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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Thursday March 22 00:20:29 2007
So did anything pan out for Evangeline (or any one else) on tonite's "Lost"? I totally forgot about it, being all psyched up for Las Vegas on later!
Thursday March 22 00:34:14 2007
Strappados and self-bondage in the media
The first image is, I guess, some sort of PSA. Fight digital rights management with strappados? I found the second while I was screen shopping.
Thursday March 22 00:44:10 2007
Re: Lost?
JP wrote:

> So did anything pan out for Evangeline (or any one else)
> on tonite's "Lost"? I totally forgot about it,
> being all psyched up for Las Vegas on later!

Nothing good; Evangeline was captured (again) and handcuffed hands behind but when they cut to her she was already halfway to slipping them from back to front. Ben's daughter was grabbed and sort of handgagged in a closet but it was halfway and quick. Previews for next week looked like a flash of someone getting hooded but it was unclear.

Thursday March 22 02:44:04 2007
Re: Mexican soap operas the top genre for bondage?
Pat Powers wrote:

> Is this an assertion that
> readers of this page would generally agree on?

Nope. I think Japan has them beat. And the rest of Asia combined probably at least rivals them, as well.

I wish it were Sweden that held the title, personally. Sweden or Italy. But, beggers can't be choosers.
It's funny because the kinkiest girls I've known were blonde, and the most prudish were Mexican. Maybe it's because they're always getting tied up on TV, lol. And the few Asian chicks i've known...well, anything goes. Asia ain't overpopulated for nothing.
Thursday March 22 08:46:20 2007
Bionic Woman Revival
I think I mentioned here a month or so back that ronald D Moore the man behind the revived Battlestar Galactica had turned his attention to that other 70's icon the Bionic Woman

Well filming on the pilot begins next week with British babe Michelle Ryan and BG's Katee Sachoff among the cast.

Incredibly even with no guarantee NBC will broadcast said pilot the series already has it's own website!!!

Significantly for us the new series will include the addition of a kid sister for Jaimie and we all know what that could mean.

According to plot spoilers on the website, the villianess does use Becca Somers as a hostage during the pilot though whether she or Jaimie will get the treatment remains to be seen

Becca incidently is played by Mae whitman, anyone familiar with her work?

Here's a link to the website, but be warned they aren't called spoilers for nothing
moxx of Balhoom
Thursday March 22 09:23:26 2007
Re: Claire Forlani
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Any word on her new movie?

What movie is?
Thursday March 22 10:47:20 2007
Re: My Network TV
Historian wrote:

> Those of you wondering about where to fins MY Network TV
> are advised to check out what where your local UPN
> channel was last year.

Better to check local listing intead. Where I live, the former UPN affiliate became the CW affiliate and the WB station became the MyNetwork station.

Gaged Damsel Lover
Thursday March 22 11:26:59 2007
Shooter tease
We are teased badly in Shooter this Friday.

Kate Mara is taken hostage as bait. We see her taken in a bra and pajama pants. A quick shot has her roughed up and a busted lip, but she seems tied. No bonds are visible.

The next is a quick shot on a computer screen froma camera of her in a chair tied arms and legs apart (barefoot). It lasts a second and is gone.

You do get a shotgun hooked to the neck later.

Thursday March 22 11:37:53 2007
Re: Question at bindher.com

> ______________________________
> The link translates
> http://bindherupx.net/home.htm
> into Deutsch|German
> http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbindh
> erupx.net%2Fhome.htm&langpair=en%7Cde&hl=en&ie=SJS

? ? ? ? ?

I don't understand this. Which Link has been changed ?
I can see, i have no Chance to become this DVD'S.


Thursday March 22 12:28:47 2007
Re: Bionic Woman Revival
moxx of Balhoom wrote:

> Significantly for us the new series will include the
> addition of a kid sister for Jaimie and we all know what
> that could mean.
The kid sister would be a sure bet for a kidnapping at some point, and looks like they waste no time in using that premise.

The original Bionic Woman series was decent but did they ever waste opportunities. Jaimie was knocked out a bunch of times without the bad guys knowing about her powers, yet she was only B&G once in 3 seasons. Few other tie-ups.
Thursday March 22 12:32:26 2007
As The World Turns
This might not be for here but on yesterday''s episode Emily one of the females is a hooker on the side she was with a guy who blindfolded her with a red silk scarf but no bondage it was kinky i hope to see some bondage sometime and she is hot nice body
Dennis C
Thursday March 22 13:13:56 2007
Re: As The World Turns
Dennis C wrote:

> This might not be for here but on yesterday''s episode
> Emily one of the females is a hooker on the side she was
> with a guy who blindfolded her

Believe you're talking about Kelli Hensley. She had a full-treatment scene a few years ago, tied, gagged and crated by Stenbeck.

I forgot about that scene when we were talking about crate scenes recently.
Thursday March 22 13:45:00 2007
Re: Scenes where a villain is tying up an unconscious damsel?
Thank you very much!
Thursday March 22 13:50:43 2007
Re: Claire Forlani
Mandrake wrote:

> What movie is?

It's "Hallam Foe". Check imdb.com for release dates.
Thursday March 22 14:57:17 2007
One Life to Live Possibility
Sexy policewoman just got knocked out by bad guy on OLTL. She found some piece of evidence and he came up behind her and conked her on the head. Don't know if he'll take her hostage or "knot" but lets hope for the best!
Robert Walker
Thursday March 22 14:59:53 2007
Heather Locklear B&G in 'Dynasty'. Well-made video
Thursday March 22 15:05:47 2007
Re: One Life to Live Possibility
Robert Walker wrote:

> Sexy policewoman just got knocked out by bad guy on OLTL.
Not familair with any female cops on that show. Detective or uniform cop?

Thursday March 22 17:13:02 2007
Katja Hansen
Racking up the scenes
Thursday March 22 17:14:17 2007
Re: Katja Hansen
> Racking up the scenes

Is that her at the beginning of the video? OTM-gagged with a red cloth in the show's pre-credit sequence

Thursday March 22 17:19:38 2007
Smallville, Supernatural tonight
Head's up on Smallville, "Lois is kidnapped" and forced to join a fight club, and Supernatural has a definite chair tie at least.
Thursday March 22 17:28:38 2007
Nancy Drew movie
Well the new Nancy Drew theatrical movie starring Emma Roberts doesn't even open till June 15th and they've already announced they are starting work on the sequel, also starring Roberts. The trailer looks totally lame and dull.
David Knight
Thursday March 22 18:13:36 2007
Re: As The World Turns
This post was moved to The Trading Forum.

Poster: JRO
Reason: Off-topic. Cap/Clip requests --> Trades
The Moderator
Thursday March 22 18:47:39 2007
Unhappy End
New unhappy end trailers are shown on you tube
account MrAlGator
Michael Huck
Thursday March 22 19:11:37 2007
Re: Katja Hansen
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Racking up the scenes

She just scored again (no gagger), tonight.

This rate she'll be buggering up toast in a "Just like you & me" commercial
Jay L
Thursday March 22 19:46:37 2007
did's in books
For anyone who is interested, amazon.com has an incredible "search inside the book" feauture which is perfect for reading did scenes. But there are so many damn books that could have great scenes in them. Anyone read any good books lately or know of some that contain DID scenes?
Thursday March 22 20:39:01 2007
Re: did's in books
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> For anyone who is interested, amazon.com has an incredible "search inside the book" feauture
which is perfect for reading did scenes.

Sorry to disappoint, but I think you'll find that the "search inside the book" feature only applies if you are a publishing company, and is not available for just everyone.

Thursday March 22 20:51:15 2007
Congratulations to Brian's Page! 10 years... I'm sure I discovered the site through either Frank's Attic, Fuzzweb or Lord Centurion's links page. Eventually I stopped ordering Bondage Life because of this site.

Thursday March 22 21:19:19 2007
Search inside book works for everyone. Think you to have to give CC info first if I recall.
Thursday March 22 22:10:48 2007
Re: Smallville, Supernatural tonight
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Head's up on Smallville, "Lois is kidnapped"

Not buying anything from this show when it comes to this character. It's always a worthless tease.

We weren't watching in ...

The House of Le Bastard
Thursday March 22 22:23:07 2007
Re: Mexican soap operas the top genre for bondage?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I wish it were Sweden that held the title, personally.
> Sweden or Italy. But, beggers can't be choosers.
> It's funny because the kinkiest girls I've known were
> blonde, and the most prudish were Mexican. Maybe it's
> because they're always getting tied up on TV, lol. And
> the few Asian chicks i've known...well, anything goes.
> Asia ain't overpopulated for nothing.

I wasn't talking about the women so much as the TV genres. The Mexican soap operas seem to be the most productive right now, though if there were a hentai channel, that would change in short order.
Pat Powers
Thursday March 22 22:35:09 2007
Re: Bionic Woman Revival
moxx of Balhoom wrote:

> Becca incidently is played by Mae whitman, anyone
> familiar with her work?

She's cute; she played Andre Braugher's stepdaughter on the FX show 'Thief' last year.
Thursday March 22 23:05:25 2007
So did anything happen oneither show tonite? just got home & saw all the posts for possibilities. naturally, missed the shows though! :-0
Thursday March 22 23:35:20 2007
Re: did's in books

> Sorry to disappoint, but I think you'll find that the
> "search inside the book" feature only applies
> if you are a publishing company, and is not available for
> just everyone.

Ya, clearly thats not the case, you can search inside any book. So does anyone know of good books out there?
Thursday March 22 23:50:42 2007
Re: did's in books
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anyone read any good books lately or know of some that contain DID scenes?

Are you acquainted with Google Book Search? The idea of GBS is to scan digitally every book owned by Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, the University of Michigan and the New York Public Library, amounting to about 15 million volumes in all. The scanning process is going on right now, is about 1/5 done, and will be completed around 2011 0r 2012.
Meanwhile, almost everything already scanned is available, and the service is free.

First of all, don't be put off by that formidable list of august research libraries. You'd be amazed (I certainly was!) at the amount of one-hand lit (either deliberate or unintentional) reposing in those solemn stacks.

Go to Google and click on "More". Then click on "Books", then on "Advanced Book Search". From then on, you should probably stick with the first box, the one marked "all the words".

I love women in handcuffs. If I enter "cuffed behind her" and "handcuffed behind her", I get an enormous number of entries, each consisting of about a dozen words. When I click on one of them, I get the entire page, with the words I requested highlighted in yellow. Even better, I also get about five pages before and five pages after the main page, which usually is enough to encompass the whole scene. This is what Google calls "limited view", although it doesn't strike me as very limited in practice. Most books are on limited view. Some are on "full view", which means you can read the whole book, and some on "snippet view", where you don't get much at all, but "limited view" includes most of the entries.

You can also see the front and back covers (nice for lurid paperbacks), the title page, the table of contents, and the index.

In the list of entries, the ones closest to your request are at the top. After awhile, the less relevant ones start to take over, so it's up to you how far you want to pursue the ever-more-elusive titillation. (Depends on how far your tongue is hanging out that day, I suppose!)

The putz factor can usually be eliminated (not entirely, but substantially) by simply throwing a feminine pronoun into the mix. For instance, the words "staked out naked" produce a vast number of entries, most of them useless to us, while the words "she staked out naked" produce about 400 entries, of which about 30, clustered near the beginning, are really delectable. Like any web searching, it's a knack that improves with practice.

The best part of all this is that these great results are only about 1/5 of what will be available in 4 or 5 years. (And some of you young'uns will see the day when every book on the planet is scanned, and you'll never leave your screens. They'd better have robots to do the world's work!)

Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but every 6 or 7 weeks someone asks about DiDs in books, and this seems one of the best answers yet. Check it out, all ye who crave hormonal prose!

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