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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Friday February 06 04:24:20 2015
Re: blacklist
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Megan Boone restrained to wood blank with medical
> restraints. No gag but waterboarded.

If she was waterboarded with a towel, it's a gag!

Friday February 06 08:46:00 2015
VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Hi-Ho Fellow DiDoids! Chapter 6 of *CURIOUS CASE...* is posted. Enjoy! :-)
Friday February 06 19:34:17 2015
murder she wrote help needed
This post was deleted.

Poster: gaggedladies
Reason: Video request or link not on Video Page. See FAQs 1.11 & 1.12.
The Moderator
Friday February 06 19:34:31 2015
Re: blacklist
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Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Video request or link not on Video Page. See FAQs 1.11 & 1.12.
The Moderator
Friday February 06 19:35:16 2015
Taylor cole
This post was moved to The Video Page.

Poster: TheOtherGuys
Reason: Video request or link not on Video Page. See FAQs 1.11 & 1.12.
The Moderator
Friday February 06 22:35:46 2015
Jupiter ascending
'Twas a bust. Shame. No handgag even.

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