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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Friday March 30 00:16:44 2007
Blades of Glory- Amy Poehler? Possibility?
Read this in USA Today, has anyone heard if this might be of any interest?

In Blades, Poehler and Arnett's antics are more in the mode of Dr. Evil than Blofeld. At stake? Olympic gold. To grab the coveted prize, they lie, cheat, tart up their wallflower of a sister (Jenna Fischer) and get involved in unseemly bondage schemes between gangsta-themed performances on the ice.
ice ice baby
Friday March 30 01:55:43 2007
Raffish DidClips updated
This weekly update is dedicated to the one, the only, the truly awesome Yau Man. (Yes, we at the House of Le Raffish found "Survivor" a lot more entertaining than "CSI" on tonight's CBS lineup.)
Friday March 30 02:13:34 2007
Re: CSI Scene
Snowcat wrote:

> Tie her to the Railroad tracks, a log heading for the
> buzz saw, facing a gun set to shoot when the door opens a
> nasty ticking time bomb ETC ETC ETC

That's the spirit, let me third that opinion.
Man what a depressing read today on the board.
Blood & guts, dead damsels, yeeech.
Maybe these producers think all those scenarios mentioned above are old cliches by now and think this violence path is what people want to see. Maybe they're trying to be innovative with the damsel in distress theme in a Quintin Tarantino kind of way. I'm not expecting Dudley Do-Right every night of the week but geeesh lighten up a bit on the violence.
Big MT
Friday March 30 02:33:49 2007
On a Lighter Note
Thanks to the "House of Le Raffish" [snicker..snicker] for posting the clip of Jaime Pressly in Mercenary.
The ending on this one is not described in the database.
Let's just say she demands to be untied in a very un-ladylike way. I was ROFL. Now that's funny. Nice way to end the day.
Big MT
Friday March 30 05:15:12 2007
Re: On a Lighter Note
Big MT wrote:

> Let's just say she demands to be untied in a very
> un-ladylike way. I was ROFL. Now that's funny.
> Nice way to end the day.

Heh...glad you liked it. I'd somehow forgotten the post-rescue humor value when my random-number generator suggested that scene for the update. I'm not sure I've heard a woman cuss like that since the similarly-themed "All I Really Need" by Machines of Loving Grace, which had to sample at least three different movies to pull it off. (See link.)

And now, back to the glorious badness of "Terror in Beverly Hills," which has some decent DiD scenes but is mostly just gloriously bad. I highly recommend Netflixing it.
Friday March 30 06:08:59 2007
Re: On a Lighter Note
Raffish wrote:

> I'm not sure I've
> heard a woman cuss like that since the similarly-themed
> "All I Really Need" by Machines of Loving
> Grace, which had to sample at least three different
> movies to pull it off. (See link.)

Now, THAT was one hell of a clip! Thanks.

You know, DiD videos isn't the ONLY thing I like to collect; I also like collecting MP3's of rare songs by various artists. I have more than 105 tracks, which sounds small, but just imagine it... one hundred songs, and almost each one of them is from a different artist. Each one is a different, unique experience - just like the videos you give us each Friday (and I have 225 Raffish clips)! Plus, most of the songs I have are unknown to most people, so that makes my collection unique :)

Thanks again for the song, man. It's a great addition to my collection. And thanks for today's update... it's really... REALLY... nice.

By the way, I also loved the "god DAMN mother-*beep* *beep*-sucking son of a *beep* *beep*-suckers! Untie my *beep* hands!" part (and the "Well, Daddy is sure going to be glad to have HER home..." part as well). Keep up the good work.
Friday March 30 06:16:09 2007
Re: On a Lighter Note
Abel wrote:

Sorry for double-posting (delete this post if necessary), but I just noticed something: The actress in "Mercenary" is called Jaime Pressly. Jaime King in "Lone Star State Of Mind" played an equally ballsy character, and got a similar treatment - twice! I know that's a coincidence, but next time you see a movie with a ballsy lady which is played by an actress named "Jaime", keep watching; there may be something... interesting! :)
Friday March 30 07:36:37 2007
Reaching scenes
Hi everyone,
This may be a bit outside of the site, but thought I'd give it a try. In "Blindfold: Acts of Obsession," and "Perfect Prey," there is a scene in each where one of the main woman characters struggles to reach her gun after it has been knocked from her grasp. There is a good struggle, and she tries a couple of times with it being just barely beyond her fingertips reach. Does anyone have caps or clips of those scenes, or do they know where I could find them?

Thank you,
The Reacher
Fan of those scenes where the object is just beyond the woman's fingers or toes reach.
Friday March 30 10:17:42 2007
VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Good Morning Brian'skteers!! Chapter 4 of "Escape From PelluciGor" is posted. Enjoy!! :-)
Friday March 30 12:46:12 2007
Re: CSI Scene
Big MT wrote:

> That's the spirit, let me third that opinion.
> Man what a depressing read today on the board.
> Blood & guts, dead damsels, yeeech.

The original CSI has been a disaster for damsel in distress scenes, but dead bodies are their specialty, so we knew that from the beginning. The female leads never get into trouble and the guests are always corpses. The only scene I have from that show is the twins episode, and even those two were shot in the head.

The other two CSIs seem to have more live bodies/damsels, but they haven't offered much either.
Friday March 30 12:48:54 2007
Close to Home
As we approach the end of the TV season, keep an eye out for "Close to Home" on Friday nights. CBS has reported the show is on the bubble and needs to improve by the end of the season or it will be canceled. I take that to mean Jennifer Finnegan will be out of the courtroom/office and into the field, since the court stuff is clearly not working.

Still a longshot for a scene with her, but they almost certainly will add danger in the final episodes.
Friday March 30 13:23:12 2007
Re: CSI Scene
With the DinD's tying each other up it could have been a great scene if it was a simple robbery or a 'white slavery' plot a la 'Thoroughly Modern Millie'
Friday March 30 14:32:01 2007
Re: CSI Scene
Like Hostel 2, wish the scenes would be more easygoing

Friday March 30 14:43:08 2007
Current issue (with Quentin Tarantino on cover) has article about Hostel 2 with pic of Bijou B&G) plus an article about a film called Severance (I think) with a fukk-page picture of what looks like a gagged DinD (or possibly a dude with long hair)
Friday March 30 14:46:17 2007
Re: Fangoria
> full-page picture of what looks like a gagged DinD

This one
Friday March 30 14:51:41 2007
Re: Fangoria
> This one
> http://www.beyondhollywood.com/moviepics4/severance3.htm

Actress Claudie Blakley
Friday March 30 15:28:12 2007
anything with Acorralada
anything today on Acorralada. the damsel must still be held hostage bc we have not seen her since when tuesday. sucks man, such a hot damsel to be teasing us like this. anybody got anything???
Friday March 30 16:48:31 2007
Re: Fangoria
(unsigned poster) wrote:
film called Severance (I think) with a
fukk-page picture of what looks like a gagged DinD (or
possibly a dude with long hair)

We ran this last August in the member's section, but I tossed it up for anyone who wishes.

Friday March 30 16:52:35 2007
Re: VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Van wrote:

> Good Morning Brian'skteers!! Chapter 4 of "Escape
> From PelluciGor" is posted. Enjoy!! :-)
> http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/

Great way to welcome the weekend. Just the right touch of humor and peril
Friday March 30 17:00:02 2007
I read where Emillie deRavin from Lost is kidnapped in this movie. Anything, um, good happen?
Frank J
Friday March 30 17:30:42 2007
Re: anything with Acorralada
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> anything today on Acorralada. the damsel must still be
> held hostage bc we have not seen her since when tuesday.
> sucks man, such a hot damsel to be teasing us like this.
> anybody got anything???

I didn't see anything. Hopefully they won't update her situation as if it's been in real time -- after six days she won't be in such great shape.
Friday March 30 17:40:48 2007
Re: Brick
> I read where Emillie deRavin from Lost is kidnapped in
this movie. Anything, um, good happen?



Friday March 30 18:57:33 2007
First of all Happy 10th to Brian's Page this is a great site i enjoy it a lot. I don't know if this will be removed but i wanted to get the posterd response to something the call the soaps daytime serials so why not makeit then have a soap lady in peril the whole nine yards Train Tracks Sawmill Ticking Bomb etc,etc what do you think and i rented the Hamiltons on Dvd i thought it Suck big time....
Dennis C
Friday March 30 19:20:07 2007
Re: VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
John wrote:

> Van wrote:
> Great way to welcome the weekend. Just the right touch of
> humor and peril

Thanks! It's great to get some feedback. :-)
Friday March 30 19:23:46 2007
"Company Man" at 11pm (eastern) tonight on SciFi. Just walked in when "Six Months Ago" was airing, so alas no alert for that one.
Friday March 30 19:44:54 2007
Re: VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
> > Van wrote:

> Thanks! It's great to get some feedback. :-)
> http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/

Gee Van
I hope you know I've ALWAYS
thought your work was Brilliant!

*cue paper Gueniss guys from the commercial*

Friday March 30 19:47:59 2007
Re: Fangoria
Stephanie wrote:

> We ran this last August in the member's section, but I
> tossed it up for anyone who wishes.


The word that first comes to mind is...


Friday March 30 20:18:21 2007
A god scene from an old spanish movie
This post was deleted.

Poster: Mandrake
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Friday March 30 20:20:45 2007
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Jeez. I not only add a youtube page, but I take the time and trouble to add in code to detect when people don't realize that and give them an easy way to put it on the correct one. But they STILL do it wrong.
The Moderator
Friday March 30 20:21:02 2007
Urinetown Promo
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Friday March 30 20:21:19 2007
One word: EVILIO
This post was deleted.

Poster: Mandrake
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Friday March 30 20:50:28 2007
Re: Brick
H wrote:

> > I read where Emillie deRavin from Lost is kidnapped in
> > this movie. Anything, um, good happen?
> Nope.
> Nada.

Sad but true. Had there been a scene of interest, I'd have added it to the DB fourteen months ago.

Dear Emilie: you can run from the gag, but you can't hide forever.

(Okay, so maybe you can.)
Friday March 30 21:09:16 2007
Re: anything with Acorralada
Eric wrote:

> I didn't see anything. Hopefully they won't update her
> situation as if it's been in real time -- after six days
> she won't be in such great shape.

I haven't watched my recorded episode from today yet...so she wasn't shown AGAIN???

Friday March 30 21:21:05 2007
Re: anything with Acorralada
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I haven't watched my recorded episode from today yet...so
> she wasn't shown AGAIN???


It may have all been explained away by now. Seems increasingly likely, but, no hablo español.
Friday March 30 21:55:33 2007
CSI: Miami
I noted that there was no Database Entry for the "Double Jeopardy" episode of "CSI: Miami", so I composed one, and submitted it for inclusion into the voluminous Scene Database.
The scene occurs during the final ten minutes of the episode; it is a flashback scene in which a crime is re-enacted. The victim, a good-looking brunette, is bound and gagged with duct tape and then brutally murdered.
Friday March 30 22:14:01 2007
Re: CSI Scene
Speaking of the twins. Are we sure they were shot? Were their bodies found? Was there killer apprehended? Unless there's a scene I don't usually watch these CSI shows, so I've always wondered what happened to there storyline. Can anybody who watches the show regularly clue me in?
Friday March 30 23:11:44 2007
Re: CSI Scene
hallbird wrote:

> Speaking of the twins. Are we sure they were shot? Were
> their bodies found? Was there killer apprehended?
> Unless there's a scene I don't usually watch these CSI
> shows, so I've always wondered what happened to there
> storyline. Can anybody who watches the show regularly clue me in?

The head cheese solved that there was two identical twins that were killed. I don't think they were mentioned anymore through the episode.
Friday March 30 23:44:09 2007
Heroes episode "Company Man" added to database (record #12625)
Friday March 30 23:47:45 2007
Jusat watched The Hunt for the BTK Killer on DVD. Another case of, in spite of the pic of the tape gagged female on the cover, there is no scene in the movie. In fact, except for some flash-by pics of tied feet or hands on dead bodies, there is no bondage whatsoever, so don't be fooled by the inticing cover.

The movie really isn't very good either. But definitely don't go out & rent it for any bondage scenes.
Just a head's up.
Friday March 30 23:55:16 2007
Re: Heroes
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Heroes episode "Company Man" added to database
> (record #12625)

Here is something that I found of interest.

Ashley Crow plays Hayden's mom. Ashley's real life husband is Matthew John Armstrong, who is also a cast member of the TV Show 'Heroes'. He plays the role of Ted Sprague, a man with radioactive power. The man gets to bind his own wife.

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