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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Thursday January 22 00:33:09 2015
Re: American Horror Story
Gagster wrote:

> Each of Sarah Paulson's heads gets a different cleave gag
> approx. 20 minutes into tonight's American Horror Story
> finale. One white cleave, one red cleave.

Funny. Both nice, but call me picky -- I wish they had shown us more of the white one. It looked like it was nice and thick and tight.
Thursday January 22 04:36:17 2015
missed opportunity
Five woman tied and no gag....
Oh, NOOOOO!!!!
Thursday January 22 06:44:19 2015
Popeye Scene not in the Database
I don't remember ever seeing this scene before. It doesn't appear to be in the database - I searched on "Popeye" and "Olive Oyl" and didn't get a match.

Thursday January 22 08:23:38 2015
Re: Popeye Scene not in the Database
Probably because of "Lack of Gag" for that scene :-(

Thursday January 22 11:14:16 2015
Re: American Horror Story
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Gagster wrote:
> > Each of Sarah Paulson's heads gets a different
> cleave gag

Could someone please post a still? My tivo didn't catch last night. Thanks in advance.
Thursday January 22 11:57:54 2015
Watching You?
Hey, does anyone know whatever happened to the production of this short film 'Watching You'? I can't find any info on it or if it was ever released.

Here's the clip
Thursday January 22 12:04:15 2015
Re: American Horror Story
CC wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > Gagster wrote:
> > > Each of Sarah Paulson's heads gets a different
> > cleave gag
> Could someone please post a still? My tivo didn't catch
> last night. Thanks in advance.

This should give you some idea. Unless there is a scene earlier in the episode that I missed, you don't get a really good shot of them both gagged at the same time. Not a great scene in my book, but certainly unique.

Thursday January 22 14:00:39 2015
Read that Melissa Benoist will be cast as the lead character in Supergirl.

Supergirl will be on CBS next season. Interesting choice. Will be hopeful to see Benoist get a scene.
Thursday January 22 14:23:27 2015
Re: Supergirl
Fred wrote:

> Read that Melissa Benoist will be cast as the lead
> character in Supergirl.
> Supergirl will be on CBS next season. Interesting choice.
> Will be hopeful to see Benoist get a scene.

I'm hoping for such a scene as well, but I'd like to first pose a few questions. Have heroines such as Supergirl, Power Girl, and Ms. Marvel, whose powers include super-strength, EVER been bound and gagged in the comics? Do restraints exist that can successfully bind them?
Thursday January 22 15:19:32 2015
Re: Supergirl
> Supergirl, Power Girl, and Ms. Marvel, whose powers
> include super-strength, EVER been bound and gagged in the
> comics? Do restraints exist that can successfully bind them?

Almost never. Supergirl has been bound and gagged on very few occasions and it's usually only by an enemy stronger than her, which isn't very common.

Captain Marvel (the former Ms. Marvel) has been gagged once that I know of and it was by a magic-user but that's about it.
Thursday January 22 15:55:13 2015
Re: Supergirl
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> > Supergirl, Power Girl, and Ms. Marvel, whose powers
> > include super-strength, EVER been bound and gagged
> in the
> > comics? Do restraints exist that can successfully
> bind them?
> Almost never. Supergirl has been bound and gagged on very
> few occasions and it's usually only by an enemy stronger
> than her, which isn't very common.

Thanks for sharing these awesome pictures! Is the second bound and gagged damsel Power Girl? I know that she's actually Kryptonian.
Thursday January 22 16:42:27 2015
Re: Supergirl
> Thanks for sharing these awesome pictures! Is the second
> bound and gagged damsel Power Girl? I know that she's actually Kryptonian.

Supergirl from a recent issue where she had a run-in with the Green Lanterns after temporarily turning evil.
Thursday January 22 17:05:32 2015
Re: Supergirl
We'll see if she might ever get the full monty
Thursday January 22 17:06:34 2015
Re: Supergirl
'Now 24, Kara feels un-empowered, a slave to having repressed her innate abilities. She's still pretty, but with her face hidden behind glasses and her hair pulled back, she doesn't know it herself. An unexpected disaster forces her to use her powers in public. Energized by her heroic deed, for the first time in her life, Kara begins embracing her extraordinary abilities. She begins helping the people of her city and they soon take notice — and she's even given a new moniker: Supergirl...'

Thursday January 22 17:20:49 2015
Fistful of Dollars
Believe director Leone is directing Clint on the proper way to handgag
Thursday January 22 17:28:45 2015
German Possibility
Anything happen in the end?
Thursday January 22 18:09:01 2015
Re: Supergirl
Do restraints exist that can successfully bind them?

Well, there are always good ol' super-powered chains of some kind, either made from kryptonite or somehow mimicking the power of a red sun. One time in the Superman cartoon from the early 90's, Supergirl was bound and gagged with tentacles by some alien creatures. Somehow, I doubt we'll get to see that in live action. We can always hope though.

Thursday January 22 18:21:12 2015
ABC has released nothing for promo material for next weeks Scandal, but if they do, maybe tonight being one week out.
Thursday January 22 19:25:44 2015
Re: Supergirl
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Do restraints exist that can successfully bind them?
> Well, there are always good ol' super-powered chains of
> some kind, either made from kryptonite or somehow
> mimicking the power of a red sun.

The cover of Superman Adventures #39 had her wrapped up nicely in some of Brainiac's tentacles. Same with Supergirl #72 or #73 (I forget), she gets wrapped up in some web with Mary Marvel.

Thursday January 22 20:05:09 2015
Vampire Diaries Right NOW
Elana (Nina Dobrev) is tied to a chair right now CW
Thursday January 22 22:33:47 2015
This isn't much of anything, I know, but thought it was worth mentioning.

On the Fox News program "Outnumbered" (please keep your political views to yourself), pundit Kennedy was referring to some sort of legislation that would hogtie the economy. She then added, "and speaking of hogtying...." to which the lovely Andrea Tantaros said, "Why did you look at ME when you said that?"

Cute little snippet of tawdry banter that left me with a smile and a great visual.

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