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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Wednesday February 18 01:17:43 2015
Re: DiD-Beckett
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Brians Page is a diverse community

Yes, of course, everyone move along.

The Moderator
Wednesday February 18 08:41:01 2015
Re: Eye Candy
Sander wrote:

> Man, i can't wait for next week !! Took way too long !! I
> love Victoria Justice, she's so hot. She looks so good
> being bound and gagged !!

...and monday comes the rude awakening when it turns out to be a 5 seconds scene shown only on her roommate's computer!

Wednesday February 18 08:46:00 2015
Re: Eye Candy
That would suck so much....but it looks like a damn good long scene !! Let's hope for the best !!

Wednesday February 18 09:49:02 2015
Bianca Bradey in Wyrmwood
Really cool zombie/Road Warrior mash-up features a very lengthy scene of cute leading lady Bianca Bradey tied up in a lab and gagged with a leather fetish gag. She spends a lot of time restrained and there is plenty of mmpphing, gag talk and Miss Bradey has some very expressive damsel eyes!
Jersey Devil
Wednesday February 18 14:45:18 2015
Re: Eye Candy
Sander wrote:

> That would suck so much....but it looks like a damn good
> long scene !! Let's hope for the best !!

"According to a recent no-gag-clause signed by Justice in agreement with her management in response to the anticipating overreaction of many bondage enthusiasts, all scenes of Victoria wearing a tight cleave gag have been cut out from the 7th episode of Eye Candy.

Thus the coming episode will have an overall running time of only 31 minutes. Following the agreement, the cut out 9:14 minutes including extended closeups of Justice's gagged face, various onscreen gaggings and ungaggins as well as gag-talking, won't be included in the bluray release of the show"

Source: the internet.

Wednesday February 18 15:01:00 2015
Julie Delarme in Cain on TV5 MONDE
If you are able to get this international French Channel there were a number of great scenes in the series Cain.They are in the episode Cain et Abel part 2 where she spends most of the episode tied up and tape gagged.The tape is like Elastoplast medical tape.There is another brief scene with another actress at the very beginning of part 1.These episodes are being shown on Friday 20 Feb and are on between 2000 and 2200hrs in the UK on Sky Channel 796.TV5 MONDE is an international French Channel and must be available on other tv cable and satellite platforms.Julie Delarme is a very attractive redhead who plays the part of a feisty poice woman.The scenes well are worth tracking down.Unfortunately I am not able to post the scenes.
Wednesday February 18 17:04:31 2015
Re: Eye Candy
Uhuh...that's why the show a gag in the promo of the next episode...don't lie...just don't...
Wednesday February 18 18:29:03 2015
2-hour series finale tonight at 8 on CBS. Last episode details seem to indicate Robin Tunney could be in peril. So worth a look before Stalker at 10.
Wednesday February 18 18:36:46 2015
Multiple Handgags
do you know ay scene in which there are multiple handgags on screen all in the same moment?
I Mean: in the same moment A handgags a girl, B handgags another one and so on...


Wednesday February 18 18:39:19 2015
Re: Mentalist
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> 2-hour series finale tonight at 8 on CBS. Last episode
> details seem to indicate Robin Tunney could be in peril.
> So worth a look before Stalker at 10.

CBS would have showed her in jeopardy, I find they don't tend to hold back in their promos. The days of sweet old Murder She Wrote are long gone. lol

Wednesday February 18 18:44:06 2015
Re: Mentalist
Knottybrat wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > 2-hour series finale tonight at 8 on CBS. Last
> episode
> > details seem to indicate Robin Tunney could be in
> peril.
> > So worth a look before Stalker at 10.
> CBS would have showed her in jeopardy, I find they don't
> tend to hold back in their promos. The days of sweet old
> Murder She Wrote are long gone. lol

The odds of a scene for Robin are even worse than you would think. She talks about the series finale in the linked article.

Wednesday February 18 20:57:07 2015
Re: Mentalist
Gagster wrote:

> The odds of a scene for Robin are even worse than you
> would think. She talks about the series finale in the
> linked article.

Hard to believe Tunney was never tied or gagged in this series, this from an actress who always had gag scenes following her around in 2 movies and "Prison Break."

I always thought she'd get it before Amanda Righetti, glad I was wrong there.

Wednesday February 18 23:28:58 2015
The alerts page is not the personal property of Civil and Gagster, it can be used by anyone to post alerts. I say this because over a period of months people have gotten out of the habit of posting to the alerts page. Over the months I've heard people discussing upcoming scenes that never seem to make to the alerts page. Most recently The Stalker episode which has been talked about for a week but was never posted to the alerts page. The Jessie scene from last year never made the alerts page despite being talked about ahead of time. I can mention a number of other scenes where the same thing happened. I recognize this post is going to upset some people and a number of people will be taking me to the woodshed, but so be it, this needed to be said. I don't think I'm the only one on this site that depends on the alerts page. And thanks to Civil and Gagster for taking the trouble some people don't want to take.

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