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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Thursday August 02 00:19:52 2007
Re: talking about it
moxx of balhoom wrote:

> Yoyo wrote:
> > Another poster mentioned this .. on Big Brother the
> other
> > night, Zach is describing a comic book convention he
> went
> > to where some ladies came out in fetish gear. He
> > describes their bondage clothing, and turns to the
> > ultrahot Danielle and says they were wearing
> "your
> > favorite" ballgags. Makes you think that
> somewhere
> > in the house earlier Danielle mentioned ballgags.
> Um Who's Danielle? There is (was) a chanelle, but no
> Danielle. don't recall the ball gag reference so I can't
> say if that's who you are thinking of, though Chanelle
> did not seem the Ball gag type.
> In fact the only housemate with an interest in S&M as
> far as i know is Gerry. (although new girl shanessa has
> apparantly worked as a dom)
> Just to clear those nasty thoughts from your mind there
> was some lovely playful footage in last weeks Diary Room
> Uncut of one of the twins handgagging her sister. Even
> that was Nothing to write home about though

I believe you are mistaken. There is no chanelle or gerry this season. There is a blonde named danielle who is the daughter of evel, the tommy lee wannabe, also on the show. There are no twins this season. You must be watching another show or the wrong season. I believe this is Big Brother 8, and I watched the conversation mentioned above. It did occur.
Thursday August 02 00:58:31 2007
Re: Young & Restless
Jay L wrote:

> Scanned her through. Looks like the guy the only one
> remained gagged today Jeff,

Cool, thanks for the head's up (or "down" in this case!!!) on tomorrow's episode!!!

Thursday August 02 01:00:34 2007
Re: As the World Turns
Wreckless Eric wrote:

> Previews for tomorrow showed Terri Colombino being
> handgagged from behind. Not sure what current idiotic
> storylines are going on, but it may be worth a look.

Also, while watching the Young & Restless today, they showed a preview of a young lady getting handgagged by some mysterious guy "from her past" on Guiding Light. I *think* it was for next week, as I believe I heard them say "Guiding Light Tuesday". Not sure on that though. I'll have to replay later & pay better attention this time!

Thursday August 02 01:15:56 2007
Re: As the World Turns
Wreckless Eric wrote:

> Previews for tomorrow showed Terri Colombino being
> handgagged from behind. Not sure what current idiotic
> storylines are going on, but it may be worth a look.

She's put on a ton of weight in the last couple of years and it's showing.
Thursday August 02 05:47:07 2007
Re: talking about it
jr wrote:

> I believe you are mistaken. There is no chanelle or gerry
> this season. There is a blonde named danielle who is the
> daughter of evel, the tommy lee wannabe, also on the
> show. There are no twins this season. You must be
> watching another show or the wrong season. I believe this
> is Big Brother 8, and I watched the conversation mentioned above. It did occur.

My bad!

I think we are talking at cross purposes, I assumed for some reason the original poster was referring to the British Big Brother (also in year 8),I hadn't actually realised the US BB had started - so it's a summer thing over there as well is it?

My apologies for butting in it was not my intention to mislead or confuse anybody. But for the record over here we do have blonde twin girls on the show this year - very nice girls they are too, in every sence of the word - and last week one of them did handgag her sister in the diary room (albeit badly)

Hope that makes everything clear.
moxx of Balhoom
Thursday August 02 05:49:12 2007
Talking about it! - Big Brother
Ah, i see the reason for my confusion now, We have a Zac/ Zach on our show too, slightly different spelling but the same name.
moxx of Balhoom
Thursday August 02 07:05:22 2007
Re: New Clip and New DVD #18
Van wrote:

> *I know* it's only a movie, but what well-adjusted person
> wants to watch another human being be cruely tortured?
> You can put frosting and sprinkles on a steaming turd,
> but that doesn't make it dessert.
> http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/

I do, Mr. High and Mighty. At least I can admit it. You know you're watching it over and over again...lol

Not that it's morally acceptable to enjoy women in captivity...but you still do. So what's that say about you?

Don't feel bad. We all like it. That's why we're here.
Thursday August 02 07:08:19 2007
Re: What scene from other media would you like to see on film/TV?
> what scene from comics, books, Internet stories, etc., would you like to see made into movies? Surely there's some fave from literature or erotica or comics or something that would work.
A scene missing from "9-1/2 Weeks" the movie that was a chapter in the book:

She's tied AOH, nearly on tiptoes. When she finally says, "Listen, I can't stand it, really..."

He goes into the bedroom, returning with two handkerchiefs. One he stuffs in her mouth, and ties the second one tightly across it. "Sixty Minutes" begins on the TV set, and is when it is over she is still B&g. She begins to cry.

He leaves the room, returning with a bottle of bath oil. He begins to rub oil into her neck and armpits. He massages her breasts, then her stomach in a circular motion. He spreads her legs, and locking his eyes three inches from hers, his fingers slippery with oil, brings her to climax. Then he unties her, and they make love standing up. He puts her to bed, and he bathes her face with a washcloth.

Now if THAT scene had been in the movie, the audience (those who hadn't read the book) would've had a better idea of what erotic D/S is about.
Thursday August 02 07:57:58 2007
West Coast Alert: La Estrambotica Anastasia
Just caught this scene on Telefutura (see alert posted). Very cute girl is chloroformed by the resident madman about 30 minutes in. Various scenes as she is carried OTS and tossed in the back of a vehicle. In last 10 minutes, she is shown bound and gagged with duct tape to a chair as the villain videotapes her. Scene should continue tomorrow (Friday 8/3/07). Not sure of damsel ID, but she's smoking hot, wearing tight white t-shirt and tight blue jeans. Excellent close up of her gag in the final scene. Hopefully, there will be more of the same in tomorrow's scene.
Thursday August 02 09:04:59 2007
The Bill tonight. UK transmission.
DC Jo Masters (Sally Rogers) is held hostage by a suspect she's been trailing. Sorry about poor, small image from Radio Times.

The Bill, ITV1, 20.00-21.00. UK transmission only.
Mad Dan
Thursday August 02 10:38:00 2007
The Signal
Has a scene and looks like a good film also. In theaters August 10th.

Thursday August 02 10:57:59 2007
Re: New Clip and New DVD #18
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Van wrote:
> > *I know* it's only a movie, but what well-adjusted
> person
> > wants to watch another human being be cruely
> tortured?
> > You can put frosting and sprinkles on a steaming
> turd,
> > but that doesn't make it dessert.
> > http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/
> I do, Mr. High and Mighty. At least I can admit it. You
> know you're watching it over and over again...lol
> Not that it's morally acceptable to enjoy women in
> captivity...but you still do. So what's that say about
> you?
> Don't feel bad. We all like it. That's why we're here.

Actually, I watched the clip once, then deleted it. "Women in captivity" and graphic depictions of mutilation and torture are the same? I know the "Damsel-in-Distress" thing is complicated, but I also know that it's different from torture-porn. Apparently, you can't recognize that difference... so what's that say about you?
Thursday August 02 11:54:57 2007
Re: torture porn
Van wrote:

> Actually, I watched the clip once, then deleted it.
> "Women in captivity" and graphic depictions of
> mutilation and torture are the same? I know the
> "Damsel-in-Distress" thing is complicated, but
> I also know that it's different from torture-porn.
> Apparently, you can't recognize that difference... so
> what's that say about you?

Many ifn ot most DiD scenes feature an implication that the DiD will be killed, raped or otherwise harmed during the course of her captivity if she doesn't get rescued/released. Perhaps it is not to your taste that the damsel gets tortured, but I don't see how that's so much worse than what a serial killer does to his victims.

Me, I just stop rolling tape when the torture/killing starts. It's not at all to my liking. Heck I skip over the flogging/caning parts of commercial bondage videos for the same reason. But I don't ascribe a moral quality to my dislike. If I was so frigging moral I prolly wouldn't like bondage either.

Anyway, to the mainstream we're all pretty much the same. I know of another board that has had 3 current or former Brianspagers on it who have admitted to their bondage fantasies. Two of us have been accused of being rapists. I'm sure the third only escaped rapist charges because she was female and liked being tied up. Whereas the only one of us that admitted to liking rape fantasies was ... the female. She was accused of being mentally unbalanced, of course.
Pat Powers
Thursday August 02 12:35:28 2007
Re: torture porn
Pat Powers wrote:

> Van wrote:
> > Actually, I watched the clip once, then deleted it.
> > "Women in captivity" and graphic depictions of
> > mutilation and torture are the same? I know the
> > "Damsel-in-Distress" thing is complicated, but
> > I also know that it's different from torture-porn.
> > Apparently, you can't recognize that difference... so
> > what's that say about you?
> http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/
> Many ifn ot most DiD scenes feature an implication that
> the DiD will be killed, raped or otherwise harmed during
> the course of her captivity if she doesn't get
> rescued/released. Perhaps it is not to your taste that
> the damsel gets tortured, but I don't see how that's so
> much worse than what a serial killer does to his victims.
> Me, I just stop rolling tape when the torture/killing
> starts. It's not at all to my liking. Heck I skip over
> the flogging/caning parts of commercial bondage videos
> for the same reason. But I don't ascribe a moral quality
> to my dislike. If I was so frigging moral I prolly
> wouldn't like bondage either.
> Anyway, to the mainstream we're all pretty much the same.
> I know of another board that has had 3 current or former
> Brianspagers on it who have admitted to their bondage
> fantasies. Two of us have been accused of being rapists.
> I'm sure the third only escaped rapist charges because
> she was female and liked being tied up. Whereas the only
> one of us that admitted to liking rape fantasies was ...
> the female. She was accused of being mentally unbalanced, of course.

As long as I've been aware of my interest in the Damsel-in-Distress, I've found it (whatever "it" was ans is) where I could get it. Sometimes, it was in a TV show or movie in which the damsel met an unfortunate fate. If the unfortunate part could be ignored (was non-graphic or off-camera) the clip/scene *could* still be "interesting"; however, the damsel *not* being rescued or not escaping was always a detriment.

Just so we're all on the same page, in "I Know Who Killed Me", Lindsay Lohan's character is abducted, and finds herself bound and gagged in some isolated location. Her abductor then clamps her hands between blocks of ice until she develops *advanced* frostbite. He then pries apart the ice blocks, taking half the necrotic flesh of what's left of her hands with them. That's only the beginning, of course. All of this is depicted on screen, with care that the make-up and special-effects make the whole thing as "realistic" as possible. So... depictions of mutilation in clinical detail... This isn't over the line?

I'm sorry, but I could care less what other people at other forums think of me. There are forums where we're all inhuman monsters because we don't like whatever flavor of kool-aide their religion is peddling or whatever brand of moral/political outrage makes that particular pack of regulars feel superior. BIG surprise.

Torture-porn is a total buzz-kill. "I Know Who Killed Me" is torture-porn. I'm sick of talking about it.
Thursday August 02 12:51:40 2007
Let's Go Slow Pat
Pat Powers wrote:

> I know of another board that has had 3 current or former
> Brianspagers on it
> Two of us have been accused of

You realise a touchy topic to begin with. Bring in other boards? Well as they say, That's their barn huh?

Figure best take off Discussion
and have some fun with over on the looser Trades Page =>

The local station here vs. US channel FOX acid-fest a humourous one and will give Brian R a laugh again
Jay L
Thursday August 02 13:03:14 2007
Re: torture porn
Van wrote:

Torture-porn is a total buzz-kill. "I Know Who Killed Me" is torture-porn. I'm sick of talking about it.

I brought this up a many months ago after I, once again, worked on another torture porn movie. The news is that these films are sinking at the box office. I guess torture porn just ain't cuttin it ( pardon the pun).
Thursday August 02 15:02:50 2007
Re: Young & Restless
At least Y&R is bring back a gag scene.

BTW, who's the actress in the video/pic?
Thursday August 02 15:53:59 2007
Re: torture porn
Lyter wrote:

> Van wrote:
> Torture-porn is a total buzz-kill. "I Know Who
> Killed Me" is torture-porn. I'm sick of talking
> about it.
> http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/
> I brought this up a many months ago after I, once again,
> worked on another torture porn movie. The news is that
> these films are sinking at the box office. I guess
> torture porn just ain't cuttin it ( pardon the pun).

Gotta say after viewing the vid for this one i'm in total agreement with Van on this.I did n't even make it 'till the end of said vid and going for the delete button.

I know it's not real ,that's not the point.It looks it and that's enough for me.

Thursday August 02 16:45:10 2007
Re: Let's Go Slow Pat
Jay L wrote:

> You realise a touchy topic to begin with. Bring in other
> boards? Well as they say, That's their barn huh?

If I had named that board, I guess you might have a point. As it is, I only mentioned the board to make my point that the mainstream makes no distinction between bondage and SM, as we do. Or between bondage, SM and rape, in many instances. Lotta ignorance out there.
Pat Powers
Thursday August 02 17:06:29 2007
Re: West Coast Alert: La Estrambotica Anastasia
Caesar wrote:

> Just caught this scene on Telefutura (see alert posted).
> Very cute girl is chloroformed by the resident madman
> about 30 minutes in.

I can't find the alert. Is that the correct spelling?
Thursday August 02 18:48:19 2007
Re: torture porn
After hearing what Van had to say I really have no desire to see the scene.

I really don't give a flyin crap (so remember to duck and not get hit) of what people think of my like for tie up stuff.

My tastes are absolutely Old Movie Seriels/Nancy Ddrew/T.J. Hooker/ Knight Rider escapism.

Its neither sick, demented or morally reprehensible.

I NEVER like to see women (or anyone else) harmed.
Thursday August 02 19:00:48 2007
Re: Let's Go Slow Pat
Pat Powers wrote:

> Jay L
> If I had named that board, I guess you might have a
> point. As it is, I only mentioned the board to make my
> point

As said over on Trades, Board mentality is common. Don't let that board get under your skin Pat.
Jay L
Thursday August 02 19:07:19 2007
Re: The Bill tonight. UK transmission.
Mad Dan wrote:

> DC Jo Masters (Sally Rogers) is held hostage by a suspect
> she's been trailing.

Don't know about you Dan, but to me that looked seriously like proper bondage tape on Jo tonight.

Excellent scenes, especially with the onscreen un-gaggings and re-gaggings.
Thursday August 02 19:45:18 2007
Re: The Bill tonight. UK transmission.
Martin wrote:

> Mad Dan wrote:
> > DC Jo Masters (Sally Rogers) is held hostage by a
> suspect
> > she's been trailing.
> Don't know about you Dan, but to me that looked seriously
> like proper bondage tape on Jo tonight.

Not having handled the stuff I wouldn't know, but it did look like what I've seen of it in pictures. It could also have been vinyl insulating tape, rather like what was worn by Catherine Russell in "Chandler & Co". That was thicker, though. Tonight's material certainly wasn't gaffer tape.

I noticed a certain amount of adhesion to Jo's hair, which is not supposed to happen with bondage tape, if claims are to be believed.

> Excellent scenes, especially with the onscreen
> un-gaggings and re-gaggings.

Yes, very good indeed. There were the usual tape shifts between takes, but nothing too exasperating.

I thought the poor lass was going to suffocate when one of the regaggings almost blocked her nose. You could see her thinking, "Oi, come back, I can't breathe!"

These scenes were definitely among the best any British cop show has produced.
Mad Dan
Thursday August 02 19:56:59 2007
Frustrating codecs
PantyDiDCap wrote:

> I Know Who Killed Me (2007)
> Good Vacations!
> http://www.PantyDiDCap.com

Thanks for the clip(s) as always but I had trouble trying to play the video; the sound plays fine but I don't get a picture on either my windows or quicktime player which to me signifies some kind of codec/filter issue. If someone knows of a 'all purpose' solution to this problem I would appreciate it. I'm in the midst of revamping my system after a previous crash and would prefer something simple, thank you...
Thursday August 02 22:46:14 2007
anyone ever play masq? AWESOME game and has a ton of scenes with 3 gagged girls. Actually a lot of ppl get tied up
Thursday August 02 23:04:25 2007
Re: torture porn
Van wrote:

> Torture-porn is a total buzz-kill. "I Know Who Killed Me"
> is torture-porn. I'm sick of talking about it.

That's fine, and you don't have to.

I want this exploration into motivations to cease on
all fronts. That's the purpose of the forum. It is and
has been off-topic. I will be taking measures if it

Is everyone clear?

The Moderator
Thursday August 02 23:21:35 2007
Re: torture porn
Snowcat wrote:

> After hearing what Van had to say I really have no desire
> to see the scene.
> I really don't give a flyin crap (so remember to duck and
> not get hit) of what people think of my like for tie up
> stuff.
> My tastes are absolutely Old Movie Seriels/Nancy
> Ddrew/T.J. Hooker/ Knight Rider escapism.
> Its neither sick, demented or morally reprehensible.
> I NEVER like to see women (or anyone else) harmed.

There is a fine line though, isn't there? I actually watched the whole movie thanks to someone's kind post of the link. And the movie certainly fits into the what Van has aptly labeled "torture-porn" series of films which have become common in the past decade. These movies are not my thing either. Just a turn off. But I think of a scene like in Wrong Turn which I think is brilliant DiD in a movie which essentially could have been "t-p". She's in distress but no harm comes to her, despite obvious other grotesque circumstances. Still, that's why I'm a Soapfan for a reason, and it's not cause I like to watch the Soaps. Their scenes almost always capture the essence of the true DiD... helplessness without violence.
Thursday August 02 23:24:27 2007
Sorry Moderator, we were obviously writing at the same time and I'll write nothing further.
Thursday August 02 23:48:52 2007
Re: All My Children scene
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> At least Y&R is bring back a gag scene.
> BTW, who's the actress in the video/pic?

Actually, this scene from All My Children is from about 12 years ago. She played a character named Loretta Rutherford, the wife of a bad guy. They had Tad (who was being played by some guest actor for a few weeks because the normal guy playing Tad was out sick I believe) tied up in a storeroom. He turns the tables on the wife, who was supposed to be guarding him and ends up tying HER to the chair & gagging her. The good guys (Natalie, Adam Chandler, Trevor Dillon, and Jeremy Hunter) bring her along in a car, still bound & cleave gagged, as they are chasing the baddies (this is the part seen in the YouTube clip).

The chair tie is actually the better part of the scene...her gag is much tighter & at one point the bad guys come into the next room & Tad is hand gagging her while she is still cleave gagged (a nice touch).

I grabbed this scene when it aired back before I ever started ID-ing the actresses, just the show. I've tried for years to get the actress's name playing her but, even knowing the character's name, have not been able to find her, even on the IMDB. Someone may have better luck. She actually was a recurring character for a few weeks after that if I recall, but vanished after about a month (I used to be REALLY into All My Children in my college days).


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