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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Friday June 18 02:32:23 2010
Re: Kate Winslet
Abel wrote:

> Kate Winslet to play kidnap victim in new movie.
> Could be interesting.

The plotline doesn't sound like there will be anything of interest. Kinda like Cellular w/ Kim Basinger, she got kidnapped but the film was severely lacking in bondage for her.
Friday June 18 02:53:07 2010
Re: Alice Creed
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Does anyone have more news on this movie? Any new reports
> or news on DVD-release dates?

Still waiting for theatrical release. Search backwards to find all the discussion about it here. Not really much else to say until it shows up in theaters or on DVD.

Country Date
Canada 12 September 2009 (Toronto International Film Festival)
UK 24 October 2009 (London Film Festival)
France 10 April 2010 (Beaune Film Festival)
USA 24 April 2010 (Tribeca Film Festival)
UK 30 April 2010
France 9 May 2010 (EuroCine 27)
Israel 3 June 2010
France 30 June 2010
USA 6 August 2010 (limited)
New Zealand 11 November 2010
Friday June 18 03:48:50 2010
Megan Fox tied up
Here is a yahoo news article on the new Megan Fox movie. Pic shows her with hands tied overhead. Putz alert
Leroy Pharted
Friday June 18 08:47:39 2010
VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Hi-Ho, Fellow DiDoids!

Chapter 11 of "There are fairies at the bottom of our astrophysics lab!" is posted!

Enjoy! :-D

Friday June 18 09:33:28 2010
Re: Alice Creed
I have an interview with Gemma on my page telling how she got into the role and insisted on being tied up even for shots were she didn't need to be
also some stills from the movie

Go to my homepage and click Gemma Arteton

Well over 100 other actresses there too

and as always if you know of anything that belongs there that I missed please drop me a line
Friday June 18 12:38:26 2010
Jonah Hex
Pic of Megan Fox tied (guy alert)
Friday June 18 15:27:12 2010
Re: Jonah Hex
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Pic of Megan Fox tied (guy alert)
The local newspaper gave "Jonah Hex" the lowest score of six new movies they reviewed today, but they ran that picture with the article. There are worse ways to have the morning begin.

Friday June 18 17:24:23 2010
Play in S/E Michigan
This is a notice to those in Southeastern Michigan about a play being produced next weekend (June 25-26) I have it on good authority that there is a scene of interest to us in it. The play is part of a festival of one-act plays at the Baldwin Theater, in Royal Oak, MI which is essentially the Stagecrafters Theater Group. The play is a comedy in one-act titled "The Stop Smoking Technique" and features a nice looking 40-ish woman in ropes and gag, played for laughs.

Next week I hope to have a link to production stills and will post them The play will only run twice during the festival; on Friday night and a Saturday matinee and seating is limited since the Festival is being produced on their "second stage."
Friday June 18 20:26:34 2010
Very early scene
I remember seeing a documentary once about early movies. They showed a clip from a film that was supposedly the first (at least in America) movie that used background music or a film score, and the narrator talked about how the movie makers were concerned the audience would be confused because they wouldn't understand where the music was "coming" from. But more to our interests, the scene they showed was something like a jungle scene where a man and woman are taken prisoner by some "savages" or something--they weren't shown. What was shown was the man and woman tied to what looked like ladders or some immobilizing devices. They're talking--rather calmly, I seem to recall, considering there were probably cannibals boiling a pot of water outside--about their fate, and each is tied to one of these ladder things. Anyone have any idea what this film was? Wasn't the greatest scene in the world and sorry, gag snobs, you're out of luck, but I am curious.

Friday June 18 22:17:27 2010
Re: Alice Creed
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Not really
> much else to say until it shows up in theaters or on DVD.

One poster gave a pretty detailed account of what happens in the film from the UK release in April.
Friday June 18 22:32:14 2010
Re: Play in S/E Michigan
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Next week I hope to have a link to production stills and
> will post them

Cool. Looking forward to it.

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