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This page is for posting personal ads looking to trade scenes. All transactions are the responsibility of the parties involved. Everyone dealing here should be aware that providing an adult tape to a minor is likely illegal, and could result in prosecution. Also, dealing copies of commercial tapes may be in violation of the copyright laws. The Moderator will make no attempt to police this board.

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Thursday May 10 03:53:09 2007
Re: Calls?
> (unsigned poster) wrote:
> Maybe the moderator should think about taking back
> control of his page from the well known trolls - starting
> to seem like anything goes all over again

Jay L is a well known troll?
Last I checked he was one of the most clear headed, generous posters on this site.

This is not even close to "Anything Goes all over again", not even in the same ballpark. Altho it seems you'd like it to be that way, since I remember the BIGGEST trolls on AG were the ones who posted remarks like this and never signed their posts.

Old AG Veteran
Thursday May 10 04:03:30 2007
Re: Website hack
> Stephanie wrote:
> Curiously, the origin of the hack originates from an IP
> address in Pennsylvania

Thats funny, since when your site went down I looked up the "whois" entry on your domain name, and it said the domain name expired, and that its just been renewed for one more year.

"Hacked" ..... Riiiight. You forgot to pay the bill is all, probably because the notification emails went to MJ's old address.

Next time you make a claim like that you might want to take into account that there are people who do know how to look this info up to get to the truth.

Creation date: 03 May 2006 17:40:03
(Old) Expiration date: 03 May 2007 17:40:03
(New) Expiration date: 03 May 2008 17:40:03

AG Vet
Thursday May 10 07:45:11 2007
Re: Calls?
Old AG Veteran wrote:

> This is not even close to "Anything Goes all over
> again", not even in the same ballpark. Altho it
> seems you'd like it to be that way, since I remember the
> BIGGEST trolls on AG were the ones who posted remarks
> like this and never signed their posts.

Funny thing. While reading the DP yesterday, I noticed the Mod deleted a post by one of AG's greatest trolls, monty.
I miss AG (sniff, sniff).

Thursday May 10 11:57:22 2007
Re: Calls?
LV wrote:
I miss AG (sniff, sniff)
Cheer up
Just wouldn't be the same without Per anyway.

Thursday May 10 15:19:25 2007
Re: Calls?
Old AG Veteran wrote:

> Jay L is a well known troll?

I was serious
as the newspapers call relentless offering everything but bondage scenes to subscribe. Toronto Star the worst of the lot
Telling them you get faster, better sports reports on the net doesn't get the "bondage-free" telemarketers to bugger off.

"Well our upcoming edition is featuring the full story on Knut the cub at the German zoo's survival."
Not tempted?
"Well sympathise with putting little Knut down,
What with the way building apartments & condos so compact these days, his bear-skin throw rug would fit perfect huh?"
Jay L

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