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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday July 31 03:47:50 2022
Re: finnish scenes
On July 30 2022 finnish guy wrote:

> I was wondering how many finnish scene you know?
> I've tried to collect all finnish scenes but dont't know
> if there is some mystery scenes or something...

At first i had read "finish"
Sunday July 31 13:29:54 2022
"You'll have to tighten my gag."
I don't recall that line being uttered in any TV show or movie, but I've had a girlfriend or two, and a model or two who have said it, and I love it when they do.

So my question to the group is, can you think of any MSM scenes like that? (To clarify: not where they ask to be gagged, of which there are several, but where they specifically ask for it to be tighter.)
Sunday July 31 16:33:01 2022
Database registration
I received a message through the Contact form about a user unable to register for Database submission access.

This turned out to be a problem that has to do with when the server was upgraded. Much the PHP code is quite old, and we have the problem of functions getting removed in later versions.

What is annoying to me is that this has to have been happening for quite some time. Months. And this is the first time someone reported it officially (thanks RH).

I rely on the users to keep me informed of when there are problems. I can't fix what I don't know about.

The Engineer
Sunday July 31 19:00:39 2022
Re: Database registration
On July 31 2022 The Engineer wrote:

> What is annoying to me is that this has to have been
> happening for quite some time. Months. And this is the
> first time someone reported it officially (thanks RH).

A possible explanation could be that the unregistered users here don’t want to register to enter a scene into the database and haven’t bothered trying apparently for a long time now. Personally, if I come across a good new scene that’s not in the database, I want to let others know about it. But it’s not that important to me that the database is up-to-date. That seems like it should be the concern of someone that’s already registered. And if nobody that’s already registered feels like a new scene is worth adding, then that scene just doesn’t get added. No problem for me. But if whoever maintains and contributes to the database wants it to be as comprehensive as possible, they should be the ones to enter new scenes as they’re discovered. Does that make sense?

Not trying to start an argument here, but just trying to explain who no one may be registering for all this time.
Sunday July 31 19:09:37 2022
Raiders of the Lost Ark
GREAT scene is on Cable TV in a few hours (July 31). See Alerts.
No Trekkie
Sunday July 31 19:11:28 2022
Re: Database registration
On July 31 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Not trying to start an argument here, but just trying to
> explain who no one may be registering for all this time.

I would agree.
No Trekkie
Sunday July 31 19:23:14 2022
Re: Help Identifying Late 90s Scene
Made the original post on July 18th so look for it. I can't quote it as the board doesn't let me post the full quoted message.

Anyone familiar with this scene? Someone here must recognize it.
Sunday July 31 20:19:56 2022
Re: Database registration
On July 31 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Not trying to start an argument here, but just trying to
> explain who no one may be registering for all this time.

I can't say for sure that it isn't the case, but I
have my doubts. At any rate, we require registration.
That's because some people (shockingly) don't follow
rules. This way, we can see who is putting entries in
and look for trends of trolling or just poor entries
and do something about it.

The Engineer
Sunday July 31 20:21:17 2022
Nice TikTok video
This post was moved to The Video Page.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Video request or link not on Video Page. See FAQs 1.11 & 1.12.
The Moderator

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