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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Monday January 22 00:02:52 2007
Re: Actresses in diferent roles
Silencer wrote:

> does anyone know of any actresses that were supposed to
> play a role where they ended up bound and gagged but
> didn't do the movie for whatever reason?

This one haunts me to this day: Salma Hayek was going to be bound and gagged in the video for Wild Wild West but, the crew instread opted for another kind of peril instead. So .. she still did the video, but they just cut the scene even though it had been storyboarded. Wassssste...

Monday January 22 00:02:58 2007
Re: attempted tape gag removal
Chris wrote:

> Dangerous Curves - French Defection. that's
> a great example. The quiet frustrated mmmphing and the
> one lady rubbbing the tape gag on her knee. Love it

Still my favorite scene with two damsels. Love seeing the frustration on Michael Michele when she failed to get the tape-gag off.

Monday January 22 00:57:19 2007
Kinky-napper wrote:

> On a similar topic, a couple years ago there were several
> posts on Brian's Page on the serious discussions to cast
> either Racquel Welch or Bo Derek in the lead for a film
> adaptation of Irving Wallace's "The Fan Club"
> (1974).
> I'm surprised that
> because the film project never came to fruition,

I discovered Wallace's novel as a teen, and it very quickly became a personal...um... bedside favorite. Like "The Collector", it sent my kinky little brain in a spin.

A few years later, in college, I was reading an issue of a movie magazine and it had an article about "Great Hollywood Fiascos". It mentioned all the usual suspects like "Heaven's Gate" and "Howard The Duck" and... "The Fan Club"? No, the film was never made, but apparently a big studio shelled out a LOT of cash for the rights to the book, convinced it would be a sure-fire hit, only to discover that no big-name actress of the time wanted anything to do with a lurid script that called for her character to be kidnapped, tied to a bed in lace panties, gagged, and raped. The studio felt that the concept (a major Hollywood sex symbol abducted by crazed "fans") would only work with a real major Hollywood sex symbol, so the project was shelved after buckets of cash had already been spent.

I wish I could give more details (like the name of the magazine), but it about 15 years ago.
Kid Monster
Monday January 22 01:00:25 2007
Re: the amazing fashions show
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 01:02:26 2007
Re: the amazing fashions show
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 01:03:13 2007
Ivory Scene from "The Strip"
This post was moved to The Trading Forum.

Poster: Squirel
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 01:04:34 2007
Re: Jessica Biel tape-gag scene
This post was deleted.

Poster: The voice of reason
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 01:14:04 2007
Re: attempted tape gag removal
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Chris wrote:
> > Dangerous Curves - French Defection. that's
> > a great example. Love seeing the
> frustration on Michael Michele when she failed to get the
> tape-gag off.

In the slightly longer European version of this scene, Michele DOES finally get the tape off. She spits out a piece of wadding, takes a few desperate breaths of air, then gets a look of great relief on her face, tape still clinging to her cheek, finally able to breath freely and possibly talk to her friend after hours of suffocating captivity... then, before she can say a word, one of her captors walks in on her and calmly regags her beautiful face while she silently GLARES BLOODY MURDER at him. It used to be posted on Youtube, but is sadly currently unavailable. I would consider it easily one of my top ten favorite tape gag scenes.

Kid Monster
Monday January 22 01:22:02 2007
Dangerous Curves -French Defection

> In the slightly longer European version of this scene,

It's back up (Or possibly it never left and I just lost the link).


Awesome scene of two hotties tied and tape gagged. See my above post for longer description.

Kid Monster
Monday January 22 01:39:24 2007
Re: Dangerous Curves -French Defection
Kid Monster wrote:

> Awesome scene of two hotties tied and tape gagged. See my
> above post for longer description.

I love the dialogue when she sees the guy coming back into the room and says "oh, I don't believe it." Then when he rips the remaining tape off her face, she says "all right!" and then does a very nice exhale before getting stuff-gagged with the cloth and retaped.

Monday January 22 02:28:34 2007
Re: Passions
Dennis C wrote:

> Is there a chance Fancy will get Bound and Gagged again
> this week it would be nice but who knows i think it would
> be interesting if the stalker was her aunt Sheridan just
> a thought.

Someone has already posted that "Fancy" (Emily Harper) was bound and gagged on the Canadian broadcast of PASSIONS on Friday. That episode will be broadcast in the USA on Monday Jan 22.

Monday January 22 02:57:10 2007
Re: The Hitcher
ok wrote:

> I know there is a lot a upset people about this film, but
> did anyone actually see it? Was there anything even if
> only an arrest scene?

Yeah there was an arrest scene for gorgeous Sophia Bush, (dayyum I'd love to see her bound and gagged!), it's brief, hands behind back with handcuffs.. It's too bad the guy is the one in bondage : /
Monday January 22 03:46:14 2007
Re: brittany daniel
Andre wrote:

> By the way Sylvie, where did you find that great book
> illustration of the girl all tied up? That's really
> nice!!

It never would have occurred to me that you guys might not recognize Nancy Drew! The caption on that drawing is “Hopefully Nancy banged on the trap door.” It’s the flyleaf of the revised 1969 version of “Nancy Drew and the Clue of the Tapping Heels.” Nancy is knocked out and bound and gagged. She wriggles up the stairs, turns herself around and kicks the trap door until her pals track her down.
Monday January 22 06:20:17 2007
Brenda Star
The Brenda Star comic strip had a classic DiD scenario the past couple of weeks. http://www.gocomics.com/brendastarr/...
david irons
Monday January 22 09:37:31 2007
Re: Rescuer(s) unable to free a captive
Jenni wrote:

> Historian wrote:
> > Unlike house or car keys, handcuff kleys are pretty
> > stardarized. If Stacy was indeed restrained with her
> own
> > cuffs, anybody with a key used by her police force
> would have been able to free her.
> Not true at all. It is the case that for a given model
> and in many cases manufacturer there is a standard key.
> But it is not the case between makers at all. I
> personally have a number of sets all with different keys

No, Jenni, Historian is right. If you're thinking globally, in some "compendium compendiosum" of all the world's brands, then you're right, but virtually all American cuffs use the same key. In fact, this presents a perennial security problem to our cops, since there are millions of keys floating around out there and they all work. For this reason, there exist special high-security cuffs, which are very expensive (about $100) and which do have just one key per pair of cuffs. They are used on special occasions (e.g., transporting a highly dangerous prisoner). Stacy would certainly not be carrying these. I first learned all this at the US Army's Military Police School, and have had it confirmed many times since.
Monday January 22 10:18:29 2007
The Amazing Fashion Show
Since we seem to be having a flurry of discussion about Clem's "Amazing Fashion Show" spread, I thought that the readers would like a little background on that highly inexplicable set of photos.

A few years back, a bunch of very hip New Yorkers decided to shake up the world of fashion shows by forming an outfit that would put on shows which broke the normal pattern. They called their new organization "The Imitation of Christ", which, if you ask me, is a little TOO hip, but that's another issue. They put on two or three shows before the project petered out. One of their shows, for instance, had the models sitting in the audience while the reporters walked up and down the runway. You get the picture: a rather desperate striving for originality at all costs. In the show that Thebielsite featured, the gimmick was that all the models were cuffed behind their backs.

The thing about fashion shows is that the cool serenity out front is produced by a lot of frantic activity backstage. Each model, when she comes off the runway, strides back to the dressing room and changes into her next outfit, in a kind of conveyer-belt operation. Since you can't change clothes in bondage, this means that somewhere behind the scenes there was a guy (more likely two guys) with a big box of handcuffs and some keys who spent the whole duration of the show busily cuffing and uncuffing a bevy of gorgeous girls. Aaaarrrggg! I writhe with envy!
Monday January 22 10:34:53 2007
Another might-have-been
Some years ago, I read an interview with Winona Ryder about her part in "The House of the Spirits". (Readers who have seen the movie will recall that she gets arrested by the Chilean secret police and has a rough time of it while handcuffed and blindfolded.) According to her, she was originally supposed to have a whole series of torture scenes. She said that she became a bit of an expert on torture while preparing for all this. Then she said, "But in the end, all those scenes were cut."

That last phrase intrigues me. It could either mean that the scenes were left out of the final script and never shot, or that they were shot and then wound up on the cutting room floor. I keep hoping that they'll come out with this movie on DVD and include lots of deleted scenes, so I can find out. Anybody know any more about this?
Monday January 22 11:47:29 2007
Re: Rescuer(s) unable to free a captive
zwingli wrote:

> Jenni wrote:

> No, Jenni, Historian is right. If you're thinking
> globally, in some "compendium compendiosum" of
> all the world's brands, then you're right, but virtually
> all American cuffs use the same key. In fact, this
> presents a perennial security problem to our cops, since
> there are millions of keys floating around out there and

I think that we are saying the same. Most police handcuffs use the same keys. However, there are options.

The most obvious one is that those cheap cuffs that everyone buys in the novelty store use a MUCH larger key. Peerless and Smith and Wesson the two most common used by the police are much smaller keys but they are NOT the same

And then as is pointed out, the overseas ones are completely different.

I have a number of sets that use the same key and a number that do not
Monday January 22 12:48:05 2007
Mimi just confronted by the bad guy. Start recording. Wearing a nice top with a little midriff showing.
Monday January 22 12:59:19 2007
Re: the amazing fashions show
Julius wrote:

> A few weeks ago there were some pics of an amazing
> fashion show where all the models were handcuffed. ... Anyone know
> where I can find them?

Oh yes, there is an excellent set of images at the Australian site kinkindex maintained by Mark Owen. I hope he'll forgive me when I post a link bypassing the entrance page:
Peter de K
Monday January 22 13:45:18 2007
Days Of Our Lives -- Mon Jan 22
"Mimi" is bound and gagged (and then rescued) within the last 15 minutes.
Monday January 22 13:56:26 2007
Re: attempted tape gag removal
Extremely cute Rebecca Staab almost works off the tape gag off in the pilot of PS I Luv U. Then captor Dee Wallace Stone comes in and rips it off. Stab spits out some packing, gets handgagged, then gets the gag back (first packing then tape). Great nervous expression as she eyes the tape in Dee's hand.

Very similiar to Dabgerous Curves

Monday January 22 14:05:19 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives -- Mon Jan 22
Tapemaster wrote:

> "Mimi" is bound and gagged (and then rescued)
> within the last 15 minutes.

Scene happened in last five minutes. Overall, not too bad, considering it was just a rescue from a trunk in her apartment. But the gag stays on for several seconds as the boyfriend tries to ungag her. Gag was a combo cleave-OTM.

Monday January 22 14:06:07 2007
days of our lives
there is a nice scene going on right now on days , there is a nice hand gag and mppgghhhing for those who love that, then the damsel is knocked out and her mouth is covered with a strip of duct tape , lets hope the make the tape neater when they return.
for those who can tune in Now , West coasters get ready to cap Passions
Monday January 22 14:06:41 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives -- Mon Jan 22
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Scene happened in last five minutes. Overall, not too
> bad, considering it was just a rescue from a trunk in her
> apartment. But the gag stays on for several seconds as
> the boyfriend tries to ungag her. Gag was a combo cleave-OTM.

Forgot to mention onscreen tying of her hands behind her back a few minutes earlier, then Mimi says "what are doing with that" in reference to the gag we didn't see as they fade to commercial closing in on her face.
Monday January 22 14:07:48 2007
Re: days of our lives
Tie wrote:

> there is a nice scene going on right now on days , there
> is a nice hand gag and mppgghhhing for those who love
> that, then the damsel is knocked out and her mouth is
> covered with a strip of duct tape , lets hope the make
> the tape neater when they return.

Very sloppy taping of the mouth by the bad guy. Interesting to see if they fix it. Fancy KO'd in pajamas.
Monday January 22 14:09:57 2007
Re: Urinetown on YouTube
> 'Snuff That Girl' - University of Southern Cal co-ed B&G

White tape gag. Gotta love it

Monday January 22 14:13:19 2007
Jessica Alba white tape-gagged in "Flipper"
Nice crisp version of the "Treasure Hunt" scene on youtube. The second part of the gag scene trimmed in this version, but you get the good closeup in the finish.
Monday January 22 14:16:24 2007
Re: days of our lives
Tie wrote:

> there is a nice scene going on right now on days , there
> is a nice hand gag and mppgghhhing for those who love
> that, then the damsel is knocked out and her mouth is
> covered with a strip of duct tape

You mean "Passions", not "Days". The damsel is "Fancy" (Emily Harper).

Monday January 22 14:27:59 2007
Days Of Our Lives
The gag was fairly tight and the rescuer looked to pull it down but couldn't do it. He first loosened it and then pulled it down.
Gordian Knot
Monday January 22 14:29:26 2007
Re: days of our lives
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Very sloppy taping of the mouth by the bad guy.
> Interesting to see if they fix it. Fancy KO'd in pajamas.

Tape-gag perfectly positioned across the mouth when they come back from commercial. Fancy says to herself "he's got me bound and gagged. What am I going to do?" I was surprised she didn't say "again."

Monday January 22 14:43:18 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
Gordian Knot wrote:

> The gag was fairly tight and the rescuer looked to pull
> it down but couldn't do it.

Delay in ungagging her provided a few decent shots. Not a great scene but I've wanted to see Mimi B&G for a while.
Monday January 22 14:44:22 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Delay in ungagging her

Three more caps.
Monday January 22 14:44:54 2007
> MARY ANN MOBLEY starred in the pilot for GIRL FROM

Also was picked originally for Batgirl but "Yvonne Craig took over when Mary Ann fell ill"
Monday January 22 14:49:32 2007
> Also was picked originally for Batgirl but "Yvonne
> Craig took over when Mary Ann fell ill"

Too bad, zero scenes for Mary in the DB while Yvonne's UNCLE scene would've sufficed

D Grayson
Monday January 22 14:56:40 2007
Re: Urinetown on YouTube
I know this might sounds stupid and/or off-topic, but look at this:

The code for this Urinetown clip on YouTube (you can see it on the URL) is...


Doesn't this look like "tie Gags gagged 4"? Maybe it is a reference to the recent four-damsel scene in "Amores" :P

Is this off-topic? Or stupid?
Monday January 22 15:03:40 2007
Passions -- Mon Jan 22
"Fancy" (Emily Harper) is bound and gagged by the masked assailant (again). He knocks her out and when she wakes up she thinks (in a voiceover) to herself "I'm bound and gagged!" Later, the assailant removes her gag and bindings. People come into Fancy's room and think she had a nightmare. When asked why she didn't yell out, Fancy mentions that she had tape over her mouth. She thinks he is still around and she is right. He is hiding in the closet. The scene is over (for now), but we could get more tomorrow.
Monday January 22 15:09:52 2007
General Hospital -- Mon Jan 22
At the beginning of the episode, there is an arrest / handcuffed behind the back scene for "Alexis" (Nancy Lee Grahn).
Monday January 22 15:18:27 2007
Re: General Hospital -- Mon Jan 22
Tapemaster wrote:

> At the beginning of the episode, there is an arrest /
> handcuffed behind the back scene for "Alexis"
> (Nancy Lee Grahn).

Where's the gag? What's wrong with these soap writers?
Monday January 22 15:55:31 2007
Seems to be MORE trouble for the ladies over at the site today
Monday January 22 16:12:28 2007
Re: General Hospital -- Mon Jan 22
Tapemaster wrote:

> At the beginning of the episode, there is an arrest /
> handcuffed behind the back scene for "Alexis"
> (Nancy Lee Grahn).

She is handcuffed with her hands behind her back during her arrest and when she is brought into the police station. She remains that way for quite a while. Eventually, she is released from the cuffs and police custody. No gag.

Monday January 22 16:16:19 2007
Re: Passions -- Mon Jan 22
How did Fancy get knocked out?

Monday January 22 16:20:19 2007
Re: General Hospital -- Mon Jan 22
Tapemaster wrote:

> She is handcuffed with her hands behind her back during
> her arrest and when she is brought into the police
> station.

She is handcuffed for a considerable amount of time while standing and you get to see the handcuffs binding her wrists.

Monday January 22 16:21:28 2007
Re: Passions -- Mon Jan 22
gytalf2000 wrote:

> How did Fancy get knocked out?
Punch to the face. Only this time, no red on her face with the gag, unlike the last KO scene where they had red bruising on her face.
Monday January 22 16:22:35 2007
Re: Passions -- Mon Jan 22
gytalf2000 wrote:

> How did Fancy get knocked out?

The villain punched her in the head.

Monday January 22 16:22:54 2007
Re: General Hospital -- Mon Jan 22
Tapemaster wrote:

>> > (Nancy Lee Grahn).
> She is handcuffed with her hands behind her back during
> her arrest

That one older soap actress (50) that I still want to see bound and gagged.

Monday January 22 16:29:13 2007
Re: General Hospital -- Mon Jan 22
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> (Nancy Lee Grahn).

> That one older soap actress (50) that I still want to see
> bound and gagged.

She was bound and gagged once years ago on the soap opera "Santa Barbara".

Monday January 22 16:37:17 2007
Re: attempted tape gag removal
> Extremely cute Rebecca Staab almost works off the tape
> gag off in the pilot of PS I Luv U. Then captor Dee
> Wallace Stone comes in and rips it off. Stab spits out
> some packing, gets handgagged, then gets the gag back
> (first packing then tape). Great nervous expression as
> she eyes the tape in Dee's hand.

I would love to view this scene again, it's one of my all time favorites, does anyone have a copy of it that they can put on youtube? I know majorjohn has a copy of it and put it up about 2 years ago but I want to see it again and again.

Monday January 22 16:37:59 2007
Wire in the Blood "Wounded Surgeon (4.4)"
Just a quick apology that I posted a duplicate alert concerning the episode in VCR Alerts right after Caesar already posted it for 01/23/2007. My apologies.
Nite Owl
Monday January 22 16:44:24 2007
Re: Wire in the Blood "Wounded Surgeon (4.4)"
Nite Owl wrote:

> Just a quick apology that I posted a duplicate alert
> concerning the episode in VCR Alerts right after Caesar
> already posted it for 01/23/2007. My apologies.

There's no need to apologize. The more information the better. Is the damsel a reporter (as mentioned by you) or a psychiatrist (as mentioned by Caesar)?

Monday January 22 16:46:48 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
Wow, what stellar acting. Honestly, I think most fetish models on bondage sites have more acting chops than that chick. Yikes! They should keep her gagged all the time. She's much more effective when she can't actually annunciate words.

Thanks for the alert nonetheless. I just grabbed it and if nobody else indulges, maybe I'll post a clip sometime. Right now, I'm gearing up for Fancy. I sure hope the dialog is delivered a bit better from her. Someone mentioned something about Fancy speaking regarding how she was bound and gagged. I love that kind of thing, so I'm anxious to hear it. :-)

You east coast alert folk rule!! I really appreciate all of the informative data regarding scene times/descriptions.
Monday January 22 16:59:12 2007
Re: Passions -- Mon Jan 22
> The villain punched her in the head.

Hate punches to the head. If villain doesn't have any chloroform, they can try the handgag knockout method.

Monday January 22 18:24:52 2007
Re: The Amazing Fashion Show
zwingli wrote:

> A few years back, a bunch of very hip New Yorkers decided
> to shake up the world of fashion shows by forming an
> outfit that would put on shows which broke the normal
> pattern. They called their new organization "The
> Imitation of Christ", which, if you ask me, is a

This is not what the bio of the fashion house in question says.

> Thebielsite featured, the gimmick was that all the models
> were cuffed behind their backs.

Certainly the shows were unusual but the organization was a fashion house that tended to do unusua shows. Some of the models actually have the "imitation of the xist" log on their shirts.

The pic that I have posted here is interesting since it is clearly backstage and you can see not only the featured model but others standing around, presumably waiting to strut, already cuffed
Monday January 22 18:26:43 2007
Attn: Canucks & Northern Yanks
In general reply regarding new Series+ channel show "Brigade du crime".
Highly favouring it really German show "SoKo Leipzig"

Recognised the Die Rote Meile show guy today,
and will post some refs for you interested over on Database Corrections page between where figure are,
and the scenes posted in the Database

See there =>
Jay L
Monday January 22 18:40:11 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
I threw this one together so everybody could check out the Emmy Award Winning performance. ;-) Chuck Norris laughs at this chick.

It's a 7.26 RM, zipped. Enjoy!
Monday January 22 19:04:48 2007
Re: the amazing fashions show
Peter de K wrote:

> Oh yes, there is an excellent set of images at the
> Australian site kinkindex maintained by Mark Owen. I hope
> he'll forgive me when I post a link bypassing the entrance

Certainly these are the same show - there are a lot more images at Jenni's, but the ones that are the same are that
Monday January 22 19:14:38 2007
Can anyone suggest any good novels that has the female protaganist bound and gagged?
Otm Shank
Monday January 22 19:15:12 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
Thanks for the specific info about scene time.

I taped it but it was interupted here for the Mike Tomlin press conference.

It appears R Stillers have a new coach.
Monday January 22 19:49:01 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Again, people aren't getting the message the easy way about not pestering for caps and clips on this page, so it will be the hard way for a while.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 19:50:01 2007
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Sounds like a non-mainstream (amateur) feature. If not, post more information.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 19:51:14 2007
Handcuffed Models
I believe that I remember another case where a group of three models were handcuffed and paraded through the streets of NY. I believe that this was at HancuffMan's page, whic is sadly gone. Does anyone have these?
Monday January 22 20:01:54 2007
This post was deleted.

Poster: Dennis C
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 20:02:13 2007
NY Times picture - BIEL
This post was deleted.

Poster: bingag
Reason: Off-topic.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 20:03:34 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Contact site owners directly with problems.
The Moderator
Monday January 22 20:11:45 2007
Re: Days Of Our Lives
Wavy wrote:

> I threw this one together so everybody could check out
> the Emmy Award Winning performance. ;-)

Man! You guys weren't kidding. That was the worst acting job I have ever seen in a mainstream DID scene. If it wasn't, I can't remember the one that takes it.

However, she is cute, and there really is no "bad" bound and gagged damsel.
Monday January 22 20:52:40 2007
Re: Thoughts on "High Tension"
Jay L wrote:

> Hmm, on second read perhaps Die Strassen not a related
> example of this Pat

Hey, doin' the research is half the fun.
Pat Powers
Monday January 22 20:55:01 2007
Re: Fortier
Stephanie wrote:

> I rather doubt that anyone in the 'typical' TV viewing
> audience would have noticed anything at all other than a
> fleeting impression of the scene.

Sure, but how much trouble would it have been to cuff the actress properly for the scene? I think they were just slacking.

Pat Powers
Monday January 22 21:03:12 2007
Kinky-napper wrote:

> As I'd noted, given that nearly the entire novel takes
> place inside the isolated cabin, I'm surprised that
> because the film project never came to fruition, it
> hasn't been adapted for a stage play.
> "Extremities" was a successful play, before
> being made into a movie (with Farrah Fawcett reprising her stage role).

"The Fan Club" could VERY easily be adapted as a stage play, as the crux of the story is a psychodrama as the bound, naked and helpless captive psychologically manipulates and eventually destroys her captors. Act I could be the guys planning and setting up their kidnapping, Act II sets up the actress and maybe includes the kidnapping, Acts III, IV and V are the psychological game-playing and the various killings.

Pat Powers
Monday January 22 21:18:39 2007
Re: Re:Passions
The Moderator wrote:

> This post was deleted.
> Poster: Dennis C
> Reason: Off-topic.

Monday January 22 21:51:03 2007
Re: The Fan Club (by Irving Wallace)
> "The Fan Club" could VERY easily be adapted as a stage play, as the crux of the story is a psychodrama as the bound, naked and helpless captive psychologically manipulates and eventually destroys her captors.
Yes, I'm surprised the studio "suits" didn't come to the same conclusion -- I think "The Fan Club" is actually more suited for a play than as a theatrical release.

I couldn't see it being a box-office success back in the early-1980s. E.g., other than purient interest, it really isn't a "Guy"-type movie: About the only "action" is the initial rape(s) and the falling-out of the captors at the end. In between, there's lots of dialogue (I'm assuming most of the consensual sex scenes would've been axed to have achieved an "R"-rating) and thought-bubbles. 90% of the scenes will be in the cabin's bedroom and the den.

And potential women filmgoers may have been turned-off by the fact that none of the characters is likeable (even Sharon, unless they happen to like her "Use her sexuality as a weapon" strategy, a la the "Ginger" trilogy).

On the other hand, a play could cast three stars in the most important roles: Sharon, "Dreamer", and "Evil One", and how the balance of power shifts between the three during the course of the play.
Monday January 22 22:08:01 2007
Prison Break
The new season of Prison Break and T-Bone
tracked down his ex and she tried to get away
from him.T-Bone boarded up the house with wood
on the doors/windows so she could not escape; and
she was tied to a chair.Continued next Monday
Monday January 22 22:20:50 2007
Passions - Emily Harper Clip & MP3's
Okay, I'm feeling generous tonight. Since nobody else has posted anything yet, I hope I'm not stealing anyone's thunder by posting a clip of today's "Fancy" adventure. This poor girl just can't get a break. Muhahahaha!! I included two nice mp3 files along with the clip, as Emily had a couple of very nice little verbal scenes which as mentioned earlier, I happen to love.

The clip is four minutes long, so I had to do it in RM format and it's still kind of large. The zip file is 13.1 mb. Hope you enjoy!
Monday January 22 22:24:57 2007
Demons from her Past
35-minute-mark. Alexandra managed to get chloroformed & is now tied & tape gagged in a car trunk. Obviously more to follow...the hot Cynthis Gibb is also in the cast & may be next.
Monday January 22 22:26:15 2007
Re: Demons from her Past
JP wrote:

>...the hot Cynthis Gibb is also in the cast & may be next.

Uh, that should be CYNTHIA Gibb!

Monday January 22 22:33:47 2007
Re: Demons from her Past
By the way...this is the movie that was mentioned as a possibility, it's on Lifetime.
And doesn't look like anything for Ms. Gibb, as she hasn't been shown in awhile, but Ms. Paul is doing some nice struggling & mmmphhh-ing in the car trunk. Lotsa close-ups too.
Monday January 22 23:12:57 2007
Re: Demons from her Past
JP wrote:

> By the way...this is the movie that was mentioned as a
> possibility, it's on Lifetime.

I think that should be 1:35 in since it started at 9 p.m. What a scene! Little dark setting, but nice mmmpppffing and pretty good closeups as Alexandra struggles for 15 minutes while bound and gagged. No quick escape. Her hands are tightly tied and her feet are also tied tight. Black electrical tape-gag goes ear to ear.

Heather Locklear movie next week showed her getting grabbed in the promo. Hopefully, a bound and gagged scene for Heather next Monday.

Who needs Monday Night Football with Lifetime around?
Monday January 22 23:25:52 2007
The Hamiltons
The Hamiltons, which has Brittany Daniel bound and gagged, is due to come out on dvd March 27.
The dvd is supposed to have deleted scenes and bloopers.

Click on the link for more info.

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