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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Monday June 01 01:16:43 2015
Re: Vis a vis alert

> channel please? Telemundo? Univision?? None of the above?etc.

Antena 3 a spanish (Spain, Europe) channel
Monday June 01 10:28:17 2015
Supergirl pilot
For those wondering about scenes in the Supergirl series. Mainly for completists but a decent surprise nevertheless:

*Spoiler alert*

About 25 minutes in (no commercials) she was shot out of the sky with kryptonite darts; she wakes up in a lab/control room of a 'secret group' that tracks super aliens (or some shit like that though it's not the Justice League). She's on table arms to sides manacled at the wrists with cuffs that apparently have kryptonite in them. No gag and can't tell if her legs are cuffed as well. Unfortunately they're the 'good guys' and release her shortly making you wonder why she was bound in the first place. The show itself? Bloody awful, more juvenile than Smallville (seems to be written for 8 year olds).
Monday June 01 11:52:21 2015
Is a gag all that hard?
Monday June 01 14:35:38 2015
A Palm for Mrs Pollifax.
Years ago, I read a Readers Digest condensed book, which had a great picture of a pretty bound and gagged girl to a chair, in the above mentioned story.
Anybody else remember it? I haven't been able to find that particular picture anywhere on the Internet.
Monday June 01 19:27:40 2015
Big Trouble in Little China Remake
Let's hope they'll keep the DiD scenes.
Monday June 01 21:09:21 2015
Alanis Morissette
I just noticed Alanis has a scene in Weeds. It wasn't widely publicised and wasn't in the database (It is now)
Its not the best bondage and sadly no gag but it is Alanis
Monday June 01 23:04:22 2015
Best on screen gagging?
What's your top on screen gagging scene? Mine has to be Drew Barrymore in Charlie's Angels. A tough chick all tied up by an ex-lover who's menacing her while drawing red lips on the roll of duct tape. Then he whispers to her, "can you keep a secret? You can't tell anybody, alright? You have the FULLEST, SWEETEST, most LUSCIOUS lips that I have EVER kissed" while gagging her, fully indulging in doing so.

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