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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday July 23 01:24:20 2005
The Devil's Rejects
This is an outstanding movie, despite the fact that ultimately it doesn't really fit the horror genre (more of a sadistic action movie). Great cast, plot, acting was above par for a Rob Zombie flik, and the characters all rocked. Soundtrack was also rock solid with a lot of classic southern rock. Everyone over 18 should see it.

Now, for the DiD. Kate Norby, playing Wendy, is one of a troupe of drifters that are held hostage by Bill Mosley's OTIS and Sherri Moon Zombie's BABY. At one point, Wendy tries to escape and is then tied arms overhead to a post and gagged with a white knotted cleave. Some pretty good shots, though at this point she's pretty bloody. Doesn't end up pretty for her though, TRUST ME.

Secondly, a chairtie for Sherri Moon Zombie along with OTIS and CAPTAIN SPAULDING. Ropes around chest, arms tied to armrests. She is also handgagged a little later on in the film.

Just go see it for yourselves. You will not be dissapointed.
Saturday July 23 01:55:39 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
> Just go see it for yourselves. You will not be dissapointed.

Just to clarify, I think the last poster meant you won't be dissapointed by the movie itself. If you're looking for good DID scenes however, you wil be deffinatly dissapointed. They're short and bloody and you won't like them, trust me.
Saturday July 23 01:58:37 2005
Monk rerun
Looks like the next airing is 1 a.m. eastern Sunday morning on USA Network.
Saturday July 23 02:40:48 2005
Short hiatus.
I've gotten a couple emails in the past couple days so I thought I'd let everyone here know what is going on. I shattered my foot while on my business trip so I'll be spending a bit more time here until I can drive back home. Will send out the daily caps as often as I can. I'll try to do the monthly spree, send me requests via email and I'll see what I can do (my box at home is connected to high speed internet but I'm hitting it over a dialup connection, so everything is dreadfully slow.)
Saturday July 23 03:57:51 2005
Stargate SG-1 scene
Claudia Black strikes again with a scene in this week's ep of SG-1. She is transported to an ancient village where they worship all powerful beings. She is exposed as a heretic and sits kneeling with her hands chained to a stone altar.

A cauldron of fire is tipped over and sent racing toward her through a circular maze that she is in the middle of. Not very good shots of her bonds. She is wearing a Rennaisance era long gown. Old tyme damsel imagery.
Added to db.

Nice pic of Claudia Black in the "leather dominatrix type outfit" on Characters page at SG-1 site. It's a flash animation though so you can't copy it. Worth a look.
Click on "Vala" to see.

Saturday July 23 06:06:21 2005
Single White Female 2
I just checked the IMDb listing for this movie after unsuccessful attempts to ascertain the date of its release on DVD, and saw that it might be broadcast on television. There was the word "TV" in parentheses after the title.
Saturday July 23 10:38:51 2005
Re: Stargate SG-1 scene
BiG MT wrote:

> Nice pic of Claudia Black in the "leather dominatrix
> type outfit" on Characters page at SG-1 site. It's
> a flash animation though so you can't copy it. Worth a
> look.
> Click on "Vala" to see.

Oh YES you can copy it from a flash animation site!
best free software I ever downloaded.

Its called "Avatar Capture" (google search it)
it has a 30 day free trial and the official version is only 20 bucks.

It comes with a little spyware so once you download and install it search for the file save.exe and delete that file.

Hope this wasn't off topic Mr. O.H. just a little techy headsup should be benificial to everyone
Saturday July 23 11:04:46 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
SLJ wrote:

> you won't like them, trust me.

Don't you think thats a matter of opinion? Just because you dont like a scene, doesnt mean everyone else wont like it.
Saturday July 23 11:50:36 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> SLJ wrote:
> > you won't like them, trust me.
> Don't you think thats a matter of opinion? Just because
> you dont like a scene, doesnt mean everyone else wont
> like it.

...which brings up one of my *favorite* Discussion Forum bug-a-boos: LACK OF INFORMATION. I understand the delicate tension between offending Mr. Mod & boring your fellow Forum'skteers with excessive verbosity... but for the love of Gwendoline! Some people act like their service provider charges by the key-stroke. :-)

I assume I "won't like them" (the Devil's Rejects DiD-scenes) 'cause they're stomach-turning, bloody, & over-the-top violent ...I assume.
Saturday July 23 12:13:49 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > SLJ wrote:

Don't you think thats a matter of opinion? Just because you dont like a scene, doesnt mean everyone else wont like it.

and Van replied:

I assume I "won't like them" (the Devil's Rejects DiD-scenes) 'cause they're stomach-turning, bloody, & over-the-top violent ...I assume.

and I re-replied
Strangly enough even though we all have different tastes and preferences concerning DID's, one thing it seems that we all agree upon (or at least 99% of us) is that if a scene is "bloody, & over-the-top violent" it totally loses its appeal.
Saturday July 23 12:48:07 2005
Re: Short hiatus.
AsbestosFilter wrote:

> I've gotten a couple emails in the past couple days so I
> thought I'd let everyone here know what is going on. I
> shattered my foot while on my business trip so I'll be
> spending a bit more time here until I can drive back
> home.

Well, on behalf of everyone here, I wish you a speedy recovery. I am a big fan of your group ever since you were the first to post a cap of the super sexy mamacita Jackie Guerrido chained to a chair and OTM gagged. Take it easy and we will try our best to fill the void.

Paco The Bandit
Saturday July 23 13:13:55 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
Snowcat wrote:

> we all agree upon (or at least 99% of us) is that if a
> scene is "bloody, & over-the-top violent"
> it totally loses its appeal.

I don't agree with that, quite a few of us (a LOT more than 1%) do appreciate these scenes. It's simply a matter of personal interest.
Being a major horror movie fanatic these kind of scenes, especially the ones in Devils Rejects interest me more than the recent One Life scenes. House of 100 Corpses is one of my favorite Did scenes, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Devils Rejects has to offer.
Saturday July 23 14:23:54 2005
Young & Restless
The current issue of Soap Opera Weekly (8/2/05) has a tie up picture from an upcoming Y&R episode - or maybe it's already happened, the article isn't very clear. (Sheesh, this is 3 weeks in a row I've had to buy this mag - I might as well subscribe!) Seems that the Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) has been captured and b&g. The pic in the magazine shows her chair-tied in a skirt and blouse, with an OTM gag, and ankles tied together and hands (presumably) tied behind her back to the chair (again presumably).

Thank you, Y&R for filling the void that OLTL has left, at least temporarily, in its Killing Club scenario!

Later in the issue is a fan letter with the picture of OLTL's Evangaline tied up in the gym in her cheerleader uniform. The fan didn't like the "silly 'damsel in distress'" plotline, and thought the gals could have 'kicked the killer's butt.'

Saturday July 23 15:05:11 2005
Re: Young & Restless
The fan didn't like the "silly 'damsel in distress'" plotline, and thought the gals could have 'kicked the killer's butt.'

That mildly annoys me...
I really liked Buffy the VS but ever since that show women have this ridiculous unrealistic view if reality that says a 105 pound waif can karate kick butt her way through any 2 or 3 200 pound guys. The daphne fight scene from Scooby Doo comes to mind.

don't get me wrong a well trained female martial artist can defend herself but so many women now have pretty dangerous overconfidence inmtheir butt kickin ability.

Saturday July 23 16:06:32 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
Before Mr. Moderator descends on us with both boots, let's agree to disagree & cease quoting non-existant statistics about what people do & do not like.

Personally, serial-killer, bloody, snuff-style "entertainment" does nothing for me.

I like my Damsel-in-Distress stories with strong plot elements, beautiful damsels (especially actresses on my "special list"), and happy endings.

Like *ALL* of us, I take what I can get where I can get it, watching all kinds of mainstream material, even it it's very marginal.

Now, on with the show! :-)
Saturday July 23 17:55:03 2005
Re: Young & Restless
Pofoz wrote:

> Later in the issue is a fan letter with the picture of
> OLTL's Evangaline tied up in the gym in her cheerleader
> uniform.

I thought pretty well handled soapwise. Guess some tastes differ. I think MJ has this whole scene up so you can judge for your self but seems okay for daytime to me - whaddye want em - hogtied?

Saturday July 23 18:07:19 2005
Nancy Drew games?
There are a lot of Nancy Drew PC games out there. Does anyone know if any of them have any DiD relevant content?
Saturday July 23 18:23:02 2005
Re: satan's little helper
moxx of balhoom wrote:

> I was just trying to google that interview where Kate
> Hudson references her bound & gagged scene in
> Skeleton Keys.
> Couldn't find it but there was one reference to this
> film "Satan's Little Helper" which has a scene
> for Amanda Plummer

Sorry I was a little tired when I posted this last night and I forgot to add the link (now I've lost the blasted thing)

Anyway if anyone knows anything about this film do let us know, i Don't think it's been discussed here yet.

moxx of balhoom
Saturday July 23 18:24:52 2005
Mia Maestro in Secuestro Express
Mia, from Alias, looks to be kidnapped for most of the film. Miramax production, from the producer of Sin City. Trailer at link below shows her kidnapped but not tied up; opens August 5th in NY and LA and others.
Saturday July 23 19:04:44 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
Oops, sorry for opening that can of worms.
What I meant was that 1) the seens are gross, bloody and violent leading to even more gross, bloody and violent ends and 2) even if you LIKE those kind of scenes, you won't like the one's in Devil Rejecs because they're real short.
Saturday July 23 19:30:19 2005
The Major's Update
The Major so caught up in his primerib dinner with Korean babes,
he forgot to announce he updated.

You foreign fellas can now see the recent United States soap Cheerleader scenes.
Jay L
Saturday July 23 20:00:23 2005
Re: Tonight's Monk
Brian R wrote:

> Well, Sharona never did, but new companion Natalie
> (Traylor Howard) gets herself in a bind. Captured by the
> bad guy snooping around his house at around the 1:45
> mark, then seen right after the commercial in a car with
> a big piece of gray tape over her mouth. They're at a
> recycling center, she has her hands taped in front of
> her. The gag is removed in fairly short order.
> It repeats at 11p CENTRAL, check your local listings blah blah.

Thanks for the heads up Brian. It's a shame Bitty Schram (Sharona) left the show. Not only because the show was better with her, but I always hoped to see Sharona get herself in a predicament like that. Traylor Howard (Natalie) has a better body, but something about Sharona's provocative style of dress and louder personality made me really want to see her get b&g'd.
Saturday July 23 20:49:27 2005
Re: Young & Restless
Pofoz wrote:

> The current issue of Soap Opera Weekly (8/2/05) has a tie
> up picture from an upcoming Y&R episode...[SNIP]
>...Seems that the Nikki
> (Melody Thomas Scott) has been captured and b&g. The
> pic in the magazine shows her chair-tied in a skirt and
> blouse, with an OTM gag, and ankles tied together and
> hands (presumably) tied behind her back to the chair
> (again presumably). [SNIP]

Hmmm, that sounds totally interesting. I don't think Melody has ever had a full treatment scene in her career. Did the article mention anything as to the plotline of her bondage segment, so we can maybe start looking for it? Remember, unlike OLTL & the other ABC soaps (and Days), Young & the Restless does NOT repeat several times each night on SoapNet!!

Saturday July 23 21:30:57 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
This post was deleted.

Poster: Guestlove
Reason: Abusive. Go psychoanalyse somewhere else.
The Moderator
Saturday July 23 21:31:48 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
This post was deleted.

Poster: Help
Reason: Followups to the amateur shrink deleted as well.
The Moderator
Saturday July 23 21:56:22 2005
Re: Young & Restless
Pofoz wrote:

> The current issue of Soap Opera Weekly (8/2/05) has a tie
> up picture from an upcoming Y&R episode - or maybe
> it's already happened, the article isn't very clear.

CBS's preview for next week says:

Nikki’s determination to uncover the truth about Bobby places her life in jeopardy, as a frantic Victor races against to clock to find her.

Brian R
Saturday July 23 23:31:36 2005
Re: The Devil's Rejects
Snowcat wrote:

> we all agree upon (or at least 99% of us) is that if a
> scene is "bloody, & over-the-top violent"
> it totally loses its appeal.

Not to me!
Abu Zalaam
Saturday July 23 23:37:26 2005
Re: The Major's Update
Jay L wrote:

> You foreign fellas can now see the recent United States
> soap Cheerleader scenes.

There are a couple of bad links in the page: The Hilander one and the Jay L links go back to the main page.


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