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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Wednesday May 27 00:46:14 2015
Re: Tosh.0
This post was deleted.

Poster: (unsigned poster)
Reason: Video request or link not on Video Page. See FAQs 1.11 & 1.12.
The Moderator
Wednesday May 27 02:42:35 2015
Re: Tosh.0
Mikey B wrote:

> Had a hot girl tape gagged and hands zip tied. Gag talk
> going on as they have a kidnap scene

Ankles taped together too. It was a nice little scene.

Wednesday May 27 07:56:36 2015
Re: Tosh.0
What? wrote:

> Mikey B wrote:
> > Had a hot girl tape gagged and hands zip tied. Gag
> talk
> > going on as they have a kidnap scene
> Ankles taped together too. It was a nice little scene.
> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CF_MJvQUoAAKb7B.jpg:large

For those who don't know (I didn't know myself, had to check), this show airs on Comedy Central and this episode will air again tomorrow nite (Thursday) at 6:30 pm Central time

Wednesday May 27 12:25:43 2015
Point Break Remake
Perhaps a remake of Lori Petty's scene with Theresa Palmer
Wednesday May 27 12:30:40 2015
Actress ID?
Sorry if not much to go on
Wednesday May 27 13:01:51 2015
Re: Actress ID?
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Sorry if not much to go on

It looks like her name is Louise Kamsteeg.

I am surprised you said there was "not much to go on". The name of the picture gives you the name of the movie (Cobra Force aka Strike Commando). ImDb gives you a cast list.

Will add a corresponding link on the video page.
Peter de K
Wednesday May 27 18:35:03 2015
waking the dead
Just caught the end of a scene on Waking the Dead which isn't in the database

A uniformed police woman - possibly a series regular - is found secured to the foot of a bed with her own cuffs and cleave gagged. Think she was guarding a man who was kidnapped from under her.

Does this ring any bells with anyone? How much did i miss?
Moxx of Balhoom
Wednesday May 27 18:46:49 2015
Re: Actress ID?
Mary Stavin

Record number: 16122

Title: Strike Commando 2 (1988) aka Trappola Diabolica
Medium: Movie
Actress: Mary Stavin

Description: In the middle of the movie, when Miss Stavin (ex Miss World 1977) and the hero of the movie are escaping from the enemy's camp, she is surprisingly shown tied hands behind and a black OTM gag in the back of a truck by some ninjas.

Nice close ups of her face and mmmphing while the hero fights with the enemies.

Miss stavin wears a sexy black Chinese dress
Wednesday May 27 21:15:47 2015
Re: Tierra De Reyes
Scarlett Gruber finally receives the gag, but the scene in my opinion, was way too short. Hey at least its Scarlett Gruber. Will add a description to the database.
Jack Bauer
Wednesday May 27 22:04:16 2015
Re: Senor Del Los Cielos
In the opening minutes of the episode, a couple is tied to chairs with their arms to armrests, legs to chair-legs, and gagged with duct tape over their mouths. Perhaps more to come.
Jack Bauer
Wednesday May 27 22:27:34 2015
Re: Senor Del Los Cielos
Jack Bauer wrote:

> In the opening minutes of the episode, a couple is tied
> to chairs with their arms to armrests, legs to
> chair-legs, and gagged with duct tape over their mouths.
> Perhaps more to come.

Do you know the episode number? Is this a US airing or an overseas airing?
Wednesday May 27 22:32:02 2015
Re: Senor Del Los Cielos
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> Do you know the episode number? Is this a US airing or an
> overseas airing?

This is The airing in the US and it is Season 3 Episode 326. Hope this helps
Jack Bauer
Wednesday May 27 23:05:37 2015
Re: Tierra De Reyes
Jack Bauer wrote:

> Scarlett Gruber finally receives the gag, but the scene
> in my opinion, was way too short. Hey at least its
> Scarlett Gruber. Will add a description to the database.

Who is Scarlett Gruber?
Wednesday May 27 23:27:32 2015
Re: Senor Del Los Cielos
Jack Bauer wrote:
> This is The airing in the US and it is Season 3 Episode
> 326. Hope this helps

Thank you very much. It's appreciated.

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