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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Monday November 13 00:13:51 2006
Re: the hard line
Not a Guest wrote:

> Per is an ingrate, plain and simple. He has no respect
> for the Moderator or the contributions of anyone else
> here, no wonder he's been banned on countless occasions.

Per is really not that bad....he is decent and he ultimately means well, though his manners could use a quick referesher course now and then.

A lot of these times he has gotten into "trouble" result when there is a miscommunication between Per and someone else, this being a good case in point. Per felt (wrongly) that Jay was being rude....if they would do a quick mutual apology it would probably be better than just banning the guy. I hope Brian doesn't ban him, personally.
Lions Fan
Monday November 13 00:17:00 2006
Re: American Dad
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The wife gets bound and taped gagged, by racers who won a
> bet, that Stan could not pay off.

Sorry for being ignorant; but what's American Dad?
Monday November 13 00:19:10 2006
Per, Per, Per...
Looks like you're on your own re whether you're acting an ass or not.

If you want to stick to your guns, fine. More power to you.

You've been given a chance and I reckon you should apologise.
Monday November 13 00:26:37 2006
Re: American Dad
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Sorry for being ignorant; but what's American Dad?

An animated TV comedy about a conservative CIA agent and his family and is produced by the same people who do " The Family Guy. "

Monday November 13 00:54:30 2006
Re: the hard line
Not a Guest wrote:

> Someone should post the Per picture

Let's not go there.

The Moderator
Monday November 13 01:27:09 2006
Re: Casino royle
> JP wrote:
> > Does anyone really kow for sure?

Well you can go back to this post and look at the pictures
posted there by Zed and decide for yourself:
Thursday November 09 21:07:04 2006
Re: Casino Royale

99.99% sure there isn't a gag being used on this lady tied up in the roadway.
Unless I'm missing something obvious....

Monday November 13 02:37:46 2006
Re: American Dad
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The wife gets bound and taped gagged, by racers who won a
> bet, that Stan could not pay off.

Thanks for the heads up. I have put together a clip for anybody interested in cartoon scenes. It is a 3 mb WMV, zipped. Click the link below (in the homepage URL spot), where I was so considerate to put it. Hehe. ;-) You guys crack me up!!
Monday November 13 03:38:42 2006
Re: the hard line
Lions Fan wrote:

> A lot of these times he has gotten into
> "trouble" result when there is a
> miscommunication between Per and someone else, this being
> a good case in point. Per felt (wrongly) that Jay was
> being rude

But this not the 1st, nor 2nd, time of Per "feeling wronged" and needing detailed replies explaining the system and then Per apologising. Becoming tiresome

I'd rather not see him banned,
why wanted him to email me instead of on these boards in the first place.
Jay L
Monday November 13 07:18:08 2006
Re: American Dad
Wavy wrote:

>I have put together a clip for
> anybody interested in cartoon scenes.

Thanks, Wavy. I was wondering what that was!
Monday November 13 10:24:08 2006
CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
This is an alert for CSI Miami tonight Monday at 10 p.m. on CBS eastern where several hotties get kidnapped by some guy posing as a photographer. Sounds like white slavery. All I know is that the girls looks yummy and are in bikinis from the preview here: http://www.cbs.com/primetime/csi_miami/ Click the "Watch a video preview" for a pop up video and around the 22 second mark some hot brunette in a bikini is surprised by a guy looking to be in a ski mask with a nice hand gag. Pause it and it is clear of the hand gag, but unclear as to whether there is a white cloth. Oh how nice it would be if there was though and these hotties were put to sleep somehow. Don't got hopes up though. No bondage shown, but they might be barefoot and know they are in bikinis.

Here is one description from tv.com: "A murder and kidnapping becomes personal when DNA from a crime scene reveals that Natalia’s sister Anya is one of the kidnapped women they are looking for. The team finds a safe full of photos of missing women and they must find the photographer who was using his camera to lure the unsuspecting women."

And another from TV Guide's site: "Natalia's sister is kidnapped, along with several other women, by a man posing as a photographer. The CSIs are alerted to the crimes when an unidentified woman passes a bloody bill to a toll-booth collector with a cry for help written on it. Soon afterward, a woman is found dead on a jetty near the toll booth and photos of the missing women are discovered in a safe."

Get the tapes rolling and here's hoping to at least a sleepy scene if not more and some bondage. We can see from the preview that the hotties are good looking.
Monday November 13 10:31:22 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
Victory wrote:
> Get the tapes rolling and here's hoping to at least a
> sleepy scene if not more and some bondage. We can see from the preview that the hotties are good looking.

Sorry for jumping the gun on this, I should have read the alerts section first, but nonetheless will save others some time for some who wante a more detailed description I guess.
Monday November 13 10:58:07 2006
lost memory
When I was young there was a rerun on an episode of the newer Lucy Ball show. Not the one with Desi.
The plot was that a robber entered the home of lucy with Vivian Vance he ties them up back to back, no gag, the joke was they hopped around trying to get free until her screen daughter lets them loose
It is not in the DB, anyone else remember this
Monday November 13 11:27:46 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
Victory wrote:

>Don't got hopes up though. No bondage shown.

Actually, if you pause it at the 23 sec. mark as the villain is putting a bag or something over someone's head, you can see a brunette woman wearing a red blouse and black skirt seated on the floor with her hands behind her back. She's out of focus, but to me, it looks like her mouth is taped.

Sorry, I couldn't get a print screen of it. It just won't copy correctly.

Monday November 13 11:42:23 2006
Re: My Inbox Is Still Empty & You Insist On Doing This Here, So
Jay L wrote:

> ***** Jay's reply in corrections: I'll look into. *****
> Which what you were told back on Oct 30th happens when
> posters say "I dunno. It could be"

Jay, my whole post was- like most posts on the "Corrections" page- a question to the editor(s)- meaning "I suggest this because I think it is better than the existing, what do you think?".

At least here in Europe, it's considered inpolite to ignore questions put to you. Just 2 words will do. I pointed that out to you-then you called me a drug addict (???????)

I made 100 + entries and corrections

> Don't build up your worth.
> You've gone to HTF caps and requested clothing &
> "rope" to "white rope" additions for
> popular US scenes everyone aware of. That's fine, but I
> consider that "favours"
> You haven't been involved in contributing new scenes,
> posting new entries, or ID'ing the now 100+ Unknown scenes
which I consider priority

That's one thing I often thought about suggesting: that new posts had the contributor's name or tag on it. If they had I could prove that that's simply wrong.

True, I have suggested corrections based on HtF caps, Movie fan caps and other to make the description more detailed-and recognizeable. But I made lots of new entries also. More than half those 100+ were NEW ENTRIES.

Monday November 13 12:07:39 2006
Re: Post a URL in the Homepage field, not the body of the post
The Moderator wrote:

> Per wrote:
> > So: I am NOT apologizing to anyone.
> So you're saying you'd like to be banned?

Of course not, at least the DB I use regularly

Read Jay's answer to me in discussions from yesterday where he degrades all efforts I ever made to contribute; if it was the other way around, so that I had that same attitude towards his work (that I highly appreciate and give him all credits for), I would be banned for 1000 years.

Some people are more equal than others- in America......
Monday November 13 12:34:05 2006
Just let it go
For goodness' sake, Per, just let it drop. You could get away wih this back in the Anything Goes days, but drag this junk on the main board, and you're cruisin' for a bruisin'.

I don't come to the main page to read this junk. Brian's Page, Brian's rules.
Lord Zoltar
Monday November 13 12:34:27 2006
Re: My Inbox Is Still Empty & You Insist On Doing This Here, So
Per wrote:

> then you called me a drug addict
> (???????)

Where do you see that? Just ask another editor to handle your posts.
Monday November 13 12:42:07 2006
Before the flood-new rapidshare scenes
Hi, I have been preparing 2 new scenes for those interested to download from Rapidshare. Both are large, and divided into 3 parts.

Video and sound may not be perfectly smooth-but, you can expand the window to fill your screen and still get reasonable pic quality.

Like before you'll need patience, Aladdin stuffit expander (free) and Quicktime (free)

Op på fars Hat- Harebrained Danish Comedy about mass tourism and diamond smugglers. (anti)hero and heroine tied back to back, to be fed to sharks.
She talks about how to get out, while he only declares his love to her; then a friend unties one hand-he wants them to get to know each other even better. DiD played by Benedikte Hansen.

Tarzan's hidden Treasure (was hard to edit getting rid of BOY) featuring pre-WW2's most lovely DiD Maureen O'Sullivan.








Enjoy- and (?) goodbye
Monday November 13 12:45:58 2006
Re: Just let it go
Lord Zoltar wrote:

> For goodness' sake, Per, just let it drop. You could get
> away wih this back in the Anything Goes days

I did not start this and it is not me keeping it going.
Some things just NEED an answer, ban threats or not; there's such a thing as pride........
Monday November 13 13:09:30 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
Hardly any mention about tonight's episode of

Monday November 13 13:37:54 2006
Prison Break
Guaranteed scene here
Monday November 13 14:32:10 2006
play misty remake
As much as I loathe Ben Affleck, my interest or imagination was perked by the following blurb, as yet unconfirmed:

One of the more surprising rumours this weekend that has emerged Ben Affleck is apparently in talks with Universal Pictures to produce and potentially direct a remake of Clint Eastwood's 1967 directorial debut "Play Misty for Me."

If this does come to pass, let's hope he keeps the ending the same. My absolute ideal pick for the Donna Mills part? Not sure. Maybe Maggie Grace.
Monday November 13 15:11:17 2006
Re: play misty remake
dg wrote:

> If this does come to pass, let's hope he keeps the ending
> the same. My absolute ideal pick for the Donna Mills
> part? Not sure. Maybe Maggie Grace.

If they play the scene the same way, I wouldn't care what hottie gets the part. Awesome scene.

Monday November 13 15:12:18 2006
"General Hospital"
Nothing for Elizabeth on Monday. The cops busted in and she was just standing there. After finding the bug, Jason just bolted without tying and gagging her. Damn!!
Monday November 13 15:22:39 2006
Re: Prison Break
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Guaranteed scene here
> http://www.prisonbreak-online.com/gallery/displayimage.php
> ?album=233&pos=4

Be careful about that whole "guaranteed" part... we've dealt with more than one letdown this season that came from deceptive promos.
Not a Guest
Monday November 13 15:40:55 2006
Re: Prison Break
Not a Guest wrote:

> Be careful about that whole "guaranteed"
> part... we've dealt with more than one letdown this season that came from deceptive promos.

Yes, I'm cautious on this as well, especially since Sarah Wayne Callies has been on my wish-list since Season 1. Hopefully, we'll get some nice closeups in that gag, and not just the side angle view in the promo.
Monday November 13 15:54:58 2006
Re: Prison Break
Likely a quick gag scene at the beginning before it's taken off for the interrogation
Monday November 13 16:09:17 2006
Re: Just let it go
Per wrote:

> there's such a thing as pride........

Pride goeth before a fall.

Book Of Proverbs
Monday November 13 16:12:38 2006
Re: My Inbox Is Still Empty & You Insist On Doing This Here, So
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Per wrote:
> then you called me a drug addict (???????)
> Where do you see that? Just ask another editor to handle
your posts.

Don't recall ever calling anyone a "drug addict"
agree another Editor looking after Per appears best solution to end all these misunderstandings.
Jay L
Monday November 13 16:57:18 2006
Posted for Monday
Monday November 13 17:15:15 2006
Urinetown - Snuff That Girl
A variety of B&G damsels
Monday November 13 17:16:04 2006
Re: Urinetown - Snuff That Girl
One more
Monday November 13 17:31:43 2006
I'm TOTALLY not a masochist but...
I for one am
REALLY REALLY EXCITED about Tomorrow night's Veronica Mars
*jumps up & down*
I know, I Know, I friggin KNOW
the show is thebiggestdisapointmentteasequeenofmissedopportunities EVER
"veronica is a little tied up as her sorority sisters look for her",

deep breaths
Monday November 13 17:34:59 2006
Does anyone know when the bondage sence happens on this show. I saw a pic in an old TV guide, that shows a woman being escorted down the stairs hands taped and there was something that looked like a gag around her neck. I have been trying to catch it, but it's hard seeing the time this show comes on.
Monday November 13 17:37:34 2006
You Tube
Le Gorille - Sophie Michaud B&G (Pre-Counterstrike)

plus a knockout scene
Monday November 13 17:49:34 2006
Re: Update
Stephanie wrote:

> Posted for Monday

LOL, wtf was going on in that clip? Good stuff though.
Monday November 13 18:24:52 2006
Re: I'm TOTALLY not a masochist but...
Snowcat wrote:

> "veronica is a little tied up as her sorority sisters look for her",

With the utterly crappy track record of that show, they probably mean "a little tied up" in the usual metaphorical sense with no literal strings attached.

Be wary of placing any bets on that show. I hope I'm wrong, but we all know the disappointment it's brought in the past.

Not a Guest
Monday November 13 18:54:52 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
MadFish wrote:

> Actually, if you pause it at the 23 sec. mark as the
> villain is putting a bag or something over someone's
> head... but to me, it looks like her mouth is taped.

Unfortunately, no. I just downloaded the preview & scrolled thru the thing one frame at a time. The girl who gets the bag put over her head is definitely NOT gagged. Now that does not mean that someone isn't going to GET gagged in the show tonite, but in that particular scene in the preview, sadly, no.
Monday November 13 19:13:37 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
JP wrote:

> The girl who gets the bag put over her head is definitely
> NOT gagged.

It is the woman in the background, not the foreground.
Monday November 13 19:15:59 2006
Re: Post a URL in the Homepage field, not the body of the post
Per wrote:

> Some people are more equal than others- in America......

He (is/was?) a hard guy to love. But I tried.
Per's Friend
Monday November 13 19:33:35 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
MadFish wrote:

> JP wrote:
> > The girl who gets the bag put over her head is
> definitely
> > NOT gagged.
> It is the woman in the background, not the foreground.

Here's capture taken from a print screen. The quality is really crappy though.
Monday November 13 19:43:10 2006
Re: lost memory
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> When I was young there was a rerun on an episode of the
> newer Lucy Ball show. Not the one with Desi.
> The plot was that a robber entered the home of lucy with
> Vivian Vance he ties them up back to back, no gag, the
> joke was they hopped around trying to get free until her
> screen daughter lets them loose
> It is not in the DB, anyone else remember this

"The Lucy Show" episode 37 , 'Lucy and the safecracker'continued from episode 33, 'Lucy and the bank vault'.

They originally aired October 21 and 28 1963, the 4th and 5th episodes of the season.

In the first episode Lucy is working at Mr Mooney's bank and gets them locked in the vault.

The only person who can free them is a retired safecracker who now runs a candy shop.

After he frees them Lucy shows everybody how it happened and again locks Mr Mooney in the vault.

In the second episode, Lucy and Vivian go to the candy shop to convince the safecracker to open the vault again.

He does but steals a bag of money.

Lucy and Vivian are waiting at the shop when he comes back.

He loosely and lamely ties them back to back on a settee.

They hop around and have all kinds of hilarious adventures be getting rescued.

With two younger actresses and better ropework it could have been an outstanding scene.

They both are wearing knee length skirts that ride up a bit while they are on the settee.

Both are barefoot.

They hop around and bend each other over backwards.

As it is however. it is probably only of interest to Lucy fans, holy grail seekers, fans of older women as DIDs, and completists.
Monday November 13 19:58:06 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
MadFish wrote:

> > It is the woman in the background, not the
> foreground.

Ah, right you are my friend! I was looking at the girl who got the bag over her head. I guess I should have read your post more carefully!!!!!! My bad...I guess it IS a go for gag fans tonite!
Monday November 13 19:59:59 2006
re: Prison Break
ARRGGHHH!!! I missed the first 5 mimutes!!! Did I miss anything? I had to run in, hit RECORD, & leave again. I'm at a remote computer now & can't watch it but I'm dying to know if I missed the gag scene...my luck it showed up in the first 5 minutes!!!
Monday November 13 20:24:53 2006
re: Prison Break
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> ARRGGHHH!!! I missed the first 5 mimutes!!! Did I miss
> anything? I had to run in, hit RECORD, & leave
> again. I'm at a remote computer now & can't watch it
> but I'm dying to know if I missed the gag scene...my luck
> it showed up in the first 5 minutes!!!

There was a B&G scene in the first five minutes, though I too missed a lot of it so can't really give specifics.

Not a Guest
Monday November 13 20:40:04 2006
Re: Post a URL in the Homepage field, not the body of the post
Per wrote:
Some people are more equal than others- in America......
How true.
Email me & I will explain how all this
will be changing over the next few years.

Also, I missed the scene in the 1st 5 minutes
of Prison Break.
She was very pretty gagged but I did not
like the water torture scene.

I am looking forward to the
CSI:Miami(Darkroom) scene!
Monday November 13 20:58:08 2006
Prison Break
Right after the opening credits, the scene starts. Sarah is shown already tied to a chair and cleave-gagged as the FBI agent tapes her feet with duct tape, and tosses the roll on the bed.

Some nice mmmppffing as he tapes her up. He then lifts the chair and places her in front of the bed. He sits on the bed and talks to her for about a minute. We get a couple straight-on shots of her gagged, and she looks amazing. He takes the gag out and she remains chair-tied for the rest of the hour with some water dunking torture. The promo shot from the side was not really shown in the episode.

The lead thug in D.C. orders him to kill her, but that won't work for the plot. She was water dunked in the final minutes again but the FBI guy won't kill her, so likely she'll be still tied next week, although nothing in the previews. He'll likely stash her somewhere, hopefully bound and gagged.
Monday November 13 21:05:02 2006
Re: Post a URL in the Homepage field, not the body of the post
Rich wrote:

> Also, I missed the scene in the 1st 5 minutes
> of Prison Break.
> She was very pretty gagged but I did not
> like the water torture scene.

Man, it must have been the "tune-in-late-to-a-show-we-all-knew-was-gonna-have-a-scene" night...like everyone else, I ALSO missed the first 4-5 minutes of the show (my excuse was that my clock was 4 minutes slow).

I turned it on & hit RECORD during about 3 minutes of footage before the opening credits, then a few commercials, and then the first time I saw the scene in action was a shot of a motel & the baddie had the lass tied to a chair, already gagged, & was wrapping tape around her ankles. Then the rather short scene (but with some good close-ups), and the gag removal. The next time we see her is the rather nasty dunking scene (ungagged but still tied to the chair)

Now...did I miss anything before I tuned in? Otherwise, I got lucky. Does anyone who DID see the entire beginning of the show know if there were any scenes of her tied & gagged BEFORE the opening credits?
Monday November 13 21:08:55 2006
Re: Dexter
MadFish wrote:

> The scene that was shown in the previews occurs between
> 25-35 min. mark. The woman is a lot younger and prettier
> than she looked in the preview. The scene's a little
> bloody because she has a cut on the side of her head, but
> overall some nice close-ups and even a little gag-talk
> with a big ballgag in her mouth.

Specifically, she is spread-eagled in her underwear on the bed and the ballgag really is big. This show is totally paying off.
Monday November 13 21:13:17 2006
Re: Post a URL in the Homepage field, not the body of the post
JP wrote:

> Now...did I miss anything before I tuned in?

You got everything. She was not shown before the credits rolled.
Monday November 13 21:32:29 2006
Re: Prison Break
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Right after the opening credits, the scene starts. Sarah
> is shown already tied to a chair and cleave-gagged

Very nice.
Monday November 13 21:35:19 2006
Re: Prison Break
This show has really turned into a bonanza of quality scenes.
Monday November 13 21:44:26 2006
Re: Prison Break
Mel wrote:

> This show has really turned into a bonanza of quality
> scenes.

The way this played out, they could have easily skipped the gag. So glad they didn't. Hopefully, she'll still be tied up in the final 2 episodes before the show returns in the spring for the final 9 episodes of the season.
Monday November 13 22:35:10 2006
Suprised noone's commented on the last two WWE RAW's
Monday November 13 22:43:16 2006
Mickie James just wrestled a match with her ankles cuffed together.
Monday November 13 22:52:58 2006
Re: WWE Raw
Jason wrote:

> Mickie James just wrestled a match with her ankles cuffed
> together.

Man, Mickie is starting to creep higher on my "must-see-bound-and-gagged" list. I finally got a copy of her back in TNA (as Alexis Laree) and she was hto back then, but I think she's a major cutie now.

On Prison Break, there WAS a very quick shot of Sarah for next week. It showed the baddie talking to someone at the door of the motel as a "camera-under-the-water" shot shows Sarah struggling in the bathtub, her face underwater. Apparently she has been tossed into the tub to drown.

Monday November 13 22:58:33 2006
Major John's - What a shame...
This post was deleted.

Poster: Garan
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday November 13 22:59:06 2006
Re: Major John's - What a shame...
This post was deleted.

Poster: The Laughing Dane
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday November 13 23:02:11 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
Anything happen?
Monday November 13 23:06:46 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anything happen?

Yes, with about 10 minutes to go, is showed a woman gagged close up, and then the shot that was in the promo with her in the background, then her full on, and then just her gagged. Not very long, but pretty nice still. The woman was attractive, and her attire was nice as well.

Like a fool, I missed catching the Prison Break scene after anticipating it for days. Does Prison Break ever repeat? Thanks!
Monday November 13 23:07:08 2006
Re: Prison Break
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Right after the opening credits, the scene starts. Sarah
> is shown already tied to a chair and cleave-gagged as the
> FBI agent tapes her feet with duct tape, and tosses the
> roll on the bed.

I am so glad that the gag scene was toward the BEGINNING of this episode. After 12 minutes of this ultra-violent crap I was ready to throw up. This show is disgusting.
Monday November 13 23:12:02 2006
Re: Prison Break
Tapemaster wrote:

> I am so glad that the gag scene was toward the BEGINNING
> of this episode. After 12 minutes of this ultra-violent
> crap I was ready to throw up. This show is disgusting.

I'm not talking about the bondage scene with Sarah Wayne Callies. I'm talking about other stuff.

Monday November 13 23:16:31 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
Cleaver wrote:

> Like a fool, I missed catching the Prison Break scene
> after anticipating it for days. Does Prison Break ever repeat? Thanks!

I've said it many times... all you need is a little bit of tech-savvyness and a BitTorrent client and you'll never have to worry about catching a recent scene on reruns again. That and the fact that you can download full HDTV files from the torrent sites, too.
Monday November 13 23:46:34 2006
Re: Dexter
Soapfan wrote:

> Specifically, she is spread-eagled in her underwear on
> the bed and the ballgag really is big. This show is totally paying off.

Thanks for heads up, the descriptions and the time. I could have done without the blood, but this was still a very nice scene. woOt!
Monday November 13 23:56:00 2006
Re: CSI Miami Tonight 10 P.M. Eastern on CBS
Cleaver wrote:

> Yes, with about 10 minutes to go, is showed a woman
> gagged close up, and then the shot that was in the promo
> with her in the background, then her full on, and then
> just her gagged. Not very long, but pretty nice still.

Decent scene, but was anyone else hoping those three toll collectors in the opening minutes would be the damsels? They were all wearing Hooters like outfits. I'm sure that's how the tollbooths are staffed in Florida.

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