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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Saturday June 20 00:30:17 2015
Re: Best scene involving a singer/musician?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I think singers/musicians are usually the rarest
> mainstream figures to get scenes. What's everyone's
> favorite in this category?

Martika in an episode of Wiseguy.

Saturday June 20 00:53:15 2015
Re: For those of you with DirecTV
Miss Cleo wrote:

> Anyway, it's just a heads up. I'm sure it will hit the
> Net soon enough, but if anyone gets a chance to check it
> out and report back in the meantime, that would be cool.

There wasn't anything in the book (which was very good), but there was an opportunity for a scene with Theron's character near the end that a movie version could do something with. I'd keep expectations low, though.
Saturday June 20 01:33:20 2015
Scenes where the damsel in distress kicks off her shoes?
Good scenes where the damsel in distress kicks off her shoes?
Saturday June 20 06:06:41 2015
Re: Scenes where the damsel in distress kicks off her shoes?
> Good scenes where the damsel in distress kicks off her
> shoes?
Sarah Purcell in "Terror Among Us" (1981), who while B&g'd, kicked off her shoes so she could better bunny-hop over to her balcony's window-door.

Saturday June 20 06:18:23 2015
Re: For those of you with DirecTV
Miss Cleo wrote:

> Just an FYI that the movie Dark Places, which will get a
> U.S. theatrical release in August, is premiering free for
> DirecTV subscribers today

There's nothing DID wise in the book, i'm afraid.
Steve a
Saturday June 20 09:29:58 2015
Re: Scenes where the damsel in distress kicks off her shoes?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Good scenes where the damsel in distress kicks off her
> shoes?

Sally Rogers from The Bill 'Caught by the Killer'.

She's tapes to a office chair to stop her from moving around her boots are taped to the chair, so she manages to wiggle one foot free so she can move around. Good expressions and mmphing while she does it.
Saturday June 20 11:39:09 2015
Want to talk about two movies that might not be on your radar and are worth seeking out.

Stabbed in the Face
Betsy Fleming

In this charmingly titled cinematic treasure Betsy Fleming (playing "Cork's Victim") spends the entirety of her screen time tied hands behind and gagged in her white bra and panties.

First seen at about 23 minutes in the back seat of a car. Scenes are spread out over the next ten minutes from there. The killer takes her to his home, and then drags her out in the woods, keeping her there until day-for-nightfall, when she tries to make a run for it, still gagged and tied hands behind. She manages to untie the ropes and remove her white cleave gag, but the killer immediately gags her with a thick dark cloth, knotted around the back of the tree. She struggles unsuccessfully to fight him off. He then removes her bra, leaving her topless, and ties her hands behind the tree above her head with it. No prizes for guessing what happens next.

Lighting is good during the day and acceptable during the night. Her gag and underwear show up nicely on the screen. Scenes are lengthy with a variety of shots; Fleming receives fifth billing despite not having lines or a character name. Damsel is generally clean until the denoument, and loudly expresses that special kind of fear unique to underdressed actresses in bad slasher films.

Recommended, though if you're the sort of viewer who gets heavily invested in a character's backstory you might come away disappointed.

Psycho Sisters
Pamela Sutch, Christine Taylor

Now, you might read this and think you know this one. '90s film, two girls tied to chairs in their underwear, short and sweet. Look at the actresses again. This is the original video version of Psycho Sisters with a different cast and a slightly different plot.

The chief difference for our purposes is at the beginning. In the final version the bad guys show up, tie them to chairs, take ten seconds to assault and kill their sister in flashback, and the rest of the movie is them out for revenge.

In this version, one of the sisters answers the door in her panties only to be surprised by a trio of door-to-door rapists. Worse than the Jehovah's Witnesses, those guys. In the next scene they've all three been stripped to their white bras and panties. Two of the sisters are tied hand and foot to chairs and cleave gagged while Jack the Rapist- his actual character name- has his way with the third, even though as I mentioned, she is wearing a bra and panties. He's apparently very talented.

After a little bit of this his nameless buddies decide to untie the other two sisters' feet for obvious reasons. This turns out to be a bad move, as the two sisters promptly take them down with roundhouse kicks to the face and run off into the woods, still bound hands behind and gagged. Fortunately they are both wearing sensible tennis shoes. Jack gives chase, so we get several minutes of shots of them running through the woods in their underwear hands tied behind and gagged. Eventually they kick his ass too, and then run off again and crouch together behind a tree until I guess the rapists all get bored and decide to go play hoops.

At this point the two of them sort of aimlessly wander back towards the house while mournful synthesizer music plays. When they get their they find their sister dead, and it's not until this point that they decide maybe they should untie and ungag themselves. They do this extremely easily and then start screaming.

The rest of the movie is devoted to the two surviving sisters taking their revenge by tying up men in their underwear and torturing them. I'm sure there's a market for that but it's not here. That said I do think there are one or two minor scenes with women scattered through the rest of the film, so if you're a completist or a clipper you should be aware of that. Nothing along the lines of the opening scene, though.

So far, this scene sounds pretty great, but I do want to point out a couple minuses. First, the production values are not up to the level of the final Psycho Sisters, and given the nature of the final Psycho Sisters that's saying a lot. Second is that the rope work in this one is perhaps not thoroughly convincing. You may need to ramp up your suspension of belief for this one. Or possibly you could distract yourself by looking at their underwear. There is a lot of underwear in this film.
Saturday June 20 11:59:57 2015
Re: Scenes where the damsel in distress kicks off her shoes?
Pretty sure she kicked off her shoes here. Would have been an all-time classic if she was gagged

Title: Hart to Hart
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Stefanie Powers

Description: Episode: "Hart And Sole" (3.21)

Mrs. H. is kidnapped and bound hands behind and ankles together in a deserted movie theatre.

The scene begins with a nice 'panning her bound (stockinged) legs, up to her torso. She squirms her legs until they are free (not very well tied). When the villain returns to the theatre, she gets up, and, with her hands tied behind her back, turns the lights off to create a distraction.
Saturday June 20 13:16:36 2015
Re: Defiance
> Linda Hamilton tied and tape gagged in tonight's episode.
> Repeats at 11 eastern time on Syfy.

Unfortunately not a big deal these days
Saturday June 20 13:32:59 2015
Re: Defiance
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> > Linda Hamilton tied and tape gagged in tonight's
> episode.
> > Repeats at 11 eastern time on Syfy.
> Unfortunately not a big deal these days

Oh my...I wonder if it's just some "older age" make up. or she's not aging so hot.
In any case, missed the episode, anyone know if there are any future airings? I know SyFy sometimes repeats it's episodes, but didn't see any repeat of last nite's episode within the next week or so on my DirecTV grid
Saturday June 20 14:03:47 2015
Re: Defiance
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> > Linda Hamilton tied and tape gagged in tonight's
> episode.
> > Repeats at 11 eastern time on Syfy.
> Unfortunately not a big deal these days

The generous application of duct tape does help.
Saturday June 20 17:58:16 2015
Re: Best scene involving a singer/musician?
I'd love a scene that involves Katy Perry being tied up and gagged.
Saturday June 20 20:42:34 2015
Over the knee or thigh high boots
What are the best mainstream scenes involving damsels wearing thigh high or over the knee boots?
Saturday June 20 21:07:38 2015
Re: Best scene involving a singer/musician?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I'd love a scene that involves Katy Perry being tied up
> and gagged.

Let's not start a round wish listing. Anything further
will be kaput.

The Moderator
Saturday June 20 22:31:02 2015
Linda Hamilton
Thanks to the alert from gagster was able to catch Linda Hamilton's scene last night, but she had aged so badly that I couldn't bring myself to save it, she looked so bad. What I wouldn't have given for a scene like that back in the day.
Saturday June 20 22:47:07 2015
Re: Linda Hamilton

> Thanks to the alert from gagster was able to catch Linda
> Hamilton's scene last night, but she had aged so badly
> that I couldn't bring myself to save it, she looked so
> bad. What I wouldn't have given for a scene like that
> back in the day.

Amazing how that works with some actresses and not others. Hamilton is 58, Dana Delany is 59.

Saturday June 20 23:24:23 2015
Re: Best scene involving a singer/musician?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I think singers/musicians are usually the rarest
> mainstream figures to get scenes.
Walker,Texas Ranger scene with Lila McCann and Automan scene with Laura Branigan.

Saturday June 20 23:32:40 2015
Re: Linda Hamilton

> Thanks to the alert from gagster was able to catch Linda
> Hamilton's scene last night, but she had aged so badly
> that I couldn't bring myself to save it, she looked so
> bad. What I wouldn't have given for a scene like that
> back in the day.

Funny thing is that her age didn't particularly bother me.

What DID bother me was that they spent so much time with her squirming to get her knife out of her boot, when they had clearly shown that she was secured with handcuffs. How was she supposed to have gotten free? Steak knives don't cut steel handcuffs.

Its the little things and the lack of attention to detail that ruin a scene for me.


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