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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Sunday June 14 11:04:09 2015
Trashi 1981
Does anyone know about the movie Trashi from 1981? I have downloaded it and cannot find the hogite scene which feature in this movie acoording to the database.
Sunday June 14 12:04:19 2015
Water Logged
Saw that episode last night i noticed they don't show it that much and noticed how they cut when the killer gets the lady in the blue shirt up just shows her sitting on the edge and getting thrown in the water
Sunday June 14 14:52:06 2015
Re: H.E.L.P. (TV show) - did anyone see this episode?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> H.E.L.P. was a very short-lived ABC TV series from 1990
> about a special New York City emergency services unit.
> One episode had a man take the entire staff of an office
> hostage (men and women) with them sitting around the
> floor with their hands tied behind their backs and
> cleave-gagged.
> I only caught the last part of the episode but it looked
> like a good scene. All the women were in office attire
> (dresses/skirts.)

Yes, I remember this scene. I used to have it on a VHS tape which is long gone. I've been hoping someone would have it for download, but it seems to be a rare one. It is a good lengthy scene, too.
Sunday June 14 17:03:28 2015
Re: Trashi 1981
Amir wrote:

> Does anyone know about the movie Trashi from 1981? I have
> downloaded it and cannot find the hogite scene which
> feature in this movie acoording to the database.


The scene occurs right after the 23 minute mark. Unfortunately the scene only lasts for a few seconds. A shame too because I love hogties and the ropework appears to be pretty good.
Sunday June 14 18:22:32 2015
Re: Your top 5 scenes of all time!
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Vanessa Marcil hands down!

most probably you are referring to the episode where she was gagged, but for me her best distress scene was this hands-behind-the-back sitting next to a limousine episode. this is a clean collage i made using several screenshots taken from a 720p source.
Sunday June 14 19:24:14 2015
Carol Burnett
This is a big stretch. On the Carol Burnett Show they did a sketch of old shows and how they really went. In one they did Rooster Cogburn and the Lady. Harvey Korman did the John Wayne part and Carol Burnett did the Kathrine Hepburn part. Short story, Carol continues to harangue Harvey until he has had enough takes off his eye patch and forces it into Carols mouth. Lasts for a few seconds
Sunday June 14 19:35:00 2015
Scene ID
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The Moderator
Sunday June 14 20:02:45 2015
Re: Carol Burnett
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> This is a big stretch. On the Carol Burnett Show they
> did a sketch of old shows and how they really went.

O man, if you get a hold of this one, I'm going to have to start pestering people about Olivia Munn's AOTS scene again

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