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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday November 25 00:28:25 2006
Re: Did cap
X wrote:

> Max wrote:
> > Anybody pls give me did cap site about latin gag and
> > indonesia gag
> .... lol. Moderator?

Well, while odd, I don't know that I've rule requests
for sites to be Trade only. What say ye?

The Moderator
Saturday November 25 00:28:58 2006
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Saturday November 25 00:30:22 2006
Re: Update
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Isn't this a promo for something that is non-mainstream?
> and a lot of time spent on it. (fully realizing that
> 'Major John' posts commercial clips.

Yes. I allow updates as a service for the community,
but let's confine chitchat about other sites to the
Trade page. I've deleted the original and will take
care of any others.

The Moderator
Saturday November 25 00:33:55 2006
Re: The School Uniformed Brat Update
This post was deleted.

Poster: Jay L
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Saturday November 25 00:51:16 2006
Has anybody watched any of the episodes aired on FOX's myspace site? They are showing the last 4 episodes and a few are available already. So its worth a check out to see if there are any more scenes. The site is:

Saturday November 25 01:01:28 2006
Re: heather young
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > It always bugged me that Heather Young was not involved
> > in the bondage sequence in the Land of the Giants episode
> > "Unsuspected" even though she was the first
> > taken.
> Wasn't that the episode where she said at the end;
> "He tied me up and gagged me" wearing a tight
> sweater no less. I was 13 when I heard that and wanted
> to kill myself. She was way hotter than Deanna Lund
> imho; I'm into the "Mary Ann's, not the Ginger's".

I hear ya, brother! I too find myself lusting after the Mary Anns, Velmas, & Willows of the fictional world(s).

Regarding Heather having dodged the ropes (or cloth strips) in the episode in question, she was pregnant at the time, and showing. They had no choice but to plant her behind rocks &/or bushes and shoot her from the shoulders up. No "action" for mother-to-be Heather! Of course, they *could* have integrated her pregnancy into the storyline... & wouldn't *that* have been revolutionary TV drama for the time?? :-D
Saturday November 25 02:15:37 2006
Re: The School Uniformed Brat Update
The Moderator wrote:

> This post was deleted.
> Poster: Jay L
> Reason: Off-topic.

Disagree with this,
but will just take this whole "Family Joyance" to Trades and get the passaround clip going over there then =>
Jay L
Saturday November 25 02:29:56 2006
Re: Vanished
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> few are available already. So its worth a check out to
> see if there are any more scenes.

I tried it but found it tough to skip ahead.
Saturday November 25 03:39:02 2006
Re: heather young
Van wrote:

> Regarding Heather having dodged the ropes (or cloth
> strips) in the episode in question,

Remember this one!

Saturday November 25 03:42:37 2006
Heather Young
Sorry, stupid url didn't link. When you click on long link it takes you to a page where you need to click on L of G Vault link then 4th row down, 4th pic from right is Heather taped down in a tight sweater. Don't remember ever seeing this episode.
Saturday November 25 04:43:51 2006
Sex Bombe on Youtube
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmxA08dRjg0"> Incredibly busty french woman</a> spends nearly all of 6 minutes taped to a chair and tape gagged on youtube. Description says it's from a short French film. Didn't find it in the database. Don't know if it's shown up here before, but it's a great scene.
Saturday November 25 06:06:55 2006
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. are now both among the shows available on AOL's In2TV website.

There's one Girl from U.N.C.L.E. up now called "The Montori Device Affair" I had forgotten that has April tape gagged with a nice piece of yellow tape. Gag is poorly applied (as noted in the database), but it's a long scene, she's wearing a nice little chiffon thing and there's some nice mmmmphing.

As a bonus, for a long period she sits there wearing her gag without being bound...excellent submission.
Saturday November 25 06:56:42 2006
Manip/ Bounty Hunter
Another nice manip on my front page donated by one of my viewers..Enjoy..
Saturday November 25 08:59:27 2006
Re: Sex Bombe on Youtube
(unsigned poster) wrote:
Incredibly busty french woman

Cute but they must have used a full 45 gallon drum of silicone on that one. As always the regular tv damsels are usually more fetching.
Saturday November 25 11:11:01 2006
Re: The School Uniformed Brat Update
Jay L wrote:

> The Moderator wrote:
> > This post was deleted.
> > Poster: Jay L
> > Reason: Off-topic.
> Disagree with this,

A point of order was raised. Did I misinterpret your
post in some way? Please expand on your reasons for

The Moderator
Saturday November 25 11:21:56 2006
Re: Sex Bombe on Youtube
Clearly that's NOT silicon, Beavis. That's just a very busty girl in an EXTREME underwire/sidewire push-up bra/dress.

For verification, take a look at the other photos of the same actress on the 'net.
Saturday November 25 12:30:45 2006
Re: Update
The Moderator wrote:
I've deleted the original and will take
care of any others.

I apologize - the picture link was incorrect.
I've amended to the proper link for our bound 'food channel'
hostesses as intended.

Saturday November 25 15:00:23 2006
Re: Sex Bombe on Youtube
Wow what an awesome find! That was an incredible scene, one of the best!

Saturday November 25 15:17:22 2006
Snuff That Girl
Yet another university production
Saturday November 25 15:21:21 2006
9pm 2006-12-01 ALL NEW!

SECRETS AREN'T THE ONLY THING BURIED-- Ed and Danny only have twelve hours to save Delinda (Molly Sims) from her kidnappers, so they must steal 50 million dollars from the Montecito or she will be buried alive.
Sonny C
Saturday November 25 15:31:12 2006
I know I said I wouldn't have any more to say here about audiobooks.
Well, so I lied!

If there's anyone here who hasn't read Dame Agatha Christie's “The Man in the Brown Suit,” your homework assignment for this weekend is to head dutifully over to your nearest public library branch that has a copy and turn to Chapter 19, where Christie's heroine, Anne Beddingfeld, not only gets the Lois Lane treatment, but tells us all about it in the first person!

That's the good news. The GREAT news is that the book's been out on audio for a couple of years now. Not wanting to pay the outrageous $32 it goes for, I had to settle for borrowing the cassette version from a local library. Anne is given voice by database damsel Emilia Fox, of “Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased)” fame. For a good five to ten minutes about midway through her more than eight-hour recitation, she treats us to dialogue like:

“I was taken upstairs. Despite my struggles, I was gagged and then bound hand and foot...

“...I was quite helpless. Turn and twist as I would, I could not loosen my bonds in the slightest degree, and the gag prevented me from crying out.

“...It was maddening not to be able to do anything. I strained again at my bonds but the knots held. I desisted at last and either fainted or fell asleep.

“When I awoke, I was in pain all over...The gag was half-choking me, and the stiffness and pain were unendurable. It was then that my eyes fell on a bit of broken glass lying in the corner.”

What follows, of course, is a very un-Lois Lane-like escape; after wriggling on the floor a la Mel Harris in “Desperate Motive” and cutting herself free with the glass, she attempts to slip away, only to be forced to feign still being bound until the coast is clear for a clean getaway:

“...I retired prudently to the attic, gathered my bonds round me, and lay down again on the floor, in case they should take it into their heads to come and look at me.”

Then in the next chapter, after Anne has made it back to her hotel room and been reunited with the snotty society matron that has become her sidekick, her relating her adventures evokes this response from her partner, which I recall has been previously quoted here:

“Why do these things always happen to you?” she demanded plaintively. “Why does no one gag me and bind me hand and foot?”

I absolutely LOVE the way Fox reads this line!

You know, I've got to wonder about Christie herself after reading and hearing this. She was in her mid-thirties when she wrote this book (it was published in 1924) and such a detailed first-person (“I was gagged and bound...I was helpless...I was in pain...”) account seems only to have come from first-hand experience. Might the author have enlisted the aid of someone to provide her with that experience? Or...is it possible? Could it be that our dear Dame Agatha silently, invisibly haunts these environs still, having secretly been One of...naaah!

Don't be so quick to laugh. You'll speculate yourself once you've read through the scene, or listened to Fox read it.

Now the disclaimers. As stated above, the novel is more than eighty years old, and part of it is set in southern Africa, so be forewarned as to Christie's treatment of then-current social and racial attitudes. In fact, I've left out a South African phrase that would come to be the equivalent of our dreaded “N-word”-but Christie doesn't.

Also, those of you who like our video iPod-owning acquaintance might want to transfer the recording to a portable device are pretty much out of luck as far as obtaining it in a legitimately transferable form, unless you buy it. As near as I can tell, it isn't available as a digital download. It is, however, out on CD, so if your library has it and you want to stick it into a computer CD drive and do more than just listen to it...well, I won't tell anyone. As to what to do, or how to go about getting the cassette version onto an iPod or other portable player...well, fair use or not, I think that's getting a bit too far off topic.

Finally, let's kick around a fun question. If some director or production company out there decides to do another “Man in the Brown Suit” movie-and do it RIGHT this time (the made-for-TV version with Stephanie Zimbalist as Anne updated the story to the present and dropped the bondage), who should play the female lead? I keep seeing Kate Winslet. Both her signature role and her database scenes in “Hamlet” and “Quills” demonstrate her penchant for depicting period characters. If nothing else, it'd give her a chance to work with Billy Zane as a baddie again. ”Survival Island” showed he has the chops for it, and he strikes me as perfect for Anne's Dutch captor in the bondage scene. Helena Bonham Carter as Suzanne the snotty socialite turned sidekick would fill out the ensemble. What do you think?
Saturday November 25 15:41:56 2006
Re: Next on LAS VEGAS
> have twelve hours to save Delinda (Molly Sims) from her
> kidnappers,

"Danny wonders where Delinda is when she doesn't answer her phone... if only he knew that a few miles away a sinister man nicknamed Mr. Chips has kidnapped Delinda and will require that Ed brings $50 million in cash to save his daughter from being buried alive"
Saturday November 25 15:50:59 2006
More than two DinD's?
Title: The Source (2002) aka The Surge aka The Secret Craft
Medium: Movie
Actress: Melissa Renée Martin, Alice Frank

Description: Two girls (Melissa Renée Martin & Alice Frank) are attacked, tied up and tape-gagged as a joke by some other teens. One of them is really cute and she's actually in on the "joke", which she lets the others know once she's ungagged. Not a bad little scene at all. Guy alert.
Saturday November 25 15:54:56 2006
Re: Commentary from actresses in DVD special features?
Zwingli wrote:

> McBain wrote:
> > Hey all,
> >
> > I was curious if anyone knows of any DVD's which
> have
> > actor/director commentary, and the commentary deals
> with
> > any DID scenes in the film?
The DVD for Melevolance the directors talk quite a bit about how long Samantha Dark was tied up for and her really getting hurt but wanting to continue.They also mention how he was suprised they were not on any bondage web sites.
Saturday November 25 16:22:40 2006
Re: I know I said I wouldn't have any more to say here about audiobooks.
Fettershackle wrote:

> Well, so I lied!

Thanks for the info. Do you have a list of audio books with DID scenes? Listening makes the workday go by so much faster!
Thanks for any info.
Saturday November 25 16:34:47 2006
Miami Vice
From the ALerts page:

Day: Saturday November 25 2006
Time: 3am est
Channel: Slueth

Title: Miami Vice
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Vanity

Description: Episode: "By Hooker By Crook" (3.20)

Crockett & Tubbs seek a murder witness (Vanity). Unfortunately, the bad guys catch up with her first. She is gagged (onscreen) with dark cloth between the teeth

Did anyone manage to catch this scene? I set the VCR for it late last night for 3am this morning (3am Sat, right?) & recorded a different episode,"Red Tape". I had checked & double-checked the DirecTV guide before bed & the 3am episode definitely WAS the one in the alert. Did anyone else get a wrong episode? Or did everyone catch it but me?
Saturday November 25 17:09:32 2006
Re: Sex Bombe on Youtube
Roper wrote:

> Clearly that's NOT silicon, Beavis. That's just a very
> busty girl in an EXTREME underwire/sidewire push-up
> bra/dress.
> For verification, take a look at the other photos of the
> same actress on the 'net.

That's what it looked like to me. I'm thinking the actress had something to push up, but it's an effect of the bra and that nice low-cut scoop neck on her top. Yowzah! what a great video. Great face on the damsel too, with some fine emoting. I'll give it a 9.

(10, among mainstream films, is reserved for Xenia Seeburg giving that guy a bondage lapdance in "Knocking On Heaven's Door.")

Still, one fine video, thanks for the link, Original Poster!
Pat Powers
Saturday November 25 17:25:21 2006
The hitcher
I alredy see the triler,and sophia bush get very very tight cleave gagged
Saturday November 25 17:38:33 2006
Re: The hitcher
> I alredy see the triler,and sophia bush get very very
> tight cleave gagged

The trailer shows the candyass male lead in the DinD situation that Jennifer Jason Leigh was in.
Saturday November 25 17:56:05 2006
Re: The hitcher
> sophia bush get very cleave gagged

Q: What's your character like now that roles are swapped? You're in the girl role?

Zack Knighton: Well, kind of.

Following the Payton Haas career path...

Saturday November 25 18:35:11 2006
'Lisa Rogers' tied to train tracks. Actress?
Saturday November 25 18:37:51 2006
Re: YouTube
> 'Lisa Rogers' tied to train tracks. Actress?

Popular TV presenter in UK

Saturday November 25 18:55:25 2006
Re: Desire
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> rob- roy wrote:
> > Does anyone know the schedule for this show? Also,
> what
> > makes it appear that the gag scene will occur on
> Dec. 5?
> > thanks, RR
> See the link for the date and the scene. They're
> promoting the hell out of it and it's the last episode;
> the gag scene is definitely on Dec 5th.
> http://www.mynetworktv.com/desire.html

Anyone have any idea for how someone without cable tv can view and perhaps "record" this episode on the web? I've seen others with tv using just web with some software I'm quite curious as to how I would be able to be able to do this as well so that I can catch the episode.
Saturday November 25 19:13:41 2006
Re: Miami Vice
I taped the 7pm airing on Friday, and saw that the Directv airing. Your in luck, there are others next month. Will post in alerts

Saturday November 25 19:45:05 2006
Re: YouTube
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> > 'Lisa Rogers' tied to train tracks.

We call it a railway line or track (singular) over here.
Bloke must be nuts - Type 08s are everywhere, and with a top speed of 20 mph there's plenty of time to linger over untying the damsel! :-)
Mad Dan
Saturday November 25 20:39:49 2006
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. are
> now both among the shows available on AOL's In2TV
> website.

Yeah, and I just watched "The Paradise Lost Affair" and, despite what the database says, she wasn't bound and gagged in it. Plenty of dudes where though, so whoopee. I know which part in the episode the database would be talking about too, it's the part where Stefanie Powers and three dudes are tied up on a bed, but she wasn't gagged then, just rather lamely tied up.
What gives? I suppose they could've cut the gag part out for AOL, but I don't see how that's possible.
Saturday November 25 21:10:51 2006
Re: The hitcher
Black wrote:

> I alredy see the triler,and sophia bush get very very
> tight cleave gagged

So where exactly are you getting your information? My understanding is that the GUY in the movie gets the bondage treatment.
And what exactly IS a "triler"??? :-)
Saturday November 25 22:46:50 2006
Re: Desire
Jackal wrote:

> the gag scene is definitely on Dec 5th.

> Anyone have any idea for how someone without cable tv can
> view and perhaps "record" this episode

Sorry, don't know how to get "cable" on the web for free, but I don't think UPN or my network or channel 9 in NY or whatever they now call this channel, is cable, it's regular free TV. Do you not get channel 9 UPN for free on TV where you are? It's always been free here in NY.

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