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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Tuesday July 07 07:23:21 2015
Re: Lauren McKnight - So Undercover (2012)
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Yeah I couldn't help but feel let down nothing happened
> with Miley in this. It was stalled for release for a
> while and seemed to have a lot of potential for even a
> scene played for laughs. It was really the last thing she
> did while she was (imo) still cute. What a shame.

Good lord, I agree. It's like she's a different person now. Wish she go back to this look and film some new movies with Did potential.

Tuesday July 07 09:56:22 2015
Re: Huffington Post Surprise moveimistakes.com
wb wrote:

> For those of you a fan of Raider of the Lost Arc
> 12th pic down.
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/15-movie-mistakes-acti
> on-films_559ab906e4b0a0dabdcf9f4f?ncid=txtlnkusaolp0000059
> 2
Lack of gag continuity happens often. I guess if the director is not One Of Us, they don't give it too much attention
Ty Herrup
Tuesday July 07 10:44:39 2015
Re: Huffington Post Surprise moveimistakes.com
Ty Herrup wrote:

> Lack of gag continuity happens often. I guess if the director is not One Of Us, they don't give it too much attention

True about the gag continuity happening often. I was just surprised to see it mentioned in a movie mistakes list...
Tuesday July 07 11:12:09 2015
Re: Lauren McKnight - So Undercover (2012)
This in non-productive (general whine/rant) so move along.

The Moderator
Tuesday July 07 11:39:32 2015
Re: Huffington Post Surprise moveimistakes.com
Ty Herrup wrote:

> Lack of gag continuity happens often. I guess if the director is not One Of Us, they don't give it too much attention

I know the disappearing/reappearing hole in Shu Qi's duct tape gag from Transporter (2002) was so glaringly obvious that IMDB even took notice and referenced this in the goofs section for that movie.
Tuesday July 07 14:05:55 2015
Re: Huffington Post Surprise moveimistakes.com
> tape gag from Transporter (2002) was so glaringly obvious
> that IMDB even took notice and referenced this in the
> goofs section for that movie.

IMDB also took note of the Marathon Angels episode
Tuesday July 07 17:59:27 2015
site suggestion
I officially submit to the community that we rename the VCR Alerts page to DVR Alerts
Tuesday July 07 18:51:38 2015
Re: site suggestion
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> I officially submit to the community that we rename the
> VCR Alerts page to DVR Alerts

Not a "community" decision.

Brian R
Tuesday July 07 19:02:20 2015
X-Files Revival
Hope for a scene. I wonder who the brunette is
Tuesday July 07 19:10:43 2015
Always make great DinD's
Tuesday July 07 19:16:30 2015
Re: Policewomen
> Always make great DinD's

Is K11 still on the air?
Tuesday July 07 21:39:06 2015
Issue with connecting- 403 Forbidden Erroor
Hi Mr Engineer - there is a sudden issue with connecting to Brianspage - checked with some like minded gents and some of them are facing the same issue as well. Error Message is "Forbidden 403 error - You do not have permission to access / on this server" We were all using the same ISP that we have been using all these years. Now connected from cell phone network and it connects ok and hence this message. Any suggestions/guidance? Issue happens for all browsers - chrome, safari, IE and Firefox
Tuesday July 07 23:10:41 2015
So You Think You Can Dance
This show was originally aired on Monday and at about a half hour into it I think, during a group performance the dancers placed black tape over their mouth's as a statement for the dance routine they were going to do. 3 out of the 5 in the group were female. Had a few shots close up shots of the girls with tape over there mouth's in a promo before the dance.
Tuesday July 07 23:48:57 2015
Re: X-Files Revival
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Hope for a scene. I wonder who the brunette is

That's the adorable Annet Mahendru, best known for a recurring role on The Americans. Looks like she features in the first episode of the limited series.
Miss Cleo

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