, and Shallow Ground. I also have Chapter Two of the new Ryta The JUngle Girl story up. And I have two new Poser pics--one of which has been inspired by Hostel 2.

Happy Halloween, folks!
Doug R
Wednesday October 31 18:13:45 2007
Re: Site Update
Doug R wrote:

Good stuff - your links page is about 5 yrs out of date though
Wednesday October 31 18:19:42 2007
Re: Indy Teaser Trailer (Rumours)
Van wrote:

> Fortune and Glory Kid, Fortune and Glory! wrote:
> > Paramount Logo
> > {Snip}
> > INDIANA: Im sorry i Cant help you!!
> > Shot of Marion tied up in the back of a vehicle
> kicking
> > and screaming. The door opens and Indy reacts.
> > CATE: Your reward...is her life!
> > INDIANA: Marion!
> > {Snip}
> > However this is all rumour and hearsay
> But still!!!!
> Okay, where *exactly* did you see, hear, &/or
> *browse* this "rumour"? URL? It's not that we
> think you're *MAKING* *IT* *UP* or anything, but this
> sounds suspiciously like a DAYDREAM I've been having for
> the last four months, and if that's the case, I demand
> imaginary royalties! ;-)
> http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/

Van, I am never one to betray Shiva

I think the link should be attached to this post if not it's on Dark Horizons


So - nope, I'm not making it up but that's no guarantee that somebody isn't
Fortune and Glory Kid, Fortune and Glory!
Wednesday October 31 19:24:03 2007
Re: Awsome Battle of The Haunted Houses
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Hey, I'm removing this one too.
The Moderator
Wednesday October 31 20:29:39 2007
Re: Indy Teaser Trailer (Rumours)
Fortune and Glory Kid, Fortune and Glory! wrote:

> I think the link should be attached to this post if not
> it's on Dark Horizons
> http://www.darkhorizons.com/news07/071030g.php
> So - nope, I'm not making it up but that's no guarantee
> that somebody isn't

Thanks! Sources are important for stuff like this. Otherwise, you can find yourself lumped in with the spammers and trolls. ;-)

...and lets all hope "...Marion tied up in the back of a vehicle kicking and screaming" *reall* means "...Marion tied up in the back of a vehicle kicking and *M'MMPHING*". :-D
Wednesday October 31 20:38:58 2007
Re: Indy Teaser Trailer (Rumours)
Van wrote:

> Thanks! Sources are important for stuff like this.
> Otherwise, you can find yourself lumped in with the
> spammers and trolls. ;-)

No worries I put Dark Horse but obviously the new comic book series that's planned befuddled me and I meant From Dark Horizons.

Fortune and Glory Kid, Fortune and Glory!
Wednesday October 31 22:11:42 2007
Criminal Minds
Blonde gets handgagged around the 37' mark, nothing other than that.
Wednesday October 31 22:51:42 2007
Re: Site Update
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Doug R wrote:
> Good stuff - your links page is about 5 yrs out of date
> though<<

Thanks very much!

And now that you mention it--you're right. The links page is painfully out of date. I'll fix it ASAP. Thanks for pointing that out.

Doug R

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