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Tuesday July 03 00:05:24 2007
Re: USA Network new series
(unsigned poster) wrote: This one looks like it'll score at some point. Typical spy series with super hot Fiona Glenanne as the co-star.

Just to clarify - the character's name is Fiona Glenanne, the actress is Gabrielle Anwar.
Tuesday July 03 00:43:15 2007
What is the name of the episode that has Amy Acker tied and gagged in Drive? Looking for it on iTunes...
Tuesday July 03 01:45:34 2007
Re: Database Entries
Paul Kariya wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > the search box is pretty much worthless.

> Worked for me.

Anybody who has trouble using the DB search is invited
to contact me or post here. You should explain exactly
what your search string was, what you expected, and
what you actually got.

Of course, if I find out you didn't read the hints
(see below) first, I will be Unhappy with you.

The Engineer
Tuesday July 03 04:35:52 2007
Gefangene (2006)

Good scene especially for those who like "strong captor - submissive captive" scenarios.
Woman with some private life crisis has her apartment invaded by a prison escapee. When she tries to run away, he grabs her, ties her hands behind her back with torn bedsheet (onscreen), and connects the bonds with the headboard. The woman tries to force the criminal to leave, but only to have her mouth taped shut (onscreen again).
In the morning, the woman is untied and ungagged (onscreen) and the two spend the day in a stifling atmosphere. In the evening, the hostage is bound and gagged again, this time with arms over head and tied to the headboard. She hide a piece of broken glass, with which she now cuts her bonds and then tries to take control over the situation, but is quickly overpowered again. The woman is then forced to strip nude, but the criminal doesn't even touch her and allows her to put the shirt and panties back on, before tying and gagging her once more.
The woman slowly becomes clingy on her captor and even leaves the apartment (without his knowledge) to gain a van for their escape. However, when she returns, she finds her best friend tied up in the apartment - she obviously made a visit in the wrong time. The trio then leaves in the van; the friend stays bound all the time, but we don't see her bonds until they arrive to an abandoned house in forest, and the criminal lets his first captive to guard the second one. When the friend learns the woman sticks up with the escapee, she cuts her bonds with a sharp edge ... and then the climax follows.
Lengthy real-time scenes (since the movie is an intimate drama) with excellent lighting.
Tuesday July 03 04:52:58 2007
Re: Drive
Tony wrote:

> What is the name of the episode that has Amy Acker tied
> and gagged in Drive? Looking for it on iTunes...

Funny, no one put this in the db.
I would but I didn't see it myself.
From the episode recaps on Fox.com Drive page:
Episode 102
Airdate: 04/15/2007

Alex sits on a bench, “Someone wants me in this, let’s just see how badly.” The race phone rings and hands it Alex. Video of the trucker that helped him earlier plays. Bound to the front of his truck is Kathryn. Alex turns as the shuttle launches, then runs with Corinna back to the parking lot.

Tuesday July 03 04:57:18 2007
While tracking down the info above on Drive,
the Fox website says the 2 remaining episodes have
been moved to Friday July 13th at 8pm.

A movie "Anger Management" is scheduled for July 4th at 8pm.
Last minute programming change?
Tuesday July 03 05:09:14 2007
Re: Elisha Cuthbert
This is what Abel wrote:

> It's just that I would prefer seeing a new actress
> getting the treatment for the first time, rather than
> seeing Cuthbert or Alba bound and gagged one million times.

Had to chime in on this.
It's definitely cool seeing new actresses tied up for the 1st time in their careers, in particular those who have avoided b&g scenes in the past.
I remember watching New Adventures of Superman and Lost World every week but never saying "Gee I hope Teri Hatcher or Jennifer O'Dell doesn't get tied up again this week, that's getting sooooo old".
The more the merrier in my opinion.
Tuesday July 03 08:22:49 2007
Re: Elisha Cuthbert
MT wrote:

> The more the merrier in my opinion.

I'm glad that most people here agree with me. This has never happened before...
This is what Abel
Tuesday July 03 10:57:10 2007
Re: USA Network new series
anon22 wrote:

> Just to clarify - the character's name is Fiona Glenanne,
> the actress is Gabrielle Anwar.

Correct. Sorry about that. I grabbed it right from the USA web site without even looking. Didn't realize it was Anwar.
Tuesday July 03 10:58:11 2007
Re: USA Network new series
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> anon22 wrote:
> > Just to clarify - the character's name is Fiona
> Glenanne,
> > the actress is Gabrielle Anwar.
And with only one handgag to her credit, I'd say she's due for a nice scene.
Tuesday July 03 11:13:39 2007
Re: Gefangene (2006)
Astaporian wrote:

> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0490133/
> Good scene especially for those who like "strong
> captor - submissive captive" scenarios.

Good? Looks like a classic. Any idea when it's out on DVD? Apparently it aired last night in Germany on ZDF television.
Tuesday July 03 11:31:46 2007
"The Tudors" on Showtime
Is anyone watching "The Tudors" on Showtime? Any of Henry VIII wives bound pre-execution would be of interest. For added interest, I understand the recently Gabrielle Anwar is in the cast.
Tuesday July 03 12:01:14 2007
Re: Gefangene (2006)
Astaporian wrote:

> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0490133/
> Good scene especially for those who like "strong
> captor - submissive captive" scenarios.

Thanks. Pics of her friend tied at the link. English title is Prisoners.
Tuesday July 03 14:18:46 2007
british tv
don't know who'll be able to see this, but thought i'd put this up anyway. there's a scene on bbc scotland at 8pm tonite on a scottish soap 'river city'. anyone in the u.k. with sky should be able to find bbc scotland channel.full treatment,picture was in the scottish Sun today.
Tuesday July 03 14:50:08 2007
JoAnna Cameron in ISIS

I just learned that the old kid's show SECRETS OF ISIS, starring seventies superfox JoAnna Cameron, is coming to DVD. Was there a scene in this at any point? I seem to remember that there was one, but my memory, cruel and hateful bastard that it is, has betrayed me before... and there's nothing in the database. Normally I would buy it just because of Ms. Cameron's incredible hotness, but cash is tight this summer.

Thanks muchly in advance for any info.
Kid Monster
Tuesday July 03 14:51:52 2007
Re: Elisha Cuthbert
This post was deleted.

Poster: KTS
Reason: Age reference.
The Moderator
Tuesday July 03 16:24:53 2007
Re: Gagged in Bra and Panties
Ron wrote:

> Are there any scenes of Women Bound and Gagged wearing
> their Bras and Panties?

Two good Scenes: Silk Stalkings's Natural Selection starring Juliet Tablak and Poppy Montgomery (note ladies not gagged and they are chained). Threshold's The Burning starring Christie Lynn Smith.

Tuesday July 03 16:28:09 2007
Re: Whats the series/movie that best set up bondage opportunities, and missed them most egregiously?
Pat Powers wrote:

> What are the set-ups for bondage scenes or bondage
> stories that were the most totally missed?

Dark Justice with Carrie Anne Moss (only 1 scene) and Janet Gunn (1 1/2 scenes).
The Exile with Nadia Fares (0 secnes).

Tuesday July 03 16:30:47 2007
FX's Triple Play on July 7
Starting at 11:00 AM; 3 movies in a row: Wrong Turn, Joy Ride, and concluding with Swimfan.
Tuesday July 03 16:41:16 2007
Re: Database Entries
The Engineer wrote:

> > > the search box is pretty much worthless.

> Anybody who has trouble using the DB search is invited
> to contact me or post here. You should explain exactly
> what your search string was, what you expected, and
> what you actually got.

My issue was not based on a technical matter with the software. It concerns a "laziness" factor.

Whenever I entered a movie into the DB, I always tried to include every aspect that I thought someone could want to search for (Ex.: type and description of gag, what the woman was wearing, intensity of struggle, whatever).

There were many times when I've done a search where the results came up with something close to "Bound and gagged." That's it. No description whatsoever.

I mean, compare the following 2 entries, and you'll see what I mean.

This is a great entry...

Record number: 6540

Title: Lowball (1997)
Medium: Movie
Actress: Amber Smith

Description: This movie is a low-budget kidnap thriller based around a revenge-against-the-cop plot. Paula (Smith), the cop's sister, is kidnapped by the bad guys. She is taken to a warehouse-like place where she appears in a number of scenes spread throughout the movie.


1. Dressed in a pretty white tennis outfit (skirt alert), she is picking up her mail from her curbside mailbox when she is chloroformed by the bad guys and dragged to their car.

2. She is next seen bound and gagged. Her wrists are bound to a chair. The bad guy reaches down inside her blouse while he talks to her brother the cop informing him that he has his sister.

3. Leather wrist cuff strapped to a chair and being manhandled by the bad guy via a leather slave collar around her neck, a dominatrix-type shoots her up with drugs.

4. Chained up in a warehouse-like place, chains coming down from some kind of ceiling fixture to the metal rings on her slave collar and wrist cuffs while the bad guy sits coolly discussing her situation. She is still dressed in her tennis outfit though her tennis sneakers and socks have now been removed.

5. Similar situation as number 4 but now the dominatrix has placed some kind of bondage mask on her face and rips her tennis outfit apart. Full frontal nudity though the scene is shot in a long distance slow panning shot that moves around support columns. Could have been a great scene. Maybe worth searching for the cutting room floor outtakes.

6. Situation similar to Scene 5. although now the damsel is dressed in black panties and a black vest that ends just below her nipples. The dominatrix wields a whip but never smacks her with it and pulls Paula's face towards her and licks it.


1. It is implied that at some point between the chloro scene and the first bondage, the bad guy roughed her up some around the eyes.

2. Her legs are never shown restrained.

3. Personally I'm not a big fan of the shoot-her-up-with-drugs type scenes though the neck collar manhandling in that particular scene isn't too bad.

This one sucks...

Record number: 12

Title: Twenty-Four Hours to Kill (1965) aka 24 Hours to Kill
Medium: Movie
Actress: France Anglade

Description: Franzi Bertram (Anglade), a blonde airline hostess, is taken hostage and tightly bound and gagged.
Tuesday July 03 18:16:03 2007
Re: FX's Triple Play on July 7
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Starting at 11:00 AM; 3 movies in a row: Wrong Turn, Joy
> Ride, and concluding with Swimfan.

A 'Bondage Trifecta' of teen movies? What are the odds?

Tuesday July 03 18:17:02 2007
Portuguese scenes
posted some scenes from some portuguese shows on the video page, hope you all like:)
Tuesday July 03 18:23:25 2007
Re: Gefangene (2006)
Astaporian wrote:

> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0490133/
> Good scene especially for those who like "strong
> captor - submissive captive" scenarios.

Super work Astaporian. Real post of substance and solid info. I looked this up and the actress Julie Bowe has won a Best Actress award in a festival for this role. Reminds me of one of my favorite movies - Quake - with similar such scenarios . Also TIe me up Tie me Down....
Tuesday July 03 18:43:48 2007
Re: Database Entries
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> This is a great entry...

> Title: Lowball (1997)

Well, thank you very much.
Pat Powers
Tuesday July 03 19:05:39 2007
This and that and nothing in particular...
...or as future Hall of Famer Debbie Reynolds remarked while watching future Hall of Famer Phyllis Kirk lace herself into a corset in the 1950 turn-of-the-century romantic comedy "Two Weeks with Love," "They wear the same thing in the loony bin. Only there they call them straitjackets!"

Which brings me to what I want to talk about-only instead of referring to them by Reynolds' rather politically incorrect term, let's call them mental health facilities. Not having to get up to go to work tomorrow has, of course, left me free to roam the shelves of the local public library in search of more mischief-er, ah, topics for discussion. How about whether a couple of good scenes from movies based on books set in MHFs were the creation of the authors of the original story, or were spawned by Hollywood license?

Well, the one that immediately comes to everyone's mind-Angelina Jolie's psycho-strapping at the end of "Girl, Interrupted"-definitely falls into the second category. In Susanna Kaysen's memoir, Lisa is every bit the hellion Jolie portrayed her as, but even the earlier scene in the movie where she's brought back to the institution handcuffed after one of her frequent escapes isn't in the book. Gotta hand it to the director or scriptwriter or whoever added the embellishments to the film, and kudos also to Kaysen for apparently having not protested them too much. Not only did they almost certainly help Jolie snag the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her performance, but that final scene is a classic: Winona Ryder as Kaysen about to be released, coming to the room of Jolie's Lisa to say goodbye, standing over her as she lies strapped hand and foot to the bed-but ah, which one was REALLY free, and which still a prisoner?

In case you're wondering, Kaysen only mentions bondage once, and then only in passing. When she and her fellow patients hear of the infamous binding and gagging of one of the Chicago Seven defendants (Google for it or check out Wikipedia, kids; I don't have time to explain here, except to say it was a MALE defendant) one of them remarks that they do the same thing to her when she's given electroshock treatments.

And while I was down here, I thought I'd check out Joanne Greenberg's "I Never Promised You a Rose Garden," the movie version of which gave the young Kathleen Quinlan the first of her scenes. The "cold-sheet pack" scene-but with the main character alone, not as part of an ensemble as in the movie-is a few pages into Chapter 7. Curiously, Greenberg doesn't describe the restraints holding her protagonist to the bed, except to say they were "tightening, forcing her breath out, and pushing her deep into the bed." Upon her release, however, Greenberg treats us to:

"As they were freeing her, she studied the construction of the cocoon...Sheets were spread over and under the complex of wrappings which made up the mummy case. Over the sheets were three canvas strips, wide and long, which were pulled tightly across her body at the chest, stomach, and knees, and tied to the bed on the other side. A fourth strip was knotted around her feet and pulled down to be tied around bars at the foot of the bed. The wrappings were large sheets that fitted around the body; three of them interlapped like white wet leaves, and one, on the inside, held the arms to the sides."

Hmmm...methinks the young Ms. Greenberg (this novel was published in 1964) was not entirely writing from her imagination here!

Oh, and to the rest of you who won't have to get up to go to work tomorrow, have a safe and happy Fourth!
Tuesday July 03 20:24:58 2007
Re: FX's Triple Play on July 7
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Starting at 11:00 AM; 3 movies in a row: Wrong Turn, Joy
> Ride, and concluding with Swimfan.

And for those of you looking for some Wrong Turn Dushku-belia, photo for sale on EBay of her tied to her bed.

Jerry Lundgaard
Tuesday July 03 20:50:17 2007
Re: JoAnna Cameron in ISIS
She had one full treatment in a car with a large white over the mouth gag.

Gordian Knot
Tuesday July 03 20:57:34 2007
Re: Elisha Cuthbert
MT wrote:

>> I remember watching New Adventures of Superman and Lost
> World every week but never saying "Gee I hope Teri
> Hatcher or Jennifer O'Dell doesn't get tied up again this
> week, that's getting sooooo old".
> The more the merrier in my opinion.

ESP where the Lovely Ms o'Dell is concerned!
It seemed like every time she was tied up it was the first time. Remember how cool it was when they did an "Old west" episode and she was a cleavegagged cowgirl...
If only she got the treatment in that halloween eppy where she was wearing the "period" dress.

Tuesday July 03 20:59:49 2007
Re: JoAnna Cameron in ISIS
Gordian Knot wrote:

> She had one full treatment in a car with a large white
> over the mouth gag.

I didn't recall any from that series but I'm pretty sure she had a tie up in the Spiderman series!

Tuesday July 03 21:09:31 2007
Re: JoAnna Cameron in ISIS
Snowcat wrote:
> Gordian Knot wrote:
> > She had one full treatment in a car with a large
> white
> > over the mouth gag.
> >
> I didn't recall any from that series but I'm pretty sure
> she had a tie up in the Spiderman series!

The bondage scene described in the preceding post is the one from the defunct "Spiderman" series. She played a reporter who is kidnapped by the villain's goons and bound and gagged in the back seat of a car. Instead of keeping her bound and gagged, the dastardly villain makes her wear a bikini, a nearly acceptable substitute.
Tuesday July 03 22:32:58 2007
Re: Database Entries
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> This one sucks...

> --------------------
> Record number: 12

There are indeed entries that could be better. However,
the important thing is to get them IN the database.
If make it an issue that people don't make a huge
detailed entry, they'll just not bother contributing.

We see it already that scenes discussed on the forum
never make into the DB (Drive, most recently).

You'll also note that your example is a very old one.
Most of the first 50-100 or so were actually posts
to a forum on the original site, as the DB didn't
exist in the old Tripod days. People posted more or
less following the guidelines I created in Entry #!
(Ah, Sherry Stringfield).

Trying to search for specific features will run into
that problem. There's just nothing much that can be
done except improve the entries. For that, we have
Jay to thank for his tireless work. However, we could
use more updates posted to DB Corrections for the
less than complete entries.

The Engineer
Tuesday July 03 22:49:59 2007
Re: Database Entries
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> My issue was not based on a technical matter with the
> software. It concerns a "laziness" factor.

> This one sucks...
> Record number: 12

Perhaps later I'll look up the exact posts,
but that 12 to 1000 series are 90's entries. Which I'm almost positive David based on his Brent Smith compilation tapes.

Recall David was working off a cap listing from this one site. We'd go there and that was all we had.
*Cap, The Title, The Actress and Bound and Gagged*
Haven't seen that site since.

That and I'm not from the United States.
I'm unfamiliar with most of the shows that the boys here could quote off the top of their heads. So I really couldn't edit those till they aired here and I had a look at them.
Jay L
Tuesday July 03 23:12:26 2007
Re: Database Entries
The Engineer wrote:

> This one sucks...
> Record number: 12
> You'll also note that your example is a very old one.
> Most of the first 50-100 or so were actually posts
> to a forum on the original site, as the DB didn't
> exist in the old Tripod days.

Actually, as said earlier those run into the 1000 series based on various Cap site references. Particular a Brent Smith onetime one that moved.

Our current main back-up hassle is the foreign ID's. Honk Kong & Korea though fun, are an absolute bugger to ID.
Other thing
is Peter de K tries to be nice and offer an accurate English translation for an ep title for German shows which some goof here will go and change to a different title. Sets the boy here back

Once we get that cleared we'll be able to start running in your US shows like this Drive one
Jay L
Tuesday July 03 23:27:37 2007
A liitle TMNT identifying please?
I've been thinking back on a few eps of the original 80s TMNT cartoon but I'm a little foggy on some scenes. Could you identify them?
1: April is blindfolded and has her bare feet tickled?
2: April is tied to a chair by Bebop and Rocksteady and is later dumped from a rubber raft into the ocean?
3: I think April is kidnapped by a trucker and handcuffed. He brings her to his hideout and slides the handcuffs around a metal handle. If this scene isn't of TMNT, than where is it from?

Can you identify these eps that these scenes take place in.
Tuesday July 03 23:31:36 2007
Re: Database Entries
Jay L wrote:

> current hassle is the foreign ID's.
> Peter de K tries to be nice and offer an accurate
> English translation for an ep title for German shows
> which some goof here will go and change to a different
> title. Sets the boy here back

Whilst on this,
(This is for the guys whom likes his girls in skirts & nylons)

I tried alerting to what? "Das Schwurgericht" (sp?)
but running some cast names through the IMDB it's looking like the actual German title is "Mord Im Schlachtof"

So by the time I got this clip over to majorjohns.com for the boys here it was figured best go with the "Mord Im Schlachthof"
Look for that title on any update till I get this sorted.
Jay L

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