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Wednesday February 25 09:10:53 2015
Really nice handgag for Hilarie Burton on last night's Forever. Happens towards the end.
Wednesday February 25 13:31:12 2015
Justified - "Alive Day"
Ashley Dulaney gets briefly tied and cleave gagged in last night's episode of Justified. A few close ups(in the back of a car and against a tree), but no mmphing or struggling. Lasts about a minute before she's rescued.
Wednesday February 25 16:45:35 2015
RE: Eye Candy (SOS)
J.T. wrote:

> > Victoria really went all-out in that helpless DiD
> role;
> > gotta credit her for that performance.

I agree entirely. I like how her moaning and mmppffing (and lots of it, too) is important in the story--the good guy locates her by following the sound of her mmmppfffing.

She sure looks great in that white cleave!
Brian L
Wednesday February 25 21:07:50 2015
Lucha Underground
Late alert that will have a replay tonight on El Rey Network at 8 PM PST.

Tonight's episode ended with Angela Fong (Savannah in WWE) taped gagged in the back of a limosuine.
Alan Smithee
Wednesday February 25 23:18:59 2015
Re: Lucha Underground
Alan Smithee wrote:

> Late alert that will have a replay tonight on El Rey
> Network at 8 PM PST.
> Tonight's episode ended with Angela Fong (Savannah in
> WWE) taped gagged in the back of a limosuine.

Was it a post-credit scene? I've found a HQ stream of it already online, but all it has is a black car driving off, and we get no glimpse of the inside of the car.

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