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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday January 11 00:06:35 2009
Re: Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anybody know if there are any kidnapping storylines. I
> know in 08, there was a Melina kidnapping storyline. I
> dont have it, so can someone tell me!

I have it for PS2, I've gone through the Road to Wrestlemania parts and nothing so far. But I'm in the process of going through each superstars storylines. But I highly doubt it, although a kidnapping storyline may come out of nowhere. And don't even bother with the TNA Impact games, I heard there aren't even storylines and heard horrible reviews for the game itself.
Sunday January 11 01:19:13 2009
"Speaking of Empowered, was anyone as disappointed as I was in #4? I hope this "not going to be tied and helpless" isn't a trend in future issues."

Nope, not at all. It's one of the two or three best comics being published today. Period. Sure, there's less bondage in 4 but we still got a pretty heaping helping. More than you'd find in anything not published by Eros, anyway. And Adam Warren asserts there'll still be plenty of future scenarios, even though they might focus on Ocelotina or Sistah Spooky or 'Jette (doubt the 'Jette, though, other than one-off panels like in 4; that gang getting the jump on her in 3 was a fluke. She's Bad-Ass.)

Now, I know others disagree but I could go an entire bondage-free installment of Empowered. It's that good. Lucky for me I probably won't have to.
Sunday January 11 02:10:50 2009
Re: Message to people in the TV industry
The Moderator wrote:

> Tapemaster wrote:
> > The Moderator wrote:
> > > This post was deleted.
> > > Poster: Tapemaster
> > > Reason: Off-topic.
> > Really? How so?
> "Message to people in the TV industry". Quit
> sending
> messages to anyone but people here. Seriously.

I AM serious. How do you know that there aren't people in the TV industry that visit this site? We know from plenty of posts in the past that there ARE such people, so I AM sending messages to people here. Besides, why should it bother you? My post dealt with the issue of bondage scenes on mainstream television. That should make it ON-topic.
Sunday January 11 02:13:16 2009
Re: Another Treat for Comic Fans!!!
Danny wrote:
> Huntress seems to get bound and gagge a lot! Maybe she's
> into that.....

I think it's primarily because she is a female human who, despite being in superb physical condition and possessed of tremendous fighting prowess, doesn't possess superhuman strength or any superhuman powers that might enable her to escape from her bonds. Consequently, she can be physically restrained through the use of ordinary materials, such as rope or tape, and can be easily gagged with a cloth or tape.
Sunday January 11 02:25:02 2009
Re: While we pause to contemplate...
Old Friend, thank you so much for your very informative post. I appreciate the effort it took to write it. I was not aware that a lot of those people had passed away. I am saddened by their deaths and reminded of many good woman-in-bondage scenes.
Sunday January 11 02:26:55 2009
Re: scene
K. Madden wrote:

> Upcoming scene on this week's Criminal Minds (Wednesday,
> CBS), in case someone hasn't mentioned this already.

What are the details? Is the damsel going to be gagged?

Sunday January 11 03:08:23 2009
Re: Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009
Nope, no kidnapping storyline in Smackdown vs RAW 2009. Melina had one in the 2007 version of the game but there was no bondage scene at all. I know that there was one for Stephanie McMahon in the past versions.

Sunday January 11 03:10:56 2009
Guiding Light alert for Thursday
Spoilers say that Lizzie will be kidnapped again on Thursday.
Sunday January 11 04:09:46 2009
Re: Message to people in the TV industry
Tapemaster wrote:

> I AM serious. How do you know that there aren't people in
> the TV industry that visit this site?

It doesn't matter. I have ruled it off-topic. If you
persist, the same will happen as last time. Seriously.

The Moderator
Sunday January 11 04:10:22 2009
Re: Tape's lost it again.
This post was deleted.

Poster: Tapemaster
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Sunday January 11 05:47:44 2009
Re: More Comix!!!
MadFish wrote:
> Hadji wrote:
> > This comic books was published during the late 1960s
> or
> > early 1970s; I recall buying this comic book years
> ago
> > because I was attracted by the bound and gagged
> damsel in
> > distress on the cover. I also bought several other
> issues
> > of this title for the same reason-they featured a
> > beautiful female character, in many cases Lois Lane,
> > bound and gagged. I don't recall a single instance
> of
> > there being a bound and gagged female character in
> the
> > actual story;
> I'm sure many have seen this famous cover. LL actually
> was B&Gd in this issue on one panel, but is curiously
> also speaking in it.

I don't think I bought this issue. I DO recall buying an issue in which Lois Lane was bound and gagged in a similar position on the cover; she was secured to the front grill of a truck that was going over a cliff, and she was gagged with a cloth tied securely over her mouth.
Sunday January 11 05:49:46 2009
Re: Message to people in the TV industry
Tapemaster wrote:

> Just to let you know, from now on, every message of mine
> that you delete will be posted on Pofoz's page.

So why don't you just post it all there and stop posting it here? I for one think that you've got way too high a signal-to-noise ratio and your posts are annoying to have to scroll past.
Sunday January 11 06:59:23 2009
Another missed chance
Just watched Bangkok Dangerous.The young lady who played the romantic interest for Nicholas Cage,would have indeed,made a great damsel bound and gagged.She was just locked up,by the bad guys.Another missed chance.Very,very annoying.Better luck next time.
Sunday January 11 07:25:51 2009
Re: Smackdown Vs. Raw 2009
ACC wrote:

> I know that there was one for Stephanie McMahon in the past versions.

Unfortunately the Stephanie McMahon storyline was just a handgag.
Sunday January 11 08:14:00 2009
Re: Awesome comic book cover
Jorge-Enlever wrote:
> Now that the comics covers are out, let me share with you
> this beautiful cover. For me it's really inspiring: if I
> were a movie or TV director, I'd definitely shoot this
> with a real actress, same position, same bondage... I
> wouldn't change a thing.
> Funny story about this cover: Spider-Woman is bound and
> gagged in the previous issue; in this one, there is
> absolutely no such situation for her like this.
> Apparently readers liked it and Infantino gave them a treat. Don't you love it?

I was unable to view the image, but I think I know which issue of "Spider-Woman" you are talking about. On the cover, she is bound to a chair and gagged while a werewof is entering through a window. She is never bound and gagged in the actual story. In the preceding story, she spends a prolonged amount of time bound and gagged by a villain known as the Hangman. She is bound, but not gagged, while she is his unconscious captive. She is then bound to a chair and gagged. She frees herself almost immediately after regaining consciousness, and in her recollection of events, she is bound AND gagged when he has first captured her and is engaging in sexist rants.
Sunday January 11 08:32:55 2009
did from Argentina
i am a did hunter from Argentina. Look in my channel and see actress from my country gagged.

Sofia Elliot and moore to come

Wendy Crewson scene is here
Elzahir11081 from youtube
El Zahir
Sunday January 11 11:01:39 2009
Re: Another Treat for Comic Fans!!!
Hadji wrote:

> Danny wrote:
> > Huntress seems to get bound and gagge a lot! Maybe
> she's
> > into that.....
> I think it's primarily because she is a female human who,
> despite being in superb physical condition and possessed
> of tremendous fighting prowess, doesn't possess
> superhuman strength or any superhuman powers that might
> enable her to escape from her bonds. Consequently, she
> can be physically restrained through the use of ordinary
> materials, such as rope or tape, and can be easily gagged
> with a cloth or tape.

Yep. She's also a pretty good bindee, as she has been shown to bind up and gag men and women from time to time.

This leads me to one of my biggest screen gripes of all time: The Justice League Unlimited.

There was an episode where Huntress sneaks into a compound that hosts an arena where brainwashed superheroines fight for the amusement of wealthy patrons.

At one point, after infiltrating the arena, we see her hiding behind a wall and taking off her mask. The next time we see her, she is walking out of the bathroom in a red cocktail dress.

You know there had to have been a cut scene where she takes out some woman and steals her dress!!

I was only 14, and even then I was pissed! The show actually had many of it's scripts heavily edited due to time constraints and content deemed "unseemly" for children, and this leads me to believe that at one point, such a scene existed.

I would've even settled for just a quickie scene of the woman sitting gagged in a bathroom stall. But no, I'm sure that the CN folks thought that was not fit for children.

Damn.....I really wanna see that script now....
Sunday January 11 12:15:26 2009
Re: did from Argentina
El Zahir wrote:

> i am a did hunter from Argentina. Look in my channel and
> see actress from my country gagged.
> Sofia Elliot and moore to come
> Wendy Crewson scene is here
> Elzahir11081 from youtube

Welcom El Zahir. I like those damsels from your Country...very much. Thanks.
Sunday January 11 12:40:31 2009
I thought I'd never see this ...
In the times of online video hosting and filesharing many scenes have become available that a few years ago seemed way beyond our grasp. Scenes that were simply too old and had not been repeated for years; scenes that aired in some remote part of the world and never made their way across the Atlantic (, Pacific, ...).

Have you recently had a pleasant moment when you watched or downloaded a scene of interest, thinking "I thought I'd never get to see this."? It doesn't need to be your holy grail. My last moment of these was only two years ago as I watched episodes of the little-remembered US soap Texas from 1981. As I said: I thought ...
Peter de K
Sunday January 11 12:42:34 2009
Re: I thought I'd never see this ...
Peter de K wrote:

> My last moment of these was only
> two years ago

That should have been "two days ago", of course.
Peter de K
Sunday January 11 13:21:55 2009
Re: Message to people in the TV industry
Stressed wrote:

> I for one think that you've got way too high a
> signal-to-noise ratio....

Kudos on probably
The Best Line Evah!!!
Sunday January 11 14:01:30 2009
Re: Message to people in the TV industry
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Stressed wrote:
> > I for one think that you've got way too high a
> > signal-to-noise ratio....
> Wowsers
> Kudos on probably
> The Best Line Evah!!!

Yes: almost haiku
But it strikes me that Stressed has
Inverted his math
Sunday January 11 14:47:37 2009
Re: Univision Show
Alan Smithee wrote:

> > The scene with the 3 girls is during in the finale and
> that will be airing on Univision on the 12th. Best bet
> would be to start recording the middle of next week in
> case some other sequences occur.

I assume this had not happened yet and is still on tap for tomorrow????????????????????????
Sunday January 11 15:24:10 2009
Re: Message to people in the TV industry
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Wowsers
> Kudos on probably
> The Best Line Evah!!!

That was Me.

Sunday January 11 17:00:08 2009
New Blog with argentinian did
Hey folks !!! I have a new Blog called EL ZAhir DIDs.
You can watch did scenes from argentinian tv and some news scenes from USA.
This week:

Sofia Elliot (Vidas Robadas)
Linda Hamilton(B&B)
Wendy Crewson (Flashpoint)

see you
El Zahir
Sunday January 11 18:14:16 2009
Re: Univision Show
civil wrote:

> I assume this had not happened yet and is still on tap
> for tomorrow????????????????????????

Yep. Tomorrow is the finale and Friday ended with the girls being knocked out and kidnapped.
Alan Smithee
Sunday January 11 18:24:31 2009
Need help from the experts
Can somebody please ID this fine DiD for me?
Sunday January 11 19:38:14 2009
Re: More Comix!!!
Hadji wrote:

I DO recall buying an
> issue in which Lois Lane was bound and gagged in a
> similar position on the cover; she was secured to the
> front grill of a truck that was going over a cliff, and
> she was gagged with a cloth tied securely over her mouth.

I think you mean this one, and you're right. She wasn't gagged in the actual story.

This other one from Daredevil #104 is probably my favorite. The way Black Widow is tied up in the tree, position she's tied in, the way the gag is wrapped around her face, plus I thought she was one of the sexiest superheroes of that era.
Sunday January 11 20:05:03 2009
Re Lois Lane covers
Y'know, I don't think the big guy in blue really has her best interests at heart.
Sunday January 11 20:57:53 2009
"Skinwalkers" **Late Alert**
The movie actually premiered on The Movie Channel last week. I can't recall if there was any discussion of scenes when it came out in theatres, but I couldn't find an entry in the DB. I was mainly watching it to see Rhona Mitra.

I was just starting to watch it, when I came across this scene:

About 7-8 minutes into the movie, there's a scene with two women and two men. One of the women is maybe late-40s and the other looks to about mid-30s. They're down in a cabin cellar strapping themselves into leather (almost bondage-looking) harness devices to prevent themselves from escaping. I haven't watched the movie yet, but I'm presuming they're werewolves.

Anyway, they're discovered by their enemies after they've already made themselves helpless. They're next shown still bound in these devices and gagged with duct tape. There's a couple of nice closeup of the mid-40s woman before the tape is ripped off her mouth so they can interrogate her. The younger woman is shown in a couple of medium-length shots. There's putz shots too for those that don't like that.
Sunday January 11 21:02:19 2009
Re: More Comix!!!
Detail of Daredevil 104
Sunday January 11 21:19:21 2009
Re: Victoria Abril
Tom wrote:

> Mandrakedaily wrote:
> Still looking for the That's Incredible clip, if anyone
> has a lead. Thanks.

After seeing the rerun of this a couple of weeks ago, it wound up being a much shorter scene then I remember from when I first saw it. It was obvious that with the thumbcuffs, she was never going to get free.

Sunday January 11 21:44:37 2009
"The Unborn"
Apparently actress Odette Yustman gets strapped to a gurney and ball-gagged in this film.
Sunday January 11 21:47:57 2009
Re: "The Unborn"
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Apparently actress Odette Yustman gets strapped to a
> gurney and ball-gagged in this film.

She actually gets ring gagged. not ball gagged :( that's too bad.
Sunday January 11 22:50:56 2009
Re: Awesome comic book cover
Hadji wrote:

> I was unable to view the image, but I think I know which
> issue of "Spider-Woman" you are talking about.

Hey Hadji, sorry you couldn't see the cover. You're right about the issue. Here's the link for you and for anyone else that had the same problem:


Enjoy it!
Sunday January 11 22:59:50 2009
Re: More Comix!!!
MadFish wrote:
> This other one from Daredevil #104 is probably my
> favorite. The way Black Widow is tied up in the tree,
> position she's tied in, the way the gag is wrapped around her face, plus I thought she was one of the sexiest
superheroes of that era.

Is she tied and gagged only on the cover? Anything in the issue?
Southern Frank
Sunday January 11 23:33:07 2009
Re: More Comix!!!
Southern Frank wrote:

> Is she tied and gagged only on the cover?


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