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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Tuesday July 12 00:59:36 2022
Re: Better Call Saul
Well that sucks and blows all at once. Always a major bummer when we get a dude in distress and not a damsel.
Tuesday July 12 03:45:28 2022
Re: Better Call Saul
On July 12 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Well that sucks and blows all at once. Always a major
> bummer when we get a dude in distress and not a damsel.

(Yami Yugi voice) "It should have been KIM! Not him! It's NOT FAIR!" *punches dirt in despair*

Seriously though, it was still a great episode, but if Kim had been the one in that chair it could've had Scene of the Decade potential. Instead, it'll go down as one of the all-time teases, up there with the Diane Kruger missed opportunity from the first National Treasure movie.
Tuesday July 12 04:22:05 2022
Re: Better Call Saul
> (Yami Yugi voice) "It should have been KIM! Not him!
> It's NOT FAIR!" *punches dirt in despair*

You think this is something, you think this is bad, this, this chicanery?!
In all seriousness though the absolute worst possible scenario that could have happened.
Tuesday July 12 06:00:40 2022
Jungle Comics No. 75 Camilla
Unfortunately her only full treatment scene.


Tuesday July 12 06:38:59 2022
Re: Vega$
On July 11 2022 Hadji wrote:

> I watched the infamous "Lost Women" episode a
> few days ago on DVD and had a lot of fun pausing the most
> delectable scenes and counting the number of bound and
> gagged bikini-clad showgirls. They were all bound with
> rope and gagged with cloths tied between their teeth. It
> must be quite laborious to bind and gag twelve showgirls
> with rope and cloths. Had this episode aired one decade
> later, during the Eighties, it is almost guaranteed that
> the showgirls would've all been bound and gagged with
> duct tape, which would've been much more expedient.
> Someone please remind me why duct tape wasn't used to gag
> actresses until the Eighties.
> I was also perplexed by how the showgirls were
> incapacitated; they were individually chloroformed by a
> thug. Wouldn't it have been almost impossible to get each
> one alone to chloroform her? Also, wouldn't they have
> gotten suspicious when they noticed members of their group going missing?

I'll take your points one at a time

1. Duct tape didn't become well know until the 80s, so you're right on that score.

2. We only see one scene of the goon using chloroform. We don't know if any of the other guys did the capturing. After all, when a man and woman slip away from a party, people tend to think it's for sex.

3. At least one of the chorus girls did get suspicious. In on scene we see a chorus girl in a hallway calling another girl's name. then it cuts to the goon pouring chloroform into a hankie.

That said, I would venture to guess that real-life Las Vagas showgirls were employed as extras. They likely got whatever the daily rate was for an extra in 1978, plus a free lunch for what is unquestionably a nin-speaking role.

Tuesday July 12 08:37:43 2022
Paraiso Season 2
Saw an ad on one of my local network channels that Paraiso Season 2 will be on their streaming service soon. Not expecting 3 sacrificial damsels with tight harness ballgags this time around(lightning rarely strikes twice)but still curious to see if there is some bondage contained in its run. Spanish productions do their bondage rather well whenever it appears. Shall keep an eye out for the premiere.
Tuesday July 12 10:45:00 2022
Re: Better Call Saul
please moderator, delete this conversation

Tuesday July 12 11:18:30 2022
LATE ALERT Black Beauty
Nice little scene with cute actress in this otherwise family crapfest flick, in a few hours. See Alerts.
No Trekkie
Tuesday July 12 11:54:10 2022
Re: Vega$
On July 12 2022 Historian wrote:

> Someone please remind me why duct tape wasn't used
> to gag actresses until the Eighties.

Prior to that, it was more common to see white adhesive tape meant for first aid. In my opinion it was much more photogenic than duct tape. It was also completely opaque, very sticky and left a residue on removal. Future generations of first aid tape became less opaque and less sticky, and the ideal two inch wide variety fell out of favor. I'd love to see more white tape and less duct tape.
Tuesday July 12 14:06:47 2022
Re: Better Call Saul
On July 12 2022 cicisaur wrote:

> please moderator, delete this conversation

I will leave what's there. A bit of relief valve
can be useful. That being said, nothing further as it
is not productive at this stage.

The Moderator
Tuesday July 12 17:35:53 2022
Silent movie DiD
Anyone remembers the 1926 Buster Keaton silent movie The general? It had a really nice scene of the main girl gagged by the spies
Tuesday July 12 17:50:07 2022
Re: Vega$
> Prior to that, it was more common to see white adhesive
> tape meant for first aid. In my opinion it was much more
> photogenic than duct tape. It was also completely
opaque, very sticky...

As seen in Deadly Lessons

Tuesday July 12 19:42:28 2022
Re: Paraiso Season 2
On July 12 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

Was there actual bondage in season 1? I tried looking in the database but only found references to 3 other soap operas with a similar name. Nothing with "Paraiso" as a solo word in the title.
Tuesday July 12 20:42:02 2022
Re: Silent movie DiD
On July 12 2022 Lunge wrote:

> Anyone remembers the 1926 Buster Keaton silent movie The
> general?

I remember being pleasantly surprised by that when I saw it a retro film festival some years ago. It's always lovely when you come across a scene unexpectedly

Tuesday July 12 21:11:05 2022
Re: Silent movie DiD
On July 12 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> I remember being pleasantly surprised by that when I saw
> it a retro film festival some years ago. It's always
> lovely when you come across a scene unexpectedly
Why were you surprised that it was there. And thoughts on the scene overall?

Tuesday July 12 21:35:47 2022
Re: Vega$
On July 12 2022 Historian wrote:

> I'll take your points one at a time
> 1. Duct tape didn't become well know until the 80s, so
> you're right on that score.

Duct tape was invented during the Forties. It took FORTY YEARS for it to become well known?
Someone mentioned the first instance of an actress being gagged with duct tape, in either a movie or television show. What was the movie or television show, and who was the actress?

> 2. We only see one scene of the goon using chloroform.
> We don't know if any of the other guys did the capturing.
> After all, when a man and woman slip away from a party,
> people tend to think it's for sex.

True, however, there were only four men at the party, and twelve showgirls. The thug who chloroformed them remained hidden, I believe. Only one or two of the showgirls could've slipped away with a male partner. How did the thug with the chloroform get each showgirl alone in a secluded part of the mansion? There were twelve of them.

> 3. At least one of the chorus girls did get suspicious.
> In on scene we see a chorus girl in a hallway calling
> another girl's name. then it cuts to the goon pouring
> chloroform into a hankie.

I recall one of the showgirls inquiring about her girlfriend, then being assured that she was most likely taking a nap. I'm sure though, that four or five of their number missing would've definitely aroused suspicion among them. That many female guests can't be taking naps all at once.

> That said, I would venture to guess that real-life Las
> Vagas showgirls were employed as extras. They likely got
> whatever the daily rate was for an extra in 1978, plus a
> free lunch for what is unquestionably a nin-speaking role.

I'm sure that eleven of the bound and gagged women were real-life showgirls hired as extras. The only one who wasn't was Brit Lind. I don't know what their compensation was, but they also got to spend some time on Lake Mead.

Tuesday July 12 21:58:10 2022
Yvonne Craig lunch break
Is their any sources fo the claim that they left Yvonne Craig tied up when they went out to lunch
Tuesday July 12 22:23:28 2022
Re: Vega$
On July 12 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> > Prior to that, it was more common to see white
> > adhesive tape meant for first aid.

> As seen in Deadly Lessons
> https://i.imgur.com/bN9zu7j.png

Not really. That was more like masking tape over Ally Sheedy's mouth. Not really as nice as the whiter medical adhesive tape.
Tuesday July 12 22:39:23 2022
Re: Yvonne Craig lunch break
On July 12 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Is their any sources fo the claim that they left Yvonne
> Craig tied up when they went out to lunch

I've never heard that and can't even start to list all the reasons I would seriously doubt it
Killer Bee
Tuesday July 12 22:50:09 2022
Re: Yvonne Craig lunch break
On July 12 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Is their any sources fo the claim that they left Yvonne
> Craig tied up when they went out to lunch

A direct quote from her in a book called America on the Rerun: TV Shows That Never Die by David Story.
Tuesday July 12 23:06:08 2022
Re: Yvonne Craig lunch break
On July 12 2022 (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Is their any sources fo the claim that they left Yvonne
> Craig tied up when they went out to lunch

I hate to throw cold water on a beloved bondage legend, but the closest thing I ever found to it was in her autobiography "From ballet to the Batcave," where she tells a story of the UNCLE crew shooting scenes she wasn't in, and she went to her dressing room but found it was locked. She was sitting outside alone in a chair when David McCallum happened by and after learning of her plight picked the lock on the door for her. It's possible (but unlikely imo) that a practical joke was played on her while taped up, but I never saw word of it.

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