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Saturday March 10 00:08:12 2007
Re: Las Vegas
Eric wrote:

> If the channel bar was at the bottom of the screen, you
> didn't miss anything relative to what the rest of us saw

Unfortunately, it was at the top. We haven't watched the tape yet to see what happened to that part.

Also, we're working on a soap scoop. Not enough details yet to release them from ...
The House of Le Bastard
Saturday March 10 01:18:15 2007
Re: Las Vegas
ss wrote:

> Harry Hyde wrote:
> > YESSSS !!!!!!
> > Definitley the scene of the 21st Century so far.

You may be right; I tentatively agree with you, until the memory of a better scene surfaces. This scene was stupendous!
To begin with, the scenes in which Ms. Marcil was bound and gagged in the trunk were lit just perfectly by a skilled lighting technician. Despite the crepuscular conditions, visibility was more than adequate, and Ms. Marcil's gag, the strip of duct tape, was perfectly visible. We owe a debt of gratitude to the lighting technician for the series; the man or woman really knows his or her job, and our enjoyment of the episode was enhanced because of this.
Secondly, the keyhole in the trunk was used to great effect; Ms. Marcil peered out of it frequently to see who or what was outside, and the light through the keyhole illuminated her gagged mouth very seductively. Potential rescuers are frequently just outside the trunk, but she is unable to alert them to her predicament, since she is gagged. The scene near the end of the episode when she sees her friend and potential rescuer, the security guy, walking just a few feet away, and attempts to alert him by whimpering through her gag, was priceless. The dastardly villain had done too good a job of gagging her; she could only manage some barely audible screeches.
Her energetic struggling and attempts to make noises through her gag were especially enjoyable. She manages to unlock the trunk through energetic jostling, and wriggles out. The manner in which she's bound was original; her hands were tied in front of her with duct tape, but her wrists and forearms were secured to her thighs; this resembles a form of hogtie. I've never seen any actress bound in this manner.
Ms. Marcil manages to remove her gag by rubbing it against the coarse carpeting, make her way over to a telephone, knock it down to the floor, and attempt to make a call, only to have the villain walk in at that precise, inopportune moment. He rushes over to her, ends the call, and then engages in snappy repartee with Ms. Marcil; some of the dialogue is the obligatory admonition "You'll never get away with it."
Housekeeping then knocks on the door; the villain immediately applies a forceful handgag, and tells the dedicated housekeeping staff to return later. Ms. Marcil proceeds to scream as loudly as she can through the hand clamped over her mouth. The villain then gags Ms. Marcil with another strip of duct tape over her mouth.
Ms. Marcil spent nearly the entire episode bound and gagged; this has to be one of the best scenes featuring a bound and gagged actress in the history of television. One advantage for Ms. Marcil is that she certainly didn't have much dialogue to memorize for this episode; most of her lines were, "Mmmmph! Mmmmmph!".
Saturday March 10 01:24:05 2007
Las Vegas—Junk in the Trunk
Okay, *very nice* DiD scene for Sam. Can't wait to see what happens next "season" (even if Mary (Nikki Cox) *will* be gone)... however... could they *POSSIBLY* have crammed more plot into that episode?? I was half expecting a giant mothership to hover over the hotel and start dropping alien paratroopers on the roof during the closing credits.
Saturday March 10 01:31:49 2007
Re: Las Vegas—Junk in the Trunk
Van wrote:

> Okay, *very nice* DiD scene for Sam. Can't wait to see
> what happens next "season" (even if Mary (Nikki
> Cox) *will* be gone)... however... could they *POSSIBLY*
> have crammed more plot into that episode??

Molly Sims, if you recall, was in a hotel room with a deranged Marine who was building a bomb. He may have to physically restrain her to prevent her from warning other people. She may begin next season bound and gagged.
Saturday March 10 01:54:56 2007
Re: Las Vegas—Junk in the Trunk
Hadji wrote:

> Molly Sims, if you recall, was in a hotel room with a
> deranged Marine who was building a bomb. He may have to
> physically restrain her to prevent her from warning other
> people. She may begin next season bound and gagged.

??? That's not what happened at all. The guy set a bomb off with her standing there.

Bill Clinton
Saturday March 10 02:33:16 2007
Couple more Las Vegas clips
My edit of that certain scene is up, though in QuickTime only. (Sorry, RealMedia folks. Time crunch and a need for sleep before travel.)
Saturday March 10 03:27:03 2007
Re: Las Vegas
Eric wrote:

> I wasn't all that impressed. Hands-in-front gag scenes
> are loosies in my book.

<sigh> there's gotta be one in every crowd! :-)

Actually, maybe not such a loosie...her hands were bound in front true, but with her arms then taped to her thighs (something I've not seen very much, if at all, outside of commercial bondage scenes), it makes her hand-in-front bondage much more stringent.

Now, if one WERE to complain, it would be that all that struggling & scooting across the floor was done after she managed to get her tape off...I'd have loved seeing her gagged throughout that scene. I know her gag had to be off to grab the phone cord but she could have left it on a BIT longer!! But really now, this is a hard scene to find much to fuss about!

Oh, and as for leaving the channel bar open during the scene, not as bad as our station did. We're having a bit of a thunderstormy night & I had to contend with the little map of Arkansas in the lower left corner (but large enough to slightly obscure part of the action) with the affected counties shaded in (and the one I live in wasn't even one of those in the area!!)...man I hate it when they do that!!!!!

So when *does* the next episode air, anyone know off-hand? Wasn't this the season finale?
Saturday March 10 03:45:07 2007
Re: Couple more Las Vegas clips
Raffish wrote:

> My edit of that certain scene is up, though in QuickTime
> only. (Sorry, RealMedia folks. Time crunch and a need
> for sleep before travel.)

I was out tonight and missed the scene so you are my hero Raffish :)

Saturday March 10 03:52:44 2007
Re: Couple more Las Vegas clips
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I was out tonight and missed the scene so you are my hero
> Raffish :)

Mine too! The episode will be viewable up on the nbc website at 5am EST Saturday morning according to their site.
For anyone else who missed it, like me.
Double thanks, Raffish.

Big MT
Saturday March 10 03:58:21 2007
Forgot link
Almost out of gas, running on 20 hours today.
Big MT
Saturday March 10 03:59:04 2007
Re: New Update and New DVD #16
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Great Clip - GSG9!
> I would have
> preferred a couple of the others in the lead B&G
> spot

Agreed, fun show but room to improve
wasn't one of the taliban guys serving the swim team (water?) at the pool?
Right there, in their swimsuits. That would have been fun. Leave it to Mullah Omar's boys to bugger it up huh?

Could have had more scene time if got rid of the painting wife and asmatic brats.. oh well ;)
Jay L
Saturday March 10 04:18:28 2007
Re: GSG9
> wasn't one of the taliban guys serving the swim team
> (water?) at the pool?
> Right there, in their swimsuits. That would have been
> fun.

Just thought there Brian:
"Don't touch me bastard!"?
Wouldn't a Yank gal more likely say, "Touch me and I'll kick your arse!"
perhaps I'll add in sub-titles in your DVD so you, Kevin W, & David Knight there can follow? ;)
Jay L
Saturday March 10 05:11:18 2007
Slylock Fox
Lost amongst all the 'Las Vegas' hubbub was the plight of poor Cassandra Cat in the March 5 edition of the Slylock Fox comic strip.

Slylock thinks that something is not quite right at the crime scene (and no, it's not her lack of a gag :). Any sleuths out there wish to solve the case?

This Slylock strip, plus a Flyin' Jenny strip from 1945 have been entered into the database. Provisionally entered (no scans, descriptions or exact dates - only someone's recollection that there *was* a scene - Thanks Hadji & DavidKnight) are Howard the Duck, Jane Arden, and The Lone Ranger.
Saturday March 10 05:31:21 2007
Re: Las Vegas—Junk in the Trunk
Bill Clinton wrote:

> Hadji wrote:
> > Molly Sims, if you recall, was in a hotel room with
> a
> > deranged Marine who was building a bomb. He may have
> to
> > physically restrain her to prevent her from warning
> other
> > people. She may begin next season bound and gagged.
> ??? That's not what happened at all. The guy set a
> bomb off with her standing there.

Perhaps I should pay closer attention to the sections of the plot without the bondage. I apologize for my erroneous observation.
Saturday March 10 05:35:24 2007
Eva LaRue
I looked in the database and saw nothing
about this at all.
Does anyone know if this is from a movie
or television show?
If so, does this bondage get completed
at some point, or is it just
ankle bondage?
Saturday March 10 05:55:07 2007
Re: Las Vegas ("Heroes")
> And Vince still has her for next season's premiere. Will he keep her tied up? Or is he going to do the old 'lock
her in a luxurious bedroom with a bunch of sexy outfits in the closet to wear' move. His comment that she'll wish she was dead promises menace.
Also promising was Vince's gloat that "I've done this before, and gotten away with it. Why should this time be any different?"

Does this guy have his own private island stocked with women he's kidnapped on previous weekend jaunts with his trunk?
Saturday March 10 06:52:27 2007
Sorry to disagree but my scene of the year so far is Amores.
Saturday March 10 07:17:38 2007
Van wrote:
Okay, *very nice* DiD scene for Sam

Found it rather dull (which is why we didn't bother running it)
Try these:
Saturday March 10 09:03:40 2007
Re: Las Vegas—Junk in the Trunk
Van wrote:

> Okay, *very nice* DiD scene for Sam. Can't wait to see
> what happens next "season" (even if Mary (Nikki
> Cox) *will* be gone)... however... could they *POSSIBLY*
> have crammed more plot into that episode?? I was half
> expecting a giant mothership to hover over the hotel and
> start dropping alien paratroopers on the roof during the
> closing credits.
> http://www.restrainedtastes.com/van/

Yeah, in a better world the entire episode should have been focused on the search for Sam. Eventually Delinda and Mary would discover her, and get captured by Vince. He would tie them up and gag them in the closet while he was checking out. Then they would squirm over to the phone and try to tell the staff what is going on as Vince is driving to the airport with Sam--all in vain, of course. Still, it is hard to complain. Interested to see how they'll resolve this next season without it all turning into a huge anti-climax. Also interested in how Delinda survived the bomb blast, since Molly Sims is not leaving the show.
Saturday March 10 10:19:48 2007
Anyone remember...
...the poster for the movie "Stay Alive" that someone put up here a year or so back? You know, the one with the girl whose hands were cleverly shown tied behind her with the cable of a video game controller? Makes me wonder if there's anything in the movie, given that it will make its premium cable debut tonight (on Starz at 9 p. m. Eastern). The database is silent on the issue. Anyone know? If not I'll probably watch anyway; doesn't seem like there'll be much else on.

And speaking of the database, the editors thereof might want to take a look at the entry just added for the much ballyhooed scene from last night's "Las Vegas." Seems like it could use a little work, to wit, a little added (such as the episode title and sequence number) and a LOT taken away. Pull it up and you'll see what I mean.

And to whoever wrote it: Don't think that your effort, like those of the editors, isn't appreciated. It's good-REALLY good-that you decided to be proactive and get the scene in while your first impressions of it were still fresh. We need more of that, not less. However, upon a day's reflection, I'm sure that even you would have to agree that the entry could stand improvement. In fact, why not hop over to Database Corrections to make some suggestions for the editors-provided, of course, that you're not already an editor yourself.
Saturday March 10 10:31:22 2007
And I almost forgot...
...to wish everyone a happy Shannon Tweed Day!

The Hall of Famer, first great damsel of the cable era, is 50 years old today.
Saturday March 10 11:25:17 2007
Re: Las Vegas—Junk in the Trunk
Van wrote:

>however... could they *POSSIBLY*
> have crammed more plot into that episode?? I was half
> expecting a giant mothership to hover over the hotel and
> start dropping alien paratroopers on the roof during the
> closing credits.

Got to love your imagination. I was looking for them to write in the ability to knock herself out with the phone bonking on her head.

God, now we have to wait for September to she what, if any thing will happen.
Saturday March 10 11:29:54 2007
Las Vegas
The scene last night with Vanessa Marcil was the best I've ever seen!!! I couldn't have written it better myself. The struggling across the room to get to the phone was great. The shots of her pretty bare feet tied up were amazing!!! I have been a loyal viewer dreaming of a payoff like this. I'm VERY happy.
Saturday March 10 11:45:36 2007
Re: Vegas
Stephanie wrote:

> Van wrote:
> Found it rather dull

So you got turned on by all those GSG9 uniformed Germans & hot secretary, helicopters, rappelling off cranes and SWAT gadgets that poor Las Vegas couldn't match it?

Realise they still have to rescue her.
Perhaps the plane is going to Germany? Never know. ;)
Jay L
Saturday March 10 11:51:03 2007
Re: Anyone remember...
Fettershackle wrote:

> editors thereof might
> want to take a look at the entry just added for the much
ballyhooed scene from last night's "Las Vegas."
Seems like it could use a little work, to wit, a little
added (such as the episode title and sequence number

Yep, "Heroes" (4.17).
Easy one, already looked after

Give some time for GSG 9 though
Jay L
Saturday March 10 12:11:08 2007
Re: Eva LaRue
Rich wrote:

> I looked in the database and saw nothing
> about this at all.
> Does anyone know if this is from a movie
> or television show?

It's obviously a posed shot for a modeling spread. Of course it isn't a scene from a movie or TV show.

Tony LaRussa
Saturday March 10 12:33:23 2007
Re: Las Vegas
The House of Le Bastard wrote:

> We did mess up one part of our tape, though. We
> accidentally left the channel bar selected after a
> commercial, and may have obscured a portion of Sam
> pushing herself out of the trunk.
> Wow, those bellboys are deaf -- and dumb.

Well, there is a reason they're bellboys. Not everyone gets to be a brain surgeon... ;-)
Saturday March 10 14:48:20 2007
Re: Vegas
Jay L wrote:

So you got turned on by all those GSG9 uniformed Germans
& hot secretary, helicopters, rappelling off cranes
and SWAT gadgets that poor Las Vegas couldn't match it?

"Your papers, please ..."

Stephanie of the SS
Saturday March 10 15:17:41 2007
Re: Las Vegas
Moraxian wrote:

> The House of Le Bastard wrote:
> > We did mess up one part of our tape, though. We
> > accidentally left the channel bar selected after a
> > commercial, and may have obscured a portion of Sam
> > pushing herself out of the trunk.
> >
> > Wow, those bellboys are deaf -- and dumb.
> Well, there is a reason they're bellboys. Not everyone
> gets to be a brain surgeon... ;-)

When she is eventually rescued, there is going to be a memo sent out to all casino hotel employees: "NOTICE. If you hear someone alive banging on the sides of the luggage of any guest, we ask that you please contact a floor supervisor for guidance and instruction. We believe we should take all reasonable steps to prevent kidnappings. Your cooperation is appreciated."

Kato, Jr.
Saturday March 10 15:24:38 2007
Re: Vegas
Stephanie of the SS wrote:

> "Your papers, please ..."

OOh OOH!!!
I think that Mai Li girl looks

She should be interrogated

Vee have Vays of Mekkingh ha tok

(naturally in addition to looking TOTTALLYFRIGGINSMOKINHOT)

Saturday March 10 15:50:17 2007
Re: Couple more Las Vegas clips
Big MT wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > I was out tonight and missed the scene so you are my
> hero
> > Raffish :)
> Mine too! The episode will be viewable up on the nbc
> website at 5am EST Saturday morning according to their
> site.
> For anyone else who missed it, like me.
> Double thanks, Raffish.

Last week's episode, "Junk in the Trunk" is re-airing on TNT on the 14th, so I'd imagine "Heroes" will air the following week.

Saturday March 10 15:52:07 2007
Re: Couple more Las Vegas clips
I wrote:

> Last week's episode, "Junk in the Trunk" is
> re-airing on TNT on the 14th, so I'd imagine
> "Heroes" will air the following week.

Should have checked first. It IS re-airing on TNT on the 21st.

Saturday March 10 18:00:14 2007
Re: Vegas
Snowcat wrote:

> Stephanie of the SS
> should be interrogated

Hey Snowcat,
you know what suspicious?
"Die Strassen von Berlin" & "GSG 9" both have the armed grenade taped to gal's wrists and it appeared they used the same explosion, from the same building for both scenes. Check the clips

At least "Las Vegas" had some original squirming and explosions, in place of helicopters & rappelling huh?
Jay L
Saturday March 10 18:13:43 2007
Re: Vegas
Jay L wrote:

> Hey Snowcat,
> you know what suspicious?
> "Die Strassen von Berlin" & "GSG
> 9" both have the armed grenade taped to gal's wrists
> and it appeared they used the same explosion, from the
> same building for both scenes. Check the clips
At least "Las Vegas" had some original squirming and explosions, in place of helicopters & rappelling huh?

Jay L
I like you...
Always have!
Always will!
(recycled line from the King in "True Romance")
Saturday March 10 18:15:36 2007
Conclusion of Heila's kidnapping of Amber. Very sexy B&G scene altogether
Saturday March 10 18:15:48 2007
Re: Las Vegas
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The scene last night with Vanessa Marcil was the best
> I've ever seen!!! I couldn't have written it better
> myself.

Really? I would think tying her hands behind her back would have been way hotter; especially if she was wearing a sexier top or skirt (which also would have been better). The length of the scene and the concept was top notch, but the bondage and the wardrobe was below average, imho, (and, shoot me, but I am so so tired of silver duct tape; it's so nineties).
Saturday March 10 18:16:12 2007
Re: YouTube
> Conclusion of Heila's kidnapping of Amber. Very sexy
> B&G scene altogether

Saturday March 10 18:40:59 2007
Re: Las Vegas
No complaints
Saturday March 10 18:44:39 2007
Re: Las Vegas
No complaints

Saturday March 10 19:13:09 2007
Re: Las Vegas
> Really? I would think tying her hands behind her back
> would have been way hotter; especially if she was wearing
> a sexier top or skirt

Saturday March 10 19:20:10 2007
Vegas Clip
Noticed a lot of trash clips from the usual youtube crowd, etc.
Here's Las Vegas properly done.
Mai Li
Saturday March 10 19:59:06 2007
Re: Couple more Las Vegas clips
MadFish wrote:

> I wrote:
> > Last week's episode, "Junk in the Trunk"
> is
> > re-airing on TNT on the 14th, so I'd imagine
> > "Heroes" will air the following week.
> Should have checked first. It IS re-airing on TNT on the
> 21st.
Dumb question probably, but is "Heroes" the name of last night's episode of "Las Vegas", or are we talking about that show "Heroes"?

Saturday March 10 20:04:14 2007
Re: Vegas
doc wrote:

> Sorry to disagree but my scene of the year so far is
> Amores.

Since you brought that one up, does anyone know of the names of the actresses in that 3-girl-tie-and-gag scene? Also, I have another scene from that showm a lady tied & tape gagged in a van with a guy. An ID on her, if anyone has it, would be much appreciated.

Before someone does one of the semi-famous "*cough...cough...database*" things, neither scene is entered (I'm a bit surprised that multiple girl scene isn't entered yet, as it was the talk of the board for quite a few days).

I'd make the entry, since I finally was able to get a copy of the scene (thanks Jeff!) but would rather have an ID on the actresses first, if possible.
Saturday March 10 20:24:20 2007
Re: Las Vegas
(unsigned poster) wrote:

but the bondage and the wardrobe was below
> average, imho,

I think if you take all the recent scenes that in their totality were better, you'd have a very short list. No scene will ever be perfect for everyone's taste, but relatively speaking? This scene was very high up there.
Saturday March 10 21:43:31 2007
West Coast alert. Not in database but a scene with Paula Trickey in tonights episode. She is found dead with a blindfold and her hands bound behind her with a bowtie.
Saturday March 10 21:47:11 2007
Re: Las Vegas
(unsigned poster) wrote:
> Sure
Are you kidding? I hate Vanessa Marcil, she's ugly.

anonnymus poster
Saturday March 10 22:10:21 2007
Re: Vegas
doc wrote:

> Sorry to disagree but my scene of the year so far is
> Amores.

I agree. For reasons too numerous to list, I believe it was a better scene. Much more cutting edge I suppose. However, these things are so subjective. Ms. Marcil's scene was outstanding. A real treat.
Saturday March 10 22:54:11 2007
MadTV 3-10-Sat Fox 22:00ct
At the beginning of the show they have
players as KFed & Britney Spears,
with her in a straightjacket & a mask
just like Hannibel Lectur fame.

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