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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday July 03 03:18:19 2005
Soapfan wrote:

**** think that someone who
writes for the soaps is reading our stuff.
Because either a) they do check the forum now and then to see what might hook more male viewers
or b) they decided on their own to tape, and tape gag, two beautiful twenty plus year old women in high school cheerleading outfits.
I'll hope it's a) *******

Easiest way to check that is by the ads.
CKVR ones during soap all geared to gals,
so appears they couldn't care less what this forum thinks.
Jay L
Sunday July 03 05:09:53 2005
Tapemaster wrote:

> > Evangeline had on one of the tightest tape gags
> > I've ever seen.
> > Maybe Natalie's gag is a little loose.

I think it's at least as much a matter of angle as of tension. In Michael Easton's stills, you can see that Evangeline's gag runs almost level across her face, and is tight enough to bulge both cheeks and chin. The top of the tape probably touches her ears.

Natalie's muffle, however, looks to be wrapped lower around the back of her head, passing about half an inch below her ears. It's tight enough to nestle down under her cheekbones, bulging her cheeks and pulling her upper lip down, but because it's not parallel with her teeth in profile, the stiff duct tape sticks out clear of her face at the bottom. I'm not familiar with the actresses, but if Natalie's face is more tapered than Evangeline's, that migh also play a part.

It would have been more effective if (a) the person applying the tape had creased it along the bottom to make it conform better; (b) the tape had been high enough at the back to tuck under her ears, and of course somewhat tighter; (c) a softer, more conformal variety of tape had been used.

If I have time, I'll try to "doctor" Nat's stills to make the gag look better.
Mad Dan
Sunday July 03 11:55:28 2005
OLTL Scoop
> If I have time, I'll try to "doctor" Nat's stills to make the gag look better.

Mondays episode listing "Natalie and Evangeline are bound at opposite ends of the basketball court; John gets into Love Center and finds Natalie and Evangeline in danger; John rescues Natalie, who disappears when he goes to save Evangeline"

Tuesdays listing "Evangeline is rushed to the hospital; John searches desperately for Natalie"

Unsure when Natalie is found again or what she experiences. Appears scene will end late Monday.
Sunday July 03 11:58:57 2005
> Will the ladies be bound and gagged at the beginning of
> Monday's episode? Now I KNOW that someone recorded this
> program and made Vidcaps...right?

Location of video download of Friday's episode was posted at Major John's site. Ya jsut need to read previous posts.
Sunday July 03 12:07:47 2005
This post was deleted.

Poster: Hadji
Reason: Remember what I said about badgering requests for caps right after a show airs?
The Moderator
Sunday July 03 13:46:04 2005
The Moderator wrote:

> This post was deleted.
> Poster: Hadji
> Reason: Remember what I said about badgering requests for
> caps right after a show airs?

Hadji my good man,
said please reply over on the Trade Page to avoid just this.

Hit Homepage Link and we'll talk over there
Jay L
Sunday July 03 15:15:16 2005
Canadian Damsels
There is a new Yahoo group devoted entirely to Canadian damsels in distress!

Come for the caps...stay for Norman the Alcoholic Squirrel!

Lindy Booth
Sunday July 03 17:37:16 2005
There's an old saying...
...that in any church congregation, or similar organization of persons brought together by shared interests and aspirations, ten percent of the people do ninety percent of the work. I'd hazard a guess that our gracious and all too patient host can identify with that sentiment, along with those thanklessly toiling away over on Database Corrections, to keep this site's crown jewel in finest form.

Why are we all here, ladies and gentlemen? Clearly,it is because what goes on here is of great interest to us, and we are thus all invested in making this site the best resource of its type. Or at least all of us SHOULD be. I think that I am not the only long-time lurker and poster here who thinks this is not the case, at least not to the extent it ought to be.

Case in point: How many bytes of the Boss' precious webspace and bandwith have been eaten up in the past forty-eight hours by the raving over Friday's "One Life to Live" scene? Okay, that's kind of what the webspace and bandwidth are here for, I'll grant. But did any one of those ravers stop to ponder whether, given all the buzz over the scene, it just might merit a database entry? Apparently not, for it wasn't in there-at least not until someone modesty prevents me from identifying, who caught the scene on Soapnet this morning, threw it in just now. In fact, I wonder just how many of the ravers are signed up to enter scenes into the database. They don't get in there by themselves, folks. With free web-based e-mail accounts having become ubiquitous (and with today's generation of browsers easily configurable to keep such an e-mail address from being revealed as yours to someone you don't want to know about it, if that's a concern) there's no excuse for the next scene that creates a sensation comparable to the sinking of the Titanic to wait that long for a writeup. Even a bad database entry, which can be quickly corrected by one of the volunteer editors-gee, there's ANOTHER outlet for all that energy, you ravers-is better than no entry at all.

And while we're on the subject of energy, I think things would be a whole lot nicer around here if a little more of it were expended on such pursuits as keeping the database current and up to date and a little less wasted criticizing the Moderator, as has seemingly come into fashion lately. I could be wrong, but I'd hazard a guess that many of those who find themselves chafing under his hand are relative Johnny-come-latelies to the Internet, at least as compared to those of us who remember what it was like before this site was here. It's been an awful long time since someone asked that now-declared-off-topic question, "What is Usenet and how do I get onto it?" Just be glad that if you don't know already, you don't need to, youngsters, thanks to our host's sacrifices and the hard work of all who contribute to making this site what it is. And for those of you to whom that last is too obtuse a reference...well, just remember the Golden Rule, 21st Century Version: The man who ponies up the Gold makes the Rules. To coin a phrase, this isn't a democracy; it's a benevolent dictatorship. Benevolent, you ask? Absolutely. You don't have to identify yourself or enter a credit card number to read or post here, do you?

Okay, that's enough ranting for one weekend. Let's be nicer to each other and the Boss, and remember that if you're in That Other Ninety Percent, duty calls. Even ten percent makes plenty of work to go around.

An Old Friend
Sunday July 03 18:16:39 2005
Re: There's an old saying...
An Old Friend wrote:

> Case in point: How many bytes of the Boss' precious
> webspace and bandwith have been eaten up in the past
> forty-eight hours by the raving over Friday's "One
> Life to Live" scene?... [SNIP]... But did
> any one of those ravers stop to ponder whether, given all
> the buzz over the scene, it just might merit a database
> entry? Apparently not, for it wasn't in there-at least
> not until someone modesty prevents me from identifying,
> who caught the scene on Soapnet this morning, threw it
> in just now.

Actually, it might just be because the scene isn't over. I know everyone is in a big hurry to get scenes entered into the Database just as fast as possible, and I guess I can see that for a movie or TV show. But for a soap opera scene, which typically extends over several days, with many changes of gag, bonds, location, etc. sometimes involved, what is the point of entering a Database entry on it NOW? It isn't over. If you entered soap scenes as soon as they begin, and don't wait till the plotline has ended, what are ya gonna do, make a separate entry for each day? Or keep going back & changing the original one as situations in the plotline change??

On soap scenes it's best to wait till the scene is completely over before making an entry I'd think.
Sunday July 03 18:39:39 2005
Fast Lane
Apologies if this was previously posted (I frequent this page but don't recall seeing anything related)...

CourtTV began showing Fastlane this weekend. According to the CourtTV website, 2 eps/week air several times on Saturdays & Sundays. Check your local listings.

3 eps with scenes listed in the db.

Sunday July 03 19:52:48 2005
One Life to Live Vidclip
To help save Major John some bandwidth usage, I've uploaded his copy of the clip to Rapidshare.

Just scroll to the bottom and click on "Free", then scroll to the bottom of the page that comes next.
Sunday July 03 20:30:47 2005
Re: Soap Database Entries
JP wrote:

> On soap scenes it's best to wait till the scene is completely over before making an entry I'd think.

Either that, or posting additional over on Database Corrections Page both fine with me.
Jay L
Sunday July 03 20:42:20 2005
Re: There's an old saying...
JP wrote:
> But for a soap
> opera scene, which typically extends over several days,
> with many changes of gag, bonds, location, etc. sometimes
> involved, what is the point of entering a Database entry
> on it NOW? It isn't over.

Perhaps, but there have been quite a few cases where a scene never got entered because everyone forgot and it finally got entered during a re-run or when it got released on DVD.
I suppose it really is up to Jay as to what he prefers since he handles the majority of the corrections, but I'm of the mindset that any entry with a "more will be added shortly" note is better than none.
Sunday July 03 20:45:57 2005
Canadians + Black DiDs
Lindy Booth wrote:

> There is a new Yahoo group devoted entirely to Canadian
> damsels in distress!

First of all, this is an awesome idea. There are a lot of hot Canadian actresses out there ending up as DiDs, and what better way to celebrate it than with an equally hot group? I'm impressed at the extent of material availible so far, and I will definitely do my best to contribute.

Secondly, THAT OLTL SCENE ... HOLY CRAP. So far, even without a conclusion to this bondage "marathon", this is turning into a favorite of mine. Evangeline's tight gag is PRICELESS. For too long have I seen bad gags on the select few scenes that feature lovely black DiDs.

Here's another great example of a black DiD with a good gag. Now, I'm not entirely sure if the link will work, but if it doesn't, you can find the cap in the telenovelas folder at Atrizbondage, the yahoo group. The actress' name is Thalma de Freitas. I believe she is tied back to back with another woman in this scene. Based on the cap, it looks like a winner.
Sunday July 03 21:59:41 2005
late alert -- Dumb Luck
DUMB LUCK (Tracy Nelson bound and gagged) will be shown on KABC channel 7 (Los Angeles) starting at 1:05 am early Monday morning, July 4. Check your local listings. It might be on in other cities as well.
Sunday July 03 22:48:02 2005
Site Update.
New artwork of BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES temptress Poison Ivy by Sofyan Syarief is avaiable in the Guest Art section. Happy 4th!

Robert Knaus

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