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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Friday February 20 00:38:04 2015
Re: The Millennium Bug
Larry Brown wrote:

> Didn't someone post scenes from the film The Millennium
> Bug here at some point? I've tried to find them without
> success.

See below.
Brian R
Friday February 20 09:48:34 2015
VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Hi-Hi Fellow DiDoids! Chapter 8 of *CURIOUS CASE...* is posted. Enjoy!

I'm living in a post Beckett-on-the-slab world... and I feel fine. :-D
Friday February 20 12:40:26 2015
Crossed bound feet
Any scenes where the damsel's ankles are crossed and bound? Example: This scene from Unter Uns.
Friday February 20 14:24:55 2015
Re: Crossed bound feet
> Any scenes where the damsel's ankles are crossed and
> bound? Example: This scene from Unter Uns.

Rebecca Staab in PS:I luv U and Joanna Going in Columbo
Friday February 20 15:11:09 2015
Re: Crossed bound feet
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> > Any scenes where the damsel's ankles are crossed and
> > bound? Example: This scene from Unter Uns.
> Rebecca Staab in PS:I luv U and Joanna Going in Columbo

Pamela Dunlap in "Bloody Mama" and Patricia Collins on that old show "Hot Shots"

I love when the damsel has her ankles crossed when tied (I was thinking I was the only one! LOL)
Friday February 20 20:30:03 2015
Re: VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Van wrote:

> I'm living in a post Beckett-on-the-slab world... and I
> feel fine. :-D
> http://www.vansfiction.net

Assuming the upcoming Victoria Justice scene lives up to our hopes, how will you feel then?

Thanks again for all your hard work.
Another John
Friday February 20 20:53:42 2015
Re: How To Marry A Millionaire
While searching the internet, I came across this classic scene. I will put the link to this scene on the video Page enjoy.

Title: How to Marry a Millionaire
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Merry Anders, Lisa Gaye

Description: Episode: "Guest with a Gun" (2.03)

Late 50s series concerning the attempts of three friends to marry millionaires and the comedic whiles they would employ to entrap, er, ensnare, er, catch a suitable suitor. In this episode from the second season Mike McCall (Anders) and Gwen Kirby (Gaye) are themselves entrapped and ensnared, so to speak (or not as in this case -- at least not out loud).

A burglar is robbing their apartment when Mike and Gwen come home. The two ladies are bound to easy chairs with ropes crossing their chests. Their wrists are tied in front and both are securely detective gagged. The fun part about this scene is that people keep coming by the apartment, so they are untied then re-tied several times.
Peter Parker
Friday February 20 21:24:22 2015
Scorpion promo
Attractive female will be kidnapped in Monday's episode. Appeared to be tied to a chair. No gag. Monday at 9 p.m. on CBS.
Friday February 20 21:38:22 2015
Re: Crossed bound feet
JP wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > > Any scenes where the damsel's ankles are
> crossed and
> >
> > > bound? Example: This scene from Unter Uns.

Elizabeth Ashley in the main scene in Mission Impossible: The Question, including when she squirms across the bed.

I love Susan St James in McMillan and Wife: The Devil You say. Her legs are crossed and tied at the ankles, and she is wearing a garter. When I was re-watching recently, the scene was a little marred by the fact that she is startled by the warning shot the cops fire as they enter the room (good thinking--no chance at all the shot will bounce off the ceiling and hit the hostage, the police commissioner's wife) and she lets her arm come out from behind, revealing that her hands aren't really tied, she was just holding them behind her. Still a great scene.
Friday February 20 21:40:40 2015
Hawaii Five-O
Melina grabbed on Five-0. She'll be taped up. Will update.
Friday February 20 21:50:21 2015
Re: Hawaii Five-O
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Melina grabbed on Five-0. She'll be taped up. Will
> update.

Oh, well. A bust. Bloody face, no gag. Rescued.

Tied to a chair with what looks like ropes at the start, feet taped. When rescued, looks like her arms were taped.

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