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Welcome to the Discussion page. This forum is for discussing scenes from mainstream sources, primarily TV shows and movies, but we venture off into newspaper and magazine articles, stage plays, and other areas. Please do not post regarding commercial videos.

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Monday May 25 01:05:20 2015
Evil Angel
Didn't find anything in the database about this 2009 "horror" film, so apologies if it's already been alerted. Just got done skimming through it and a really cute chick got tied up and tape gagged(possible wraparound) by the main villain.

She's seen struggling and mmphing in the trunk of a car at 94:13. Then seen taped at the edge of a pool(and eventually thrown in) at 1:03:58 and 1:05:28 onwards. Great scene, imo.

Monday May 25 12:37:54 2015
Wiwaldi Show
does anyone know did the segment with helene fischer gagged ever air?
Monday May 25 16:22:49 2015
Internet TV?
for my own clarification, are web series like Yahoo Screen and Netflix originals considered "mainstream" and on topic for this board?

Or perhaps an Original Series that is hosted on UTube, but obviously has enough production value to separate it from amateur productions?
el tinko
Monday May 25 16:23:16 2015
Re: Wiwaldi Show
(unsigned poster) wrote:

> does anyone know did the segment with helene fischer
> gagged ever air?

No. It was probably a false alert, since she isn't scheduled for the remaining new episodes. With 30 minutes of running time each, there is not much room for a guest star either.

It is/was probably just a skit with a lookalike which may or may not be featured on the show.
Monday May 25 16:44:12 2015
Re: Internet TV?
el tinko wrote:

> for my own clarification, are web series like Yahoo
> Screen and Netflix originals considered
> "mainstream" and on topic for this board?
> Or perhaps an Original Series that is hosted on UTube,
> but obviously has enough production value to separate it from amateur productions?

The Mod's been fine with the first two examples, especially with more professional productions going that route these days.

As for the last one, I think it's safe to say he makes judgment calls based on the criteria you indicated. Something with a cast and crew that has a number of "legitimate" IMDB credits has tended to be OK, as I recall. (And if I'm wrong, he'll surely let us know ASAP.)
Miss Cleo
Monday May 25 17:24:04 2015
Re: Wiwaldi Show

> It is/was probably just a skit with a lookalike which may
> or may not be featured on the show.

Thanks for clarifying. Does anyone know if the skit was actually performed on the show, or if it was just a gag (pun intended) for the commercials?
Monday May 25 21:20:31 2015
Re: Internet TV?
el tinko wrote:

> for my own clarification, are web series like Yahoo
> Screen and Netflix originals considered
> "mainstream" and on topic for this board?
> Or perhaps an Original Series that is hosted on UTube,

As noted in previous messages, we're entering an era
where the lines are increasingly blurred. But in general,
nothing from You Tube or similar uploads sites qualifies.

The alternate production sources are generally going to

The Moderator

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