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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Wednesday February 11 00:14:00 2015
Law & Order svu possibility tomorrow
Let's keep a capping eye on tomorrow's svu episode, Intimidation Game. It's looking like a lady video game maker is kidnapped and tied up. She's also wearing a sash around her neck that looks like a gag.
Wednesday February 11 10:30:05 2015
Mila tied up?
For anybody that may have seen jupiter ascending, is this pic of Mila tied up real or am I just seeing things? Looks like there's a black strap across her chest but it's too hard to tell for sure...

Is this in the movie?

Wednesday February 11 13:03:29 2015
Verboten Liebe
Looks interesting
Wednesday February 11 13:05:32 2015
Re: Hellion (2014) - Juliette Lewis gets treatment
Not bad
Wednesday February 11 14:35:45 2015
The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest
Timecodes needed. Where exactly is this scene?

"Then we have a woman called Jenny (Granlund) tied to a chair by Salander's evil half brother, she has rope binding her chest to the chair and is gagged with a cloth stuffed in her mouth. She sobs a lot. The next time we see Jenny she is still tied up altought the ropes binding her to the seat are gone and she lies on the floor severely beaten, some friends find her and take out the cloth in her mouth (which she never spat out) and untie her bound hands which are never seen on screen."

Both parts of the film are more than 1.5hrs, so to have no timecodes is just WRONG. I've tried skimming thru multiple times without any luck. Surely someone knows where that scene takes place?
Wednesday February 11 14:39:58 2015
Where is this from? I think I saw a link to it on the site not too long ago...
Wednesday February 11 15:19:02 2015
agent carter stuff.
some more details about the episode. Agent carter is running from friends because they found out she's spy or stark. Shes in her all-girls apartment building when briget reagen finds her (she's the Russian spy). Biget knocks agent carter out with knock-out lipstick. Yes! She knocks out our heroin by kissing her, on the lips. She almost stabs her, until feds find them and she plays helpless again. Feds cuff her hands behind and put her in the car. She's all groggy as they take her. More to come net week.

Another thing to know... Peggy's best friend-girl (Lindsey fonseca) is snooping around Russian spies room. She will either run away and tell someone, get killed, or our Russian spy will tie her up (hopefully).
Wednesday February 11 15:51:54 2015
Re: Inquiry
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Where is this from? I think I saw a link to it on the
> site not too long ago...
It might be Video Murders and the damsel is Virginia Loridans

Wednesday February 11 16:23:12 2015
Re: Inquiry

> It might be Video Murders and the damsel is Virginia
> Loridans

checked on the web, it's something else...
Wednesday February 11 17:04:38 2015
Re: Inquiry
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Where is this from? I think I saw a link to it on the
> site not too long ago...

Can't recall the name but I think the actress gets her bra cut off on this scene, or at least her shirt.

Wednesday February 11 17:58:30 2015
Scene ID
Anyone know where this is from?
Wednesday February 11 19:03:30 2015
Re: Inquiry
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Where is this from? I think I saw a link to it on the
> site not too long ago...
the movie is Night Vision and the damsel is Nina Richardson.

Wednesday February 11 20:58:22 2015
Re: Scene ID
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Anyone know where this is from?

Turkish scene, Kayip 14 Bolum

Wednesday February 11 21:01:05 2015
Focus with Margot Robbie
I don't suppose anyone here attended the red carpet special screening in London? lol :)
Wednesday February 11 22:37:49 2015
Re: Inquiry

> the movie is Night Vision and the damsel is Nina
> Richardson.

Posted on the video page
Wednesday February 11 23:02:20 2015
Tonight's episode had Sara Paxton with her hands tied behind her back. Promo for next week shows Elisabeth Rohm tape gagged in a trunk.

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