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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Wednesday July 11 00:45:44 2007
Re: Anyone see this?
angryrob wrote:

> A strange thing. The FBI files has delivered several
> times but there's nothing in the database? Why is that?

You are lucky I don't know you or you'd owe me a beer!
There's about 10 entries. Copy/paste this into the Title box of the Database:

The F.B.I. Files (1999)

If that doesn't work come talk to me on Database Corrections page
Jay L
Wednesday July 11 01:32:11 2007
Sarah Thompson
I think i have missed something over the past few days. Someone mentioned Sarah Thompson will be gagged in an upcoming movie (or was i dreaming). I cant find the post so can someone tell me which movie it is? I just got hold of her new movie called "Brutal" and despite lots of potential (she is captured by the killer at the end) there is nothing close to a scene in the movie. Someone please tell me this wasnt the movie you were discussing a few days back, ive been waiting since her days on Angel for this woman to get a good scene.
Wednesday July 11 02:00:17 2007
Anyone see this?
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Age reference.
The Moderator
Wednesday July 11 02:13:42 2007
Captivity Region 5 DVD
Not sure how many of you know about this, but the british version of Captivity has Elisha strapped to some kind of chair at least 3 times. I just got hold of a retail copy from a dodgy friend. He said its a Region 5 or maybe someother region, anyway, it has none of the scenes where Elisha is strapped to the chair and little or no violence that the British version has. It has lots of extra scenes, making the story and plot alittle different. This has stopped me from posting clips of this film for all the people that were asking for them, just a warning, if someone trys to flog you a R5 dvd of Captivity, pass on it.
Wednesday July 11 03:10:31 2007
ss wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > 3 more caps
> >
> If you go to http://www.cbs.com/daytime/atwt/, and click
> on 'Behind the scenes: the railroad stunt', there is some
> footage of the actresses being tied up.

This just gets better doesn't it? A behind the scenes video too. Way cool. CBS is owning this week. Thanks for the tip.
Wednesday July 11 03:16:45 2007
Snowcat wrote:

> I'm really looking forwaerd tio seeing yesterdays
> footage.

You'll find Youtube links to both days action on the Video Page.
Wednesday July 11 04:01:24 2007
Harry Potter delivers for Carter
Helena Bonham Carter gets a minor treatment in the new Harry Potter flick. She's shown in a prison, with her hands shackled in front of her. Scene is very short in a montage thingee.
Big Foppa
Wednesday July 11 05:37:59 2007
Re: Harry Potter delivers for Carter
any thing for emma watson regarding a handgag
Wednesday July 11 07:59:44 2007
Re: Captivity Region 5 DVD
nevermindme wrote:

> This has stopped me from posting clips of this film for all
> the people that were asking for them, just a warning, if
> someone trys to flog you a R5 dvd of Captivity, pass on it.

Region 5 are Russian DVD's. The version you saw was probably the original, Russian one, without those so-called reshoots (which probably contain bondage scenes).

We'll wait for the US version. Two days left...
This is what Abel
Wednesday July 11 14:16:49 2007
Re: Sarah Thompson
nevermindme wrote:

> I think i have missed something over the past few days.
> Someone mentioned Sarah Thompson will be gagged in an
> upcoming movie (or was i dreaming). I cant find the post
> so can someone tell me which movie it is?

I'm about 99% certain it's a movie called "Babysitter Wanted". If you look around the bloodydisgusting website you'll find a trailer for it...and I'm fairly sure we get to see her bound and gagged, in fact the movie looks like it should have a few bondage scenes in it...
Wednesday July 11 14:48:32 2007
Re: Harry Potter delivers for Carter
dave wrote:

> any thing for emma watson regarding a handgag

In the book Hermione gets an actual gag and later an OTS.

Wednesday July 11 15:38:41 2007
Re: Harry Potter delivers for Carter
(unsigned poster) wrote:
> dave wrote:
> > any thing for emma watson regarding a handgag
> In the book Hermione gets an actual gag and later an
> OTS.

Are you sure about this? I've read all of the published Harry Potter titles thus far, and don't recall Hermione Granger ever being gagged.
Wednesday July 11 15:40:34 2007
Re: Sarah Thompson
Willthebloody wrote:
> nevermindme wrote:
> > I think i have missed something over the past few
> days.
> > Someone mentioned Sarah Thompson will be gagged in
> an
> > upcoming movie (or was i dreaming). I cant find the
> post
> > so can someone tell me which movie it is?
> I'm about 99% certain it's a movie called
> "Babysitter Wanted".

I looked her up on a search engine, and found that she is the actress who played the precocious libertine student in "Boston Public". It would be a delectation to see her bound and gagged.
Wednesday July 11 17:15:36 2007
Re: Harry Potter delivers for Carter
Hadji wrote:

> > OTS.
> Are you sure about this? I've read all of the published
> Harry Potter titles thus far, and don't recall Hermione
> Granger ever being gagged.

Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley are gagged in the book, but not Hermione. (Hardcover Pg 742)
Wednesday July 11 17:27:26 2007
Re: Jawbreaker on HBO
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anyone see this on an HBO channel about 2 days ago? It
> seems they cut out the entire tape gag/kidnap scene in
> the beginning of the film and replaced it with a
> jawbreaker coming out of a machine into someone's hands. ... Really really surprised HBO would do that,
> and if they are, how many other films are they censoring because of content?

Just saw the movie myself on HBO a couple of weeks ago and the scene was intact (first 5 minutes). You just may have seen a version on "HBO family zone" or something like that. They have several different HBO channels (regular, Latin, HD, etc.) even though they all for the most part feature the same movies -- they may have shown the edited version on the channel you watched (may also depend on the time too).
Wednesday July 11 18:30:30 2007
Re: Captivity Region 5 DVD
This is what Abel wrote:

> We'll wait for the US version. Two days left...

Not going to be worth the wait, imho.

Wednesday July 11 18:53:26 2007
Summer movie predictions
I consider a scene bound and gagged. I have hope for Hairspray.

Captivity: no scene
I Know Who Killed Me: no scene
The Strangers: no scene
Hairspray: good scene (not great)
Wednesday July 11 19:17:39 2007
(unsigned poster) wrote:

Are the Rebelde scenes worth buying the DVD's at the store??

Wednesday July 11 20:21:37 2007
Re: Rebelde
Bauer wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> Are the Rebelde scenes worth buying the DVD's at the
> store??


None of the full scenes are on the 1st season set, the 2nd season had only 1 scene(so it's probably not on that one) and the 3rd season had no scenes. Plus the sets are like condensed summaries of their seasons which each had well over 100 episodes. Your best bet would be to go to some telenovela fan sites and try getting some bootlegs.
Alan Smithee
Wednesday July 11 22:15:18 2007
Re: Anyone see this?
Jay L wrote:

> You are lucky I don't know you or you'd owe me a beer!

Be assured that I will make good on ALL the beers I owe you Buddy!
Wednesday July 11 22:56:04 2007
One Favour?
Just realised on backcheck this entry based on a Y00t00b clip. Recognised this description from tapes being passed around.

Any of you collectors mind going through this and letting me know if complete over on DB Corrections?


Record number: 12780

Title: Amores de mercado aka Amores
Medium: Soap Opera
Actress: Unknown

Description: Spanish language scene that ran on Telemundo. A husky cross-dressing villain and his slimy henchman invade the home of a cute brunette, gag her and tie her to a chair. A little later, an auburn-haired beauty is captured and placed in a similar predicament. The bewigged nad guy exits the house leaving his sidekick to guard the two captives and brings back a cute young brunette. After some snappy repartee, the third lass is placed in a chair opposite the other damsels, bound hand and foot and gagged. The tattooed cross-dresser then places a call to the young lady's mother, informing her that her daughter is his captive and she must come to the house alone. When the cute blonde mom shows up, she's tied to a chair and questioned. Although the other three women, through their body language, try to keep the woman from revealing whatever it is that the villain wants to know, the mother breaks down and talks. The despair registered on the other captives muzzled faces is marvelous to behold. The mother is then gagged, but before the bad guys can operate with the information now at their disposal, the police break in and gun them down.

The first brunette captive is wearing blue jeans that have been unbuttoned and slightly unzipped, and a simple pink top with slender straps. The auburn-haired victim is captured wearing a stylish black suit with a short, tight skirt. When she's bound to a chair, her jacket has been removed, the better to show her blouse with a nice plunging neckline and ample cleavage. Both of these ladies tops have been torn. The third, younger, victim is wearing a white buttoned blouse and gray skirt. The mother is wearing a simple linen blouse and white patterned skirt.

All four women are cleave-gagged with white cloth. The first brunette's gag varies from over the hair to under the hair as the sequence progresses. The gag remains over the hair of the auburn-haired woman, whose her long tresses cover her the right side of her torso at the beginning of the scenes but wind up behind her shoulders by the end. The younger brunette's gag remains under the hair the entire sequence. The mother's gag is under her ponytail. All captives apparently have their wrists bound behind the backs of the chairs they are seated upon, but we never see their bonds. Their ankles are all tied as well.

This is a classic, lengthy sequence lasting over eight minutes on the YouTube clip, and there are evidentally additional scenes that weren't included.

Jay L
Wednesday July 11 22:59:56 2007
Re: Anyone see this?
Snowcat wrote:

> Jay L
> Be assured that I will make good on ALL the beers I owe
> you Buddy!

Yeah, I was having abit of fun with the poster, but that is a tricky one if you don't copy/paste from the IMDB standard.
Jay L

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