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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Friday January 16 08:54:24 2015
Re: Mother's Milk (2012)
Bulldozer wrote:

> A lot of bondage for Mackenzie Wiglesworth in the movie
> "Mother's Milk" (2012), I'll add it to the DB,
> if someone has the time to cut it.

I believe Mackenzie Wiglesworth is a male character in this movie. I saw a trailer for the movie and it looked good enough that I ordered it through Amazon.
C Shields
Friday January 16 10:27:15 2015
VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Hi-Ho Fellow DiDoids! Chapter 3 of *The Curious Case...* is posted. Enjoy! :-)
Friday January 16 12:42:41 2015
Re: Mother's Milk (2012)
C Shields wrote:

> I saw a trailer for the movie and it looked
> good enough that I ordered it through Amazon.

Cool! be sure to give a report when you receive it, see if it's worth buying!

Friday January 16 15:08:10 2015
The Musketeers, BBC1 UK, tonight, 9:30pm
Possibly something in tonights musketeers. Guys daughter gets kidnapped in exchange for gun powder formula. First to episodes had putzes so here's hoping!
Friday January 16 15:29:06 2015
Re: The Musketeers, BBC1 UK, tonight, 9:30pm
> Possibly something in tonights musketeers.

Could be a longshot

"Samara is kidnapped, Porthos has also been kidnapped and so they're locked away together. They have to get to know each other quite quickly and figure out a way of escaping."
Friday January 16 20:18:45 2015
Was there anything in the bound movie with Charisma Carpenter? Saw it was on demand.
Friday January 16 21:04:42 2015
Los miserables
Aylin Mujica, the villainess of this Mexican soap, is tied to a chair in tonight's episode. She gets gagged with a rolled up shirt, sort of a mix between cleave and over the mouth. Happens in first twenty minutes spread out over two or three segments. Aired on Telemundo.
Friday January 16 21:08:15 2015
Re: Bound
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Was there anything in the bound movie with Charisma
> Carpenter? Saw it was on demand.

Check the video page...was posted a few hours ago...

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