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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Thursday June 25 00:28:52 2015
Quien Mato a Patricia Soler?
Tonight's episode had Sandra Itzel tied to a column, rope around her body, legs tied at ankles, hands behind back. No gag and with a male in same predicament.

Show is following the Mexican soap La Madrastra very closely, so tomorrow night's episode (Thursday) should see Andrea Lopez bound and gagged with a male. Airs at 11 pm ET on MundoFox (MundoFox also posts all the episodes on You Tube)

Going by the La Madrastra episode count, there should be three episodes left, but MundoFox has four more nights scheduled giving me some hope that they also remade the epilogue episode which should see the Sandra Itzel character kidnapped and bound and gagged for most of the episode.
Thursday June 25 00:32:05 2015
Re: Stitchers
For what it's worth, the script for either episode 8 or 9 has Allison Scagliotti's character tied up.
Thursday June 25 05:58:22 2015
Re: Stitchers
Dextor wrote:

> For what it's worth, the script for either episode 8 or 9
> has Allison Scagliotti's character tied up.

That's what I was hoping for when I started dvr-ing it. Any details? A gag, perhaps?
Thursday June 25 07:48:16 2015
Re: Quien Mato a Patricia Soler?
Dextor wrote:

>tomorrow night's episode (Thursday) should
> see Andrea Lopez bound and gagged with a male.

That will give me 4 scenes with Andrea Lopes. She had a cleave scene Secretaria, 2 cleave scenes in El Fantasma del gran hotel (with an eye patch) and now this cleave scene. She is my favorite Latin villainess (along with Aylin Mujice and Sarah Carolles).

So since everyone likes lists what are your 5 favorite latin scenes.
Thursday June 25 07:54:58 2015
Re: Quien Mato a Patricia Soler?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> So since everyone likes lists what are your 5 favorite
> latin scenes.

1. Rosanna SanJuan in Mi corazón insiste en Lola Volcán (the scene lasted on and off for over 3 months(

2. Stefanie Cayo and Andrea Lopes in El Secretaria

3. Stefanie Cayo in Beso Robadas

4. Sara Coralles in Vecinos

5. Ivelyn Giró playing the Queen of Spain in El Zorro, la espada y la roses
Thursday June 25 10:02:06 2015
What's your favorite back-to-back scene? Always a treat
Thursday June 25 11:21:43 2015
Re: Back-To-Back
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> What's your favorite back-to-back scene? Always a treat

That scene with Felicia from the Soap (forgot the other girl's name) is probably my favorite of all time, even though the clips are not great quality and its a bit poorly lit. Them "choking" themselves and arguing about it is classic stuff. Love the soaps and miss them badly.
Thursday June 25 11:22:26 2015
Re: Back-To-Back
doug wrote:

> (unsigned poster) wrote:
Love the soaps and miss them badly.

For DID scenes I mean, not entertainment. LOL
Thursday June 25 13:17:32 2015
Re: American Ultra
Miss Cleo wrote:

> the trailer indicates that Kristen Stewart
> is held hostage by the bad guys in this upcoming
> comedy-action release. No idea if it will turn into a
> scene.

A still has been released, in which she is handcuffed behind her back.

Thursday June 25 14:52:17 2015
Re: Back-To-Back
Record number: 2447

Title: Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (1996)
Medium: TV Series
Actress: Beth Broderick, Caroline Rhea, Lindsay Sloane

Description: Episode: "Sabrina and the Pirates" (3.15)

At around the 20' mark, Sabrina's aunts get tied to chairs by pirates, back to back, hands behind, and gagged with black duct tape. Later, they have their wrists tied in front.

They are waiting to get into a club when the bouncer asks for I.D Valerie (Lindsay Sloane) tells the bouncer they are not fake then sabrina hand gags her to shut her up, brief scene just before the 10 minute mark.
Thursday June 25 16:25:58 2015
Does anyone know of gag scenes in gameshows other than the two Price is Right ones (with the tape-gagged woman reading a book and the security guard bound and gagged)?
Thursday June 25 16:40:50 2015
Y & R bust
This one didn't pan out. The woman who was handgagged at the end of the previous episode is first seen today in the hospital after being assaulted.
RIP Steed
Thursday June 25 18:01:49 2015
Re: Back-To-Back
Too bad no gags in either one
Thursday June 25 18:02:58 2015
Re: Back-To-Back
> Too bad no gags in either one

Like 'Scene of the Crime'

Thursday June 25 19:42:01 2015
Re: Back-To-Back damsels
> Too bad no gags in either one
One of the wonderful "Should-have-been" opportunities that was missed would have been a "Melrose Place" scene based on the Lois & Clark ("The Rivals") scene with Teri Hatcher and Nancy Everhard.

E.g., Amanda Woodward (Heather Locklear) and Alison Parker (Courtney Thorne-Smith) are working late-night at the office to finish one of their advertising campaigns, bickering and sniping at each other as usual. They are surprised by an industrial spy, who leaves them tied back-to-back. The two rivals must work together (only after additional petty bickering) to free themselves.

Given Melrose Place's pop-culture importance (e.g., popularization of above-the-knee skirts in business offices) -- who knows -- it might have influenced at least one Human Resources dept to add it as one of those "Trust-building" exercises. It can't be much worse than "trust-falls"...
Thursday June 25 21:31:20 2015
Re: Back-To-Back damsels
> "Trust-building" exercises.
That should have been "Team-building" exercise.

Thursday June 25 22:57:47 2015
Re: Gameshows
> (unsigned poster) wrote:

> Does anyone know of gag scenes in gameshows other than
> the two Price is Right ones (with the tape-gagged woman
> reading a book and the security guard bound and gagged)?

I'm not 100% sure there was a gag, but I remember a tie up scene on Win Ben Stein's money where the new female co-host was tied up.
Thursday June 25 23:32:51 2015
Re: Gameshows
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Does anyone know of gag scenes in gameshows...

I believe that Allen Marburger's book claimed that Carol Merril was tied and gagged during a bit on "Let's Make A Deal."
Thursday June 25 23:55:48 2015
Re: Gameshows
Jason wrote:

> I'm not 100% sure there was a gag, but I remember a tie
> up scene on Win Ben Stein's money where the new female
> co-host was tied up.

Nancy Pimental, who replaced Jimmy Kimmel. (Good timing!) She did have a nice little tape gag and did some mmmphing. It was a pretty sweet little scene, albeit brief.
Miss Cleo

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