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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Friday June 19 02:36:47 2015
Re: Rookie Blue Tonight
She was gagged for a fair amount of the episode. You probably just missed it.

And you probably missed Officer Gail Peck getting handcuffed in a police car while she & Officier Epstein were taking care of the kidnappee's son. ;)

Friday June 19 07:39:06 2015
Re: Rookie Blue Tonight
> And you probably missed Officer Gail Peck getting
> handcuffed in a police car while she & Officier
> Epstein were taking care of the kidnappee's son. ;)

Not much with the handcuff scene but cute
Friday June 19 09:23:27 2015
VAN's FiCTiON is Updated!
Hi-Ho Fellow DiDoids! Chapter 5 of *The Wager* is posted. Enjoy! :-)
Friday June 19 10:30:34 2015
Re: Rookie Blue Tonight
ACC wrote:

> She was gagged for a fair amount of the episode. You
> probably just missed it.

Clips and caps on the video page. (I did leave out the handcuff scene though. :)
Friday June 19 11:35:52 2015
Re: Rookie Blue
Much better than Criminal Minds. Simple damsel-in-distress scenarios without the blood or gore or excessive violence.

It was the kidnapper that got bloodied last night
Friday June 19 14:29:56 2015
For those of you with DirecTV
Just an FYI that the movie Dark Places, which will get a U.S. theatrical release in August, is premiering free for DirecTV subscribers today.

I have zero idea whether there's anything even remotely resembling a scene in the movie. It's based on a Gillian Welch book I haven't read (she also wrote Gone Girl).

However, it's reportedly a dark thriller, and it stars not only Charlize Theron but also Chloe Grace Moretz, and Christina Hendricks and Andrea Roth appear as well. So it's pretty intriguing just from the cast alone.

Anyway, it's just a heads up. I'm sure it will hit the Net soon enough, but if anyone gets a chance to check it out and report back in the meantime, that would be cool.
Miss Cleo
Friday June 19 14:31:28 2015
Had one brain fart on that last post regarding Dark Places: The author is Gillian Flynn, not Gillian Welch. The latter is a musician. Mea culpa.
Miss Cleo
Friday June 19 16:25:27 2015
Distant Cousins

I just watched the originally made for TV movie Distant Cousins. IMO it would have been an all timer Top Five scene - with one BUT. A big big BUT. Mel Harris, who got the scene, is an attractive, but not really gorgeous actress. But Marg Helgenberger, the other actress in that movie IS gorgeous - especially when younger back in 1993. Even though there is only 2 years difference. Why couldn't she have been the
one who got that scene?

Who casted this movie???

P.S. Welcome back Raffish
Friday June 19 18:23:01 2015
Best scene involving a singer/musician?
I think singers/musicians are usually the rarest mainstream figures to get scenes. What's everyone's favorite in this category? I'm a fan of Nicki Minaj's scene in the Monster music video.
Friday June 19 19:14:21 2015
Re: Distant Cousins
That's one of my favorites- I see what you're saying about Mel but I have no complaints about her getting the scene and not Marg- besides, Marg got a good scene a few years later in "Murder Live" when she was still hot.
Friday June 19 21:55:42 2015
Linda Hamilton tied and tape gagged in tonight's episode. Repeats at 11 eastern time on Syfy.

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