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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Wednesday January 07 00:15:44 2015
Re: S powers
Introspector wrote:

> Gag scene NOW on movie channel. Very pretty damsel, well
> known here, a bit of a holy grail prior to internet

For those of us who have no clue what this is, can you please elaborate?
Wednesday January 07 00:34:40 2015
Re: Mechanic: Resurrection
This post was deleted.

Poster: Ch
Reason: Non-productive. See FAQ 1.14.
The Moderator
Wednesday January 07 00:34:51 2015
Re: Mechanic: Resurrection
This post was deleted.

Poster: Still laughing
Reason: Non-productive. See FAQ 1.14.
The Moderator
Wednesday January 07 00:37:33 2015
Re: S powers
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> For those of us who have no clue what this is, can you
> please elaborate?

No idea why the cryptic message was necessary, but most
likely it refers to the scene from Hart to Hart, see the
VCR Alerts page for details.

Brian R
Wednesday January 07 00:40:55 2015
Re: Mechanic: Resurrection
Reminder, speculation about actress's likes or dislikes regarding starring in scenes is off-topic because it invariably lead to pointless arguments.

The Moderator
Wednesday January 07 05:46:06 2015
Re: Celebrity Juice
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> What episode is this?

Unseen Celebrity Juice Tit Bits
It aired on 30 December 2014 and is still available on ITV Player
Wednesday January 07 08:31:30 2015
Agent Carter
Any chanche in this series?
Wednesday January 07 09:53:00 2015
Re: Agent Carter
cicisaur wrote:

> Any chanche in this series?

Don't you think if there was a scene this site would've been aflame discussing it?
Wednesday January 07 09:54:11 2015
Re: S powers
Brian R wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > For those of us who have no clue what this is, can
> you
> > please elaborate?
> No idea why the cryptic message was necessary, but most
> likely it refers to the scene from Hart to Hart, see the
> VCR Alerts page for details.

Thanks for the clarification.
I thought it referred to the name of a show, not an actress, so I looked up "S Powers" in the database under title. I also checked the alerts for that day, again only looking at the titles, not putting together that it meant Ms. Powers.
I would guess the O.P. didn't spell out her first name because of a recent debacle I recall over its spelling, though it was in the alert. Maybe he didn't check there before his post.
Wednesday January 07 10:54:25 2015
Question to Dextor
Hey man, that info on KC Undercover sounds vool! Where do you find those scripts though? Are there scripts for other series available there? Just mention the name of the site or the search term on Google, cause i never seem able to find TV Scripts. Thanks in advance
Wednesday January 07 11:38:46 2015
Re: K.C. Undercover
Sander wrote:

> That would be so great, i hope atleast one tape gag for
> Zendaya :D

I didn't know her before I watched the pilot episode of "KC Undercover".

She is very talented, I hope she will be starring a lot of episodes!

Plus, she is a 10.0 on the beautyscale!

Hoping she'll be chewing some cloth someday...

Wednesday January 07 13:05:02 2015
Re: K.C. Undercover
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Sander wrote:
> > That would be so great
> Plus, she is a 10.0 on the beautyscale!
> Hoping she'll be chewing some cloth someday...

I had never heard of her either but when I saw the promo for this series I quickly hit record series. The mom would look nice in a gag too.
Wednesday January 07 17:09:20 2015
Re: Ant-Man
Does anyone knows if their were any DiD's in the Marvel comic books of Ant-Man. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

Raymond "Red" Reddington
Wednesday January 07 19:25:56 2015
Re: Covert Affairs
Cancelled after 5 seasons. Next.
Jack Bauer
Wednesday January 07 19:33:28 2015
Re: Mechanic: Resurrection
The Moderator wrote:

> Reminder, speculation about actress's likes or dislikes
> regarding starring in scenes is off-topic because it
> invariably lead to pointless arguments.

True, BUT you left the first post which was actual speculation but deleted my response which was FACT correcting that speculation WITH evidence (NOT to be confused with an invitation to an argument), I will quote your FAQ 1.14 which you unfairly cited me on:

"1.4: ...You can post a "point of order" message to the forum and ask for a ruling, especially if it seems as though it's been overlooked,..."

So 'point of order' in this case: Please be consistent.

Frankly I've been used to your micro-managing and inconsistency for years and haven't lost sleep over it but I think if your going to start citing your own FAQs down to the reference numbers when deleting someone's post you should make a better effort to be consistent and delete the original as well.

It's like having a one-sided trial with the judge gagging the witnesses from the defense -- pun intended.
Wednesday January 07 20:04:44 2015
Re: K.C. Undercover
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I had never heard of her either but when I saw the promo
> for this series I quickly hit record series. The mom
> would look nice in a gag too.

I must have missed something. I keep reading posts abouit this show but has anyone ever said exactly when it's going to air & channel & all that there?

Wednesday January 07 20:07:22 2015
Re: K.C. Undercover
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I must have missed something. I keep reading posts abouit
> this show but has anyone ever said exactly when it's
> going to air & channel & all that there?

Oh, nevermind, I just found it, must have glossed right over that post!!
January 18 on Disney, for anyone else like me who zoomed past it! :-)

Wednesday January 07 20:07:54 2015
Jupiter ascending
Still a month away, but any hope for Kunis in this movie besides being strapped down? A handgag even? Would love to see her get even a half assed scene. My number 1 hope for the past several years.
Wednesday January 07 20:08:34 2015
Re: Mechanic: Resurrection
Ch wrote:

> True, BUT you left the first post which was actual
> speculation

Yes, because it was a lengthy post with images and
other information and a throwaway line. But as you have
raised the point of order, and are correct within the
rules, I will go and delete that as well.

I hope this satisfies you.

The Moderator
Wednesday January 07 20:09:06 2015
Re: Mechanic: Resurrection
This post was deleted.

Poster: ebony damsels
Reason: Non-productive. See FAQ 1.14.
The Moderator
Wednesday January 07 20:10:09 2015
Re: Agent Carter
This post was deleted.

Poster: Pete
Reason: Not your job to instruct other users on posting etiquette.
The Moderator
Wednesday January 07 20:34:18 2015
Re: K.C. Undercover
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > I must have missed something. I keep reading posts
> abouit
> > this show but has anyone ever said exactly when it's
> > going to air & channel & all that there?
> Oh, nevermind, I just found it, must have glossed right
> over that post!!
> January 18 on Disney, for anyone else like me who zoomed
> past it! :-)

The pilot itself is available on iTunes for free if you are interested. As has been discussed, it has a short scene in which she's tied to a chair.

Wednesday January 07 21:01:56 2015
Re: Chicago PD
> Promo for Wednesdays episode shows female taped to a
> chair in her bra and panties with bomb strapped to her.

Pretty well what was in the promo but a very long scene
Wednesday January 07 21:08:48 2015
Re: Chicago PD
> Pretty well what was in the promo but a very long scene

Missed the first half-hour. Only saw where the police approached the house and heard her calling for help from inside (in the second half-hour).
Wednesday January 07 21:16:26 2015
Re: Chicago PD
(unsigned poster) wrote:
Only saw where the police
> approached the house and heard her calling for help from
> inside (in the second half-hour).

Was the capture scene shown?
Wednesday January 07 21:27:37 2015
Re: Chicago PD
> Was the capture scene shown?

Missed that part so likely in the first half-hour. Actual scene was pretty lengthy. One of the best non-g scenes

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