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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Monday January 26 00:35:20 2009
Re: Authoring Clips
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Map, you are completely wrong. It is true that an
> unregistered copyright has only the chance of pursuing
> actual damages. <<<

For these purposes, registration is irrelevant. You have a copyright to your work if you register it or not. And it makes no difference to the person viewing the cap. When was the last time someone was able to sell someone else's work because it wasn't registered?

but there are
> criminal sanctions too since the DMCA. <<<

Not for an end user merely possessing the kinds of copyrighted clips we're discussing, there aren't. DMCA criminal sanctions are about circumventing copyright security controls, not having a didclip.

> Feel free to call my law office and make an appointment
> i<<

Right back atcha.

Monday January 26 00:36:58 2009
Re: Distributing DiD clips capped by others
(unsigned poster) wrote:

He charges
> advertisers. I realize that he does not charge for
> access to the pirated information but realistically would
> there be as many visitors and therefore the demand for
> advertising if this site did not have links to all the pirated information?<<

Brian's legal and practical exposure to legal liability on this count equals zero. None. He's not selling something that belongs to someone else.

Monday January 26 00:42:11 2009
Knight Rider promo
No gag scene for Deanna Russo on the extended preview I saw tonight, but it does look like she'll get gagged. Let's hope it's better than her first scene, from a distance. It also looks like it'll be early, so don't miss the opening. In the clip, she's shown back at headquarters directing Knight, who's still in the bank.
Monday January 26 00:43:28 2009
Re: Authoring Clips
Pat Powers wrote:

> I believe however, that if corporations really thought
> that clip sites caused them economic harm rather than
> benefit, they'd go after nudie vidclip sites like Mr.
> Skin immediately (we're small change compared to the
> nudie sites). They don't. I am sure that it's because
> they've calculated that the sites offer them a net benefit, rather than harm.<<<

No. The sites offer them no net benefit. There is a cost benefit problem with paying a lawyer $4000 to sue Joe Didcapseller and get $250 worth of damages, but that's different.

From the moral perspective, petty theft is still theft. Someone is not doing me a favor my stealing my Christmas decorations, even though I'm not going to go to the cops or anything like that (it's not worth my while). The question is not whether Hollywood is going to sue you, it's that will your conscience bother you for doing it in the first place. A person who steals copyrighted materials and pretends he is doing the copyright holder a favor is deluding himself.

Monday January 26 02:54:13 2009
Re: Authoring Clips

Ok, that's enough on this subject.

The Moderator
Monday January 26 03:06:41 2009
Re: Authoring Clips
The Moderator wrote:

> Ok, that's enough on this subject.

Thank you
Monday January 26 03:10:15 2009
Re: Authoring Clips
The Moderator wrote:
> Ok, that's enough on this subject.

You think?
Couldn't you create another forum for this kind of discussion? Its been Friday since I last checked the site about the only post have been this Authoring Clips crap. Post after post after post. How could a site dedicated to beautiful actresses in bondage get so boring?
Monday January 26 11:43:30 2009
A cry in the night
I was wondering who/if anyone has actually seen this movie (database # 6479).
Many years ago - probably in the early 1960's - I recall, as a very young teenager, seeing an old B/W movie which starred a young, thin Raymond Burr (I definitely remember that) who kidnapped a dark haired teen, and it had a dynamite (but maybe short) scene where the damsel was tied, including chest ropes, and she was lying on the ground, maybe in a basement or hole in the ground. There could be severe "scene creep" here, but I do recall it was so great IMO, that I ran out to the local library and got the book it was based on. I found the book, and read the whole thing, which was absolutely the first time I'd ever done that. Many years passed, I basically forgot the whole thing, but after Brians Page developed -(I've been here, on and off, from the beginning), it rekindled my memory and I asked about this Raymond Burr movie a few times (nobody ever knew what it was).
Well, yesterday I was researching something else online, and stumbled upon some entries and found this movie mentioned... (I had never known the actress involved could have been Natalie Wood). Anyway, the database entry and plot match up, and it COULD be the long lost movie memory of mine, but the database doesn't mention any tieups. Would anyone know if what I'm remembering is from A Cry In The Night? (This movie seems to be impossible to find).
If so, the database entry could have an addition, too.
old man
Monday January 26 12:09:32 2009
I responded to a number of posts on an issue that I now see that you had closed. I was responding to them as I saw them so did not see the closure.

My apologies.

As it happens I think that you will read my responses before you delete them and your action of deleting them will provide evidence of that. So, I hope they help you.
Monday January 26 12:14:45 2009
The Goodies
I remember many years ago, when I lived in the UK, a weekly comedy called, I believe, the Goodies.

In one episode there is a medieval skit in which laughter is illegal. A man binds and gags his wife, I believe, to stop her laughing. The skit goes on some time and as it progresses the binding and gagging get more severe.

Anyone else remember this?
The Goodies
Monday January 26 12:18:12 2009
Re: A cry in the night
old man wrote:

> I was wondering who/if anyone has actually seen this
> movie (database # 6479).

Believe not completely?
Some handgag clips were made. (Can't find them at moment)

**** This movie seems to be impossible to find *****

It's air here, know the channels, so I'm going to mark it for checking....

*** If so, the database entry could have an addition, too. ****

That and I'll keep you in mind if you're correct. One of the cappers might throw it up for you, if it airs again soon?
Jay L
Monday January 26 12:38:21 2009
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 26 12:39:16 2009
This post was deleted.

Poster: Danny
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 26 12:39:52 2009
Re: Authoring Clips
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: This became non-productive.
The Moderator
Monday January 26 12:41:35 2009
Re: Appologies
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> My apologies.

Not a problem.

The Moderator
Monday January 26 13:12:58 2009
Hey Old Man - Thanks
A backchecking "Heads up!" here for Canucks & northern Yanks:

I was running through the channels for Old Man's "A Cry In The Night", and came across that beeyitch "Problem Girls" again.

Homepage link, scroll down to:
Friday September 19 03:18:14 2008
Re: Earliest Example of Scene Creep?

was that list from Bizarre mag from the 50's didcapper, with "Problem Girls" on it.
Haven't cleared the whole film yet. He's quite accurate. He may have just meant the film's poster was good?

Finally be able to clear it on Feb 3 @10:30pm DriveinClassics

You get an assist on that one Old Man,
much appreciated!
Jay L
Monday January 26 14:17:14 2009
Re: Hey Old Man - Thanks
Jay L wrote:

> "Problem Girls" again.
> Homepage link, scroll down to:
> ==
> Friday September 19 03:18:14 2008
> Re: Earliest Example of Scene Creep?
> ===
> was that list from Bizarre mag from the 50's didcapper,
> with "Problem Girls" on it.
> Haven't cleared the whole film yet. He's quite accurate.
> He may have just meant the film's poster was good?
> Finally be able to clear it on Feb 3 @10:30pm
> DriveinClassics
> You get an assist on that one Old Man,
much appreciated!

You're welcome, of course... if my memory is indeed accurate. (Umm...so, was it?)It WAS probably, around 40 years ago when I saw the movie on TV (I remember where I was living at the time).
But, "Problem Girls" ??? September 19, etc. ???
I'm not sure I understand what your post was trying to say, Jay L. Sorry - excuse my ignorance on this one :-)))
old man
Monday January 26 14:38:08 2009
Re: A cry in the night
old man wrote:

Would anyone know if what I'm
> remembering is from A Cry In The Night? (This movie seems
> to be impossible to find).

Don't know anything about them, but a outfit called Pressplayhouse has it on DVD for $13.00.


BTW, Raymond Burr was dating Natalie Wood during the time this film was made (1956).
Middle Aged Man
Monday January 26 15:41:34 2009
Re: A cry in the night
old man wrote:

> I was wondering who/if anyone has actually seen this
> movie (database # 6479).

I remember seeing A Cry in the Night many years ago (in the 60's) on a local station late at night. It did star Burr and a young beautiful Natalie Wood, so it held great promise. Disappointingly, there was no bondage whatsover. Of course the local station could have edited out a scene to fit it into the time slot, you never know. But don't get too hopeful.
Mike D
Monday January 26 16:25:51 2009
Re: A cry in the night
Mike D wrote:

> I remember seeing A Cry in the Night many years ago (in
> the 60's) on a local station late at night. .
> Of course the local station could have edited out a scene
> to fit it into the time slot,

Thanks for the reply - also to Middle Aged Man for (surprisingly) finding someone who had a copy to sell. If this one didn't have the scene, am wondering if there's another Burr flick that could have had it. (?)
I'm sure of one thing... I definitely saw something once upon a time. Maybe it's not as I remember it, but know it was good enough to make me seek out the book that spawned it.
old man
Monday January 26 16:54:08 2009
Re: A cry in the night
Mike D wrote:

the local station could have edited out a scene to fit it

On a side note, just for the sake of conversation...wonder how much this actually happens.

But, I just checked Allen Marburger's book "Bondage Fantasies In Popular Entertainment" - (which is amazing in itself - it's been years since I last looked at this book). At the end (page 129 to be exact), there's a little "addendum" called "Odds and Ends" which reads:

"What follows amounts to a random title list of feature films which contain disparate bondage sequences. Some are rather slight; some are substantial. None of the actresses are gagged. Etc...

Down the list;

"A Cry In The Night (1956) - Policeman's daughter Natalie Wood is kidnapped on Lover's Lane by a deranged man."

Gee, guess I answered my own question a few hours later.
Anyway, it's up to the editors if this wants to be added to the database.

old man
Monday January 26 17:30:06 2009
Re: Authoring Clips
Map wrote:

> Pat Powers wrote:

Map, per Brian's wish I have responded to your post over on Pofoz's page (see homepage link).
Pat Powers
Monday January 26 17:33:59 2009
Re: Unforgiven
moxx of balhoom wrote:

> Just a heads-up on this three part serial drama currently
airing on ITV in the UK

Suffice to say this came up trumps with a fairly chunky scene in the second half of the episode, great convincing performance by Flora Spencer-Longhurst as the damsel and some decent snug looking restraints, full details in the Database

moxx of balhoom
Monday January 26 17:35:18 2009
Re: A cry in the night
old man wrote:

> Anyway, it's up to the editors if this wants to be added to the database.

I saw the original version, there is no scene in the movie and no hand gag either, it's a big fat nothing burger. It is one of the best set ups and biggest let downs in DID history, but that's all it is.

I think someone posted here a long time ago that they think they remember seeing a movie photo mag at the time with Natalie Wood "tied up" in a studio promo shot for the film and this is maybe where the "desire" for a scene came from but I've never seen the mag they were talking about so who knows if it's a fake or a misremember or a phony movie poster come on, you know the kind where they "illustrate" a kidnap movie with a photo illustration with fake ropes around the captive "signifying" kidnap movie but it's not a scene from the film.
Monday January 26 17:37:28 2009
Re: Unforgiven
Just realised this is Spencer-Longhurst's second entry in the DB, she was in a two-part Dalziel & Pascoe a few years back,where she spent most of her screen time tied up

moxx of balhoom
Monday January 26 18:00:37 2009
Re: A cry in the night
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I saw the original version, there is no scene in the
> movie and no hand gag either, it's a big fat nothing
> burger. It is one of the best set ups and biggest let
> downs in DID history,

I'm not getting too involved in this brewing "controversy," and this likely is my last posting along these lines, but, for one thing, there is an entry in the database (handgag)- (where did the entry come from? certainly not me), and IF the movie is the one I saw years ago - and I concede I'm not positive, other than I KNOW Raymond Burr was the kidnapper in it - then there was definitely a first rate scene in the movie I recall. And, the very real Marburger book seems to be a very accurate reference for scenes that I am aware of.
Anybody can think, and write, whatever they like at this point.
old man
Monday January 26 18:04:58 2009
I watched this horror movie last night; it wasn't too bad. The plot concerns three girls who were childhood friends, and are now being stalked and menaced by a deranged former schoolmate. The movie is worth watching simply because the actresses are all incredibly beautiful; what makes this movie even more worthwhile to watch is the fact that two of these actresses, and one more in a minor role, are bound and gagged. I will compose a Database Entry for this movie.
Monday January 26 18:09:03 2009
Re: The Goodies
The Goodies wrote:

> Anyone else remember this?

I loved the Goodies. To my knowledge, they have not shown this program since I was a kid which needless to say, was quite some time ago. I remember specifically going down to my buddy's house when we were like 13 or 14, to watch this show every time it was on. Unfortunately, I don't remember the scene you brought up. There are some Goodies posted on PooTube, so if you need a fix, you can get it.
Monday January 26 18:14:59 2009
Re: Hey Old Man - Thanks
old man wrote:

> But, "Problem Girls" ??? September 19, etc.
> ???
> I'm not sure I understand what your post was trying to
> say, Jay L.

Someone gave me a photo-copy list from a Bizzare-mag of his from the 50's.
This guy had taken his camera into the theatre and made caps.
We've been going through the list since and "Problem Girls" was one of the elusive ones on it

"September 19 03:18:14 2008" was the last date I posted this list,
but to make it easy I'll just repost it:

"The following is a list of movies in which bondage scenes appear. Those under "Good" contain good scenes of reasonable length. "Fair" are good scenes of rather short duration, while "Poor" are so rated because of extremely short duration, or poor camera angle or both. These ratings are my own, from my own experience, and do not reflect my opinion of the pictures as a whole. The name of the star involved is included whereever I remember it. (*) indicates bondage scene on poster art"
Thief Of Venice -- Maria Montez*
Pony Soldier -- Penny Duncan
Prince of Pirates -- Barbara Rush
Return to Treasure Island -- Dawn Addams
Adventures of Hajii Baba -- Elaine Stewart
African Manhunt -- Karin Booth
The Long Wait -- Peggie Castle*
Apache -- Jean Peters
Port Sinister*
Gunfighters of the Northwest, Serial, Chap. 15 -- Phyllis Coates
Tarzan's Hidden Jungle -- Vera Miles
Son of Sinbad -- Sally Forrest
Thief of Damascus
Unconquered -- Paulette Goddard
Quo Vadis -- Deborah Kerr*
Hunchback of Notre Dame -- Maureen O'Hara
The Black Knight -- Patricia Medina
The Golden Idol
Tarzan & She Devil
Tarzan Triumphs
Problem Girls** (Good Poster)
Desert Sands -- Marla English
Battle at Rouge River -- Martha Hyer
Fair Wind to Java -- Vera Ralston
Woman they almost Hanged -- Joan Leslie
Blackbeard the Pirate -- Linda Darnell*
Khyber Patrol -- Dawn Addams
Bengal Patrol -- Arlene Dahl
Overexposed -- Cleo Moore
Killer's Kiss
Mobs, Inc.
Land of the Pharoahs -- Joan Collins
Jay L
Monday January 26 20:27:17 2009
Re: Amusement
Hadji wrote:

> fact that two of these actresses, and one
> more in a minor role, are bound and gagged.

Laura Breckenridge in another full-treatment scene.
Monday January 26 21:59:57 2009
Re: Amusement
(unsigned poster) wrote:
> Hadji wrote:
> > fact that two of these actresses, and one
> > more in a minor role, are bound and gagged.
> Laura Breckenridge in another full-treatment scene.

Have you read the Database Entry I composed for this movie? The casting director and writer for this movie both deserves accolade; the former for hiring the three incredibly beautiful actresses who play the main characters, and the latter for having two of the three bound and gagged in the script.
Monday January 26 22:20:08 2009
Nothing tonight, but I thought the FBI agent might get B&G after she resisted joining the team and insisted on calling her FBI boss. When the van rolled up, I thought we might see her B&G inside. Nope. She just walks out.
Monday January 26 22:21:59 2009
Re: 24
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Nothing tonight, but I thought the FBI agent might get
> B&G after she resisted joining the team and insisted
> on calling her FBI boss. When the van rolled up, I
> thought we might see her B&G inside. Nope. She just walks out.

Actually, the ambassador's wife was tied hands behind, although whether it was cuffs or something else wasn't shown. She looks a little like the black female B&G during Season 1 of "Prison Break" but not sure.

Monday January 26 22:55:59 2009
Figure Skating Self-Bondage
Figure skater Joanie Rochette is doing a Bond Girl themed exhibition routine this season. She skates out to centre ice and ties her hands behind her back with a black ribbon. The music starts and she struggles and jumps around a bit, then frees her hands with a flourish. It's just a small thing right off the top. I'll put a link of the video page to a clip that has a close-up of her tied hands.
Monday January 26 22:57:45 2009
12 Rounds
Raw showed trailer for new movie. Ashley Scott will be duct tape gagged and hands behind back on a bed. Gag and bed shot were shown on a cell phone screen but a closeup scene of bound hands suggests a struggle scene. Thnk it may be a good one. Raw replays at midnite eastern time, trailer will be closer to 130
Monday January 26 23:11:50 2009
Re: 12 Rounds
TheGagMan wrote:
> Raw showed trailer for new movie. Ashley Scott will be
> duct tape gagged and hands behind back on a bed. Gag and
> bed shot were shown on a cell phone screen but a closeup
> scene of bound hands suggests a struggle scene. Thnk it
> may be a good one.

Of course it will be a good one! I have been patiently waiting for the beauteous Ashley Scott to be bound and gagged!
Monday January 26 23:56:33 2009
Re: 24
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Nothing tonight, but I thought the FBI agent might get
> B&G after she resisted joining the team and insisted
> on calling her FBI boss. When the van rolled up, I
> thought we might see her B&G inside. Nope. She just walks out.

I was pissed at that too. Not only because I was dissapointed to see her not tied up. But also because it didn't make sense in the storyline.

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