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Thursday July 05 01:29:07 2007
Re: Wonder Woman bondage-o-rama issue
Sylvie wrote:

> I recently downloaded the 70's reprint. If you would
> like me to upload if for you, PM me at my YouTube page.

Thanks I will check that out. Looks like fun.
Pat Powers
Thursday July 05 01:38:33 2007
Intriguing news for Gor fans and comics bondage fans
Dark Horse Comics will be selling an omnibus edition of the first three Gor novels as a TPB in November of this year. Check out the homepage link for more info.

So far as I can tell, it's going to be all, or mostly all, text. Even the cover is just text.

But with Dark Horse owning the reprint rights to the Gor novels, one has to wonder ... might they be interested in doing some graphic versions of the title? Maybe start a comic like the ill-fated attempt from a few years ago. (You have to figure, Dark Horse is better capitalized and has a better distribution chain set up.)

Most intriguing.
Pat Powers
Thursday July 05 02:53:48 2007
Heads Up
I'm not sure if this is the proper forum or not, but I thought I would relay the info that I just found out about a newly-published sci-fi novel. A friend recommended LEGACY FROM ALDEBARAN by Polly Steward to me as a slam-bang, old-fashioned potboiler, and it is all of that (and a long one at around 475 pages); but of particular interest is a central portion in which one of the main characters finds herself enslaved to a sort of "ultimate male chauvinist fantasy" tribe. Since she's a modern person unused to the idea of female inferiority, she rebels violently and frequently, which results in her spending a lot of time in well-desribed bondage and gaggage.

A caveat: LEGACY has proven to be a very gritty and realistic (within its science fictional parameters) look into some really rough situations, so none of this treatment is of the velvety Skinimax variety. It hurts. A lot. And there are several brutal sexual assaults.

Oh, and then there's this: the gal in question, though thoroughly XX on a cellular level, wasn't always so (remember, it's sci-fi).

Still, it's fast-paced and generally as entertaining as hell, with well-drawn and memorable characters (I doubt I'll ever get "G. William Olander" out of my head). Well worth its cost. It's most readily available on Amazon.com

I get no monetary compensation for this post, by the way. Leo the Literary.
Thursday July 05 09:40:39 2007
Re: Heads Up
Leo wrote:

> Oh, and then there's this: the gal in question, though
> thoroughly XX on a cellular level, wasn't always so
> (remember, it's sci-fi).

So, is this SF gender switching like the characters in Varley's "Steel Beach," who can switch between being male and female with what is to them very minor medical procedures, or is the lead character a tranny or a chick with a dick? I can handle a character who has switched genders in an SF sort of way, as long as they are one gender or the other in the story, but the tranny and chick with dick stuff really squicks me, and I bet others as well.
Pat Powers
Thursday July 05 13:04:31 2007
Re: Heads Up
Pat Powers wrote:

> So, is this SF gender switching like the characters in
> Varley's "Steel Beach," who can switch between
> being male and female with what is to them very minor
> medical procedures, or is the lead character a tranny or
> a chick with a dick? I can handle a character who has
> switched genders in an SF sort of way, as long as they
> are one gender or the other in the story, but the tranny
> and chick with dick stuff really squicks me, and I bet others as well.

No, it's a complete, anatomically-correct-in-everything-but-mind-and-memory genetic change. And, to make it a good bit more wrenching, the change is involuntary and unwelcome.
But the bondage portion is only about a fourth or fifth of the entire plot, with a number of characters whose individual threads are completely unrelated to "Angel's." The fight scenes are incredibly detailed, so that you even come to believe that a five-eight, 160 lb. seventeen year old amateur boxer from Florida actually has the innate skills and toughness to beat down and kill a six-nine, 260 lb. raging barbarian hand to hand (oops, don't mean to give away too many developments). Of course, the kid is sort of a Roy Jones/Ray Robinson/Roberto Duran/MMA congloeration, as well as something of a would-be standup comedian.
It's a fun book.

"Squicks"? Leo the Now-On-the-Bandwagon.
Thursday July 05 14:52:06 2007
New Clip and New DVD #18
Gefangene - Jule Bowe

Thursday July 05 15:07:20 2007
site update
Thursday July 05 18:54:09 2007
Re: A liitle TMNT identifying please?
I asked a few days ago but it was late in the night so you probably didnn't see it. Ahem

I'm a little foggy on the ep names of these TMNT scenes Could you i d them?
-April is blindfolded and has her bare feet tickled?
-April is tied to a chair by Bebop and Rocksteady and
is later dumped from a rubber raft into the ocean?
-I think April is kidnapped by a trucker and
handcuffed. He brings her to his hideout and slides the
handcuffs around a metal handle. If this scene isn't of
TMNT, than where is it from?
Thursday July 05 19:15:28 2007
Re: Intriguing news for Gor fans and comics bondage fans
Pat Powers wrote:

> So far as I can tell, it's going to be all, or mostly
> all, text. Even the cover is just text.

Hardly surprising in the era of hypocrisy that started back in the late 70's - early 80's with the 'persecution' of detective magazine publishers featuring damsels in dire distress on their covers. Of course, plastic surgeons who enhance body parts, fashion designers that design skimpy apparel, and young, drink & drug-taking celebrities who go underwearless in public for the paparazzi to catch them go untouched/criticized for it yet I digress...

It could be just a cover design they settled on or it could be to avoid negative press that would have them boycotted by certain booksellers when the inevitable feminazis and their sympathizers catch ahold of the book. I hope there's release of a graphic novel based on the series but I seriously, seriously doubt someone will risk doing another film (Remember "Straw Dogs"?).

Thursday July 05 21:52:07 2007
Re: Intriguing news for Gor fans and comics bondage fans

The first three Gor novels are pretty much standard Edgar Rice Burroughs-style "Planetary Romance" science-fantasy novels, with the slavery angle simply a background element, not much different from the Tarzan, Conan, and John Carter stuff Dark Horse has done a lot of before.

Still, given the notoriety of series (*never* mention Gor around "serious" SF fans), it is a surprise Dark Horse is doing this. It will be interesting to see if they do anything with the later, more explicit and controversial books in the series.
Kid Monster
Thursday July 05 22:01:01 2007
Re: Intriguing news for Gor fans and comics bondage fans
Captureher wrote:

> Hardly surprising in the era of hypocrisy [blah blah]

Reminder, this sort of thing is STRICTLY off-topic.
Anything further will be deleted.

The Moderator

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