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Wednesday June 17 00:08:40 2015
Hope Lost
End of the Movie Mischa Barton gets along with another woman ballgagged. short scene with no closeups
Mischa fan
Wednesday June 17 13:39:58 2015
Re: Hope Lost
Mischa fan wrote:

> End of the Movie Mischa Barton gets along with another
> woman ballgagged. short scene with no closeups

She's ball gagged as well? Or just the other women?
Wednesday June 17 14:53:15 2015
Lisa Kudrow Talks About Being Bound + Gagged
Thought this might be of interest.

In a special Emmy issue of The Hollywood Reporter, a number of actresses were asked “When were you the most panicked as an actress this season and how did you overcome those fears?”

Here’s what The Comeback’s Lisa Kudrow had to say: “There was this scene in the desert when Valerie’s bound and gagged in the trunk. The trunk was rigged, so someone had a button and it would just pop open, except it wasn’t working. I’m in the trunk with tape around my mouth. My hands are tied. Not that tight, but still. I knew I was fine because there was air conditioning, but I kept hearing everyone sitting around the monitors: Kachink, kachink. ‘It’s not working.’ Kachink. And I started getting panicked for that girl inside the trunk. And I knew very soon we were gong to have a live snake in there with me. It was like, ‘I don’t care how long it takes. Fix the trunk for when I’m in there with the snake.’ They figured out a different rigging, and we ran through it a couple times. Then Michael Patrick King came over and said, ‘We need the snake close to your face.’ Michael’s like, ‘Trust me. You’ll be happy we did this.’ I said, ‘I’m not happy now. Let’s just do it.’ And that’s when we got the perfect shot. Then when we were done, I stepped away and had a little cry.”

Tragically, there were no photos of the scene in question accompanying the article.
Hardly Kruger
Wednesday June 17 16:51:33 2015
Re: Lisa Kudrow Talks About Being Bound + Gagged
Hardly Kruger wrote:

> Tragically, there were no photos of the scene in question accompanying the article.

found one ;-)
Wednesday June 17 18:54:09 2015
Re: Lisa Kudrow Talks About Being Bound + Gagged
Yojimbo wrote:

> Hardly Kruger wrote:
> > Tragically, there were no photos of the scene in
> question accompanying the article.
> found one ;-)

Got you guys more pics, on the link:
Wednesday June 17 18:56:36 2015
Re: Lisa Kudrow Talks About Being Bound + Gagged
Hopefully fellow 'Friend' Aniston will also join the B&G club
Wednesday June 17 19:03:18 2015
The Brides of Fu Manchu
"The fiendish Dr. Fu Manchu has been kidnapping the daughters of prominent scientists..." and keeping them in lame bondage
Wednesday June 17 19:07:09 2015
Title: Emergency!
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Unknown

Description: Episode: "Understanding" (3.13)

One DinD is likely a young Kathleen Quinlan

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