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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday May 03 02:38:28 2008
Three Stooges
Go to wikipedia.org and type in three stooges episode of cash and hash and read the details. Must be one of our people who wrote it. Very detailed account of Christine Mcintyre being handgagged then bound and gagged. Too bad of cash and hash is not on dvd they released shivering sherlocks which is the same episode but missing extra scenes. Like the scene at the end where shes un-gagging herself etc.. I would love to see of cash and hash again one day!!!!
Big J
Saturday May 03 03:19:19 2008
Re: Three Stooges

Check out the Stooges short, 'A Snitch in Time' - has a marvellous full-on treatment scene with a beautiful actress called Jean Wiles.
Saturday May 03 03:53:08 2008
Re: America Most Wanted
All right i put the mediafire links in the video section. If you have any problems to see it wait a few days and i upload the clivs in my daily account
Saturday May 03 06:36:29 2008
On disliking Tape gags
I have often wondered why some of us do not really like the tape gag scenes on TV or the DID videos - the same way that we like a Cleave or an OTM. It suddenly occurred to me that a possible reason for this is that the tape gag looks kind of painted in or superimposed through computer imagery ! I mean - I play in real life and the tape gag looks great on whoever I tie up !

Saturday May 03 06:59:35 2008
Re: On disliking Tape gags
zarchaic wrote:

> I have often wondered why some of us do not really like
> the tape gag scenes on TV or the DID videos

Haha, and on that note, here are some BIG vidcaps of Yaani King from last week's Numb3rs. How funny that you posted your thread right before I decided to throw these up. I'm celebrating you see. My computer literally blew up last week, and it has taken me until now to get my new one together. Boy is it ever much faster though. The better to render HD content with, that's for sure. Enjoy the caps!
Saturday May 03 14:02:42 2008
Thanks for the "Extreme Measures" and "Indelible" b/g scene. Can you think of any other novels.
Thank you for the two novels. I just started Indelible and it is beginning to look great. I also have Extreme Measures, but I haven't started it yet, and I can wait to read it. Does anyone know of any recent or other novels out there with bound and gagged scenes in them. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
J. Bauer
Saturday May 03 15:39:57 2008
Re: Thanks for the "Extreme Measures" and "Indelible" b/g scene. Can you think of any other novels.
J. Bauer wrote:
> Does anyone know of any recent or other novels
> out there with bound and gagged scenes in them.

Mr. Bauer, shouldn't you be spending your time saving your kidnapped daughter instead of reading? My Yahoo group has a database for books in it:


Only 24 records so far, so feel free to add any I'm missing.
Chloe O'Brian
Saturday May 03 16:40:29 2008
novel suggestions
Mike Connely has a recent novel out ,I cannot recall the exact title ...i think it has the title overlook in it...a murder victim's wife is found hogtied , tight cleave gag with a man's tie...she is apparently left there for a long time before being discovered. The novel is excellent ,it has a terrorist theme to it and very topical. I think it is the novel just before Echo Park. Iian Pears very accurate historcial novel An Instance Of The Fingerpost,is about a murder in 1663 of an Oxford don ....there is an attractive ,spunky barmaid/servant girl named Sarah Bundy,incidental to her arrest she is bound and gagged(a shame all hot arrest victims cannot be gagged) . I hope this helps per your requests. A callout thank you for Brian for this site and putting up with some of the riff raff that moan and complain.
Saturday May 03 18:58:37 2008
Re: On disliking Tape gags
zarchaic wrote:

> I have often wondered why some of us do not really like
> the tape gag scenes on TV or the DID videos - the same
> way that we like a Cleave or an OTM.

Basically, I just don't like seeing too much of the girl's face covered....I like seeing lips, teeth, drool stains....stuff you can't see with tape. I dislike blindfolds (well, not for the "mouth" reasons obviously, but for the "covering of the girl's face" aspect) & OTM gags for the same reason.

I also like when a girl tries to talk while gagged...and even if a few words come thru...tape gags generally do not allow this. I dunno...tape just seems so...impersonal. Cleaves seem more personal & individual, maybe because no two look quite alike!

Just a personal preference.
Saturday May 03 21:33:33 2008
The Strangers
Entertainment Weekly in their summer movie preview stated: "If you liked Funny Games, you will love The Strangers" The movie opens May 30.

Anybody knows if Liv Tyler will please us as Naomi Watts did?
Saturday May 03 21:46:03 2008
in addition to earlier post
I forgot to mention in my post a few hours ago re the connely novel...the wife is forced to strip before she is hog tied and cleave gagged tight with a man's dress tie....re the gag debate I only like cleaves ...tape, ball gags do absolutely nothing for me but spoil the bondage...i guess it is what you first noticed that appealed to you ...the great advantage of the cleave is the girl can open her mouth and the gag can appear much tighter than it is ...girls prefer cleaves ,at least that seems to be my experiences...actresses should prefer cleaves over tape ...it also is disappointing to see a very heroic girl when gagged not have a cleave or struggle ...like the recent csi ...the gag scene was such a let down...i hope directors keep showing us those honeys with the nice tight cleaves between the teeth.
Saturday May 03 21:57:43 2008
Iron Man
Sadly I must report that there is nothing of interest for us in Iron Man. Too bad! Gwyneth Paltrow was very hot, spent the whole movie in tight dresses & heels and would have made a GREAT Damsel.
Phenomenally Good movie.

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