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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Thursday February 05 00:25:50 2015
Re: Choice Cuts (2014)
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The Moderator
Thursday February 05 00:27:08 2015
Re: E-Zine
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Has there been any further development
> of a future for it?


> Or is it done forever?

Brian R
Thursday February 05 01:10:50 2015
Agent Carter
One for completists only - In the most recent episode (1.05) Dottie (Bridget Regan) cuffs her left hand to her bedhead before going to sleep, because she grew up in a Russian spy academy and she's nuts. Happens right at the end of the episode.

Still holding out hope for a scene for Hayley Atwell, it's very much the top of my list.
Aussie Joe
Thursday February 05 01:57:48 2015
Pulp Covers
Found an archive of old pulp/detective covers that's a good source for DiD images.

Search by tag:


Thursday February 05 02:00:51 2015
Re: 90s Show?
Adam wrote:

> Hey all,
> There was some kind of 90s true crime show (like Unsolved
> Mysteries maybe?) with a woman chairtied and gagged in a
> closet at a school or something. Maybe in her lingerie?
> Kept captive by the teacher? I dunno. I just know it is
> on my list. Any chance anyone knows about it?

It was the story of a college professor who kidnapped a woman and kept her as a sex slave. He eventually let her go and then went on the run. America's Most Wanted and A Current Affair both had versions of this. It seems like Unsolved Mysteries did as well. Thanks to one of them, he was caught.
Thursday February 05 03:16:43 2015
Re: Midsomer Murders
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> 'Meanwhile time is running out for Tina who is bound and
> gagged and trapped in a cellar as wine begins to cascade
> dangerously from above.

Sounds like a great scene.
Found a short 30 sec preview of S17.
From the images it would appear her gag isn't "wine proof".
Look forward to seeing it, thanks for the alert.

Thursday February 05 05:34:41 2015
Hot in Cleveland; S06E11 - 'One Wedding and One Funeral' (with Jane Leeves)
I've just uploaded it to the database, if any changes are needed I'll be glad to see them happen:

The Hot in Cleveland scene was short, but it was great!
This is the kind of scenes you see in dramatic films put into a sitcom.
Timestamps according to the full episode with no commercials break.
The scenes key characters:
'Canadian' Joy, crazy lady kidnapper played by Missi Pyle.
'Cleveland' Joy, kidnapped lady played by Jane Leeves (54 at the time, still looks good).
Victoria Chase, the lady saving 'Cleveland' Joy played by Wendie Malick.
Step-up to the bondage scene:
06:00 - 'Cleveland' Joy arrives at the office of Bob to find him sitting in his chair with worried look on his face, he tells her that 'Canadian' Joy is pregnant with his child. 'Canadian' Joy enters with sonogram still photos of the baby and gives Bob and 'Cleveland' Joy copies. 'Canadian' Joy apologies for her behavior to 'Cleveland' Joy (She acted like a psycho is the last episode).
08:15 - 'Cleveland' Joy arrives home with the news, however, Victoria (Malick) recognize the baby to be the kid of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie because she is that much celebrity obsessed. Enraged, 'Cleveland' Joy calls Bob only to reach voice mail she leaves a message that 'Canadian' Joy is lying and tells him to meet her alone in the office to explain.
Small break at 09:00 for them to talk about other storyline, continues at 10:12 as "Bob" text 'Cleveland' Joy that "he" heads back to the office to meet her.
13:37 - She arrives at the office (In a black jacket, black and white shirt and blue jeans, small hoop earrings) to discover that 'Canadian' Joy (in a wedding dress with pearl necklace and matching pearl earrings) tricked her. 'Canadian' Joy asks if she is surprised to see her and plays the voice message. 'Canadian' Joy says she knew she will try to ruin the wedding so she took his phone and tricked her. Then 'Cleveland' Joy tells 'Canada' Joy she is going to find Bob and tell him the truth. 'Canadian' Joy blocks her way and says she can't let her do that (in a creepy voice and look in her eyes), 'Cleveland' Joy replies with the classic "just try and stop me!". After a Stretch transition effect between scenes with a swoosh sound effect we see 'Canadian' Joy bound with ropes 'Cleveland' Joy to a chair (Ropes around chest below the boobs, arms pinned at the sides).
The scene zooms from long range to medium range shot with 'Cleveland' Joy saying "Fine. You are faster and stronger than I thought but eventually someone will find me and let me out". 'Canadian' Joy says it will be too late then as the camera pans out a little bit to reveal a big roll of duct tape on the table.
'Cleveland' Joy call her crazy and asks her if it is all about the money, after 'Canadian' Joy reveals the other motive for the crime (A little girl dream wedding) she says "See I'm not so crazy" to which 'Cleveland' Joy says "I guess you're not" and at the same moment 'Canadian' Joy picks an already torn long duct tape piece and tells 'Cleveland' Joy "I have to tape your mouth shut now" as she tape gags 'Cleveland' Joy in a medium-long shot as a laughter soundtrack is heard at the background.
She taps 'Cleveland' Joy tape gag few times to make sure it is on, the camera changes to a zoomed in shot of tape gagged 'Cleveland' Joy as 'Canadian' Joy walks around her from behind only to immediately rip off her tape gag and asks "one more thing", for 'Cleveland' Joy opinion on the wedding dress she is wearing. After a classic "aawww!" she tells her it is beautiful and before she can blabber off about her dream wedding she gets her tape gag put back on with a big pressing down from 'Canadian' Joy as words changes into "wwmphh". She leaves her there not before waving goodbye as screen fades to black.
16:22 - 'Cleveland' Joy start bouncing to the door only to be knocked over by the entering Victoria and her bodyguard who happens to be the brother of Bob. Victoria is shocked of the sight of bound and gagged 'Cleveland' Joy on the floor she ask 'Cleveland' Joy if she is OK to which she mmmphs loudly as in a zoomed in shot she gets her tape gag removed from her mouth. Ripping sound and another "aawww!" from 'Cleveland' Joy as the ropes are removed from her body, but not before the classic "oh look! It took care of that little moustache!" from Victoria who is looking on the tape gag in her hand smiling.
17:36 - Later on at the wedding that must be stopped, the bodyguard who is the brother of Bob convince 'Canadian' Joy to marry him since she just wanted to marry into Bobs family and the bodyguard happens to be his brother so she still gets to marry into the family and 'Cleveland' Joy ends up with Bob.
Then the bodyguard tells 'Canadian' Joy he loves her, she says she love him.
'Cleveland' Joy says she loves Bob, and he says he loves her.
The brothers tell each other they love each other and then 'Canadian' Joy tells 'Cleveland' Joy she loves her (she calls her sister because they are going to be related to which 'Cleveland' Joy replies "We are not there yet" referencing the whole bound and gagged incident.
Thursday February 05 08:09:19 2015
Re: Agent Carter
Aussie Joe wrote:

> One for completists only - In the most recent episode
> (1.05) Dottie (Bridget Regan) cuffs her left hand to her
> bedhead before going to sleep, because she grew up in a
> Russian spy academy and she's nuts. Happens right at the
> end of the episode.
> Still holding out hope for a scene for Hayley Atwell,
> it's very much the top of my list.

I too am holding out hope for Hayley Atwell. Interesting note, I don't remember anyone mentioning this yet, In A previous episode Agent Carted is listing to the radio show "Captain America" and her counterpart on the radio says, "They've got me all tied up". Peggy scowls and then smirks as she turns off the radio. I thought it was cruel irony at best. LOL
David Irons
Thursday February 05 10:48:43 2015
Bad Blood
If you go on Twitter and in the search box type "gagged bad blood" it takes you to a posting of Taylor Cole's cleave gagged in the chair scene.
Thursday February 05 16:33:10 2015
Re: Duenos Del Paraiso
Jack Bauer wrote:

> The scene with Kate Del Castillo paid off with bound and
> gagged. Will write a more descriptive scene tomorrow.

At the end of last nights (Wednesday in the US) episode a woman was cholorformed by a man who forced his way into her apartment. She wasn't shown again so hopefully tonight she will be b&g.

Thursday February 05 19:56:00 2015
Re: Hot in Cleveland; S06E11 - 'One Wedding and One Funeral' (with Jane Leeves)
Avi wrote:
> 'Canadian' Joy, crazy lady kidnapper played by Missi
> Pyle.

She's had a few of her own scenes over the years.

Brian R
Thursday February 05 20:46:32 2015
"Enter the Dangerous Mind" releases tomorrow
"In theaters and on iTunes," according to a release, but I'm guessing it's in no more than a handful of theaters. This is the movie that has a full-treatment duct tape scene for Nikki Reed and two other ladies (albeit also with one putz).
Miss Cleo
Thursday February 05 21:09:21 2015
Megan Boone restrained to wood blank with medical restraints. No gag but waterboarded.
Thursday February 05 21:36:47 2015
The Blacklist
Within the first ten minutes, Megan Boone is tied down on a gurney and given a brief handgag. She's later waterboarded, then strapped to a chair.
Todd 3-D
Thursday February 05 21:50:10 2015
Jupiter ascending
Please god give us something. Even a handgag. And yes I know Mila has gotten handgagged before, but there's always room for more. But really, given the premise, it's at least 50/50 that there's something!

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