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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday May 03 01:51:02 2015
Murder She Baked?
did anything pan out on that "Murder She Baked: a Chocolate Chip Cookie Mystery" or whatever the name was. I forgot about it, there was talk of a hopeful possiility.
Sunday May 03 05:35:45 2015
Re: Murder She Baked?
I hope there was something, I've long wanted to see Alison Sweeney get a good B&G scene.
Sunday May 03 09:03:55 2015
K.C. Undercover
Now if they could only start putting her in some bat-trap style perils (The leather catsuit would be nice, too...)
Sunday May 03 09:28:05 2015
Re: More twins/doppelgangers
Justina Vail in Seven Days ("Two Weddings and a Funeral").
Sunday May 03 09:30:11 2015
Re: K.C. Undercover : Double Crossed
It looks like Marisa (Veronica Dunne) will get captured as well.
Sunday May 03 10:01:22 2015
Re: Murder She Baked?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> did anything pan out on that "Murder She Baked: a
> Chocolate Chip Cookie Mystery" or whatever the name
> was. I forgot about it, there was talk of a hopeful
> possiility.

I don't get the channel, so also waiting on word. But TV Guide said this is the first of several movies for Alison in this role.

Sunday May 03 10:27:50 2015
Re: Murder She Baked?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> > did anything pan out on that "Murder She Baked:
> a
> > Chocolate Chip Cookie Mystery" or whatever the
> name

Nothing of interest - and that includes the so-called plot.
Sunday May 03 11:55:10 2015
Mobile devices
Do any of you use the forum and/or Database on mobile devices? If so, what are your experiences?

The Engineer
Sunday May 03 12:32:48 2015
Re: Mobile devices
The Engineer wrote:

> Do any of you use the forum and/or Database on mobile
> devices? If so, what are your experiences?

No difference from a laptop when using an android phone with Chrome, or a Kindle Fire with either the Silk or Firefox browsers. I've never used either for adding/editing the database, but queries work fine.

Sunday May 03 12:40:44 2015
Re: Mobile devices
The Engineer wrote:

> Do any of you use the forum and/or Database on mobile
> devices? If so, what are your experiences?

No difference whatsoever. I check the database quite often and I have submitted db entries and forum entries from my Android with Chrome. In fact, I'm doing it now :)
Sunday May 03 15:35:04 2015
Re: Mobile devices
The Engineer wrote:

> Do any of you use the forum and/or Database on mobile
> devices? If so, what are your experiences?

Yes, use it on a droid, no issues at all.

Sunday May 03 15:58:19 2015
Re: Mobile devices
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> The Engineer wrote:
> > Do any of you use the fChanorum and/or Database on
> mobile
> > devices? If so, what are your experiences?
> Yes, use it on a droid, no issues at all.

Seems fine on safari with ipad and my generic browser on my Galaxy S4. Don't use PC or laptop very much lately.
Sunday May 03 18:56:08 2015
Re: Mobile devices
The Engineer wrote:

> Do any of you use the forum and/or Database on mobile
> devices? If so, what are your experiences?

I use it on an Android phone pretty regularly, and I've never had any problems at all.

On the other hand, when I pull up the Discussion or Video pages on the phone, various posts sometimes display either really tiny or normal, so that's a bit odd. There's still readable, though. Otherwise I haven't had any issues.
Miss Cleo
Sunday May 03 23:22:32 2015
Re: Mobile devices
Miss Cleo wrote:

> There's still readable, though.

I don't understand this sentence.

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