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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Tuesday May 29 22:46:32 2007
Re: FOX Channel's Wacky Filipina
> Where does she get this?
> Is not this the same {Big Goof} that the Grumpy-Mod
> watched regular? The only parade he in was to the box.
> I have some clips to trade,
> if any Fakers can grab ahold of a cap of her.
> Thanks

So the Honourable US Governor Schwarzenegger visits here with his Ducks jersey and the best bets they came up with is some California wines and Tim Hortons?
It never occurred to them to have the Honourable Governor cleave gag FOX's deluded Filipina with the Ducks jersey?
Talk about missed opportunities

I have clips to trade for any Fakers wanting to make this proper
Jay L
Tuesday May 29 22:58:44 2007
Re: FOX Channel's Wacky Filipina
> > Where does she get this?
> > Is not this the same {Big Goof} that the Grumpy-Mod
> > watched regular? The only parade he in was to the
> box.

Should add,
The last minute of a one goal game and as usual, a typical Big Goof foolish penalty. Like watching Blues hockey

Difference, this time the Moderator can laugh *with* us
Jay L

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