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Tuesday March 13 06:10:50 2007
LARD Returns II

Just wanted to let you know that LARD's Land of GAGGED Heroines has updated.

3 Old Clips Re-Posted

1 New Clip Posted

And a mindless rant by me.

Peace Out,
Tuesday March 13 06:14:05 2007
Re: Duelo de Pasiones
I think this is a Univision show, does anyone know the pattern of repeats for this network?
Tuesday March 13 06:59:37 2007
Re: Joanne Lees: Australian Telemovie
The Moderator wrote:
> Yeah, sorry, I didn't pick that it was discussing a
> future project and real events. I would have cut off
> the thread earlier.

I was going to reply Sylvie..
I know those offtopic post would be gone soon.
You can always rely on "The Man"* to do the right thing here.

*(his other nickname besides "Old Hitler")
Tuesday March 13 08:24:38 2007
Re: Duelo de Pasiones
PW wrote:

> I think this is a Univision show, does anyone know the
> pattern of repeats for this network?

Univision's soaps run about 6 or so months and then another one will start. They will replay it as a classic in about 2-4 yrs. Or re-air on Telefutura in the years to come so if you missed a scene, just have to be patient or hope for a DVD.

Tuesday March 13 10:26:49 2007
What's the deal with Fem Fantastique?
Do any of you comics honchos know anything about a comics mag called "Fem Fantastique?" It started in the late 70s and included Wonder Woman and others on the cover art, but also had some erotic stuff like Betty Page. I googled it on the Web and got a whole lot of nothin'. What I want to know is, what sort of mag is/was it? Was it a regular comic book with sexier than usual heroines like "Cave Woman" and Frank Cho's "Sheena"? Was it an erotic comic with the heroine running around naked and having sex and getting in bondage a lot, like the modern interation of "Domino Lady" or "Quadrant"? Or was it some sort of compendium or other, or something not like other comics? I don't know. Does anyone know? The Web ain't telling.
Pat Powers
Tuesday March 13 11:48:38 2007
Lady hit the kidnapper and she cut herself free. Show last night ended with her running out of the basement while the kidnapper was lying on the floor.

Tuesday March 13 12:47:50 2007
Re: 'Rome' scene
DAK wrote:

> This scene was mentioned last week- Zuleikha Robinson
> with a whip being used as a gag during sex. Clip is at
> the link but remember, it's primarily a sex scene- the
> whip is added at the end.

Hey DAK, the link just lead to the Rapid Share homepage. Where does one go from there to see the Rome clip?
Tuesday March 13 13:17:32 2007
Re: Cleaverville scores on Lifetime
> between the car & the opened door, and the gag was
> one of those huge thick terrycloth OTMs that looked like
> it extended about an inch out from her mouth

Should have been a cleave gag, given the film's title
Tuesday March 13 13:18:38 2007
Re: Michele Little in Radioactive Dreams
I own this movie. I remember the part you're talking about - don't remember any bondage though. If there was any, must've been a "loosie" because the only bondage I remember from this movie involved Dean Stockwell's son.
Weird movie nonetheless.
Tuesday March 13 15:27:08 2007
RE: Vegas
Southbound wrote:

By the way, the way her arms were
> taped to her legs makes it almost impossible for her to
> reach the gag with her hands. The upper arms and her
> breasts get in the way.

Actually, it appears that despite her hands being taped to her legs, she could have removed the tape by leaning over and craning her neck towards her hands. If you look at the picture of her predicament from Major John's post a few days ago, you can see that her back and neck are completely straight. Any damsel with her wits about her would be able to remove that gag rather easily, a fact that takes away some of my enjoyment of the scene. That being said, however, IT'S STILL VANESSA FREAKIN' MARCIL!!! WHOO-HOO! And she did look rather hot in that outfit, especially wriggling on the floor with or without the gag. It's a good scene -- perhaps even a very good scene despite the hands in front crap -- made even better simply because of the choice of damsel, but it's not the scene of the Century. I'm more in agreement with zarchaic's choices for the best scenes of the 21st Century, especially on his choice of Love Object, a scene that can never receive enough praise from yours truly. And "Threshold" is pretty damn excellent, too.
Ice Cream Man
Tuesday March 13 17:46:21 2007
RE: Vegas
Ice Cream Man wrote:

> MARCIL!!! WHOO-HOO! And she did look rather hot in that
> outfit

If there was any way it could have been better, it would have been a skimpier outfit. The guy could have removed some of her clothes before taping her.

Of course, being network TV, the chances of this happening were pretty slim.
The House of Le Bastard
Tuesday March 13 17:53:20 2007
Re: Duelo de Pasiones
G-MaN wrote:

> The female lead and her older blond friend had a tie up
> scene tonight. The two of them were taken to a shed and
> bound to chairs.(Hands behind and feet tied.) But we

Watching on Directv (ch 402) tonight and they were still bound to the chairs. She tells the dog to get something about 5 min. into the episode.

Tuesday March 13 17:57:42 2007
Hostel 2
The folks at bloody-disgusting.com have posted some new stills from Hostel 2 including one featuring a blonde in pink lingerie strapped to a chair with a black ballgag in her mouth. Check' em out.
Jaguar from NJ
Tuesday March 13 18:17:02 2007
Re: Duelo de Pasiones
civil wrote:

> Watching on Directv (ch 402) tonight and they were still
> bound to the chairs. She tells the dog to get something
> about 5 min. into the episode.

They are shown several times. Hands are untied for water and then retied by woman about 3 min later. Not sure if this is same as Gman show last night.

Tuesday March 13 18:48:48 2007
Re: Duelo de Pasiones
Thanks Gman for the notice on the episode. They have their feet bound to the chairs throughout the episode. Only untied hands once to give them water. Still bound at the end of the episode. Still continuing and should see more, but nothing in preview tomorrow.

Tuesday March 13 18:49:53 2007
Re: Hostel 2
Jaguar from NJ wrote:

> The folks at bloody-disgusting.com have posted some new
> stills from Hostel 2

a link would help. I didnt see anything on the main page.
Tuesday March 13 18:50:14 2007
White cloth gags
The Unit tonight is a repeat of that very good white cleave with stuffing, and the white OTM from Lifetime last night keeps the trend going. I know some people complained about the gag last night but I just wanted to say I thought it was great. The scene could have been a lot better because they showed only a tight close up of the head, but white OTM's are so rare these days it's just nice to know it's still possible to still see one.

I'm not that old, but I am old school, and the white cleave and the white cloth OTM looked dead and gone just a couple of years ago, but last year it made a huge comeback and I think it's an omen that the last scene of 2006 and the first scene of 2007 had four women in the same scene all with white cloth cleaves... amazing!
Tuesday March 13 18:55:19 2007
Re: Cleaverville scores on Lifetime
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Tuesday March 13 18:55:56 2007
Re: Hostel 2
MAV wrote:

> Jaguar from NJ wrote:
> a link would help. I didnt see anything on the main

http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/news/8395 third on down
Tuesday March 13 18:58:03 2007
American Heiress Ch. 9 in New York
Looks like Alicia Leigh Willis from General Hospital get tied and gagged in this new show. The B+G may or may not be in today's 2 hour series. Plane crash, deserted island, captured by gunmen, rescued by hero, that type of show.
Tuesday March 13 19:13:24 2007
Re: Duelo de Pasiones
civil wrote:

> Not sure if
> this is same as Gman show last night.

Nope, this is all new stuff. I saw the dog tug on the strings and get a good amount of rope, so I assumed they were getting free. (The dog is hasn't fully completed the Lassie training course.) And after fully watching last night's episode, I was also wrong about who the dog was with. He does beloong to the girls.
Tuesday March 13 19:18:14 2007
Re: American Heiress Ch. 9 in New York
RON wrote:

> Looks like Alicia Leigh Willis from General Hospital get
> tied and gagged in this new show. The B+G may or may not
> be in today's 2 hour series.

How d'ya know? Did you see a clip from the show?

Tuesday March 13 19:40:50 2007
Re: American Heiress Ch. 9 in New York
(unsigned poster) wrote: How d'ya know? Did you see a clip from the show?

Don't know if the poster saw a gag, but I reported last week that there was at least a 'hands in front' tie scene - saw the quick preview clip on the mynetworktv.com site.

Tuesday March 13 19:55:30 2007
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Lady hit the kidnapper and she cut herself free. Show
> last night ended with her running out of the basement
> while the kidnapper was lying on the floor.

Replay of her getting free in the first 5 min. of tonights airing at 9pm in Univision

Tuesday March 13 20:08:26 2007
Goodbye, Betty Hutton
She endeared herself to us with her unforgettable take on the life and career of Pearl White in "The Perils of Pauline," as well as racking up a couple of more database entries in "Red, Hot and Blue" and her 1959-60 TV series, but sadly suffered so many reversals in her personal life since she left Hollywood that she became reclusive to the point that her death Sunday night at age 86 wasn't announced until today, after she'd been buried.

Here's to you anyway, Betty. May you find the peace you didn't here.
An Old Friend
Tuesday March 13 20:09:21 2007
American Heiress
There is a confirmed b&g on this show, as the opening few minutes before the first episode showed highlights of what's to come on the show and had a nice shot of, I believe Willis, sporting a yellow cleave gag while menaced by South American guerilla type with a knife. Have no idea when this scene will actually happen.
Tuesday March 13 21:02:47 2007
Infarto (Aztec America) finally came thru yesterday with a keeper. It's latino "Scare Tactics", but with a lot more bondage. 90% of the episodes I've recorded have involved someone being tied up. Unfortunely, 90% of that is guys, and the few times it has been a woman, the bondage is crap, and never with a gag. (Note: if you plan to get a friend on this show, guys are usually pretty cool with being punked afterwards, but guys, if you plan to pull one of these pranks on your girlfriend, be warned, she usually gives one hell of a slap.)

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