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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday April 01 00:00:17 2007
80's Soap Opera B&G Scene
This post was moved to The Video Page.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Sunday April 01 00:41:35 2007
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> > Do what?
Is that Tori Spelling DVD a fake? I'm seeing that image on rottentomatoes, but if you do a google image search, you get the same photo with no gag?
Sunday April 01 00:46:05 2007
Saw the first commercial for Next during the basketball game tonight. Biel looks incredible. Hopefully, this will be a nice scene. Some new photos show her with a cut in the same outfit with the bomb, but no gag.
Sunday April 01 01:53:29 2007
Re: Wedding Belles (was Re: From Rob's Site)
> This is an American-produced sitcom that premiered
> recently on the FOX network. I thought it would be dreck
> and haven't been the slightest bit interested in watching
> it... until now. Any idea what the title/episode number
> of the episode of interest is, so that we all can keep an eye out for the rerun in the States?

Wedding Belles (from Rob's site) is Brit film!

You have it confused with Fox's sitcom

brixton massiv
Sunday April 01 10:43:43 2007
Re: Renting DID Movies from Netflix vs Blockbuster
>>>>>Jerry wrote:
> For those who are using Netflix to get dvd's with DID
> scenes. Here are 2 reasons why you may want to switch
> (like I did) to Blockbusters Total Access.

Not to start a Blockbuster/Netflix debate, but here in the deep south, my experience with the two has been virtually opposite of yours. With Netflix, I have a 3 day turnaround (If no weekends or holidays are involved.) Any DVD's I mail back on a Monday get back to Netflix on Tuesday and I have my new DVD's on Wednesday. That's the case 90% of the time. With Blockbuster, the turnaround time was ALWAYS 4-6 days at least, so it must depend on the area you live in.

Yes, with Netflix you lose the ability to go directly to a store for an instant exchange, but hell, if you're going to do that, why bother with rent-by-mail in the first place?

One other thing in Netflix's favor: I get very, very, few "problem" dvd's, whereas with BB, a number of them come in with scratches and skips.

An Old Grey Friend
Sunday April 01 17:50:17 2007
Abel's screenplay discoveries!
Hello, everyone!

Yesterday I was reading a bunch of movie scripts I had downloaded.

I like reading scripts with bondage scenes, because it's like reading bondage fiction that has been (in most cases) brought to life. Here are some things I just discovered:

THE PACIFIER: As we all know, the movie had a B&G scene for two girls and a boy, as well as a tie-up for their mother. The girls were gagged OTM (and, unfortunately, so was the boy).

In the original screenplay, the mother was supposed to be gagged as well, and share the same scene with her children.

Unfortunately, Disney must have a policy for B&G women. I guess we all remember all those wasted opportunities (such as Pirates of the Caribbean, National Treasure and Freaky Friday).

The screenplay I read did not contain any B&G for Claire Forlani's character, just two handgags. Forlani also "escaped" a B&G scene in the recent TV movie "Carolina Moon". We all have to wait for "Hallam Foe", although I have a feeling that this scene is not going to be as good as it seems on the production pics...

I speed-read the script because I'm going to rent it on DVD soon. I know it has a putz scene, but sometimes I don't care about bondage scenes in a movie. I just wanna see something entertaining, you know? "300" didn't have any bondage, but I friggin enjoyed that flick. Sue me.

Now, about the script, I didn't see any bondage scenes for Eva Green's character. Hey, we must be happy we got something! After all, that magazine picture of Eva with her hands tied behind her back (which wasn't in the film) was really sexy. By the way, if anyone wants that pic, e-mail me - and don't forget to remove the "NOSPAM" from my address.

(I also speed-read these, so the info below could be wrong.)

Robert Rodriguez's segment, "Planet Terror", is going to have a hand-gag scene, while Quentin Tarantino's segment, "Death Proof", contains nothing of note. However, if you have a foot thing (like me), "Death Proof" will be
the best 75 minutes you've ever spent. Thanks, QT!

My guess is, the best bondage in the movie will be in Rob Zombie's fake trailer... Damn!

The script and the movie are pretty much the same, but I noticed something that bugged me: in most of her scenes, Holly Hunter is tape-tied and cleave-gagged. She's tape-gagged in only one scene.

In the script, Hunter's character "has her mouth taped shut" in that scene. If you read at the rest of the pages, the character is "gagged" - and so, Holly Hunter ended up cleave-gagged in those scenes. Probably, the director didn't understand that Hunter should be tape-gagged in all of the scenes, or maybe the actress didn't want to have the skin of her face damaged.

After all, she manages to take off the gag herself near the end of the movie; would she be able to do that if the gag was a piece of tape? Well, maybe, if she did the "Vanessa Marcil trick" (rub her face on the carpet until the tape is off). Would she be able to do that if she was wrap-gagged with tape? NO. Oh, well.

Okay, this is what I've found, so far. Now, let's all hope Randall Frakes is going to write another script (look him up on IMDb - remember, it's "Randall Frakes (I)")...
Sunday April 01 18:03:15 2007
Action Comics #1
I’ve seen many reproductions of the second frame. I didn’t realize there was earlier one.
Sunday April 01 23:11:46 2007
recent clips at Major John's; contributions to Raff
This post was moved to The Trading Forum.

Poster: MAV
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Sunday April 01 23:59:10 2007
The Lookout
Anything in the movie? Perhaps an arrest scene forn Isla? Hopefully with no spoilers.

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