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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Tuesday July 28 00:07:39 2015
Re: Stolen Daughter
Actress is Sarah Dugdale

Tuesday July 28 21:04:13 2015
Pretty Little Liars
At the end of the episode there was a brief moment where it showed A's trunk and there was rope and 2 rolls of duct tape sitting there. 1 episode and then the finale so something could happen

Also in the promo for next week Allison is handgagged by a hand wearing a black leather glove
Tuesday July 28 21:29:04 2015
Re: Pretty Little Liars
Fred wrote:

> At the end of the episode there was a brief moment where
> it showed A's trunk and there was rope and 2 rolls of
> duct tape sitting there. 1 episode and then the finale so
> something could happen

And a closeup of six syringes, that are presumably for knocking someone out. Fingers crossed for multiple damsels!

Tuesday July 28 21:29:20 2015
Re: Pretty Little Liars
Fred wrote:

> Also in the promo for next week Allison is handgagged by
> a hand wearing a black leather glove

The Little Liars need a new scene for sure. Been quiet the last couple of seasons.

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